C++ :: Read Variables And Methods Of Another Program In Memory?

Jan 16, 2013

i want to write a program that can access to variables and methods of another program. I ques for access to variables need to read memory, but about methods?how i can use methods and call them?

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C++ :: Correct Allocation Of Memory Inside Methods / Functions?

Jun 27, 2013

The problem is the following, I am making a wrapper object of sockets in c++, since the ones in c are somewhat ugly, and not quite OOP. I can't use boost sockets since the project I am currently working on, can only use the libraries found in ubuntu 12.04 repositories, and the ubuntu 12.04 repositories are on boost-1.46. My solution was the following, three classes, AbstractSocket, ServerSocket, and Socket. AbstractSocket is the superclass of both ServerSocket and Socket. The following is the class definition of each of these classes:

class AbstractSocket {
AbstractSocket(const int file_descriptor, const struct addrinfo* local_address,


My problem and question is the following, on ServerSocket::accept method I have to do a "client_socket = new Socket(abstractSocket);", and in Socket::recv_all method I do something like "buffer = new unsigned char[bytes_to_receive];". These two situations are somewhat problematic to me, because I don't wish to make the caller of the methods responsible for deleting this memory.

Therefore, is there an elegant way to retrieve heap allocated space from a function/method? Or better yet, is there an elegant way of telling the caller of the method, that the memory will have to be deleted?

I thought of placing an "unsigned char* buffer" inside Socket class, and to delete the memory allocated in the destructor and on consecutive calls to recv_all, but i don't believe this is the solution, and it doesn't solves me the problem for the "accept" method.

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C :: For Static Variables When Memory Will Be Allocated?

May 21, 2013

For static variables when the memory will be allocated? During compilation or linking or loading time? In below program i am getting error :

(Error C2099: initializer is not a constant in microsoft visual studio) .

If i initialize x = 10 or any constant it works , why?

main() {
int i=10;
static int x = i;//error ?

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Memory Address Of Class Member Variables?

Jun 22, 2013

Suppose I have two classes, MyClassX and MyClassY, each with two member variables, as defined below. I create an object instance of each class, and then create a pointer to each member variable for each object:

class MyClassX
int a;
double b;
MyClassX(int _a, double _b)


After converting the hexadecimal to decimal, it appears that with MyClassX, pxb is 8 bytes from pxa, whereas for MyClassY, pya is only 4 bytes from pyb. This makes sense for MyClassY, because the first member variable to be stored is an int, and so will occupy 4 bytes. However, why should this be any different for MyClassX, which also has an int as the first member variable, so shouldn't this also occupy 4bytes?

The reason I have come across this problem is that I am looking into streaming objects to memory and then loading them again. (I know boost can do this, but I am trying it out myself from scratch.) Therefore, this is causing an issue, because I cannot just assume that the size of memory occupied by an object is just the sum of the sizes of its member variables. MyClassX is 8 bytes larger than MyClassY, even though the intuition is that it should only occupy 4 bytes more due to a double being replaced by an int.

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C :: Why Constants And Variables Stored In Memory In Opposite Order Called

May 23, 2014

I'm playing around and wrote a tiny program.


char bracketin[] = "thisgetsbracketed.txt";
char bracketout[] = "bracketed.txt";
char testwalk[10] = "12345678";


I'm incrementing the pointer to buffer 150 bytes beyond its reserved 50. I see testwalk, followed by bracketout, followed by bracketin printed by the overflow on buffer.

The memory locations are ordered descending from their call order. Why is this the case?

One would think that they would be written in ascending order as I call them. I can only assume that they're compiled bottom up - where could I read about this process?

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C++ :: Read Variables From File

May 12, 2013

I want my program to read variables from file "input.txt":

Please choose the crystal lattice. Type 1 for BCC, 2 for FCC, and 3 for HCP: 2
Please enter lattice parameter (a): 1
For HCP please enter second lattice parameter (c): 1
Please enter the number of translated cells along X axis: 2
Please enter the number of translated cells along Y axis: 2
Please enter the number of translated cells along Z axis: 2

Moreover, I want program to read only the numbers after colon. How can I do it?

