C++ :: How To Read Picture In HDC

Oct 6, 2013

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "conio.h"
#include "windows.h"
using namespace std;
void main(){
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
DWORD color = GetPixel(hdc, 500, 500);

[Code] ....

From this code I think it reads pixel from screenshot. I want to read from file. I think I have to change this line

HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);

but I don't know how to?

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C# :: Printing Picture Not Come On Center Of Page?

Jun 11, 2014

private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
Bitmap myBitmap1 = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Width,pictureBox1.Height);
pictureBox1.DrawToBitmap(myBitmap1, new Rectangle(0 , 0, pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height));
e.Graphics.DrawImage(myBitmap1, 0, 0);


when i print picture exist in picture box image come on top right why i need image come on center of page

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C++ :: How To Change Ordinary Picture With Only Red Channel

Aug 29, 2013

With using SDL_Maprgb and SDL_GetRgb. I am new to programming.

void put_pixel32 (SDL_Surface *surf, int x, int y, Uint32 pixel){
Uint32 *pixels = (Uint32 *)surf->pixels;
pixels[(y * surf->w ) + x] = pixel;

how do i get use of this code?

Uint32 SDL_MapRGB(SDL_PixelFormat* format, Uint8 r, Uint8 g,Uint8 b);
void SDL_GetRGB(Uint32 pixel, const SDL_PixelFormat* format, Uint8*r, Uint8 *g,Uint8 *b)

I am using the existing picture. The function is just like Photoshop, can change the color only in red channel.

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Visual C++ :: Zoom In Using Picture Control?

Aug 13, 2013

I'm have a bitmap that's about 4000x2000. But I want to put it all into a picture control. I attempted to use stretchBlt() to shrink it. But it did not work.


HBITMAP originalImage = CreateDIBitmap(m_picture1.GetDC()->m_hDC,
(unsigned short *)m_OriginalBits,


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C/C++ :: How To Choose Which Picture To Load Using CImg Library

Jul 25, 2014

I've just started using the CImg library and when I try to load a picture with this code:

CImg<unsigned char> image("example.bmp");

It works perfectly. But when I try to type in the image file name using the console it gives me errors. For example, if I try this:

std::string input_file;
std::cin >> input_file;
CImg<unsigned char> image(input_file);

It doesn't work. The way I see it, I should be able type "example.bmp" into input_file and use it but it doesn't work, and gives me the error:

"error: no matching function for call to 'cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::CImg(std::string&)"

I have included iostream and string.h.

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C/C++ :: How To Randomize Images In Multiple Picture Boxes

May 9, 2014

Here's what i'm searching for: I have a form with 3 pictureBoxes (pictureBox1,2,3). The form also contains one button.

What I want is that when the user clicks the button (so button_click event) that the 3 pictureBoxes each show a different picture. And when I click the button again again 3 different pictures will load.

I already found out that I need to make an arraylist for the pictures (there are about 100 pictures). A System.Random
to select random images. But I have absolutely no clue on how to write this code.

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C Sharp :: Assign Webcams To Picture Boxes

Sep 10, 2012

I have a c# form that has two pictureboxes on it. I use two webcams I want the first webcam to allways show it's image in picturebox 1 and the second webcam to allways show it's image in picturebox 2.

How can I write this and stop that annoying popup dialog asking me to select a webcam each time it runs.

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C# :: Using Listbox To Change Image In Picture Box And Text In Label

Mar 21, 2012

My goal is to have couple of items in the listbox and when highlighting one item a image in the picturebox should appear, and so on for each item in the listbox.I just don't know how to change image depending on selected item in the listbox instantly.Also when i highlight item a text in label should be like in highlighted item in listbox.

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Visual C++ :: Get Cursor Position For Picture Control With Scroll Bar

Apr 25, 2014

I was loaded a bitmap using this code. I'm using mousemove method to known the Dialog's mouse move position & get the RGB pixel.

I want to get the picture contol's mouse move position & using this point (x,y) i will get the particular color ref value R, G, & B.

My picture control size is 256 * 256 & I was loaded an image 512 * 512.

Using scroll bar, I was view the image but can't get the particular pixel in the picture control.

The below code get the Dialog's mouse move cursor position & RGB Values only.

void CMyDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {
int R,G,B;
ref = m_dcMem.GetPixel(point.x,point.y);
R = GetRValue(ref);
G = GetGValue(ref);
B = GetBValue(ref);
CButton::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

How can i get the picture contol position even use the scroll bar.

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Visual C++ :: MFC - FrameWnd Output To Picture Control In Dialog

May 29, 2014

I am working on a MFC application that I used for Image Analysis. I have a FrameWnd called MillChart that I use to generate an Image. This window is displayed at the run time in the application and not a part of the GUI dialog. It automatically resizes according to the different monitor resolutions and because of this there is a lot of empty space to the right of the MillChart. I was planning to add a picture control in the GUI dialog and redirect whatever is displayed in the MillChart to the Picture Control so that I can place my other elements (checkboxes, scrollbars etc) that I use in my app close to this MillChart and also set the size of the MillChart to a constant size.

Here is the code for positioning the elements (Note: I have only shown the MillChart position)

void CMainFrame::PositionElements()
CRect r, r2, r3;
int mcs = r.Height() - r2.Height();
mMillChart->MoveWindow(r.right - r2.Width(),r.top + r2.Height(),mcs,mcs);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Dialog Based Application - Draw Line Inside Picture Box

Feb 24, 2014

I create the dialog based application and draw the line inside the picture box. if line is drawn then display the msgbox, if not close the msg box and resize the window then the line is disappear and blank area is shown in picturbox.blem

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C# :: Picture Cropping Code Causing Error In Main Program

Jan 24, 2014

Ok, this thing works as far as the getting the image and drawing the rectangle but for the life of me I cannot figure out why it is causing an in the program.cs.

public partial class Crop : Form {
public Crop(Image BaseImage) {
if ((Bitmap)BaseImage != null) { pbOriginal.Image = BaseImage; }

[Code] ....

