C++ :: Makefile Options To Compile For 64 Bit

Mar 17, 2014

I have called a C function inside C++ code. The .so which gets created is a 32 bit while I am looking for 64 bit . What all options should be mentioned in the Make file to eventually compile and get shared object of ELF64 CLASS ?

Excerpts from Makefile

CC = gcc
CXX = g++
CFLAGS = -O2 -pipe
LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl

[Code] .....

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C++ :: What Is Dependency In Makefile

Aug 7, 2014

What is dependency in Makefile.

Secondly I have made Makefile but cannot use make -f . How to use it?

Third what is make [OPTION] [TARGET]

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C :: Compiling Makefile - Error

Feb 5, 2013

I've a problem compiling my makefile. The additional files are enclosed.

the error I get:
$make ./main
gcc -ggdb main.c
/tmp/ccPIxwjP.o: In function `main':
/home/ilan/Embedded_linux/Lesson-2-Makefiles/lesson-2.1/main.c:6: undefined reference to `func1'
/home/ilan/Embedded_linux/Lesson-2-Makefiles/lesson-2.1/main.c:7: undefined reference to `func2'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [main.o] Error 1

my make file:
main : main.o file1.o file2.o
gcc -ggdb main.o file1.o file2.o -o gdb-main
main.o : main.c file1.h file2.h

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Create Makefile With Bin Src And Inc Subdirectories

Aug 1, 2014

use makefiles, how to create a makefile with cpp files and the binary file in different directories.

These are my directories:

|__src/__.cpp files
|__bin/__ .exe
|__inc/__ .h files
|__obj/__ .o files

I have done this:

CC = g++


SRCDIR = src
OBJDIR = obj
BINDIR = bin
INCDIR = inc

SOURCES := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.cpp)

[Code] .....

but console says "no rule to make target main.cpp, needed by project"

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C/C++ :: Multiple Executables In Makefile?

Jan 31, 2014

How do I compile a more than one executables? If I have two rules to compile an executables, after it compiles the first, it will stop.

a: a.h a.cpp
g++ a.h a.cpp
b: b.h b.cpp
g++ b.h b.cpp

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C++ :: Makefile Only Executing First Entry

Mar 15, 2013

Why this makefile only executes the first entry, compiling only the first program listed?

# Simple Makefile for Operating Systems Project 2
g++ -o vowcon vowcon.cpp -pthread
g++ -o osproj2c osproj2c.cpp -pthread
g++ -o osproj2b osproj2b.cpp -pthread
gcc -o osproj2a osproj2a.c -pthread
rm osproj2a osproj2b osproj2c osproj2d vowcon

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C++ :: Checking For IDConfig In Makefile?

Mar 29, 2012

How do I check for ldconfig in a makefile? This makefile errors because it tries to run ldconfig, even though OS = Darwin

ifeq ($(SHARED),1)
install: banner install_headers $(lib_target)
@echo "Install shared library"
cp -f ./$(lib_target) $(inst_path)
cd $(inst_path) ;

[Code] ....


/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `Darwin,Darwin'
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `ifneq (Darwin,Darwin)'
make: *** [install] Error 2
make: ldconfig: No such file or directory
make: *** [uninstall] Error 1

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C++ :: Calling A Script From Makefile

May 18, 2013

I would like to call a script from a makfile to glean some information about the OS. What I more or less need is the OS name and version (CentOS-5.9, OPENSUSE-12.2, Cygwin, etc). I think I can get the rest of what I need from uname. The OS name and version doesn't seem to reside in any consistent place over the various Linux flavors. I also need to get the version of the gnu c compiler, since I think that may also require a bit more involved scripting than I would like to try out of make.

The main question is weather I can call a script out of make and have it return a value for a variable.

Something like,

OS := $(shell ./script_name)

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C :: Create Makefile For A Single File

May 20, 2013

I'm trying to create a Makefile for a single fie ( mycod.c)

What is the syntax?

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C++ :: Multiple Sort Options?

Jan 9, 2013

I have the following private part of a class defined as follows:

struct stats {
double ISIsum;
int authorCount;
bool operator<(const stats &a) const { return ISIsum > a.ISIsum;}
} *stats_;
bool compareSortByISI(const stats &lhs, const stats &rhs);

This enables me to sort this struct by calling:

std::sort(stats_, stats_ + authors_->getMaximumAuthors());

My question is, what if I want to have the option to sort by authorCount or ISIsum at run time. Is there any way to do this?

I can't see how I can override operator< twice and decide which one to call at use time.

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C++ :: Additional Library Installation Options

Aug 5, 2013

I have been reading up, and it seems that all I need to do to finish up the installation of a library is to add in the search path for the library upon compile time.

Of course, I also read that directly copying the lib files can work too, but that may result in the over-writing of necessary files...

I read a more thorough document on mingw's linking processes and discovered that I could create a folder, install the library in that folder, and add the folder as a search path for mingw (so, basically, all i have to do is install all my libraries under that folder).

