C++ :: Can Edit Text File Without Writing Content Of Whole File Again
Mar 28, 2013Can i edit records stored in file without rewriting whole file again .?
View 1 RepliesCan i edit records stored in file without rewriting whole file again .?
View 1 RepliesCode software that, from an original text file, generate another file with the text content in upper case.For exemple:
My code so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
The Objective Of This Program Is To Create A File To Write Text And Read Back The File Content. To Do That I Have Made Two Function writeFile() To Write And readFile() To Read.The readFile() function works just fine but writeFile() doesn't.
How writeFile() function Works? when writeFile() function Execute It Takes Characters User Type And When Hit Enter(ASC|| 10) It Ask "More?(Y/N)" That Means What User Want? Want To Go Next Line Or End Input?
If "Y" Than Inputs Are Taken From Next Line Else Input Ends.
But The Problem Is When Program Encounters ch==10 It Shows "More?(Y/N)" And Takes Input In cmd variable.If cmd=='Y' I Mean More From Next Line Than It Should Execute Scanf Again To Take ch I Mean User Input.But Its Not!!! Its Always Showing "More?(Y/N)" Again And Again Like A Loop.
#include <stdio.h>
void writeFile(void);
void readFile(void);
int main(){
I am trying to get text file and read only first 100 lines of the text content using c/c++. how can i do it?
is it something like string line;
how to change a certain part of a text file? I want to +1 to a text file every time the user does a particular input. For example my text file has name << password << count . When the user logs in and choose option 1 the program will +1 to the count.
for e.g. Bob Bob123 1
when he logs in and chooses option 1.
it will change to Bob Bob123 2
I have this project for school where I basically need to write a program that will take any text file and convert it into html code.
string line;
int lineCount = 0;
while (!inFile.eof()) {
getline(inFile, line);
cout << line << endl;
cout << lineCount - 1 << " lines of text read in this file." << endl;
I have this block of code to print each line of the text file into the terminal window and count the number of lines printed. But I don't know how to make it change a single character or set of characters to something else. For example, if a line of text begins with the number "1", I want to be able to change it to "<h1>".
I have a report that's generated by a piece of software, and (I'm assuming because it was intended for Linux/Unix) when I open to read it in notepad, it has a bunch of funky symbols in it, and incorrect line feed characters instead of returns that windows uses.
I looked at the txt file with a hex editor and can see all the hex codes for the symbols I want deleted. One of the symbols 0A.
How can I do a "find and replace" command but do it with hex codes? These symbols cant be simply placed into my code file because VS does not know how to interpret it.
A user enters a query and other users reply to it. But it creates a problem here. After adding queries, if I wish to reply to query in between then it adds a redundant entry in file. 1st entry is the original query without reply and 2nd entry is the same query now with a reply added. I want only 1 entry of the query along with replies.Here is the code:
#include "var.c"
int check_count();
void add_query();
void add_reply();
I'm trying to read all content from a text file into a string. This is the code I'm using for it (I know there are other, maybe better ways to do it but I'd like to stick to this for now):
char* buffer;
std::string data;
FILE* fp = fopen("textfile.txt", "rb");
if (!fp) {
printf("Can't open file");
[Code] ....
So my problem is that I get an exception when I try to free the memory -> 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x51366199
I even get the exception when I try to free it immediately after calloc() but why this is.
And if I use buffer = (char*)malloc(lSize); I don't get any exceptions.
So, why this fails and what I'm doing wrong.
I am writing a simple file/text parser to read a config file for some code I am working on. It's dead simple and not particularly smart but it should get the job done. The code reads a config file:
Here is where it gets wierd. You'll notice that there is an unused variable (filepath) in the config struct. This variable is not referenced or used anywhere in the code, ever. Yet if I comment out the declaration of char filepath[1024], the code segfaults partway through the read_config() function.
My best guess is that there is a buffer overflow elsewhere and it just so happens that the memory allocated for filepath happened to be there to catch it up until now, but I can't work out where it might be happening. With the declaration commented out, the read_config() function gets as far as reading the "padding" variable before it crashes. Yet when the declaration is there, then all the variabled are read correctly and everything seems to work.
I'm trying to make a program that you input your login info and it writes that info to a text file. Then, later on once I get my problem fixed, the program will read the info to the user. my code is as follows(the input part is a bit lengthy):
// Password Log
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
ofstream login;
[Code] ....
What my problem is when I choose "Input new login info" it automatically inputs I have no clue, and calls next program.
Code to write data(Double type e.g 12345.67891) in text file like pattern given below. Remember to put tab between each column.
Column1 Column2 Column3
Value 1 Value 2 Value 3
Value 4 Value 5 Value 6
Value 7 Value 8 Value 9
& Also how to read data from this file.
