C++ :: How To Output All Possible Binary Combinations
Mar 4, 2014
I need to create a function that outputs all possible binary combinations. I'm really stumped on this. I have to do it with nested loops, and am not sure how to go about it. Below is what I tried so far.
I need to get up to speed in Embedded systems. I need to create a 3led binary counter, when an input is operated the it needs to count up using these leds from 0 to 7. I have written this so far and how to pulse a counter or interger to 7 and then reset back to 0.
int main (void) { LED_Init_1(); LED_Init_2(); LED_Init_3();
I have written a function that takes in a positive decimal and returns its Binary equivalent; however, the output always adds an additional zero to the binary. What could I do to get rid of it?
If the number is 7, it outputs 0111 instead of 111.
I am learning c because I want to get back into programming microcontrollers, which I previously did in assembly. I wanted to make something fairly tight in terms of program memory and RAM to show me an output in binary form. When you are troubleshooting a file register or serial interface when you can see the actual bit values (on a small LCD for a micro-controller) and compare it to a datasheet.
Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { int i; int decimaltoconvert; int convertingarray[7]; int convertingarray2[7];
[Code] .....
Also, how might I go about putting that into a function that I could call?
I want to separate this binary string every 4 characters..I am trying to get a better understanding of how variables are stored in memory and I am looking at their binary address for a pattern..I see a pattern for the last 4 bits
#include <iostream> #include <bitset> int main() { using namespace std; int x[100];
This program has to convert an unsigned binary number into a decimal number. No matter what binary number I enter, however, it always outputs that the decimal number is 0.
My code is as follows:
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { string binarynumber; cout << "Enter an unsigned binary number up to 32 bits." << endl;
[Code] ....
And my output:
Enter an unsigned binary number up to 32 bits. 00001111 That number in decimal is 0
The output should have shown the binary number in decimal to be 15, and I cannot find my error.
Write a C++ application program to accept a signed decimal integer as input and output the equivalent 2s complement version in 16-bit binary. Include a space between every four bits in the output string. The input will only be processed by the application if it falls in the valid range that can be represented in 2s complement format with 16 bits. The range of a decimal number from - to + is -32768 to 32767.
I am working on a script compiler that must output compiled script into binary file. Compiling etc is not a problem. The problem is detecting some specific cases. Nothing seems to work. If it works, then it breaks as soon as i modify the script.
The INDEXES before each line are not in actual script. They are just to point YOU to specific lines. Although the INDEXes are in compiled script!! This is very important. As you see there can be simple IF_ENDIF and nested (more complex) IF_ENDIF.
i.e IF_ENDIF inside another IF_ENDIF.
There are also IF_ELSE_ENDIF and some other ones, but im trying to make simple IF_ENDIF work first.
ENDIF is "SPECIAL" command, the IF, DO_NOTHING are "usual" commands.
"Usual" commands must always jump over(!) the ENDIF. ALWAYS!!
They must "ignore" them!
One strong RULE is like this for usual commands: always jump over any ENDIF, not matter what. If there is one, two or more ENDIF's in a row, then just jump over them to the closest NEXT usual block command. If there is some "usual" block command between multiple ENDIFs, then jump to this command and this command must therefore check whats next command right after it. And do the same: check if next command is ENDIF, if yes, jump over it, until "usual" block command is found.
This is the place im stuck. When i some time ago thinked about some ideas, i saw some patterns. One of them was that: Seems like if its nested IF_ENDIF, then every usual block command jumps out of it, i.e. right after the final ENDIF of this current nested IF_ENDIF.
But as soon as i added do_nothing between the two ENDIFs the so called "pattern" broke. In script2 above you see index 11 is do_nothing. Ok its in nested IF_ENDIF it should jump out to command index 17. But no, because there is do_nothing between index 13 and 16. If we jump out at index 11, the command 14 would never execute. This is a BIG NO. One idea i was thinking and trying was to use STL::FIND, STL::FIND_IF to find next "usual" command after specific index. But my code seems to crash sometimes and not work always.
Code: bool NextNonENDIF(int i) { return (i!=98); } int findNextBlockCmd(vector<int>&vec, int curidx)
[Code] ....
Here i pass him the vector that contains all the command TYPES in current script. Each command has its own TYPE or better called unique ID in which way compiler knows what is what. So in this case im trying to find a command thats NOT "ENDIF", in other words im trying to find next usual command after specific type of command. Lets just say the TYPE or unique ID of do_nothing is 555, im trying to find it.
How i should continue with this? What to use maybe stl::stack, some custom command indexing, some sort of labelling for usual commands in nested IF_ENDIFs or what?
