C++ :: Reading Configuration INI File To Read Custom Defined Fields

Jun 12, 2013

I’m developing an application where I have some defines, like:

#define PatientName “(0x0010, 0x0010)”
#define PatientId “(0x0010, 0x0020)”
#define Modality “(0x0010, 0x0030)”

And a few more (up to 3000). These defines are used to read certain fields from a DICOM image, that give information about that image (Patient Name, etc…). However I don’t wish to read all these fields. Instead I’m trying to load an .ini configuration which will configure which fields to read. For example:

# Fields to read

This would only retrieve the Patient Name and a Modality.

The problem is, the values I retrieve from the .ini file (reading and parsing the file with std::fstream) come as a string. How could I retrieve, for example, the defined value from PatientId, i.e. “(0x0010, 0x0020)”? Something like std::cout << # << "PatientId"; won't work.

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C# :: Read And Write 2D Arrays Into Fields?

Nov 17, 2014

reading and writing 2D arrays I've been trying out a few tutorials using FileStream but I couldn't get any of them to work.

Anyway what I'm trying to do is save the playerArray to a .txt file and then read from that .txt into the fields within the GUI. This is supposed to act as a database.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;


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C/C++ :: Loading A Structure From Configuration File

Mar 18, 2015

I am doing a project in C++ - a simple data base (with "one table"). I want to build that data base using a LIFO or FIFO list, but this doesn't matter here

The only problem I have is that the structure of the data base is not "locked" in the code of the program, but when the program starts, it is "loaded / implemented" from a "configuration file" called "data.txt".

So the user, before she or he runs my program opens the file "data.txt" and writes the structure of the data base that se/he wants to create. This means that one time my program can be used to create a data base of students with fields such as "name / surname / gender / age / idnumber / university" but the next time it can be used for a data base of CD's with fields like - "author / release date / no. of tracks / etc.".

How to do that "loading" of a structure of a data base from a file, when the user runs my data-base creator (my C++ program).

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C++ :: Loading A Structure From A Configuration File

Mar 18, 2015

I am doing a project in C++ - a simple data base (with "one table").

I want to build that data base using a LIFO or FIFO list, but this doesn't matter here . The only problem I have is that the structure of the data base is not "locked" in the code of the program, but when the program starts, it is "loaded / implemented" from a "configuration file" called "data.txt".

So the user, before she or he runs my program opens the file "data.txt" and writes the structure of the data base that se/he wants to create. This means that one time my program can be used to create a data base of students with fields such as "name / surname / gender / age / idnumber / university" but the next time it can be used for a data base of CD's with fields like - "author / release date / no. of tracks / etc.".

How to do that "loading" of a structure of a data base from a file, when the user runs my data-base creator (my C++ program).

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C :: Configuration Tool That Edits Certain Parameters In File

Sep 15, 2014

I want to make a configuration tool that edits certain parameters in my C. file. My problem is that I don't have a clue on how to start making this.

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C++ :: Reading Binary File / Doesn't Read All Letters

Mar 2, 2013

I'm reading a binary file and I want to read all of the letters, but I have noticed that it doesn't read all of the letters and I think it is because of appears as data.

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C# :: Method Of Mapping Text File Dictionary To Class Fields

Jan 21, 2014

So I'm rewriting an old project of mine, and I'm trying to determine if there's truly any better way to map the data taken from a text file "dictionary" into the correct class fields for further processing. For example:


In each of these, I'd need the "value" (MY_FIRST_NAME, MY_LAST_NAME, etc) from the "keys" (FNAME, LNAME, etc) to be mapped to the proper class fields. Say, for example, I had this:

Class DataProcessing {
public string Address;
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
public int TotalCalls;

I would need DataProcessing.Address to be set to the value in the ADDR key/value pair. The same would be true for each other field. The problem is that based on the text file's source (which isn't under my control, and won't be changed anytime soon), the key/value pairs are not always in the same place...so a second file could have the data as such:


Any smarter way to do this than looping through each line that was read in from the file, and determining where it belongs, such as (pseudo code follows):

//Assign to TotalCalls field
//Assign to Address field
ELSEIF FieldName == (You get the picture...)
//Do thing N_Field

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C++ :: Overloaded Operator Defined In Header File - Gives Error In CPP File Of Class

Apr 12, 2014

I am working on an assignment in which i have to perform th following task

myClass itsObject1,itsObject2;

I have defined overloaded operator as follows in the header file but in the cpp file of the class it gives error.

friend vli &vli::operator + (int &a,vli &obj);

How to define it in cpp file of my class?

