C++ :: Sentinel Value To Determine Type Of Character

Apr 24, 2014

Write a program that will prompt a user to enter a single character, the prompting will continue till a sentinel value is entered. For each character entered perform the following tests and print out a relevant message if the character passes the test. Print out a default message if the character does not pass any of the tests.

Tests that should be in program: Punctuation, Upper Case, Digit, White Space.

Sample Run: “A”, “a”, “7”, <tab>, “?”, “$”

So far I have the following code done. The problem is that when I run the program, the first character is correctly identified. However, every character afterwards is defined as a whitespace character.

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char input;
char response;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Determine If Type Is Of More Derived Type Than Another At Runtime

Aug 31, 2014

I have a function like this:

template<typename T>
void f() {


list contains, in order: A, B and C in any order, D, E

I am thinking it is possible with some clever template and polymorphism combos, but maybe not. As a last resort I know how to make it work by storing static type information in each class, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.

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C++ :: How To Determine A Special Character In A String

Feb 6, 2015

I have to make an email validation program and i am halfway done. I only have one more problem, consider the ff. example:

Enter email:
myemail.@something.com //this is the input
Invalid //this should be the output

How can i determine if there is a special character near the '@' sign? and vice versa?

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C :: Read String From Input Then Determine Which Character Is The Largest

Jan 12, 2015

I'm very new to c programming and I have some background in C# and java. I am supposed to read a string from input then determine in that string, which character is the largest, i.e. I think b>e and e>z, e.t.c. If the string is empty I should return ''.

I haven't done any programming in C before and I don't know how to handle strings and characters in C.

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C++ :: Determine Number Of Times Change Each Specific Character In String To Make It Palindrome

Feb 19, 2015

I'm trying to determine the number of times I have to change each specific character in a string to make it a palindrome. You can only change a character one at a time from the end.

Example: "abc" -> "abb" -> "aba" should print 2. "aba" will print 0 because it's already a palindrome. "abcd" -> "abcc" -> "abcb" -> "abca" -> "abba" will print 4 because it took 4 changes to make a palindrome.

I'm not too sure how to approach this - I figured out the case where if it's a palindrome (if reversed string is the same) then it'll print out a 0.

int main() {
int number;
cin >> number; //expecting a number for first line user input
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
string str;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Determine Input Type Without Converting

Sep 19, 2014

Originally I had to create a simple integer palindrome program that looped while the user entered 5 digit inputs (entering -1 stopped the loop). I did this using a conversion to string, reading the length to determine if the length was valid, and then reading the string forward and backwards inside of a while loop. (snippet below)

while( digitsEntered != -1)//Allow user to quit by entering -1 to end the loop
ostringstream convert;//conversion stream
convert << digitsEntered;//converted text from number goes in the stream
convertedString = convert.str();//store the resulting conversion to convertedString

[Code] ....

The next stage of this program was to do the same thing with strings instead of integers. However, the option to end the loop by entering -1 is still a requirement.

I think the way to do this is to first determining whether the input is a string or an integer, and if it is a string then read it and if it's an integer determine if it's -1. However, whenever I write code to do this, it converts strings to 0 so the string is not stored and cannot be read to determine if it is a palindrome. Is there a way to determine the type of input without converting it into a different type i.e. read string and then keep string or read number and keep number?

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Visual C++ :: Determine Type In Function Template

Jul 28, 2013

I want to detect the type in a function template, like this:

template <class myType> myType Function (myType a, myType b) {
//Detect the myType
If (myType is int)

[Code] ......

Is that possible?

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C/C++ :: Error - Insufficient Contextual Information To Determine Type

Aug 16, 2013

I have part of a class that checks to make sure there is a fault that lasts for 60 seconds. The code below is written several times throughout the class for different subsystems dealing with overcurrent.

// Over Current
if (UUV->getCTaps(MOTORCURRPOS_1) > 1.4*UUV->getcurrMode.getMotor().Peak) // The fault { 
if (motor1Timer == NULL)
motor1Timer = time(&timer);
else if ( time(&timer) - motor1Timer >= 60)
motor1Over = true;
} else
motor1Timer = NULL;

The timing statement is okay because it works on all of the other fault checkers. It is the if statement that is causing the error I just do not know why.