In general, look script2, and i ask: There is index 11, this guy should look if there is any usual block command left for him before the final ENDIF at index 16. If there is, jump to it. If there is none, jump out of this nested IF_ENDIF to index 17.
Question: how to do it? What algorithms to use? I can use STL, BOOST, whatever. And i can use C++11.
A few days ago I got a "bright idea" to see if I could match a string, with an arbitrary length from 1 to 12, to its formulated sequence by using an algorithm to find all possible combinations of the integer combinations from 0 to 9 at each length (1 to 12).
Example: Desired numerical combinations from integers 1 to 3:
And so on until the nth length (in my case a length of 12).
First off, I would like to say that this is not as easy as I thought. I clearly underestimated the problem seeing as I've spent hours attempting to write a working algorithm, but feel like I've made no progress.
I can't exactly explain this one. It works if the length is 2 or less; however, the order of the output is horrendous.
Attempt 3: I tried using recursion, but only found myself getting more and more lost the further I tried developing my function. Cannot find my work for this attempt.
I would really like to figure this out on my own, but I am very stuck as you can see. I also lack time that I can spend working on this since im a full time student.
I wanted to create a 5, 3 combinations. i know how to calculate to get the number of combinations 5 3 would have (which is ten), but it seem it's a bit harder for me to print those data ...
How to find all possible combinations of coordinates on a 2d grid with a given sum. The sum is not fixed!
E.g. N=nxm=25 thats our grid.
The sum=distance between points on a grid.
For two points distance=|(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)| point A(X1,Y1) B(X1,Y1)
My interest is to know how to find the combinations of coordinates with a given sum, it doesn't matter how many points are there.
If i enter the sum e.g sum=7 and the program has to show all possible combinations which gives the sum of 7 the number of point does not play in row they might be two or maybe more.
I am trying to write a program for printing all the combinations of a string. Why this program is giving the error message.
"First-chance exception at 0x761bc41f in word.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::out_of_range at memory location 0x0026f6b4.. Unhandled exception at 0x761bc41f in word.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::out_of_range at memory location 0x0026f6b4.." when i try to run this in MVS 2010
How to get all the possible combinations for 4 digits from a 5 digit number. I need a pair that has both 5 digits and four digits. their sum must be equal to a five digit user input. i.e.
user input : 14690 output: 14690 has pairs 12345 + 2345 2345 came from 12345 lets say that x = 12345 and y =2345 besides y == x%10000
other formula can i have since if i use % and / i will have a lot of declarations....
how to write a password cracking program that will try all possible char combinations for just two chars (without duplicating any combination guesses). Obviously, there would only be 4 possible truth table combinations for two boolean values, but how would a person calculate the number of all possible combinations for two values with 70 different possible chars?
Note that there are 70 chars in all specified above.
It will require much more than a simple truth table to try every possible char combination (especially if the password to be cracked is 2 or more chars). Using this guy's code: [URL] ..... as a starting point, I'm writing a program that will crack a password with a length of just 2 chars.
The first line of my input file is going to contain some number "T" which will represent the "combination length" of a list of random words. (In this case, they are Taco Bell items). The first number on the second line represents the number of unique items on the menu to get, and the second number on the second line represents the number of unique items that are supposed to be bought.
Basically the input will look like this: 2 3 2 taco burrito nacho
And the output looks like this: burritos nachos nacho taco burrito taco
This is what I have so far:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <strings.h> int main(void){ int N, T, K; char menu[N][20];
[Code] .....
What I am trying to get working right now is just to scan a file and put the strings into an array so then I can work on sorting the array. How can I add strings from a file into an array?
I've been experimenting a bit and can't find a decent way to make a brute forcing script that accepts a password from standard input, and goes through all possible combinations until it is matched. How to structure the code?
The code below will generate combinations of numbers from 1 to 25 in an 15 numbers array. The only filter I've applied is that the sum of all the numbers in the vectors divided by 15 needs to be between 13 and 14. I would like to count how many consecutive numbers there are in one combination, so that later i can apply another filter.. for example:
Following is the program I wrote it basically takes 9 inputs and then save them into binary file. then print out the data stored in binary data and find inverse of it then print the inverse out. but its stuck in a loop somewhere.
Code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a[3][3],i,j; float determinant=0; int x; FILE *fp = fopen ("file.bin", "wb");
I am trying to make a program like a virtual machine, and therefore I need to have a virtual hard drive. I have it split across four files, each being exactly 67,108,864 bytes (at this point, the files consist of 0x00 throughout the entire file). When I try to write to the beginning of one of the files, I get a "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xff)" from Xcode.
My assignment is to write a binary calculator that works with floating point for simple math (+,-,x,/). How to do this. the binary numbers need to be from the user.