C++ :: Random Directed Acyclic Graph Generation - Error LNK2019

Apr 14, 2013

This is a code I've written for Random Directed Acyclic Graph Generation:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

[Code] .....

However this gives two LNK2019 error codes. I'm new to coding... I'd like to learn what I'm doing wrong.

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C/C++ :: Path Finding For Weighted Cyclic Directed Graph For Robot

Mar 14, 2015

I've been trying to make a program to return node values for the shortest path from one node to another. I've searched up several algorithms like the Bellman Ford, A*, or Dijkstra and tried to think of ways to implement them if I store my map as a matrix. I've considered using a hash table, but since I am only a beginner, I am having trouble trying to understand how the concepts would translate into C.

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C++ :: Modulus And Random Number Generation?

Apr 13, 2014

I am making a random number generator. I have fixed all issues except for one. I am supposed to ask the user for how many digits the user wants the numbers to have. How many numbers does the user want. Then randomly generate numbers according to what the user entered. So if the user said 2 digits and wanted 4 numbers then it would output 4 random numbers in the range of 10 to 99.

My notes from class show this working correctly. And it does work correctly. But I don't understand the math here or how the modulus effects it. I was able to get 1 and 2 digits to work but once I get to 5 it doesn't generate numbers correctly. it will only generate number s

Code: int min =1;
int max = 9;int number1 = rand();
cout << number1 % max + min << " "; h

Here is the 3 digit code I have. I also need to figure out how to make it unique so no number generates more then once. I think the issue may be that the numbers are not unique and it is generating the same number and that is somehow effecting the numbers it is outputting. It is either that or my math is wrong.

if (intLength == 5) {
for (int i = 0; i<intQuantity; i++) {


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C++ :: Random Number Generation In A Loop

Jan 2, 2014

I've researched this quite a bit and the overwhelming answer I've been seeing for a loop generating the same pseudo-random number is that you're seeing the random number generator inside the loop, but that is not the case with me . . . At least not that I can see.

Basically, as I mentioned, I have a loop "birthing" new bunnies in a loop. And all the new bunnies are being created with the same name and other details.

Here is the code:

void BunnyGraduation::breed() {
for (unsigned int male = 0; male < colony.size(); male++) {
if (colony.at(male).getSex() == Bunny::Sex::MALE && colony.at(male).getRadioactiveMutantVampireBunny() != true && colony.at(male).getAge() >= AGEOFCONSENT) {
for (unsigned int female = 0; female < colony.size(); female++) {

[Code] ....

srand(time(0)); is seeded ONCE in the constructor of the bunny object itself. . . Now, come to think of it, the constructor is called every time an object is created . . . And the constructor contains the srand() . . . and the constructor is being called in a loop. . . So therefore, yes, the srand() is being called inside the loop.

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C++ :: Generate Random Strings From A To Z With A Length Of 3 For Each Generation

Sep 16, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
string randstr(int);
int main()


I want to generate random strings from A to Z with a specific length of 3 for each generation. For example:


How do I fufill this with the code presented and the function at the bottom?

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C++ :: Error LNK2019 - Unresolved External Symbol

Feb 27, 2013

I am currently working on an Account login system and when I run the program I receive this error message:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol

If you want to see the full code of the source file just ask

const int NUM_OF_ACCOUNTS = 1;
Account *account = new Account[NUM_OF_ACCOUNTS];
int AccountSearch(int number, string password);
foundAccount = AccountSearch(aNumSearch, passSearch);
int AccountSearch(int n, string p); {
int x = 0;


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C/C++ :: Error LNK2019 - Unresolved External Symbol

Apr 4, 2014

// polynomial header file
#ifndef POLY_H
#define POLY_H
using namespace std;
class Polynomial {
friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, const Polynomial &rhside);
friend istream &operator>>( istream &in, Polynomial &rhside);


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C++ :: Inheritance - Using Base Class Constructor (LNK2019 Error)

Sep 16, 2014

I am trying to create a few subclasses which all use the base class constructor, according to my book this is all fine and dandy by using the "using Baseclass::Baseclass", this doesnt work for me.

class Monster {
Monster(char[], char[], char[], int); //The constructor, and its implemented.

[Code] ....

Yet, i recieve this error:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Human::Human(char * const,char * const,char * const,int)"

Why is this? Does doing it this way create const pointers somehow? The constructor works fine with Monster, i am using the same calls, just changed to create Human instead of Monster. All files are included where they should, monster and human are declared in the same header.

