C++ :: How To Set A Timer And Processing Continues

Apr 28, 2013

I need to set a timer but still have the program processing info. I have looked into using sleep but when using this all processing stops to my knowledge. I tried to use the settimer method but was having some issues since I am not using a dialog based interface.

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C++ :: Enqueue And Dequeue - Loop Continues Until Queue Empty

Sep 13, 2012

Use your language’s native queue class to write the following program: create a class, Patient. The class has 2 members: name of type string; wait_time, a non-negative integer. Read definitions of patients from a file and add the patients to a queue. Write a loop that dequeues a patient from the queue and then decrement the patient’s wait_time. If the patient’s wait time is greater than 0, then the program enqueues the patient again. Otherwise it discards the patient. The loop continues until the queue is empty.

Header File

#include <string>
class Patient {
std::string name;
int wait_time;
bool empty() const;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Returning 2D Matrix After Processing

Feb 10, 2014

[URL] ....

typedef double (*Matrix)[imax][jmax];
Matrix xboundary(){
Matrix xx;
double x[imax][jmax];
int i;

[Code] .....

All I want to do is be able to Return "x" in some way.

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C++ :: Speech Recognition And Processing?

Jun 22, 2013

I've been coding for about 10 years now and it just got to my mind that I would like to learn about how I can create speech recognition software. I am mostly interested in doing this from ground 0 not because there are no other libs I can use, but it's more of an interest to me.

grasp this new and magnificent feature that's becoming more and more used nowadays.

My preference would be coding in C++ (more because of OOP that's why not C) and I don't really like Java.

I know what I'm getting involved in but I am thrilled and willing to go all the way to achieve my goal.

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C/C++ :: Calculating CPU Processing Time?

Jun 13, 2014

I have a problem with calculating the CPUtime. I am using CPLEX to solve linear programming with 3 diferent algorithms.

1-primal Simplex
2-Dual Simplex
3-Barrier Method.

When I am trying to use Barrier method, my clock does not give me a right processing time. I don't have any problem with the other two methods. The value I am getting from ticks2 is 0 when I am using Barrier solver unlike the two other methods that I am getting some small values (ticks1 is fine). Using time_t ticks1 , ticks2 and time(&ticks1) and finally difftime(ticks1,ticks2) also gives me an integer number which is not precise enough. I need a way to compute cputime with accuracy of at least 2 decimals.

clock_t ticks1,ticks2;
double solvingtime
if (solver.primopt==1){
status=CPXprimopt(myEnv, myLP);


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C/C++ :: File Processing Within A Switch?

Nov 16, 2014

The error ive been getting with this code is after i go to the check out option, enter the data then click (ctrl + z). Then program glitches back and forth from the menu to the check out option continuously and im not entirely sure why.

Heres my code:

[#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void records(){
cout << setw(10) << "Ministry of Health Hospital System


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C++ :: Processing Buttons Created At Runtime

Oct 7, 2014

I am developing a small game using MFC in which the game options like new game, save, open, exit etc. can be selected from the menu as well as from the buttons inside the window. I have no problems with the menu but the buttons do not seem to work at all.

The buttons are created at runtime using CButton class. To associate the buttons with the corresponding functions, I just used the same resource ID for the buttons as the menu options, but that did not work. When I click on the buttons, nothing happens. If I assign different resource IDs to the buttons, how do I handle the message map entries? Do I have to write different message map entries for the menus and the buttons while their function is exactly the same?

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C :: Remove The Functions In A Program By Pre-processing

Jun 16, 2013

Is there a program that can remove the functions in a program by preprocessing


int is_even(int number);
int main(void)
printf("%d is even", number);


To something like


int is_even(int number);
int main(void)
if( number%2 ==0 )
printf("%d is even", number);

I use the "-E" option when compiling with gcc on linux but its output still contains funcitons. Is there a preprocessing program that can remove functions from a program?

