C++ :: If User Inputs Letters / Words Instead Of A Number Give Error Message

Jan 11, 2014

I have created an error message if the user inputs the wrong selection number

if (choices < 1 || choices > 5)
cout << "
Please Enter a number between 1-5

How would i create a error message if the user inputs letters/words instead of a number.

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C :: Give Error Message If User Inputs Wrong

Nov 2, 2013


void main
int i;
int marks[10];


how to give error and ask user to re enter if user enter other then a number?

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C++ :: Word Counter - Calculate Number Of Letters And Give Total Cost

Nov 4, 2013

I am currently working on an assignment.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char letter;
int count = 0;
double ppl = 0;
double finalCost = ppl * (count - 1);

[Code] ....

I am trying to create a word counter program that asks for the price per letter and then asks for the sentence they are writing. The app should then calculate the number of letters and give the total cost similar to:

You have 40 letters at $3.45 per letter, and your total is $138.00.

Everything compiles fine but when I run it the inputs don't work and it outputs:

You have -1 per letter, and your total cost is $-0.

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C/C++ :: Program To Take A Number From The User And Give Reduced Sum

Dec 30, 2014

i have only recently got into programming. i have this homework assignment that is frying my brains, the program needs to take a number from the user and give the 'reduced' sum. for example: if the user enters 888 then the sum should be: 6. it takes the number and adds its digits im just looking for a direction to where my problem is

#include "iostream.h"
int reduction (int number) {
return number/10+number%10;
int main() {
int number,loopcount;
cout<< "please enter a number"<<endl;


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C++ :: Add Error Message If Cin Is Not A Number

Dec 13, 2013

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> //used for random numbers
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int bridgeWidth ; //set bridge width to any number


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C++ :: How To Error Check If User Input Is Letters And Not Numbers

Jun 9, 2014

How do I error check if the user is inputting letters and not numbers? For example, if the user inputs "Lab.txt" I need to display an error message. If they input "Lab2part2.txt" then this is correct and what I want.

I've found a lot of information online on how to error check for numbers or a single letter (EX: 1,2,3, etc. or 'A' 'B' 'C') but nothing for actual WORDS or maybe I should refer to it as a string of characters?

Is there any way to do this? Because my program requires I ask the user to input the name of the file. But the way my code is currently set up is even when the user inputs the wrong file name it still opens the file. I want to prevent this from happening so my thought was to error check user input.

/*Program to determine company's weekly payroll*/

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void OpenTheFile() {
ifstream inputFile;
string filename;
char letter;
int number;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Random Number Generator - How To Get User Inputs

Sep 10, 2013

I want to program a program that produces a random number between 1-10, then if the number is correct, says like HEY GOOD JOB and if its not says try AGAIN! also, at any point the user can quit by typing in X.

I know that I can use stuff like cout << "Hey put in a guess now" to prompt the user but I dont know how to accept inputs.

For example, how do I use scanf to do this?

I know that if I use scanf, it takes in a value, but where the heck does it store it?

eg. scanf(%s,guess);

Is that valid? I get an invalid expression error when trying to use that in C++.

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C++ :: Determines Whether A Number Which User Inputs Is Prime Or Not

Jan 11, 2015

I am fairly new to C++ and I am trying to write a code that determines whether a number which the user inputs is prime or not. I have the code, but when I run it all it actually does is report odd numbers as prime and even numbers as not prime.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//declaring variables//
int i;
int num;

[Code] ....

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C :: Generate Words From User Input (Phone Number)

Aug 13, 2013

The basic idea of this exercise is to generate words from a user-input, seven-digit number(a phone number). The code runs, but for some reason, I can't get it to print the numbers into the file.

/*Write a program that will generate a word based on a randomly generated, seven-digit number. there should be 2187 possible words. Avoid "phone numbers" that begin with 0 or 1*/

#define PHONE 7
void wordGenerator(int number[]);
void wordGenerator(int number[]) {
//loop counters for each digit in the number

[Code] ....

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C :: Gender Program That Interpret M And F Inputs And Prints Guy / Girl Message

Apr 10, 2014

How do I write a program that'll interpret "M" and "F" inputs and print a "you're a guy" or "you're a gurl" message?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
char gender;
char main(void) {
printf("type M or F

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Count And Display Palindrome Words In A Randomized Letters

Oct 11, 2013

how to count and display the palindromes in this randomized letters:

this is my program but it only prints randomized letters and can't count the palindromes words and display it:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C++ :: Creating List Of Words - Show Message In Case Of Repetition

Oct 16, 2013

I have to create a list of words and then when one is repeated the program has to show with a message.

#include <vcl.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#pragma hdrstop

[Code] ....

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C :: Function To Round A Number To Give Integer Number That Is Closer To Real Value

Oct 9, 2013

I was told to use a round function to round a number to give an integer number that is closer to the real value. (for example if the number is 114.67 I need to print an int value of 115 instead of 114)

I am not exactly sure how a round function works, but I am told to include math.h library. What I try doesn't seem to work.

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C++ :: Count Number Of Words And Lines Then Print All Words

Dec 20, 2013

I have written below program to count number of words and lines and print the all the words.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream outfile;

[Code] .....

Its compiling fine but when executed its displaying I infinite times...