BaseImage is pulled in from the main form's picture box.

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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: App That Shows Pixelated Picture In Window - Reference Image On Screen?

Jan 11, 2014

I am developing an app that shows a pixelated picture in a window. I am trying to capture the image, which is composed of a number of tiles processed from a mother image, but I am having difficulty since I can't reference the image on the screen. I have placed a rectangle around the image and my understanding is that I have get the window handle for the rectangle in order to save the Image as a jpg file. In the literature there is something about a Device Context and a window handle but my compiler throws out HWND and I don't really understand the device context. I am using Windows Forms, not native code.

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C# :: Making Moving Button Or Moving Picture Box Clickable?

Jun 13, 2014

i want to make moving button or moving box clickable as i am making a game in which i move picture boxes and user clicks on it and his scores increases. but i was unable to do so , so i tried the same concept with buttons but no results.

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C :: Possible To Read Text Form Keyboard Using Read Function?

Dec 8, 2013

Is possible read text form keyboard using read() function? or which is best way in ansi creplace input command form basic language. for numbers and text...

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C :: Read Contents Of A File Using Low I/O Read Statements

May 15, 2013

I want to read the contents of a file block (512 bytes) by block using low I/O read statements. Each record is 64 bytes long and has a pre-defined structure. The first 4 bytes are an unsigned integer; the next 20 bytes are ascii text, etc.

I have a buffer which I can access with buf[0] to buf[63] to read the first record and then buf[64] to buf[127] for the second, etc. However, I was wondering how to map a record so that I can refer to an integer as an integer and a float as float, etc. I can't create a struct and move the 64 bytes to it, as I will have alllignment/padding problems.

What is the standard way to deal with records in C?

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C++ :: How To Read A Bit From A Byte

Mar 30, 2013

What is the most efficient way to read a bit at a particular position in a byte?

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C :: How To Read RAW Sectors From HDD

Nov 27, 2014

I need it to be faster as possible, so poking here and there looks like that a command line utility in C under linux, should do the job fine.I'm aiming at two goals: the first one is to read the raw sector content (means get the 512 bytes of a sector), the second one would be to take this occasion to study the ANSI C language ( I was coding, but too many years ago, quick basic :-) ) and I like to develop in some RAW disk content manipulation analyzing and so on.

For first test I'd like to sequentially read the sectors and print them to screen until a break happen and this would also tuning and benchmarking the whole situation. I'll add a counter to evaluate the average speed (sectors per second)

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C++ :: How To Read Dat File

Jan 21, 2014

I'm working on a program that reads from a .dat file that has names and numbers associated with the name. What the big picture it will be able to take those names and numbers find the avg of certain peoples scores and display these numbers or names who have the highest etc.

So to keep this short in my main I have it call the class and pass "Even.dat" as a char * fname my questions is how do I go about reading this .dat file? I know sorting it will use a sort algorithm which I will be using a bubble sort. But I haven't worked with ofstream and ifstream very much so some tips would be great! Here's an example of what the .dat file contains

David 42
Rebecca 83
Jonathan 79
Matthew 77
Rose 7
Melanie 75
int main() {
StudentStat StatEven("Even.dat");


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C# :: How To Read The Key In Loops

Mar 18, 2015

im trying to make a program which will tell which key i pressed and then it will print in msgbox, but i cant figure out how to read the key in loops, like i tried getasynkey (imported to my c# console app) with value around -32676 or -32767 i ( i found it on internet) and it only shows the key once, i want to do like while my key is pressed, then it will spam my console with key pressed, is there any way to do it?

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C# :: Read A Particular Value From CSV File

Dec 9, 2014

I am a learner in C#. I want to read a particular value from the CSV file. I have learned the getting the csv file into a datatable through browsing. See the following code and my CSV file format. The following code displays all the values.... Say, I want to get what is the 'Volume' for 'ID' = 90.

CSV file (IDVolumeName.csv)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Can't Read File From Txt

Apr 22, 2013

I have a code for reading a series of data from a text file.The code was shown below I don't know why I can't successfully read file. (Can open successfully)

btw: the text file and source code were located at the same directory.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  
int main(){
int numOfAtoms;


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C++ :: Read By Serial Communications?

Oct 18, 2014

I read correctly in MatLab some data by serial port of a device, but in C... nothing.

Code: #include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
FILE *in;
char linha[30];
// Abrir porta COM de onde se ligou a placa
in = fopen( "COM8", "r" );
if( in == NULL )


The message "ERRO: no consigo abrir porta COM " don't appear, so I haven't error there. I just do not see anything in the terminal.

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C++ :: How To Read Binary Img File

Nov 24, 2014

When reading a binary .img why is it when you read it by slurping in the file, then save it to a string and cout, you don't see the binary but random garbage?

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C :: Read From File Into Structure?

Nov 24, 2013

When I tried to run my code I keep getting a "Segmentation fault".

I am trying to write a code that read from a file and put the data into a structure.

The file look like the following:

The file have 31 lines.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
/* Define a daydata structure */
typedef struct {


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C :: Getting Seg Fault At Read Function

Oct 17, 2013

I have a c source file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <regex.h>

typedef struct

[Code] .....

But the problem is i get a seg fault at the read function.

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