C Sharp :: Convert XML Which Is In Multilines To Formatted XML

Jan 8, 2013

i have an xml which is in showing in multilines and the tags are not in single line and are discontinued in next line .I need to this xml to be in correct format and want to display as xml .

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C Sharp :: Convert A List To Buttons

May 27, 2012

I have a txt file of drinks, and I want to meak a list of buttons of it (the txt file is build like this: fanta : 2 ), how can I make buttons of all the drinks ( I get the first one in a button , but not the others).

Dictionary<string, double> drank = new Dictionary<string, double>();
     string[] words = new string[8];
     Button button;
     <Button> BtnList = new List<Button>();

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Convert Number In Words?

Oct 12, 2013

i want to convert the Digits in words.I have already a code but in my code the value is coming like for ex:-540000(Five hundered and Fourty Thousand ).but i want Five Lakh and Fourty thousand.

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C Sharp :: Convert DataGridView Containing Table Into CSV

Nov 22, 2012

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  {
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                TxtPath.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;
            } string connString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="+TxtPath.Text+"";    
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();    

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: How To Convert Textbox Value To String Value

Dec 26, 2014

i create two forms add a password in first form throgh user input and second form will open i want that password will automatically be added to second form. first form is ok working according to my expactations but problem that it does not enter pssword in second form i reference that textbox that is

stdfrm std=new std();

it displays an error that cannot implicitly convert type system.windows.forms.textbox to string

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C Sharp :: Convert Dropdown List To Int Datatype

Mar 16, 2013

I am need to compare 2 items from 2 separate drop down lists. These values are of int type. Say for example 2 drop down lists showing years. Now i need to find out these 2 years selected is greater or nearer to the current year.

I tried converting the values i receive from the drop down lists to int variables. But i am getting error then. I gave it like below.

int tmp = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_1.SelectedItem.Text);

this gives an error like this - Input string was not in correct format.

I need to know how to put an item from a drop down list to a variable of int data type.

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C Sharp :: Convert Multiline Text Box Value Into Byte

Aug 31, 2012

protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
 string pic = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(fileUpload1.FileBytes);
 TextBox1.Text = value.ToString();
//Here i get pic[40385]

[Code] ....

On two different event i get two different value which cause file not open due to file corrupted

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C Sharp :: Convert Log Parsing Program Written In Perl

Feb 13, 2013

Following is a script written in perl :

#Number of bugs edited in Watson Express  
#find server*/watson*/log/ -name "watson*" -type f  -newer  ./tmpoldfile ! -newer  ./tmpnewfile  | 
xargs grep "WX Edit Bug" | awk '{print $8}' | sort | uniq  | wc -l  

this is log parsing string in perl based on bash file.

Need a log parsing program in C# for the same.....

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C Sharp :: How To Convert Date In Integer Format To DateTime

Jun 8, 2013

How do I convert date in integer format to DateTime without using DateTime?

I have tried:

Regex regex = new Regex(@"^(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])(1[789]|[2-9][0-9])dd+$");
if (regex.IsMatch(txt_fromdate.Text) == true)
                DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(txt_fromdate.Text, "MMddyyyy", null);

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C Sharp :: Cannot Implicitly Convert Type Void To String

Dec 16, 2012

string codeentrd = Console.WriteLine("Enter the code for verification.", codeentrd );
                if (codeentrd.CompareTo("#2") == 0);
                    block = 2;

i don't understand why its an error ....

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C++ :: Formatted Input Using Cin

Apr 28, 2013

I'm trying to use cin to get input in a specific format.

Say I have this string as an input: "+ Baraq 112540783 AB1234" I want my variables to look like that:

name = "Baraq"
id = 112540783
book = "AB1234"

now I am sure there is something with providing the format of the input " %s %s %s" or something like that, just not sure how to use it.

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C++ :: Reading FASTA Formatted Files?

Nov 27, 2013

reading fasta formatted files. Usually ppl from computation biology know what that is but for those that are not here is a quick guide :

Fasta formatted file:

Code: >header

... so a very simple file format. and what i need to do is to read that into memory (vector of strings) so that header info and seq info is in two different vectors. for that i am using the following function :


sequence and headers vectors are class variables:

template <typename TStr>
template <typename FS>
void FastaSeq<TStr>::ReadFasta(FS& fs){
string line;
string seq;
while (fs >> line){
if(line.c_str()[0] == '>'){


this code does what is suppose to do but it is EXTREMELY slow. it takes me exponentially more time to read the seq in memory then to process it. when compared to c style alternative that reads character by character it takes 13 sec with this function to do the same job that my c function does in 0.03 sec. How to improve upon this function to make it comparably fast (also i am using optimization) ?