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C++ :: Give Appropriate Color Code For Resistor After User Input

Sep 18, 2013

I am in the process of writing a program that will give the appropriate color code for a resistor after the user enters an integer value for the resistance needed and selects the tolerance form a list. My question is this: Is there a way to allow the user to enter a value such as 75000 and C++ use each digit separately, as if they entered 7 [enter], 5[enter], 0 [eneter]... and so on? But, then use the entire value as an integer too? Also, it should read a value such as: 45835, as 45000, or 1843 as 1800.

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C# :: Give Image Name As Sequence Number?

Nov 18, 2014

I'm saving the images in folder by using:

webClient.DownloadFile(href, sourcepath);

I don't want to give name as Current date and time..shown in given below code

string sub = @"Gadhada";
DirectoryInfo subFolder = dir1.CreateSubdirectory(sub);
Imagename = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() +


I want to save my imagename as 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg.

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C++ :: Don't Give Correct Location Of Max / Min Number In Array

Nov 8, 2013

All my code is good, except the functions: findMacLoc and findMinLoc .They don't give me the correct array location of the max/min number in the array.I know is something simple I need to tweak in those two functions.

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
void printArray(int a [], int & size)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << a[i] << " ";


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C/C++ :: Exponents Solution Do Not Give Right Answer If Last Number Ends In 5

Mar 19, 2014

I have two unassigned variables A,B . My program goes as follows

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>  
using namespace std;    
bool die (const string & msg);  

[Code] ....

This a program that makes a calculator in which this is a small portion of it, all the exponent numbers work exceptfor anything ending in 5.

Examples go as follow 2^3=8, 3^2=9, 5^2=24

I want to why this happens, is it because they are unassigned variables?

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C :: 2 User Inputs For Calculation

Apr 9, 2014

I want to have calculations take place inside a switch statement that calls the appropriate function. The menu portion of the program works well, but I can't figure out how to let the user actually input 2 different numbers to the functions. My questions are:

1. If I use scanf to assign values to the variables, what determines end of input to each variable? (ie.. scanf("%d%d", &a, &b) what is the end of a, what is the end of b?)

2. Should I assign the variables to user input inside the switch, or try to do it in the functions below?

3. Is there something I haven't thought to ask that will screw me over? I'm really new to this.

int add(int b, int a);
int mult(int b, int a);
main() {

[Code] ....

This really was a test of multilayer menu, but I want to add functionality if I can.

Changed a variable before posting and didn't change all the conditions testing it.

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C :: Keep User From Putting Inputs

Sep 27, 2013

On my program I use a counter to count to 10, then i ask for a string, in this case "yes" or "no", during the count, i want to keep the user from putting inputs in, due to the fact that if they put both "yes" and "no" before the program reads the string.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>


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C :: How To Put What The User Inputs Into Array

Jul 23, 2014

I have a project that requires I take user input from menu options and put it into an array which I will average out. I can set the menu up I think, but I cannot understand how to put what the user inputs into an array. Granted I just took the lecture on arrays today. Also we can only use functions to do the work.

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C/C++ :: How To Get User Inputs Into Array

Mar 16, 2014

How to get user inputs into an array. I have to get 10 user inputs into the array and I'm trying to use a loop but once I run it it crashes whenever you input the first value. This is my absolute first time working with arrays and I've been trying to do research

#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 10
void Input(const int array1[]);
void Calculations(int array1[], int average);
void Output(int array1[], int average);


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C++ :: Error Message While Debugging

Mar 17, 2013

I'm getting an error message that I can't seem to fix. The error clearly states that during the link aspect of the debugging and build there is an error that says that the stdio.h file is either missing, invalid or corrupt. When I try to program using any of the other headers I'm getting the same error. The files are there I can see them in the include folder, so I'm asking what can I do to fix all these headers and beware I am a beginner at programming and using any kind of compiler.

This is the error I receive.
1>------ Build started: Project: hello, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped =========

This is the compiler I am required to use for an online course and all instruction is given for the Microsoft visual 2010 express edition. Also the only file I think that's being referenced is the #include <stdio.h>.

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C++ :: Error Check - Only Alphabetical Inputs

Jan 11, 2015

How can i set up an error check so only letters are entered? I know how to do it for numbers but how to make it so it only allows a-z inputs.

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C :: Picking And Choosing Between User Inputs

Jul 31, 2013

I have recently looked into a self created project where I wanted to compare user input against a list of strings in an external file. That has since been completed to my great satisfaction, however it did throw up some interesting issues in my knowledge and understanding of user input..What is the best way to pick up user input i.e scanf,stdin etc. and when should either be used and can a mixture of types be used, and if so, when and why.

A quick program to take different input methods and display differnt output method (obviously corresponding i.e scanf/printf - fgets/fputs)

My first pothole came when I have setup the method for scanf - fine. Then I setup the method for fgets(test,100,stdin) for example and the fgets method no longer picks up stdin from the user..

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C++ ::  calculating Sum Of Numbers Between Two User Inputs

Mar 17, 2014

How to calculate the values between numbers that a user types in.

Write a function which takes two parameter of integer type and both parameters are positive integer. These number should be provided by the user of your program. The first parameter is lower than the second parameter. You function should be able to calculate the sum of the square of each of the numbers between the two inputs and should display that. Please write a main function to display the working of your function. Call the function at least three times by using some loop in the main function.

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