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Visual C++ :: How To Determine Cross Platform Type During File Save

Nov 10, 2014

I am overriding OnSaveDocument in my MFC document class to strip out the carriage returns when saving my app's document to a UNIX file system but not when the user is saving a file to a Windows file system.

Is there a way to determine if the lpszPathName in OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) is a UNIX or Windows file system?

Note, I want to avoid hard coding server names and I want to avoid overriding the FileSave dialog and forcing the user to select Windows or UNIX.

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C++ :: Obtaining A Mean / While Sentinel Is 0

Feb 28, 2013

I'm writing a program where a user keeps entering numbers until "0" is entered.Once "0" is entered the loop ends and It displays the mean. Problem is it counts the "0" in the average.


Enter number 1: 5
Enter number 2: 2
Enter number 3: 3
Enter number 4: 0

The mean is 2.5. But I want it to only count everything before the "0". (5 + 2 + 3) / 3 = 3.333333

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C/C++ :: How To Add Sentinel In For Loop

Sep 11, 2014

I have a couple of issues that i need to fix.This program finds the average of a number desired by the user.For example if they put in 3 and then 1,2,3 then the average is 2.

First of all my program is supposed to stop if zero is inputed. so if i put in 3 as the number of integers that will be averaged, and then i type 1,2,0 it should stop and not calculate the average.

Also, i need to account for negative numbers. so what should i add to accout for negatives?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double avgVal(int, int);
int main() {
int amountOfCases;
cin >> amountOfCases;
int * numbers = new int[amountOfCases];

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Count / Sentinel Control Loops

Oct 22, 2012

Here is an imgur link to my current homework. [URL] .....

As you can see on there I have them listed on which ones are supposed to be sentinel and which ones are supposed to be count control loops. This is currently what I have:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void main() {
int count = 0;
int sum = 0;

[Code] ....

This class has me stumped currently and I am having a hard time breezing through the class at my instructors speed. So I don't want to get too far behind.

Right now this program is giving me an error that opens CMD and gives me infinite lines of "0's".

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C++ :: Multi-character Character Constant Error Message?

Sep 14, 2014

I keep getting this warning message and I do not know how to fix it. Is it because I'm using char to instead of strings to replace all 't' with 'lp'?

#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
char * scanf(char * a) {


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C++ :: Reading Data Character By Character From Text File

Jul 25, 2012

Double values are stored in text file. 23.5 36.8 34.2 ... My teacher told me to read them character by character and then make words, like i have to read "2" "3" "." "5" and now have to make it or treat it as word and then using atoi(). I have to convert it into double. but i dont know how to do this....

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C :: Read From Stdin (File) Character By Character

Nov 10, 2013

I have to optimize a code for below scenario. I am reading stdin (a file redirected to stdin) character by character. How many chars are going to come is not known. After every few chars there is a seaparator. e.g $ as below


While reading, if the separator arrives I'm processing the string stored before that separator and then continue reading stdin in same fashion, till EOF. I am using getc(stdin) to read chars.

Using gprof I can see most of the program time is spent inside main() , for this reading logic. Rest of the program is just some insert and search operations. I am getting time of 0.01 secs at the moment, want to reduce further.

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C/C++ :: Read Input File Character By Character?

Aug 10, 2012

How do I write an a program that will read an input file character by character?

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C++ :: How To Read TXT File Character By Character

Oct 6, 2013

In my program, I'm supposed to read a text file (the name of which is given to me as a command line paramater, as long with an integer), and display the text in a specific format (each line can only be as long as the integer). However, I'm having trouble even reading the text file. I don't know the syntax. I'm only allowed to edit the function that does the formatting, and the code in that is

void typeset (int maxWidth, istream& documentIn)

I don't know how to 'read' the file, as most examples online are ifstream, or openFile or something like that. What I want to do is just read the first character of the file, and continuously keep reading characters until the end of the file.

