C :: Parsing A Line To Extract A Particular Substring?

Mar 14, 2014

Suppose I have read a line from an ASCII file with fgets(). Now I want to parse the line, which looks something like this: Code: # John Q. Public et al. 2014, to be submitted The name, "John Q. Public" is what I want. However, the name can be anything, consisting of 1 or more tokens separated by spaces. it could be "John" Or "John Public", or "Thurston Howell the 3rd", or etc... Bascially, I need to get the entire substring between the first hash mark, and the "et al" in the line. I tried this: Code: sscanf(line,"# %s et al.",name); But I can only get the first token (which, in this case, is "John").

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C++ :: Parsing Command Line Parameters

May 19, 2013

I have to make a c++ program, in which with an algorithm I have to code a text from a file and write it to another file. The input should like this: "code forCoding.txt toBeWritten.txt" ; or like this: "decode toBeReadFor.txt toBeWrittenIn". I have done everything except one thig: It is says I have to be able to input parameter.

How should i write this? I read [URL] ....., but still dont get. The input of my program has to have 3 strings, so I guess argc should be 3, but I dont really get it. What should I have in my main about this parsing command line parameters?

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Visual C++ :: Parsing A Line For Words?

Sep 21, 2013

I'm getting this when I compile my program. Then, when the program runs I get an error. I assume it is because I have the warning for this problem. How can get around this error.

warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Parsing Time In Command Line Arguments?

Sep 15, 2013

my professor just increased the problem by saying the time value should be passed as command line arguments can anybdy tell the code to parse time as command line arguments

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C/C++ :: Parsing Integers And Characters From A Single Line?

Mar 10, 2015

parsing integers and characters in same line.

I trying to parse g8,7.

token = strtok(NULL, ",");
token2 = strtok(NULL, "g");

I am trying to make 8 an integer so that i get two integers 8 and 7.

I already know how to get 7, but every time i do it i get (0,7) instead of (8,7).

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C++ :: Parsing Command Line Arguments And Function Call Queue

Jun 12, 2014

I am trying to create program which will process command line arguments and define which functions should be run, with specific order and specific arguments. This is my first problem:

// proccessing_args.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

[Code] ....

proccessing_argsproccessing_args.cpp(20): error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before ':'

refers to the line with for. I copied the code form here [URL] .....

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C++ :: How To Do Substring To Get Last 4 Characters

May 8, 2013

let says i have char *yytext = "p103_stb" 0r "p0_stb" or "p100_stb"

How to do substr to get the "_stb" in C?

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C++ :: How To Remove A Substring

Aug 4, 2014

I have a C-based string. trying to remove some sub-string, I got at:

char str[]="alireza tavakkoli";
char* pos = strstr( str, "reza");
for(int j=pos-&str[0];j<pos-&str[0]+strlen("reza");++j)
str[j] = 7;

But I don't like the last line.isn't there a better solution?

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C++ :: How To Search For A Substring In A File

Jan 12, 2013

How I can search a sub string in a file? Length of sub string is Variable and the number of search is indefinite.

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C++ :: Find Substring From A String

Apr 23, 2012

I am stuck in some logic and want to write a program to do following tasks : I have three string variables to be compared to each other,a string having sub string & hierarchy string!!

1.) name1=john name2=tom_john_tom name3=alextom_john
thus we need to search john from name2 and name3 and if name1 exists in both name2 and name3 then ok else check for step2

2.) name1=a.b.c.d ,name2=a.b.c.d and name3=a.b.c.d
we need to compare each string seperated by a dot in all three variables and we need to match each string seperated by a delimeter "."
if name1.a==name2.a==name3.a and name1.b==name2.b==name3.b ,name1.c==name2.c==name3.c and name1.d==name2.d==name3.d then its a match
else its a mismatch

Also,the catch is we can have name1 ,name2 and name3 in format name1=*.*.*.* and name2=*.*.*.* and name3=*.*.*.*
where * defines it can be any value to be matched


If operator wants to match only the second field , then the logic should be like:

If the Value is to be matched = (*.#.*.*)
then "matched"
its a mismacth

# => for this field of name2 and name3 shall be same
* => for this field name2 and name3 shall be ignored for comparison

to obtain option1 we can have find function and substr however pls suggest how to approach for second option !!!!

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C++ :: Substring / Loops And Writing To A File

May 21, 2013

Here are the requirements for a project I am working on.

Write a function that will write only unique ip addresses to a file (just the ip address, not the entire line).

Write a function that will search for an ip address and display all page requests for that ip address.

The ip is pulled from a "weblog.txt" file which has been put into a vector and sorted. I am having trouble with the loop to pull only unique ip addresses from the vector.

void nonmember();
void sortnonmember(std::vector<std::string>& webvector);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Finding And Printing A Substring In A String?