#include <iostream>#include <fstream> // to read from file
using namespace std;
int main () {
int latticeType;
int dimX, dimY, dimZ; // number of translated cells along each axis
float d; // lattice parameter

[Code] ....

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C :: Set Variables Based On File Read?

Dec 9, 2013

I am trying to fscanf a file and need to read the variable name 'f9' and 'a2' for example in the sample below and get their corresponding values '8' and '2' and then in my C program set the variables f9 and a2 accordingly (which I can declare as variables). Is this possible?

I making a Sudoku Solver and am thinking I would store the puzzle solution in a 2D array with a1=0, a2=1, etc... where 0, 1 are the array indices... then just print the array as the solution.

Note: The a1, a2, a3, etc... is my own numbering of the indices where the letter corresponds to the row and the number corresponds to the column (starting from 1) which I use when feeding to the solver.

I have a file that has the following format (output of Z3 SMT solver):

(define-fun f9 () Int
(define-fun a2 () Int
(define-fun c5 () Int

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C++ :: Read Function - Compare And Assign Variables

Mar 1, 2013

I am developing a program that will read a function (x^2+2x+4 or other function) and then comparing and start assigning variables. My idea is with an array:

int i,x;
char xs;
char function[20];
cin.getline(function, 20);
cout << "Your function is: ";

[Code] .....

Well this is my basically idea, but when the program detect an ^ this will be associate with the exp(x,n); well in general the user enter a function: x^3+3x^2+4x-8 give a value for x for example 3 and the program will convert in -- exp(3,3)+3*exp(3,2)+4*3-8 --, but I don't know how.

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C :: Read From And Store Values Of Each Line In Multiple Variables

May 6, 2013

So I have this text file that I am trying to read from and store the values of each line in multiple variables. Let's say my text file contains

AXSYZ3482 Tom 100 112 and my code below here works fine when the lines in the text file is separated by spaces.


while (fscanf(fp, "%s %s %d %d
", userID, name, &startLoc, &endLoc) != EOF) {
printf("%s %s %d %d
", userID, name, startLoc, endLoc);

But let's say my file was to look like this instead.


But if i try this below...


while (fscanf(fp, "%s:%s:%d:%d
", userID, name, &startLoc, &endLoc) != EOF) {
printf("%s %s %d %d
", userID, name, startLoc, endLoc);

It seem to store the entire line in userID including the ":". I want to ignore the ":"'s and store everything in between in respective varibles in the order specified above.

So first string in userID, then ignore the :, then second string in name, and ignore the next :, and so forth.

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C++ :: Read From A File And Store Information In Separate Variables?

Dec 8, 2014

So I have to read from a file, and store the information in separate variables. My problem is that for some of the information I need multiple words, and for others I don't, so I cant simply store 1 word into a variable and store the next in another in so on. To demonstrate what I mean let me give an example.

Dog Cat Blue Bird Snake White Horse

I am able to store "Dog","Cat","Blue","Bird"...etc in variables but I don't know how to make it so I can store "Dog" in one variable, "Cat" in a second variable. and "Blue Bird" in a third variable. "Snake" would be the 4th and "White Horse" would be the fifth. How can I read a file and manipulate the pointer to grab what I need?

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C :: How To Read File Directly From Memory Buffer

Jan 20, 2014

I have a C program. Within it, I would like to embed either a file or a pre-assigned variable. I would prefer a method that is platform independent.

I am using the data type "RSA" from <openssl/rsa.h>. I have a key file in PEM format, but I would like to embed an RSA object in the program instead. I tried creating a char array and then casting the pointer, but that caused some sort of illegal casting issue. I tried using memcpy but I haven't been able to get it working that way. What is the best way of going about this? Is it possible to read a file directly from a memory buffer?

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C :: Shared Memory / Cannot Read Last Element In A Struct

Jun 27, 2014

I have trouble reading the last element in a struct.I do get the correct value for the first two elements. In my example that is:

a = 11 and c = H
however I get:
b = 0
but I am expecting b=2

I got two files to handle this.The first one is writing data to memory -


#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


why I cannot get correct value for the third element in my struct?In the second file where I'm reading from memory I allocate some space. Is this incorrect in some way? I'm running this on a Linux machine.

