C++ :: How To Make Map Return Null When There Is Nothing At Certain Position

May 7, 2015

std::map<int, DWORD> unitColors;
DWORD color = unitColors.at(unit->id);

I want to use a color value of 0x00000000 when

a DWORD at unit->id of unitColors is unavailable.

Is it possible?

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C :: Code To Return Value Of Bit At Position Bit Index

Jan 10, 2015

Here's my code

bitIndex = 5;


bool getBS(PBitSet _this, int bitIndex) {
if(_this->bits & (1 >> bitIndex))
return true;
return false;}

I want this code to return the value of the bit at position bitIndex. It can be either false or true. The problem is, that it always returns false, even thought I enter 16 as my number, so the 5th bit should be true.

0000|0000 = 0
0001|0000 = 16

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C++ :: What Is The Command To Return The Position Of The Mouse On Screen

Sep 27, 2013

What is the command to return the position of the mouse on screen in C?

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Visual C++ :: Reading Character Symbols On Lines Of Text Position By Position?

Mar 4, 2013

What I have to do is write a small program in C++ to parse the symbols that are used on 5 different lines of text in each position until position 30 is reached on each line. The goal of the parsing program is to interpret the symbols (characters), if there are any per each position, on the 5 lines of text in order to output the actual data that the group of symbols represents.

My question for is this: Is there anything special from a C++ environment that should go in to something like this outside of using standard stuff like the math associated with the search algorithm that has to happen here? The symbols are located in a file, so I know I have to include "iostream" and a few other headers. But outside of header inclusions and the code necessary to iterate and streamline the search and interpretation process, am I missing anything special that I couldn't otherwise find through simple google searches?

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C++ :: Make A Function To Return Placement Number

Mar 25, 2014

I have a class called items and stored in a vector as vector<items*> item.now I want to make a function to return the placement # that the item is stored at with a unsigned int. but if I don't find the item is there like a null unsigned int that can be returned.

unsigned int someFunc(vector<items*> item)
unsigned int size = item.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (item[i]->getItemName() == "sword")
return i;
//i need code here incase the item is not there

because the item might not be there and i would like to do a line if(unsigned int) do this code

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C++ :: Null Terminator Same As Null And Through False Value?

Feb 18, 2014

I am looking at one of the functions of an exercise:

void escape(char * s, char * t) {
int i, j;
i = j = 0;
while ( t[i] ) {
/* Translate the special character, if we have one */
switch( t[i] ) {


Notice the while loop evaluates the current value in t to true or false. When we hit the null terminator, does that get evaluated as 0 and hence evaluates as a falsy value so the while loop exits?

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C# :: Session Is Null But Not Null?

Mar 31, 2015

When you login to my site my loginservice which is done by ajax and json make a session called context.Session["Name"]. With BreakPoints it shows that everything is good and the variables are in place. However when I use Session["Name"] it comes out as null.

I will add my code at the bottem not

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;


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C/C++ :: How To Make Multiple Subroutine And Return Multiple Arrays

Aug 17, 2014

how to make subroutines and return multiple arrays.Before that, i wrote my program on matlab. could my program to be structured as following?

initial value of program;
subroutine1() {
calculating the first work;
return 2 or 3 arrays;


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C :: Will Return Root Statement At End Ever Return Value Other Than Value Passed To Function?

Mar 29, 2013

I'm writing some functions pertaining to binary trees. I've used recursion once before while learning quicksort but am still quite new and unfamiliar with it. And this is my first time touching a binary tree. So my question: In my addnode function, will the return root statement at the end ever return a value other than the value passed to the function?


#include <stdlib.h>
struct tnode
int data;
struct tnode * left;
struct tnode * right;


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C++ :: Return By Reference - Statement Doesn't Return Value Of N

Jan 11, 2015

From the page: [URL] ....

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int n;
int& test();

[Code] ....


In program above, the return type of function test() is int&. Hence this function returns by reference. The return statement is return n; but unlike return by value. This statement doesn't return value of n, instead it returns variable n itself.

Then the variable n is assigned to the left side of code test() = 5; and value of n is displayed.

I don't quite understand the bold sentence. Shouldn't value of n and variable n be the same?