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C/C++ :: Compiler Configuration With Eclipse

Jul 7, 2014

I am using Eclipse to write C program. I download the CDT. However, I wrote the code but when I build it, I got an errors.

Make:*** No rule to make target all, Stop

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C/C++ :: Custom Binary File Format

Jul 9, 2014

Development of a custom binary file type? So far all I know is the just the basic structures of the binary file type, I know that structures are involved but the implementation part I have run into walls.

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C++ :: Change Network Configuration Using Win32 VC++

Feb 28, 2013

I want to change my system IP, subnet mask, host name etc. using win32 VC++.

I've tried AddIPAddress function but that's not persistent.

I want to change it that it should be change without rebooting system and should be there after restarting the system.

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C :: Decrypting / Extracting Custom File Formats

Sep 25, 2014

So this may be against the rules, not sure, grey area probably? However I just bought the PC game Oil Rush, and was having a look at how the assets are packed. As with most games the textures, scripts, sounds and audio are all free to access.

However the game data such as maps, models and other, are packed into UNG files, i.e a custom encrypted file format, which probably is also compressed. So I googled for an unpacker/extracter and found one which also comes with the C source. You can download here. [URL] ....

So I am trying to figure out how these authors work out this file format, from the source we have,

static const u8 unigine_mask[] = "xffx7fx3fx1fx0fx07x03x01";
u32 unigine_key = 0xa13cdbde;

Looks like a password of sorts. You then have to work out the complete understanding of the file formats, headers, blocks etc.. How is this done...

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C++ :: How To Make Custom Hotkey On Program Via INI File

May 4, 2012

I am trying to make a custom hotkey on my program via a ini file.

TCHAR KeyValue[32];
GetPrivateProfileString(("test"), ("test"), ("") ,KeyValue, 32, ("C: est.ini"));
if(GetAsyncKeyState (KeyValue)) // Hotkeys 0x60 VK_NUMPAD0 //Problem here

test.ini :

invalid conversion from `CHAR*' to `int'
initializing argument 1 of `SHORT GetAsyncKeyState(int)'

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C# :: VS Express 2013 - Open TXT File With Custom EXE Program

Jul 13, 2014

I'm using Visual Studio Express 2013 to create a Windows program that will upgrade my micro-controller firmware. I have a .exe program to upgrade it. What I normally do is I drag and drop a .txt file on the .exe program and it will be done. I want to write a program that will do the exact same thing. Where when I click on a button, it will run the .exe program with the .txt file.

What I got so far is just run the .exe program when i press the button. I do not know how to write a code to let the .exe start with the .txt file. Here's what I got so far.

Process.Start(@"C:UsersJayDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsWindowsFormsApplication1BSL_FilesBSL ScripterBSL_Scripter.exe");

That line only manage to open up my .exe file. How do I make it run with the .txt at this location?


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C++ :: Program That Handles Configuration Files - Config Parser?

Apr 9, 2013

I wrote a small program that handles configuration files. I was wondering if this code is considered "good?" I am also wondering if there are ways to optimize it.

class configFile {
std::vector<std::string> variables;
std::vector<std::string> values;
/* declare the constructor function */
configFile(std::string loc) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Print Custom Area Of Screen - Save As Image File

Sep 9, 2014

I am trying to automatically(periodically) print screen a custom area of the screen, save it as an image file (the image will have the same format always), and then use OCR to get the text in the image as usable string variables. Is this doable? I was looking into tesseract OCR but I find it a bit unclear.

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C++ :: Create User Defined Class And Have Access In Separate Header File From Main

Mar 15, 2013

I am a beginner with C++, taking a class right now. The lab this week is to create a user defined class and have it accesses in a separate .h header file from the main.

I think I'm finding my way through it, but I'm getting a complie error that makes no sense to me:

1> Resistor.cpp
1>c:users omdocumentsschoolcomp 220week 2lablab 2.2lab 2.2
esistor.h(11): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'resistor'
1>c:users omdocumentsschoolcomp 220week 2lablab 2.2lab 2.2

[Code] .....

Here is the first portion of the .h file:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>

class CResistor{
double res1, res2, res3, percentage, Nominal, Tolerance;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Generate Report Based On Input Received From Text File - User Defined Namespace

Nov 11, 2014

Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student’s name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
and the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits

Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits

NOTE : use ignore() function with ifstream objects whenever you want to ignore the newline character.

