C :: How To Get Data Path Of Program

Jan 21, 2015

I got a little question about getting the data path of my c program. I heard something like it's already given in the "int main(int argc, char **argv)". But with witch function can I get it?

For example: The program is called Pathfinder and the path is 'D:Path1Path2Pathfinder.exe'.

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C++ :: How To Find Path To A Specific Program

Feb 16, 2014

In my C++ program, lets call it menu.exe, I want the user to be able to run a specific program when selecting a specific menu, let's call this program cios.exe.

As the users of my program can have the cios.exe installed in any folder location, I need a way to first locate where the cios.exe is located and then start it with ShellExecute. My problem is : How do I find the path to where cios.exe is located in anyones PC as it can be installed it any folder location.

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Visual C++ :: Linear Program For Matrices - System Cannot Find Path Specified

Dec 8, 2012

I have two pieces of code:

#include <cmath>;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

[Code] ....

I am using the gnu glpk library to calculate a linear program for my matrices. Why I get the error message exit code 3 which apparently means "The system cannot find the path specified"?

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C++ :: Program To Find Shortest Path Between Vertices Using Matrix Power Multiplications

Feb 24, 2013

given matrix A find shortest path between vertices using matrix power multiplications untill u get nonzero values,use adjacency matrix

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C++ :: Extracting File Name From Path?

May 17, 2013

I have a string like this

const char *filename = "C:/Qt/progetti/worlds/fasr.world";

then I have a string like this

char *pathdir = "C:/Qt/progetti/worlds";

I would get this string: "worlds/fasr.world" how should I do ?

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C++ :: Get Full Path Of File?

Nov 26, 2013

I wanted to make my program read the file "input.txt". I did it successfully, but now I want to get the full path of the file "input.txt". Is there any way to do it?

My output should be :

FILE *file;
std::string fullFileName;
file = fopen("input.txt", "rb");
if(file != NULL)
// getfullfilename(file, fullFileName);
// std::cout << fullFileName.c_str() << std::endl;

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C++ :: Enter Manually A Path?

Jan 26, 2015

about putting manually a path in my code.

This is what my code should looks like

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>


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C/C++ :: Getting All Files And Subfolders In Given Path?

Sep 1, 2014

basically I need to list all of files and subfolders and files inside them etc till all paths has been inspected, read data from every single object and pack it all into a single file.

I did not want to use boost or minizip because it seems too much for something so easy so I just wrote it myself via dirent - everything works fine I just have problem with directories and files with non ANSI character in titles (I'm from Poland) like ąęoźż etc. I can open them without problem and read all data from them but when I pack their's filename to std::string - it gets corrupted and happend to be for example:

TEST~1 instead of TESTąę

Just a note that data inside files is being written without problems - all special characters are stored without problems.


#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
typedef struct {
std::string path;
unsigned lenght_of_path;


I have already tried using std::wstring and Wide Characters function from dirent.h but I have failed.

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C++ :: Ofstream Valid Path And Name

Jan 27, 2013

The following code writes to a file on either local disk to a remote disk (commented out code) on Windows 7 platform.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
ofstream outfile;


The documentation does not specify what is a valid filename (path and filename). For example, will the "\server emp" path work on all operating systems to access a samba share? Does the constructor accept forward and backward slashes as folder separator on all operating systems?

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C++ ::  Default Document Folder Path

Mar 12, 2013

im trying to write a file to a default document folder..something like...

FILE* file;
file = fopen("%docdir% est.txt", "w");
fputs("Hello", file);
"%docdir% est.txt" this isnt working for me, i have to write it as
"C:userspublicdocument est.txt"

any method to write directly to default document folder so it will work in most Windows ? for example in windows 7 this is the default folder "C:users publicdocument est.txt" in windows XP its different

i have to detect the windows version first, to write the correct path

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C++ ::  Getting A Full Path By Using Text File Name

Jan 16, 2014

How to get a full path of a directory only using a text file name? (Btw i am using visual studio not windows)...

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C++ :: Path For Reading A Text File

Oct 13, 2013

I need to open a text file game_scores.txt and i can not figure out a way to.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {

[Code] ....

the code is used to read the text and take the first 4 pieces of info but i do not know how to do it. i have already created the text file and moved it into the source. i am using visual studios 2012. In 2010 the text file would show a relative path, it doesn't in 2012

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C++ :: Windows Path - Folder Of Execution

Jan 17, 2014

This question is currently only for windows; but I would like to know about a cross-platform way to perform what I want to do (explained below) -

I have created a little program:

#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
std::cout << argv[i] << '
} }

I have added this program to the windows PATH. I put this program in C:Program FilesProgram

I now navigate to C:DataVariousTexts using CMD.

Then I type in: "program x"

The program will print out "program x" as by default. What I would like to get hold of is the folder in which the program is actually being called. ( I want to somehow get "C:DataVariousTexts" to be read into my program ).

How do I perform such an operation?

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C++ :: Appended File Path Not Working

Sep 2, 2014

I need to append file path for some particular program. But the problem is when I append it like below, it gets error whether filepath seems to be C:/Users/My/Desktop/C++/1.txt

int i=1;
stringstream str;
string filepath=str.str();
ifstream ipf(filepath);
{ do some thing...}

But if it was like this no error, program work as desired.

int i=1;
stringstream str;
string filepath=str.str();
ifstream ipf("C:/Users/My/Desktop/C++/1.txt");
{ do some thing...}

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C++ :: Where Is The Path For Header Files For Mac Xcode

May 27, 2013

I want to include turboc.h file for some project

where do i have to add this file for mac xcode?

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C++ :: Changing Relative Path Reference?