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C++ :: Map - How To Get The Key Of Element By Position

Sep 21, 2013

I have a "fairly" large, std::map. Is there a way, to get the key of an element, by position? E.g., something like,


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C :: Getting Null Pointers In Most Of Functions

Oct 15, 2014

For some reason I keep getting null pointers in most of my functions, and in my convertTime function the numbers are way higher than they should be.


//Utils.H header file----------------------------------------------

//This function takes the radius of a circle and returns the diameter, the circumference and the area.
int circleStatistics(double radius, double *diameter, double *circumference, double *area);

//This function takes a number of days and returns how many years, weeks and remaining days that is.
int convertTime(int days, int *y, int *w, int *d);

//This function takes a length of time and calculates the dilation of that time at a percentage of the speed of light.
int lorentzTimeDilation(double normalTime, double percentC, double *dilatedTime);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Pointing To NULL And 0 The Same Thing?

Apr 13, 2014


char *endp = NULL;

the same thing as:

char *endp = 0;


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C++ :: Using STRTOK With Null Fields?

Jul 23, 2013

I am beginner in C++ programming. And i was try use STRTOK code with NULL fields, but in ARRAY fields NULL values is skiped. For example:

input text in Memo2:

AnsiString PAT02[100][20];
for (int IndexVRadku02 = 0; IndexVRadku02 < Memo2->Lines->Count ; IndexVRadku02++) {
AnsiString PNF02 = Memo2->Lines->Strings[IndexVRadku02];
char * PN02;

[Code] ....


Array 00 01 02 03 04 05
00 0000 TEXT1 TEXT2
01 0002 TEXT3 TEXT4 TEXT5
02 0003 TEXT6

But i need this result:

Array 00 01 02 03 04 05
00 0000 TEXT1 TEXT2
01 0002 TEXT3 TEXT4 TEXT5
02 0003 TEXT6

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C++ :: Point Of NULL In CString

Jul 9, 2014

I dont see any point of NULL in cstring. The code given below just outputs same as it would have done with NULL. My understanding is if size of char array is less than length of char array then null must be manually added?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char chr[0];
cin>>chr;//or if you use cin.getline;
return 0;

Enter something: hellowwwww
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

why? for NULL char or something else?

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C++ :: Pointer As Parameter Is Null?

Apr 9, 2014

In my raytracer-project I have the following function:

bool hitObjects(Ray &ray, std::vector<Object *> &objects, Vector3& normal, Material *mat) {
double tmin = K_HUGE_VALUE;
double t;


When I try to run this, I only get the message "Material pointer is null". So, somehow the pointer is null after the hitObjects-function is called, even though it isn't inside that function.

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C/C++ :: MySQL - Resultset Is Always Null

Jul 30, 2014

The resultset is always null and the connection is alive. The VS2013 debugger says that mysqlcppconn.dll has no debugging symbols. Tested the query on a mysql console and it worked fine, it returned 1.

CDatabase::CDatabase(CSettings* settings) {
settings = settings;
try {
Connection* con = get_driver_instance()->connect("", "", "");
cout << "Connected." << endl << endl;

[Code] .....

I also get these strange warnings on compile:

1>c:program files (x86)mysqlmysql connector c++ 1.1.3includecppconnsqlstring.h(38):
warning C4251: 'sql::SQLString::realStr' : class 'std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>'
needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'sql::SQLString'

[Code] ......

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C/C++ :: Strtok And Null Checking?

Mar 1, 2015

I'm playing around with parts of code and am coming across some errors. Most of my concern is related to strtok(). I've used it before but with a char* named token. I used a while loop to continuously check whether token was equal to NULL. In the following code, however, there aren't any checks. I was wondering if that is why this code prints (null) while running. Also, I would like to know if it is possible to read input like this code attempts to do - assigning tokens to each variable one after the other.

The format of the input:

Zucchini, Squash, pound
Yellow, Squash, pound
Tomatoes, Ugly Ripe, each
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C/C++ :: Initializing Pointer To NULL?

May 17, 2014

So I'm writing a small program for class, and for some reason I keep getting an error when trying to initialize head to NULL. Even threw in the namespace just to see, nothin'.

using namespace std;


There's my header file. Not sure what I'm doing wrong with the constructor.