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C :: Processing Outputs Of Multiple Inputs

Nov 26, 2013

It's not something trivial but I would like to know the best way to process multiple outputs, for example:

First line of input will contain a number T = number of test cases. Following lines will contain a string each.

For each string, print on a single line, "UNIQUE" - if the characters are all unique, else print "NOT UNIQUE"

Sample Input

Sample Output

So how can I accomplish outputs like that? My code so far is:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int inputs, count=0;
char str[100];
char *ptr;

[Code] ....

But the above will obviously print the output after each input, so I want to know how can I achieve the result given in the problem. Also another thing I want to know is, I am using an array of 100 char, which it can hold a string up to 100 characters, but what do I have to do if I want to handle string with no limit? Just declaring char *str is no good, so what to do?

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C++ :: How To Calculate Processing Time In Milliseconds

Feb 5, 2013

I want to calculate processing time in milliseconds as most of function I found give me in second. I am new user to C++, the code will be running under linux.

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Visual C++ :: File Processing Within A Switch?

Nov 17, 2014

The error ive been getting with this code is after i go to the check out option, enter the data then click (ctrl + z). Then program glitches back and forth from the menu to the check out option continuously and im not entirely sure why.

Heres my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void checkOut(){
cout << setw(10) << "Ministry of Health Hospital System


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C :: Stack Smashing - Studying File Processing

Aug 6, 2013

This code does what it is supposed to do, but at the end of the file, I get an error that I have never encountered before. What exactly is stack smashing? I suspect that the files and the permissions might be the issue.


/*Write a a program for file matching
int main(void)


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C++ :: Processing Structured Arrays - Too Many Initializer Values

Apr 22, 2013

I working on an assignment that processes an array of structs. In the main function I am attempting to declare an array of Author structures with 3 elements. It is supposed to be initialized to set all of the string fields (the names and book titles) to "NONE", and the double fields (the prices) to zero. This is supposed to be done in one statement, not using loops. Here is what I have.

struct BookInfo struct Author
{ {
string title; string authorName;
double price; BookInfo books[SIZE] //SIZE = 3
}; };

//prototype for function to print the content of array on screen
void showInfo(Author a[], int size);

[Code] .....

I was under the impression that an array can only hold the values of one data type. So doubles and strings in the same array doesn't make sense to me. However, that's the example my teacher drew up. The error keeps telling me that there are too many initializer values.

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C++ :: Processing Speed Of Rectangle Intersect Function?

Feb 20, 2014

I'm trying to find the fastest method to find whether or not two rectangles intersect in an effort to streamline my code. I've built this function into a rectangle class I created below.

struct rectangle{
rectangle() :X1(0), Y1(0), X2(0), Y2(0) {};
rectangle(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2)
:X1(X1), Y1(Y1), X2(X2), Y2(Y2) {};


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C++ :: Processing Multiple Files From Single Directory?

Feb 21, 2012

I've tried to form together the following code so that I can process multiple files from one user specified directory. However, when I run the program it works great for the first file, but all other files are blank. The problem starts on the following line:


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
using namespace std;
struct dirent *dirp;


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Visual C++ :: Message Processing With JavaScript Or JQuery?

Jul 23, 2014

Is there a way I can do message processing between a Win32 application and Javascript using some Windows CallBack function or using Send or Post message?

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C++ :: Processing Large Files - Getting A Specific Line

Jul 5, 2012

I am reading in some large files to process. The files need to be parsed into multi-line sub units for processing (by a different physical process). My current setup is crude and parses the entire file into memory before beginning to process the sub units. This is fine as long as the file fits, so I get into trouble > 2GB or so when my machine flat runs out of memory. The simple thing to do is to only read in some of the file, process what was read in, and then read in more. I more or less know how to stop reading at some point in the file, but I'm not sure how to resume from that point later when I need more data. Is there a way to count lines and then getline() starting from a specific point in the file? From reading the getline() doc, it doesn't look like there is.