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C :: Read And Write Datatypes To Memory Array

Oct 5, 2014

I'm not sure if I should do this with malloc or a char array. What I need to do is create 4 methods to read and 4 to write to memory like this (and it has to be fast):


char GetByte(char* memory, int offset);
uint16 GetInt16(char* memory, int offset);
uint32 GetInt32(char* memory, int offset);
char[] GetString(char* memory, int offset);

So basically memory is the malloced memory and the offset is the position I want to read at.

I'm not sure if there's already a way to do this and maybe I'm overlooking something.

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C/C++ :: Read And Write Datatypes To Memory Array

Oct 5, 2014

I decided I wanted to make a proper programming language with a virtual machine and bytecode. I used this tutorial: [URL] .....

As a starting point for my project. So far I have modified it to allow for 32-bit addressing so that I can theoretically use 4GB in my programs. Now the problem I'm having is creating the memory.


I'm not sure if I should do this with malloc or a char array. What I need to do is create 4 methods to read and 4 to write to memory like this (and it has to be fast):

char GetByte(char* memory, int offset);
uint16 GetInt16(char* memory, int offset);
uint32 GetInt32(char* memory, int offset);
char[] GetString(char* memory, int offset);

So basically memory is the malloced memory and the offset is the position I want to read at.

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C :: Read Text File From Memory Card Using Threading

Mar 25, 2013

I need do read a text file from memory card using threading.

I am able to do it with out using thread but because of some limitations, i have to do it with threading only.

Here is the code to read file from memory card with out thread:

Code: ##########################################
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <XMC4500.h> /* SFR declarations of the selected device */
#include <DAVE3.h> /* Declarations from DAVE3 Code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>


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C++ :: Read In Lines From A File / Store In Variables Then Construct Instances Of Class

Aug 22, 2013

I can't get my code to compile, i need to read in lines from a file and store them in variables. Then i have to construct instances of my class for how many lines there are in the file and take those variables into them.

I'm getting this error :

"a2.cpp:40: error: cannot convert `Employee' to `Employee*' in assignment"

void displayInfo();
using namespace std;
class Employee{

[Code] .....

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C++ :: NorFlash Memory Access - Read / Write And Erase Data

Sep 5, 2013

I am doing a project which I have to read, write and erase data from a NorFlash Memory. Then, I have to compare those data files in order to find errors.

Besides, I would like to know which is the best way to TEST errors in this kind of memories.

I am using NetBeans 7.3.1 for writting the code and Cygwin running on Windows XP Virtual Machine. The Memory Flash (S29JL064J 64 Megabit) is incorporated on an external board which is connected to an adapter board (using HDMI cable). This adapter is connected to the Laptop (using an USB).

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C# :: Combobox And Button - Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Mar 30, 2014

I have two from in visual studio 2010 with C#. In form1 I have one combobox and one button .In form2 I have Reportviewer . When Button in form1 is clicked form2 is shown. Now my problem is when I click button to show form2 on the line Form2.Show(); this error appear : Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. What can i do? In form1 I have one combobox that combo fill with Database with this code in the Form Load:

private void DocReportOnlyAlalhesabSearch_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//fill shahrestan Combo
if (Class.Global.CurrentYear.Length != 0) {
OleDbConnection conn1;
OleDbCommand cmd1;
cmd1 = new OleDbCommand();

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: System Access Violation Exception / Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Mar 17, 2013

I have CAN Dll program for my application,which was separately used.Now I have included the Drivers program into my application Program and I am having this error System Access Violation Exception:Attempted to read or write protected memory.i am attaching the Dll code and Application code which is throwing this error.