EDIT: Got it to work with nullptr, but still curious why that isn't working

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C# :: Linq To SQL With Null Value In WHERE Clause

Apr 13, 2015

I am trying to query fields in a where clause using LINQ to SQL and for some reason I cannot figure out why it doesn't work:

var qryGetMonsterID = (from students in dbContext.tblStudentPersonals
where (students.givenname.Equals(fn)) && (students.familyname.Equals(ln)) && (students.middlename.Equals(mn)) && (students.email.Equals(e))
select students);

The returned SQL Syntax is:

SELECT [t0].[monsterid], [t0].[givenname], [t0].[middlename], [t0].[familyname], [t0].[homeaddress], [t0].[city], [t0].[state], [t0].[postal], [t0].[primaryphone], [t0].[secondaryphone], [t0].[email], [t0].[username], [t0].[lastmodified], [t0].[modifiedby]
FROM [dbo].[tblStudentPersonal] AS [t0]
WHERE ([t0].[givenname] = @p0) AND ([t0].[familyname] = @p1) AND ([t0].[middlename] = @p2) AND ([t0].[email] = @p3)

Not sure but the values for middle name could be null - because not everyone has a middle name and the same is true for e-mail.

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C# :: Need To Replace Null Value By 0 To Calculate

Jun 28, 2014

I have a datagridview (dgv) that is bound to database:

QtyOnHand QtyOnHold QtySold QtyAvailable
10 2 1 null
12 null null null
null null null null
7 5 null null
25 null 5 null

I want to iterate through the datagridview and calculate the last column with this formula:

QtyAvailable = QtyOnHand - QtyOnHold - QtySold

so the datagridview should become:

QtyOnHand QtyOnHold QtySold QtyAvailable
10 2 1 7
12 null null 12
null null null null
7 5 null 2
25 null 5 20

I use this code:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows){
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cells["QtyOnHand"].Value.ToString())){
row.Cells["QtyAvailable"].Value =
Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QtyOnHand"].Value) -
Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QtyOnHold"].Value) -
Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["QtySold"].Value) -

The problem is when any of the value on the right side of the equation is null, the whole equation is invalid. I need to replace the null values by 0 on the fly so that it can be calculated. Note that I do not want to actually replace the null values in the second and third columns of the table, just replace it in the equation whenever it applies to make the calculation work.

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C :: Array Finding Position Of A Value?

Dec 24, 2013

So for a project I'm working on, I'm using an array and generating it's values randomly but unique. Currently I'm working on a 3X3 array and the generated values are in the range from 1-9. So I wrote a function that will tell me the position of the cell whose value is 9. This is the function I wrote:

Code: void Llogaritje1(int t[3][3],int &i, int &j){
int y,l;
}if(t[y][l]==9) break;

But it doesn't work on all cells. Seems like at cells t[1][0] and t[2][0] the values that i and j take are 0 0 since when I print them after excecuting the function that's what it returns. I really don't understand why.

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C++ :: Get Iterator Position After Find If

Jan 25, 2013

I want to get the iterator position after to use find if:

std::list<Texture*>::iterator result = find_if(
if (result != texturelist.end()) {
return // position result

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C++ :: Partial Tokenization From A Certain Position

Mar 14, 2013

I have a string like:

char *origin = "THIS, IS, SPARTA!"

What I want to do is get all characters in a string up to a certain delimiter, for that I've searched I can do that with:


But what I don't know and haven't found is how to use these functions but to start reading from a certain position in the string. So I need to get the characters up to a comma but after "THIS," so that would be starting in position 5...

How could I do that? I tried using [x] in brackets but then it would just read a character...

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C/C++ :: How To Take Input From Particular Position Using Graphics

Feb 26, 2013

I am new to grpahics progamming in/under Borland C. I have included the "graphics.h" header file but i am unable to take input on the screen. If I try to move my cursor to a specified position using gotoxy() function the pointer doesnt moves to the specified location and starts taking input at (1,1) coordinate.

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C++ :: ID Followed By Object Identifier And Position?

Jun 4, 2014

I need to keep a data structure, which has an id, an object pointer and a position. this id is used to randomize things, the object and the position is attached to this id. So which way is better?

struct data {
int id;
ObjectBase* obj;
Vector3 position;
vector<data> vecData;


map<int, pair<ObjectBase *, Vector3>> mapData;

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