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C++ :: Setting Up Menu (With 4 Options) As A Function

Mar 4, 2014

I am having problems with setting up a menu as a function. The point of the menu is to display a list of 4 options and the user is supposed to choose one option and then the program will run. I am having trouble understanding how to display the menu once I run it because it is not working.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int menu(int ans); // function declaration for menu
void draw_triangle(int size, char ch); //function declaration for triangle
void draw_downtri( int size, char ch); // function declaration for upside-down triangle
void draw_diamond(int size, char ch); //function declaration for diamond

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Accessing WiFi Router Options?

Feb 3, 2014

Is there a way to access the router settings via c++? My friend wanted me to write something that would turn off wifi broadcasting on his router when pressing the button in the program. The only way I can think about is to connect to the router via .net framework and then use reverse engineering (on the router settings site) to find a way how to simulate change of option via POST or GET method.

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C++ :: Adding New Options To String Class

Oct 8, 2014

I'm giving the replace option to my string:

void replace(string oldstring, string newstring) {
int stroldstringpos=b.find(oldstring);

i have 1 error in these function that i'm confused. imagine the newstring size is more big than the oldstring, how can change the string, but only change the oldstring and add what left?
see these:

String test="hi hello world";

the result must be:

hello hello world

how can i change the replace function for it?

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C# :: Utilize One Panel But Modify It For Various Options?

Feb 5, 2014

Using WPF and .NET 4.0 what would be the best way to utilize one panel but modify it for various options? For instance when having a basic or advanced view how would I go about changign the area to add buttons or other items most efficiently?

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Visual C++ :: If Else Statement Displaying Both Options

Oct 21, 2013

I am new to coding and have a question with my if else statement. This is a VERY simple program that I have made something like in Javascript before, but when I do it in C++ it does not work correctly. It displays both the options. Here is my code.

// Practice.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Asking for a number {
int x;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Command Line Options For Preprocessor Directives

Oct 17, 2014

I want to run the following code from the command line:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#ifdef ABC
const int num = 105;

[Code] ....

But I can not activate the ABC macro from the command line.

I'm trying to use the -d ABC option following the .exe file name, but I could not run the ABC macro.

How can I activate the ABC macro when I run the .exe file from the Windows 7 command line?

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C++ :: Simple Program To Display Menu With Options

Mar 23, 2014

I decided to create a simple program to display a menu with options, while that is easy enough I had some difficulty when selecting an option that has options inside which also has an option again. While I had many issues in the past I'm finally finished with it and it works fine, but being new to programming and not knowing various other methods available.

//:::::::::::::::::::::Simple Menu Program::::::::::::::::

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

//function prototypes

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Login System And Simple Menu With 3 Options

Oct 16, 2013

I need a program that has a login system and then a menu that has 3 options: Add, delete and exit. If I choose Add it wil ask for certain data of 5 students.

Then after registering the 5 students, another menu with the options: Search, Delete and exit. In search it will ask for an ID and then prints all the data of a single student. Delete gives me the option to delete the data of any user I choose.

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C/C++ :: How To Get Total Number Of Items Selected From Options Menu

Jul 28, 2014

My project is to make a options menu for the user to select a shape and than draw out the shape. That whole process is already done and ready to go. What i am having trouble on is totaling the number of selected shapes. For example, at the end of the program i need to prompt a message saying ("You have selected "shape" this many times "number").

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Visual C++ :: PDF Creator Printer - Setting Print Options

Apr 12, 2014

I am using PDF Creator printer to print my files. I have set it as default printer. It displays two dialogs .. "Printer Setup Dialog" and "Dialog asking filename and other details to save to file".

I want to avoid these two dialogs. But EndDoc calls the other dialog by default. How to do this ?

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C# :: Can't Find A Way To Compile

Aug 3, 2012

This is the first time I'm trying to program in C# and I'm having some trouble.I can't find a way to compile whatever I do.I don't think it's a problem of what I wrote but I might not have what is necessary.I tried: C:>csc fisrt.cs csc was not a valid command.

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C++ :: How To Compile With Eclipse

Oct 4, 2014

I have 2 c++ source files to put into my eclipse project and also a header file. How do I compile all of it to make an .exe file?

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C++ :: How To Compile WxWidget App

Mar 16, 2014

I've finished building wxWidget using gcc, but now idk what to do next.. I tried following this one : [URL] ....

Here's what i typed :

(on wxWidgets/samples/minimal directory)
touch makefile
make -f makefile.gcc -n > makefile

But make is giving me an error : makefile:1: *** missing separator. Stop.

Here's what the actual makefile looks :

(invoked using: sublime_text makefile)
if not exist gcc_mswud mkdir gcc_mswud
windres --use-temp-file -i../../samples/sample.rc -ogcc_mswudminimal_sample_rc.o
--define __WXMSW__
--define _UNICODE --include-dir .....libgcc_libmswud --include-dir

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Compile And Run Program From DOS Shell

Mar 19, 2013

How to compile and run program from DOS shell. Any list of procedures....

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C :: How To Compile Objects In A Subdirectory

Aug 25, 2013

well the question is how to compile objects in a subdirectory?


./bo/%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) <$

the command abouve will compile my objects but leave them in the same directory. However I want them in a different directory. in ./bo directory. How to achieve that ? I just realize that if i remove ./bo/ from the line it does not work..

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