This is my current function,

void ParseFile(char *path, char type) {
// open input file
ifstream input_file(path);
if( !input_file.good() ) { cerr << "Failed to open " << path << endl; exit(ERRCODE_ERROR); }
int pos = 1;

[Code] ....

I need to remove the code to open the file from this function and open it elsewhere. I would like to call this every time I run out of data, if( tasks.empty() ), and get more data from the input file, but I don't know how to resume reading the input file from where I left off.

If this is not possible, I guess I would have to place a function call in while( input_file.good() ) to call out and process the data I have. When the current tasks list is finished, the list could be cleared and control returned into the while loop to continue reading input and start re-populating the list.

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C :: Storage Types / Formatted Input / Output / Processing A Menu

Feb 1, 2013

where to start and how it should be structured. how I should go about writing this program, like should i make functions, pointers, etc. And to display the menu, is it easiest to just use printf statements or is there something more efficient.

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Visual C++ :: Processing Time For PVOID Into Byte Array Conversion

Mar 12, 2013

In my project I'm using PVOID pointer to store real time data. After getting this data I will convert the data into byte array, like below

byte *bPoint = NULL;
PVOID pvData;
byte TempArr[1024];
bPoint = (byte*) pvData;
for(int i=0;i<1024;i++)
TempArr[i] = (byte) (*bPoint + i);

Processing time for the above code takes 9500 to 9900 microseconds (Used QueryPerformanceCounter).

TempArr[0] = ((BYTE*) pvData) [0];

This code takes 1100 to 1200 microseconds. My doubt is, The processing time of PVOID data into byte array conversion takes time like above? Or any other easy way(PVOID data into byte array conversion) to reduce the processing time?

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C++ :: How To Create A Timer

Jan 24, 2014



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C/C++ :: How To Reset A Timer

Apr 12, 2012

Im trying to make a reaction game. I have a grafic that comes up, and the timer starts and when i hit the grafic the timer stops. But my problem is that the Timer doesn't reset.

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C :: Using Timer Module In PIC Microcontroller

Feb 28, 2013

how to produce a period signal that lasts 0.100 ms that is 35% red and 65% green using a bi-colour LED and the timer module?

while(ReadTimer0() < (unsigned int)165)

Its using this: OpenTimer0(TIMER_INT_OFF & T0_SOURCE_INT & T0_16BIT & T0_PS_1_32);

So does that mean that the period signal is 165 * 32 * 4/32 = 660 = 66%? I really just need to know how to calculate the period signal to produce 35% red and 65% green..

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C++ :: Making A Countdown Timer?

May 17, 2013

I'm creating a game in which i.need player to.answer.my question within 10 seconds...

So I need a code for this timer... I don't want code to be paused by sleep or delay functions.. But I need that it waits.for 10 seconds.. and if user types answer in between.. it.reads it

And if player.doesn't answers it within 10 sec.. it displays a message

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C# :: Timer Or Watcher For Variable?

Apr 4, 2015

I have some value in process memory (not my process). I have address of this value and want to execute function or smth else on changing this value. I think to use timers but I think they are too slow - low resolution(I read smth from 10 to 50 ms) and uses CPU too much. Can you offer me some other solution with not very much cpu usage but with checking variable value nearly 1 to 5 ms.

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C/C++ :: How To Create A Timer That Allows Input

May 14, 2013

I am trying to create a five second timer that allows a value to be entered in that span of time. However, if a value is not entered within the five seconds, the timer ends and a value will no longer be able to be entered. I am trying to create a math test that has a five second time limit for equations to be answered.

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C++ :: Timer With Non-return Calculations

Dec 25, 2013

My game runs in a while loop, as you can see in the code below. I need a timer, which won't stop this loop or freeze it, but it will wait, until timer is over and executes code without interfering with the while or for loop.


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
char *map[25][25];

[Code] ....

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