Sep 3, 2014

FILE* pFile = fopen ("./myfile.txt","w+");

Is there a way to change what a relative path is referencing after runtime has started?

My specific issue is that I have several existing 100,000+ LOC lua projects. I am building a new back-end in C/C++ for this by wrapping a Lua C library. The lua scripts use io.open("./path/relative/to/project/file") which translates to fopen(...) in C. The project file which this is relative to is opened by the user after the application has started.

I see two solutions, neither are particularly good:

1) Change every io.open() function in every project to be relative to a static location. I lose all flexibility if I do this.

2) Modify the Lua library to prepend a custom path to opened files. Modifying 3rd party libraries suck because you can't update the library without tracking patches.

3?) Ask cplusplus forum if there is a way to change the relative directory.

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C# :: Connection String With Relative Path

Jun 3, 2014

I have my application database in the AppDataRoaming folder. I'm trying to create a connection string for Telerik reporting, up until now I've had a connection string in a settings class that is put together like this:

The path is:

data source=C:UsersSynlightAppDataRoamingAppNamedataAppDB.sqlite

I've tried files paths like this:




(those are not the real directory names, of course). How do I create a connection string that will work on target machines?

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C++ :: Multi Agent Path Finding

Feb 25, 2014

I am new to Path Finding so I just know BFS, DFS, Djisktra, and Basic A*

I've searched for a few multi agent pathfind paper here and there. But I can't seem to understand them..

I am path finding in a grid map, 4 ways neighbor movement

My map isn't so big it's 300 x 300 up to 400 x 400

Most of the map is open space, I would say that at worst case 4/5 of the map is open space.

And there is probably around 100 agents.

I've tried running BFS 100 times and it takes around 200ms on average

Changing BFS to A* which I am thinking right now will definitely cost lesser time

But are there better ways in doing this ? and also Does running Single Agent A* multiple times doesn't cause problem for other agent ? perhaps causes deadlocks ? ( Considering that the path that have been determine for agents before the current searched is considered blocked )

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C# :: How To Get Source Path Of Selected File

Jun 5, 2014

how to get source path of selected file.

for example :

selected image in E:/


application - asp.net(C#)

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C/C++ :: Assign Path For The Files In For Loop?

Jan 6, 2015

I wrote this code but it opens file in its folder Iwant to save in somewhere else. How I could assign path for the files in for loop?

for (double j = 0.5; j < 1.4; j+=0.1) {
s +=1;
stringstream a;
a << j;
filename = "Vzcr_" + a.str();
filename += ".txt";
files.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out);

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C# :: Get Selection From ComboBox / Getting Binding Path Instead?

Nov 19, 2014

I have a comboBox that I created in XAML using using binding and I'm unable to get the selection. I've tried everything I could think of or find on, but no luck.

Here's the relevant XAML and C# code for the comboBox:

<ComboBox Name="projSelected" Selectionchanged="projSelected_Selectionchanged" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="424,27,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="199" DisplayMemberPath="proj"/>
projSelected.ItemsSource = DAL.projectList;

Then here is where I try to check the selected value:

private void projSelected_Selectionchanged(object sender, SelectionchangedEventArgs e) {
projectDataList.ItemsSource = null;

[Code] ....

And here is my output in the MessageBox that I'm using to test the code:


project=Website selected=employeeProjects.project

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C++ :: Finding The Longest Path In A Graph

Dec 29, 2013

I was asked to find the longest path in a graph. I was thinking about using Dijsktra's algorithm after multiplying all the weights with -1 and run the program in normal way and find the shortest path. And then I'll multiply with -1 again and get the longest path. I think this should give me the longest path, do you think it would work? And also, I'm dealing with considerably big data, such as 1.000.000 nodes and many more edges. etc. and I have a time limit of 2 seconds and memory limit of 128mb. Any other data structure instead of Adjacency Matrix? Because I'm pretty sure it will exceed the limits.

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C/C++ :: Prompting User For The Path Of A File

Feb 14, 2014

Suppose there are two cpp programs and we want the user to put the complete path of the first cpp file into second cpp file while it(second file) is running and compile and show the output there, so how can this be done?

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C/C++ :: Specification Of Path In File Handling?

Jul 12, 2012

i want to create/open any file present in any location in my computer. How do I assign a path in C++ syntax?

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C++ :: Program To Add Data Of Five Students

May 13, 2014

I need a program. I need to add the data of five students their mobile number,address,sec, and deprtmnt....program should be like:

s.no name address phone

And starting should be like press 1 to insert data

press 2 to save data
press 3 to find data
press 4 to quit

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C :: Function That Gets As Parameter File And Folder Path

Oct 18, 2014

I'm writing a small function that gets as parameter a file's path and a folder's path, and copies the given file to that folder.

int copy_file(const char* source, const char* folder) {
char copy[PATH_MAX];
strcpy(copy, folder);
strcat(copy, "/");
strcat(copy, source);

[Code] ....

Basically, this function purpose is to make a backup of source in folder every X minutes (depending on user's input).

The problem is the second call to open():

This call attempts to open the file for writing, and creates it if it is not already exist.

It also truncates it before writing to it - and that's my concern:

Let's say this is the second time this function runs, so copy is already exist. open() will then truncate it, and then one of the system calls in the while loop fails.

In this situation, I might be left with no backup file.

The problem also arises for when source is a read-only file:

If source is a read-only file, and copy is not already exist (meaning - it's the first backup attempt), then everything's fine, but, if source is a read-only file and copy is already exist, then I have to first remove copy altogather, and make a fresh copy of source.

Making a backup with new name for copy every time copy_file() runs, will solve this problem, and how can this be accomplished?

I should say that I'd really prefer that copy and source will have the same names when copy_file() returns...

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