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C/C++ :: How To Parse CSV Formatted Text File

Aug 9, 2012

my data are

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C :: Reading Formatted Strings From Text File

Nov 28, 2014

I wanted to improve the game from my last thread. I want to read and store a question in this format: Code: Who invented the BALLPOINT PEN?

A - Biro Brothers
B - Waterman Brothers
C - Bicc Brothers
D - Write Bothers

But when I use fgets() to read the string, it reads all the ' ' literally instead of outputting a real newline. Like if it read the above question, I want it to print something like this:

Who invented the BALLPOINT PEN?

A - Biro Brothers
B - Waterman Brothers
C - Bicc Brothers
D - Write Bothers

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C++ :: Mixed Expressions / Loops And Formatted Output

Feb 22, 2015

1) ask the user to input a mathematical expression in the following format:

Example: 17 + 15 - 3
Example: 2 * 3 - 4

How to output the answer of the users equation. Is there a function that includes all math operators (+,-,/,*)? Would i need to write each possible scenario using if statements?

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C++ :: Formatted TXT File And Store Data Into Their Respective Members

Apr 16, 2014

The program is supposed to read a formatted .txt file and store the data into their respective [Class] Members. It will then output the data collected onto screen.I overloaded ifstream and istream. When I call for file>>ptr[i] to read the data, something goes wrong. It prompts me to input data (which is in istream overload).The Data in .txt file is as follows;

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;


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C :: Storage Types / Formatted Input / Output / Processing A Menu

Feb 1, 2013

where to start and how it should be structured. how I should go about writing this program, like should i make functions, pointers, etc. And to display the menu, is it easiest to just use printf statements or is there something more efficient.

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C/C++ :: Read In Numeric Representation Of Date And Prints It Out In Formatted Manner

Oct 13, 2014

Write a program that reads in the numeric representation of a date and prints it out in a formatted manner as the box below.

1. If the user entered an invalid number for the month it should display "Invalid Month"
2. If the user entered an invalid number for the date it should display "Invalid Date"
3. Check to see if the day is outside the range for that particular month

An example of the input and the output:
Enter the date: 1 24 2013
The date you entered is: 1242013

Im not sure on how to go about this problem, but this is what I have.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int a, b, c;
int status;
printf("Enter the Date");
status = scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a, &b, &c);
printf(" The Date is : %d",status);
return 0;

Am I going about this right? Is there an easier or better way to go about it? All that happens is that the program reads the first number and spits that back out.

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C :: How To Append A Formatted String To A String

Aug 12, 2014

How to append a formatted string to a string. I know printf will print them, but I want to append them. Is there a way to do this. I am doing a little work with pointers, and I seem to have forgotten things like this.

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C++ :: Class Template Convert Which Can Convert Itself To Any Data Type

Sep 23, 2012

template<class T>
class Convert {
T data;
Convert(const T& tData = T()) : data(tData)

[Code] ....

Why do we use operator? Is float and double function names below?

Convert<int>::operator<float> float();
Convert<int>::operator<double> double();

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C :: How To Convert PPM Into JPG

Nov 17, 2013

I captured .ppm from avi file. How can I convert .ppm into .jpg only using C.

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C++ :: Can't Convert To Hex

Mar 30, 2014

I was assigned a problem involving using buffer overflow to access a different function than I was supposed to. I was able to figure out how to modify the point in stack that I need to change using a printf statement, however what doesn't make sense is that when I use the input "AABBCCDDEEFFGGx86x64x00x00" the stack changes to 78363878 I looked up the ascii codes and I assume that it's not converting x86, but using the input x86 instead.

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C++ :: Can't Convert Char To Int

Nov 9, 2013

I am writing a basic keylogger and i want to add data to log file, but it says that i cant convert char to int. Everything else works fine.

#include <iostream>#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Convert Char To Int

Nov 24, 2014


char A[4]
gets(A) --> 1234

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C :: Convert DAT File Into TXT

May 19, 2014

I have written this to convert this .dat file into .txt file but it is not working well. It create one .txt file and also with content but contain some garbage content also .


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void fileInput(cfPtr);
void convertText(cfptr);
int menu();


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C++ :: Convert Hex To ASCII

May 7, 2013

I want to convert Hex:390041 to ascii "90A",

39: 9
00: 0 -->Null
41: A

i am getting only "9" in the bytearray,i know 0 is terminating the array

unsigned int bytes[3];
int j=0,counter=0;
char c[2];


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