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C/C++ :: Replacing Character In String With Another Character

Sep 13, 2014

So I'm trying to create a function that replaces any instance of a character in a string with another. So first I tried the replace() string member function:

In my implementation file

void NewString::ReplaceChar(const char& target,const char& entry)
this->replace(this->begin(),this->end(), target, entry);

Main program

#include "NewString.h"
using namespace ...;
int main()


Instead of replacing the the l's with y's it outputted a long string of y's. Also, NewString is derived from the string class (it's for the assignment). the header and whole implementation file, already tested.

I've also tried, instead, to use a for loop in ReplaceChar() but I need to overload the == operator and I don't know how I should exactly:

bool NewString::operator ==(const char& target)const {
if(*this == target)
return true;


I want the == operator to test if the value in the char array is equal to target but I'm not sure how to pass in the position. I'm guessing the this pointer in ReplaceChar() is not the same as the one dereferenced in ==() because target is never replaced by entry in the string.

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C++ :: Changing Array Of Numbers Of Type Char To Type Int?

Apr 27, 2013

I'm having some problems with changing an array of numbers of type char to type int. Every time i try to sum 2 array indexed values it returns some letter or symbol. Also, if i change the type of the array in the functions the compiler gives me an error message. I would also like to add that the problem requires that the first two arrays be char so each individual number gets assigned to a different value.

My current code is:

#include <iostream>
void input(char a[], char b[], int& size_a, int& size_b);
void convert(char a[], int size);
void reverse(char a[], int size);
void add(char a[], char b[], int c[], int size);
int main()


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C++ :: Convert Element Of Int Type Of Array To Char Type?

Dec 21, 2013

how to convert an element of int type of an array to char type?

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C :: Can't Determine Tie Status Of The Game

Nov 12, 2014

I've made an effort for three days to write this code. But, my brain has stopped now. I wrote code to find the status of the game (win, loss or tie). However, I can't determine the tie status of the game. Tie status is the problem

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C :: How To Determine Length Of Array

Apr 16, 2013

I'm working with arrays that might have NULL bytes in them and I'm wondering how to determine the length of the array or store it somewhere with the array (strlen() won't work because of the NULL, right?).

I've found advice like store the length of the array in the first byte of the array, but since sizeof(size_t) is 8 should I leave the first 8 bytes for the length?

Would it be better do define my own structure which would store the array and its length? What's the usual way these things are handled in practice?

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C++ :: Determine If A Function Has Been Defined

Apr 8, 2013

I would like to make a handler for input events, but not be required to define all the functions.For example, if I had

void mouseDown(int button,vec2 pos);
void mouseUp(int button,vec2 pos);
static void mouseStateHandle(int button,int state,int x,int y) {
case DOWN:


in the 'mouseStateHandle' function? I don't know enough about C++ to be able to come up with a solution.

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C++ :: Determine Integer In TXT File

Nov 9, 2014

I am making an eVoting program which takes input from .txt file and outputs in the same .txt file. I need to ask the user to enter the candidate they wish to vote and then read the previous tally from the .txt file and add one to it. The problem is determining the numbers in a .txt file and adding one to it.

For example voting_Tally.txt contains:

Bloomberg 1234
Bill De Blasio 6789

How would it be possible to first determine the name and then add one to their tally. For Example:

Bloomberg 1235
Bill De Blasio 6790

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C++ :: Determine Whether There Is A Collision Between 2 Meshes

Oct 19, 2013

How can I determine whether there is a collision between 2 meshes? I'd just like to see if one mesh is inside another.

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C/C++ :: How To Determine If Application Is Already Running On Mac OSX

Dec 18, 2014

I have a service A, and an application B. Service A needs to launch application B only if it's not running currently. This can be easily done in Windows by calling GetExitCodeProcess function. I cannot find an equivalent method for doing so in Linux/Mac.

So my current code says:

system("open /Users/adsmaster/client/client &"); // to launch the application from the service in a new shell

I read that on a Linux-line machine you can use $ cal to get the exit value of the recently run process but I am not sure how can get the exit value of a particular process?

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