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C/C++ :: Templated Data Structure - Error LNK2019 / Unresolved External Symbol

Mar 23, 2015

I am working on building a set of templated data structures for my own learning and have run in to an error when instantiating my templated linked list. I receive the following error:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall LinkedList<int>::~LinkedList<int>(void)" (??1?$LinkedList@H@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function _main

template<class T>
class LinkedList {


why I would be receiving this error?

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C++ :: Acyclic Visitor Pattern - Count Number Of Elements Of Certain Type In Container

Jun 29, 2014

Acyclic visitor pattern used here to count the number of elements of a certain type in a container.

struct A {
struct Visitor {
virtual ~Visitor() = default;
virtual void accept (A::Visitor&) = 0;

[Code] ....

Give the correct:
count = 3

But it is scrappy. The visitor classes had to be placed outside the classes they belonged to, and CountB lost its template because of that. Also, it is very awkward that I have to construct a "reverse hierarchy" for the Visitor classes (which means that this has to bechanged if I ever change the hierarchy for A, B, C, ...). How to improve my solution (using acyclic visitor pattern)? Forward declaring nested classes is not possible in c++.

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C++ ::  Error In Passing A Random Number Generator

Aug 29, 2014

I was running some Monte carlo simulations and I was having some trouble passing my Normal-Random-Generating object as a parameter to the simulator.

I created a class called BoxMull which used the Box-Muller algo to generate Normal randoms and I based the Box-Muller algo on random numbers generated by the Mersenne-twister engine.

I am getting an error while compiling.

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <cmath>

const double pi = 3.1428;
template<class rnd_gen>
class BoxMull

[Code] ....

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C++ :: X And O Symbol Generation

Mar 5, 2013

I have program. I need programing one game.

char girl;
char computer;
cout << "Girl choose one of symbol x or o";
so girl choose x.

problem : i need random symbol genetation. so if random symbol are x, than girl start play. if random symbol ar o, than computer start game. who to do this?

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Visual C++ :: Error When Trying To Read A Random Word From A File

May 8, 2015

I am currently writing a password generator in Microsoft Visual Studios 2010 Professional. The section I am having a problem with is the practical password. It is suppose to randomly read 3 words from a text file and then display it in the text box. The program will compile and run but when I hit generate I get "True True True" and not three random words. Then this warning shows up:

Warning C4800: 'char *' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

//Code is from the form1.h file. I can post the rest of the code if need be but I just included my includes and the problematic section

#pragma once
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

[Code] ....

Screenshot of the warnings: [URL] .....

Picture of the output: [URL] ....

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C/C++ :: Error In Vector Pushback - Creating Random Unwanted Numbers

Apr 12, 2014

I'm currently writing a chunk of code that will take inputs from the user and push them into a vector until 0 is entered, at which point it will break the loop and continue on with the rest of the program. This is nothing I haven't done before, but I have never encountered this error.

The code chunk looks like this:

typedef vector <int> ivec;
int main() {
ivec nums;
int input;
while (true) {
cout << "Enter a positive integer, or 0 to quit" << endl;

[Code] ....

My standard testing input has been 3 5 6 3 8 (then 0 to quit), so one would expect my sequence to be 3 5 6 3 8...but instead after the 8 I get a random number value that is usually quite large and I cannot figure out where it comes from (ex. 3 5 6 3 8 201338847).

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C# :: Materials Sold Bill Generation?

Feb 10, 2015

I've attached a pic of the program im trying to make, i'll explain in a few steps what it's supposed to do and what my problem is:

-User types in the amount of each material used.
-User click's the "Add" button, to add the materials to the bill.
-The bill is supposed to be shown like this:
material1 3x 1340
material2 2x 930
material3 7x 240
material4 1 840

Total 3350

-My problem is that i have like 100 different Materials, and how i should make the program only write the Materials used on the bill, instead of writing all the materials Down, even those which havent been used.

-every material has their own double variable, and a another double variable for the total Price of used material.

-right now it Works as shown on the Picture, i can add amount of each material, and calculate the total Price, and clear all the textboxes.

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C :: Random Number Game - Segmentation Fault (core Dumped) Error

Jun 25, 2013

Ok, so doing an assignment for a random number game where you guess and it says too high or too low until you get it right or run out of tries. Here is what I got so far:

//Cameron Taylor


int main(){
int number = rand()%100+1;;
int guess, numberGuess;

[Code] ....

Getting "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" after inputting the first number, but it compiles correctly.

I later have to add "Do you want to play again (y/n)", so I will use this post to continue that later.

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C++ :: Map Generation Algorithm - SFML Array Of Sprites

Jun 7, 2014

So I am writing a map generation algorithm (with SFML), and it seems the problem is in here:

Sprite sprites[32][32];
void genmap(){
Texture grasstiletex;

[Code] .....