[URL] when I try to write my output to a file. I am building a life insurance premium calculator with c++. What my calculator does is read in a text file called "policies.txt" containing a number of different policies. For example:
Pol1 M N 20 100000 1 .04 99
Pol2 F S 30 100000 1 .05 99
Pol3 M S 72 750000 1 .03 99
Pol4 F N 45 1000000 1 .05 99
And using this, it creates a single premium. Once the calculator calculates the premium of each policy, I want it to write out the premium amount of each policy to a textfile called "output.txt". The problem is that when I check my "output.txt" file, only the premium for the last policy shows up. It only reads:
Premium for Pol4 is 220384
When I want it to read:
Premium for Pol1 is 14101.6
Premium for Pol2 is 14221.2
Premium for Pol3 is 582391
Premium for Pol4 is 220384
How come only the last policy is showing up? and is there any way to make all four policies appear in my output text file? Here is my code:
double ratesmn[86] = {
#include "MaleNonSmoker.txt"
- 1
My program involves trajectory planning using cubic spline method for a robotic arm. In the process, I had to calculate joint angles for each point in the path. In the last few lines of the code I need to write the values for counter and theta1 into a text file which I called "Test.txt". I am doing this using a nested for loop(the counter runs until it reaches 19 and hence need 19 theta1 values corresponding to it). However, I can't get all the theta1 values transferred to the text file.The statement within my inner loop is wrong and don't know how to fix it.
current_time = GetTickCount();
//joint[0] = mult_joint[i][0];
//joint[1] = mult_joint[i][1];
//joint[2] = mult_joint[i][2];
//joint[3] = mult_joint[i][3];
fstream ifs;
ifs.open ("data.str", ios::binary | ios:ut);
char *data1 = "data1";
char *data2 = "data2";
ifs.write(data1, strlen(data1));
ifs.write(data2, strlen(data2));
when i this,data2 is not going under data1, i thought each write starts on a new line?
I want to write a single line to a file and upload it as a .txt file to a server directory . I know the traditional way to upload a local file to a server
public bool ftpTransfer(string fileName){
try {
string ftpAddress = "test.com";
string username = "test";
string password = "test";
[Code] ....
is there anyway to change this so that I can write the contents of the file through the program and upload it directly without having a local file?
I am wanting to have a text file which is named with the user input and appended with .txt.
cout << "Please enter a new filename for storing new coordinates in: ";
char name[50];
ofstream output;
cin.getline(name, 50);
output.open(name + ".txt");
Get an error with this code on ".txt".
I wrote a program to write text contents to file stream through fputs, the file stream address was changed in the middle of writing text content to the stream (11% text content have been put into the file stream), that cause the file stream pointer can be evaluated problem and raise exception on stream validation code in fputs library function, my question is what things could go wrong to make file stream pointer changed its address to something else or a NULL pointer if the file stream have not been flushed and closed.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWell,I have a dat file which following format;
ID Level(Manager or Executive)
Sales(for 12months)
For example;
W00051 M
Lee Ah Moi
1200.00 150.00 1400.20 156.00 200.00 880.00 1500.00 8000.00 800.00 120.00 1600.00 1800.00
My question is how am i going to find the value 880.00 (August) & replace it with a new value?
Is it possible for me to open & edit the same file without creating s new one?
Its my 1st time using fopen,fprintf and others and i cant seem to edit my file via fprintf! Heres my program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char letter,check,nought,bleh,hi,a;
int main()
What i'm trying to do is compile a text file to an executable, but the problem is that I want to be able to edit the resource file while in runtime, for example write something on a textbox, hit compile and get the executable file edited by the texbox.
Here's my codedom:
public static bool Compile(string sourcefile, string exefile) {
CSharpCodeProvider ccp = new CSharpCodeProvider();
CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters();
[Code] ....
Is there anyway I could do that?
I'm trying to edit an existing xml file but with no luck. I'm new to xml environment.
This is the xml content :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I'm trying to change the time and id values and can't do it.I tried almost anything.
I am using c to read and write contents of a file into other:
FILE *ptr;
status_t status;
uint32_t block_size, result;
uint32_t num_blocks;
char temp_buffer[1024];
Is there way to see the binary content of this file.
I am working on a program that will do several mathematical calculation and will store the data into a csv file.The one below is just a prototype version of this.In my program,I will store my csv file as (current-date).csv using time.
With this in mind,I want my program to first check does (current-date).csv already exists.If not,the program runs normally and output all the data into the csv file.
However if (current-date).csv already exists,I want my program to read and edit that particular csv file,by skipping part1 in my code(name,id N etc.) and start with prompting the user for numbers straight-away.
In other words, if (current-date).csv already exists,the user should continue outputting the numbers from where the user last left before last termination instead of outputting the name,date & etc into the csv file again.
Eg: if no=22, continue inputting values from no=23 till terminating the program again and storing the values correctly into the csv file.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
// Program to read date N store it as currentdate.csv
[Code] ....
One of my class assignments is to create a program that receive a .txt file containing a students name and their grades as follows: John K. 99, 87, 57, 89, 90, 95 Amanda B. Jones 100, 88, 76, 99, 86, 92 etc.. The number of students is unknown until run time. You have to take those grades and average them weighing the first (4) at 10% a piece and the next (2) at 15% each and the final at 30%. Then return an output file with the students name and their letter grade A,B,C,D,F based on their computed score. In addition, on screen it needs to display the average scores for each Q1, Q2, etc. as well as the minimum and maximum for each test on the screen. I am having a hard time in assigning the scores to a variable so that they can then be computed as an average and then used to determine a letter grade. I have begun to write the code and am a bit stuck..here's what I have so far:
// main.c
// Final Exam
The problem I'm having now is how to go about passing the grades to the function computeGrade and then compute the average and return that to the function.
When we are using RAM DISK - the files are stored on the RAM. From what I understand (and saw many examples) in order to read data from file (the file which locate on the RAM) - I need to use the read function.
Is there a chance to get char* (or any pointer) to the content of the file without using the read function ?
If the file locate on the RAM, it seem that it is like I have a buffer on the RAM (like an array which was dynamic allocated) and in the case of a buffer on the ram -> we can use pointers to the data without reading all the data.
class CDATA {
int nValue1;
int nValue2;
double dValue3;
double dValue4;
char achBuf[10];
[Code] .....