The CAN Dll Code

int receive_data(unsigned char *data_output, int *MsgId, XLportHandle g_xlPortHandle){
XLstatusxlStatus, xlStatus_new;
XLevent xlEvent;
unsigned intmsgsrx=RECEIVE_EVENT_SIZE;
char *local_data ="11111111";
DWORD status;
xlStatus_new = xlSetNotification(g_xlPortHandle, &h, 1);


My Application Code which is the receiver thread for accessing the messages got onto the CAN bus.

int*MsgId = new int;//msg id from CAN
intRcvVal;//0 = there is data in the queue; 1 = there is no data
unsigned int uMsgId;
*MsgId = 0;
unsigned char CanData[8];


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C++ ::  initializing Variables In Program

Oct 24, 2013

I want to know how to make variables during the program. for example in a program i want to have the player be able to create their own spells or add their own weapons to the game without having to edit the source code. i use sfml 2.0

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C/C++ :: Cannot Add New Variables To Program - Crashes After Compiling

Oct 24, 2014

Problem: When I add a new variable to complete my program, it crashes. I have tried tracing where the problem is but it leads to adding new variables

Purpose of program: Every 2 lines of the input file belong to 1 participant. The line with decimals include times a person has run miles. While the second line of each participant are integers that indicate the best sets from workouts the participant had done.

so an example of the output

Participant #1
Cardio Workouts:
Best Time:
Worst Time:
Average Time:
Weight Workouts:
Most Sets:
Least Sets:
Average Sets:

Participant #2

Why my program is crashing

#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
// Stats Col0=BestTime Col1=WorstTime col2=mostSets col3=leastSets Col4=Average_time Col5=Average_sets
float chart[20][12], stats[10][6], best_time=100, worst_time=0, most_sets=0, least_sets=100, avg_time, avg_sets, sum;
int i, j;
int p=0;

[Code] .....

Attached File(s)
input1.txt (817bytes)

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C++ :: Multiplying Variables In Program The End Result Comes Up As Null

Jun 4, 2013

So I have this program to calculate the types of meat, I have fixed the system errors but the actual program when I run it comes up with <null>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define beef 1 /* multiplication factor of beef*/
#define chicken 1.5 /*factor of chicken*/

[Code] .....

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C++ ::  Initializing Boost Asio Variables In State Program

May 5, 2014

I am trying to initialize this chunk of code without it starting at the main menu in my state program:

boost::asio::io_service io_service;
tcp::resolver resolver(io_service);
tcp::resolver::query query(argv[1], argv[2]);
tcp::resolver::iterator iterator = resolver.resolve(query);
chat_client c(io_service, iterator);
boost::thread t(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io_service));
char line[chat_message::max_body_length + 1];

This code came from a example at the boost example list: URL.....I want the networking to start when the multiplayer state initializes. This is how my program basically looks like:

main() {
if (!quit) {
while( handleing_events ) {


I tried to put the stuff in extern at states.h, and initialize it at Multiplayer(), but in handleEvents & ~Multiplayer, it says "c" is not defined...

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C++ :: Loop Program To Go Back Without Losing Values Of Variables?

Mar 30, 2014

I know that returning to main() is not a good idea but how will I loop the program to go back to the position selection when the voter is done voting for the last position.

when I run the program it seems fine. getting the votes from President to PRO Position is fine. The problem is how will the next voter vote without losing the vote (tally) of the previous voter?

SELECT POSITION (a-e) ---> SELECT A CANDIDATE (a-c) ---> (this goes on until the position of PRO) ---> ( then go back to the POSITION SELECTION)

After every vote there is a case statement for which I can choose to vote for the next position, quit, or show results (and after showing the results it will go to the next position to vote)....

#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int pca=0,pcb=0,pcc=0,ptv=0;

[Code] .....

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C :: Program That Saves Information On Memory

Jun 25, 2014

I am doing a program that saves information on the memory and then i need to put by ascending order the student number.. but i can't get it to work...i tried with strcmp but not worked...

typedef struct {
char name[100], email[100], adress[100], postal[100], number[20];
int phone
}data; t

Then i have this to input data

void add(data* contact) {
if (i<total) {
Name: ", i + 1);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sorting Program That Uses Variables From Another Class - List Not Declared In This Scope

May 13, 2014

I've got this sorting program that uses variables from another class but I'm not sure why its not recognizing it. I'm getting an error length and list not declared in this scope.

#include <iostream>
#include "arrayListType.h"
using namespace std;
template<class elemType>
class orderedArrayListType: public arrayListType<elemType> {

[Code] ....

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