For example :
ifstream transferSchoolFile ;
transferSchoolFile.open("student_status.txt", ios::in);

while( !transferSchoolFile.eof()) {
getline(transferSchoolFile,name) ;
transferSchoolFile >> id >> credits;
transferSchoolFile.ignore(); //Used here to ignore the newline character.

I did this in parts so I got it working with a four year criteria without the user defined name spaces.

include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

[Code] ....

So that worked fine then I tried with name spaces -

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class_level classLevel;

[Code] ....

I know I have some stuff to mess around with but I am currently stuck with two errors, first -

Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartupC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputConsoleApplication1MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)ConsoleApplication1

then -

Error2error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalsC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputDebugConsoleApplication1.exeConsoleApplication1

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C/C++ :: Generate Report Based On Input Received From Text File - User Defined Namespace

Nov 11, 2014

Program Description: Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student's name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
and the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits

Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits

NOTE : use ignore() function with ifstream objects whenever you want to ignore the newline character. For example :

ifstream transferSchoolFile ;
transferSchoolFile.open("student_status.txt", ios::in);
while( !transferSchoolFile.eof()) {
getline(transferSchoolFile,name) ;
transferSchoolFile >> id >> credits;

[Code] ....

I know I have some stuff to mess around with but I am currently stuck with two errors, first -

Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartupC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputConsoleApplication1MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)ConsoleApplication1

then -

Error2error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalsC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputDebugConsoleApplication1.exeConsoleApplication1

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C++ :: Using Set To Get Fields From Reader XML

Mar 28, 2013

I am using set in my code to get fields from a reader xml which are being errored out but it is storing it in ordered form(i.e it is internally sorting it) not in accordance to how the reader xml has the fields. What should i do so that it write the errored file in accordance to the reader xml.

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C++ :: How To Get Fields From Reader XML

Mar 28, 2013

I am using set in my code to get fields from a reader xml which are being errored out but it is storing it in ordered form(i.e it is internally sorting it) not in accordance to how the reader xml has the fields.What should i do so that it write the errored file in accordance to the reader xml.

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C++ :: Using STRTOK With Null Fields?

Jul 23, 2013

I am beginner in C++ programming. And i was try use STRTOK code with NULL fields, but in ARRAY fields NULL values is skiped. For example:

input text in Memo2:

AnsiString PAT02[100][20];
for (int IndexVRadku02 = 0; IndexVRadku02 < Memo2->Lines->Count ; IndexVRadku02++) {
AnsiString PNF02 = Memo2->Lines->Strings[IndexVRadku02];
char * PN02;

[Code] ....


Array 00 01 02 03 04 05
00 0000 TEXT1 TEXT2
01 0002 TEXT3 TEXT4 TEXT5
02 0003 TEXT6

But i need this result:

Array 00 01 02 03 04 05
00 0000 TEXT1 TEXT2
01 0002 TEXT3 TEXT4 TEXT5
02 0003 TEXT6

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C/C++ :: Why To Use Private Fields In A Class

Aug 9, 2014

Why do you use Private fields in a class if an outside class can change the private fields using get and set properties?

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C :: How To Create Private Fields In A Struct

Nov 6, 2014

How can you actually create private fields in a C struct? I got the concept of VTable and inheriting methods aswell overriding them, but private variables can be obtained with static keyword in sourcefile. If you have variables in a struct, you can access them as soon as you got a ref to the struct. The functions are easy:


struct classA {
pointerToFunction *p;
} static void* thePrivateFoo() { }
void* publicFoo() {
thePrivateFoo(); /* or something like that */
} ...
/*in init code somewhere in the c file */ classAInstance->p = publicFoo;

But I was thinking about the variables... How is this achievable? I was thinking of a struct with only get/set functions and with no datamembers at all. All vars to be static outside the struct. But this kind of destroys the encapsulation.

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C++ :: How To Write Functions To Access Various Fields

Sep 16, 2013

Question: How can we write functions to access various fields?

Example: A phone number -- it has an area code, exchange & subscriber -> (123)-456-7890

How can we write a function to access the various fields of a phone number both in a particular class & in the main?

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C++ :: Template Return Struct Fields

Dec 2, 2014

is it possible to define as template the following get functions.

class Config {
enum { NO_ID = 999 };
struct ValueType {
bool a;
size_t b;
std::time_t c;


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