But when I run it I get: Unhandled exception at 0x69791f34 in sfmlproject.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x001b5000.

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C :: HTTP Packet Generation And Send / Receive Via Socket

Dec 26, 2014

I have Build code for sending/receiving TCP Traffic over c Socket . Now I want t add HTTP Protocol to it .

After searching out on google ,one method I found which is by GET method to send a query to a server like google.com and request a page .

But ,Suppose I saved a HTML page in my directory how can I send HTTP packet via client/server in socket using this HTML page .

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C/C++ :: HTTP Packet Generation And Send / Receive Via Socket

Dec 27, 2014

I have code for sending/receiving TCP traffic over C socket. Now I want to add HTTP protocol to it. After searching the web, one method I found which is by GET method to send a query to a server like google.com and request a page.

But, suppose I saved a HTML page in my directory how can I send HTTP packet via client/server in socket using this HTML page.

Server side code:

sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr,&clilen);
while (1)

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Release Build Hangs At Code Generation

Dec 1, 2014

Debug build links fine but release build linking hangs at "code generation"

If I turn off whole optimization, it actually works fine, but I do need whole optimization.

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C++ :: Asterisk Bar Graph

Feb 12, 2014

i have to make a programs that prompts the user to enter quiz grades and add them up. For examples the user enters 6 test grades they are out of 5 so he enters 0-5 and i store them in the array. This part works great but now i have to print out a bar of vertical asterisks for every part too. So if at the end we have one test grades that are 2 grades of 1 points, 1 grade of two point, 2 grades of three point and 1 grade of 5 point it will have to display them as this

There are 2 grades of 1
There are 1 grades of 2
There are 2 grades of 3
There are 1 grades of 5

i need to do for loops but i am stuck on what to count too and what to print i know i will need cout << "*" and a couple of spaces.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (){
int size;
int tests;
int a[6]={0};

cout << "How many quiz scores will you enter: ";
cin >> size;


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C++ :: Make 10 Random Numbers Thus Making 10 Random Flips Of Coin?

Aug 31, 2013

I want to make 10 random numbers thus making 10 random flips of a coin. I am getting 10 tails or 10 heads!

Code: #include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])


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C :: Depth-first Search Of A Graph

May 18, 2013

You have to implement a data structure to represent graphs,directed or undirected,that tries to avoid the wasted space in the representation of a graph with adjacency matrix and the difficulty of searching the edges with adjacency list representation.We consider that the vertices are numbered from 1 to nverts and the exit degree of each vertex is at most MAXDEG. If deg[i] is the exit degree of the vertex i then the neighbors of the vertex i can be saved at the matrix edge[i][j], 1<=j<=deg[i].

Write a program that reads the datas from a file: if the graph is directed or undirected(1 or 0), the number of vertices (nverts),the number of edges (nedges) and the first and the last vertex of each edge.Write the function dfs that, with argument the data structure that you implemented before for the representation of a graph, prints the edges by the depth-first search of a graph. What I've done so far is: I wrote a program that reads these information from a file, calculates the exit degree of each vertex and creates the matrix edge[i][j]. What data structure do I have to implement???

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C :: Program Finding Max Of Graph

Oct 29, 2013

this is my first year programming, and in my class, each week we have to write a program. last week we wrote a program in c that made random value point and made a graph of the random points that continued on forever. this week, we have to use statistical functions to find the sum, mean, max, and min of the graph. below is the code i have so far.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "SwinGame.h"


so, as you can see from the code, the parts i need are finding/ coming up with a function to find the max min sum and mean of the functions.

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C :: Create ASCII Bar Graph Of Die Rolls

May 24, 2013

for an assignment we need to create basically a program that asks the user for the result of standard six-sided die rolls (numbers from 1 to 6). The program will prompt the user with "Enter a die roll or 0 to exit " for the first entry and Next die roll? for all subsequent entries. The program will continue reading die rolls from the user until the user enters 0. At this point, the program prints two newline characters (one blank line) and finally, the bar chart showing the number of times each die roll has been entered, and then terminates.If the user enters an invalid number, the program will just ignore it, and ask for another number. Only numbers 1-6 inclusive and 0 are valid.

Example output Enter a die roll or 0 to exit 6 Next die roll? 6 Next die roll? 7 Next die roll? 4 Next die roll? 0


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C++ :: Fill Between Lines Of A Graph (koolplot)

Apr 16, 2014

I am using koolplot plot graph and able to plot two lines in a graph. My question is how to fill between the lines? Is it possible to do so with koolplot? or i should use another library?

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