Feb 21, 2015

i couldnt solve the algorithm exactly. The program asks the user for a string. "Bugun h@v@ cok g'uzel" for example. then the program asks for another string. If that string doesnt exists in the main string program should say there isnt any substring. If it exist then the program should print the remaining part of main string. For example:

Write the first string: Tod@y weather is be'@utiful
write the substring : ug
>>ugun h@v@ cok guzel
write the substring :wldnqwbdbj
>>there isnt any substring
Here where i came so far

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char mainstr[50],substr[50];


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C/C++ :: How To Compare A String To A Vector Substring

May 9, 2014

I would like to compare two strings, one of which is an independently stored string - the other being a string within a vector. However, i do not know how to do this, as

string thisString = "yes";
vector<string> stringHere;
if (thisString == stringHere[0]) {
cout << "It worked." << endll;

does not appear to work.

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C++ :: Search Specified File For All Instances Of Substring

Mar 24, 2012

I'm trying to search a specified file for all instances of substring "abbaa."

The professor is making us use a 6x3 array in order to understand finite state machines.

Well the code I wrote runs perfectly, but the case for '/n' doesn't catch. It just flows through without it.

Significant portion of code:

if(fin) {
fin >> inChar;
while(fin) {
switch(inChar) {
case 'a':
currentState = state[currentState][a];

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: Substring From Number In Text File

Oct 15, 2013

How to substring first 8 digits from number?

I have text file with around 10k lines. Each line contains number with length 12-14 digits. I want to take only first 8 digits from each number and writ it in new file.

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C++ :: Given A String How To Find Longest Substring With All Unique Characters

Feb 9, 2015

I am new to C++ programming, writing a program for the below question:

given a string, how to find the longest substring with all unique characters.

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C :: How Can A Multi-line String Be Read Line By Line

Mar 7, 2014

How can a mulitline string be read line by line

ex: str = "PERIOD="week"

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C :: How To Extract Data From Txt File

Jan 13, 2015

I managed to read txt files and printing them on the console window. I was given a task to select and sample a certain amount of data.

Example of txt file:

Voltage (V),Current (I),Power (W)

etc.. How can I display only the column of Voltage and Power?

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C++ :: How To Extract Output From IF Statement

Feb 9, 2015

I need to use the output of my IF statement in a calculation. But how can i extract the output from the IF statement in my code?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double x, y, z;
cout<<"Please enter the student's three test grades:"<<endl;


I need to use the output in my average.

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C++ ::  How To Extract And Modify Sub-Vector

Jun 17, 2014

I have a std::vector<int> and I want to modify subset of the elements. I thought I might be able to use:

std::vector<int> a = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };
std::vector<int> b(&a[3],&a[7]);
for(auto& each : b) {
for(auto& each : a) {
std::cout << each << "

but that didn't work. The elements of 'a' retain their original values. Then, I thought, "Ooo, maybe I could make 'b' a reference." Nope. What approach would be to access a subset of a vector for potential alteration?

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C++ :: Extract Comments From C File

May 21, 2014

I need to extract comments from a C file, which are usually marked with " /* This is a comment */ ". It seems to me that I need to calculate first at what position is the / and then ask it if on the very next position to the / operand is the *, if it is then I need check where is the next * and if / operand is immediately next to it. At last I need to take everything between values that the first and second * have. But I don't know how to write that in code.

This was supposed to be done in c++.

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C++ :: Extract Text To Vector?

Apr 5, 2013

im trying to extract this

1 2 3 4
5 7 8
9 6 10 11
13 14 15 12

into a vector where the blank space can variate and the numbers can switch.How can i get this working?

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C++ :: Extract File Name And Extension From TXT?

Aug 10, 2012

I have a list of files stored in a .txt file


Directory File Folder: codeguruc++
File Name: display.txt
File Size: 15kbs

$ is an delimiter

I want to extract the name and the extension from txt files.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
struct MyFile {
std::string Directory;
std::string Filename;
unsigned filesize;


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C++ :: Extract Some Images From ADF Files

Jul 31, 2013

Its to extract some images from .adf files, I have had it working about 2 years ago but now i cant figure out the right directory.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ADFReader{
class Program {
public static int ApplyOffset(int data, int offset)
[Code] ...

The main problem is

static void Main(string[] args) {
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(@"data", "*.adf")) ;
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(file);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Load PNG Files And Extract RGB Pixels?

Apr 18, 2014

How to load png files and extract their rgb pixels? Library recomendations?

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C++ :: Extract Certain Cells From Excel File?

Apr 9, 2013

how to extract certain cells for an excel file that is continuously updating. I had a look at [URL] since they provide a .h library that is useful for this situation, but could not find any code.

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