C :: How To Edit Printed Array Board For Simple Candy Crush Game

Oct 24, 2013

I am required to create a simple candy crush game.

I am this stage where I am required to print the 'box' for navigation purpose at the center of the board once the program initializes.

Here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
//FUNCTION: Draw the Board


I understand that the sequence could be to clear the screen and print the whole board with the indicated marker.

*Yes I am required to move the box in later part of the program but for now, I just need to get the box to show up at coordinate

Code: board[5][5]

I am stuck ...

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C :: Generate Set Of Random Numbers On Board (2D Array) Like Candy Crush

Oct 15, 2013

Assignment on making a program like candy crush but it is called as number crush.

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C :: Creating Match-3 (Candy Crush) Game Using Arrays

Mar 6, 2015

I'm supposed to create a "game" that is similar to Candy Crush or Bejeweled. The assignment takes in a .txt file that contains a matrix of values from 1-5 and then assigns each value to a spot in a [10][10] array. Then an Escape Code function prints out colored pixels in place of the number values for each spot, creating a "game board" looking output. Finally, the program is supposed to look for any matches of 3 same-colored pixels and replace them with a white pixel and "XX". Then the program prints the corrected game board with the matches X'd out.

I have it mostly coded, but I've encountered a couple of issues.

1.) I am supposed to label the columns and rows 0-9, and while I have no problem coding the labels for the columns using printf( ), when I try to print the row labels I get a random string of numbers.

2.) I replaced the matches with white pixels by reassigning the value in the array to 7, for which the ANSI Escape Code is white. However, I'm unsure about how to print the "XX" in the same spot.

Here is the input(.txt) file and the output of the program so far:

And here is what I have coded at this point:

#include <stdio.h>
void printEscapeCode(int c);
int main(void)
/* Declare an image array to be gameboard */
int gameboard[10][10];
/* Declare variables and load in how many rows and columns */
int Nrows;
Nrows = 0;


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Visual C++ :: Puzzle Game - Implement A Way To Save Board State Throughout User Inputted Path

Mar 16, 2013

I've been trying to figure out how to implement a way to save this board state throughout a user's inputted path. At the end, I need the output to print out the board states (user's path) of how he or she got the puzzle solved. This puzzle is the 15 Puzzle; but we have it to change by the user's input on what size they want to play (3x3 to 5x5). How to save the board state of each user input, then print those out in order from beginning to solved puzzle state. Subsequently, I would also need transferring the board state to change with using a vector to store the size based on user input. How to proceed, using a first search to solve the puzzle from the current board's state.


/*Calculations set as a header to keep compiling simple and faster*/

#ifndef calculations
#define calculations
int solved[5][5];
void initialize(int board[][5], int);
void slide(int board[][5],int move,int);
bool isBoardSolved(int board[][5],int);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: String Getting Printed Even After Size Of Array Is Exceeded?

Mar 4, 2015

void main() {
char name[5];
cout<<"Enter your name";
cout<<"Your name is"<<name;

In the above program the size of the array of the variable name is 5. which means the variable cant store more than 5 characters.

which also means

If I give the string "LINISH"
It should only print LINIS

But while the program is running, Even if I type a 10 characters string, It is getting printed Completely..why?

void main(){
char name[5];

[Code] .....

In this program when I input a string for the variable name,It is getting printed completely, irrespective how many characters are there in the string.But If the string (which is input to the second variable that is game )holds more than 5 characters. the input of the first variable(name) is getting disturbed..why?

look at the below cited output to be more clear about my doubts.


Enter your name:LINISHFRANCIS (Note that the input holds more than five chars)
Enter your game:GOLF(input is less than five chars)

LINISHFRANCIS loves GOLF(Two inputs are getting printed comopletely)


Enter your name:LINISHFRANCIS (Note that the input holds more than five chars)
Enter your game:FOOTBALL(input is more than five chars)

ALL loves FOOTBALL [Note that "ALL" is the last three letters of FOOTBALL

I am using TurboC++ for windows 7

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C :: Make A Simple Letter Guessing Game?

Oct 2, 2013

when it comes to programming. I was trying to make a simple letter guessing game where the user has 6 chances to guess the letter V. The command prompt works fine until the user enters 'y' to play. It repeats my HIGH & LOW statements twice before letting me guess again. It's all a mess.

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C++ :: Simple ASCII Game - Fractal Terrain

Jan 31, 2013

I've been in the process of making a simple ascii game and worked out to make random terrain that wasn't all that bad (but has some flaws and is not very efficient). I came across midpoint displacement and the diamond square algorithms and was blown away by the results that come from using them. So I decided to try implementing one into my game but I'm having a really hard time coding it out. I have read a whole bunch on them but haven't really found any good tutorials that breaks it down into steps with sample code. I just need it stored in an array I can handle graphics and output.

ex: 5x5 array with all starting corners being 9 in height


^^Something simple like that.

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C++ :: Making Arrays For Equipping Weapons In Simple RPG Game

Feb 26, 2014

I have a sword(25 damage), spear(20 damage), arrow(15 damage), dagger(10 damage) and knife(5 damage). I want to make a class for them so that I can equip one of them in battle and use them to inflict damage.

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C/C++ :: Simple Arkanoid Game - Deleting Instance Of A Class

Mar 24, 2015

I am making a simple arkanoid game. When the ball hits the block, i want the block to disappear. How would i go around this? i am working in visual studio. I got the collision and everything working.. Here is my code;

int main(int argc, char** argv){

SDL_WM_SetCaption("Graphics Window",NULL); //set name of project

//variable declaration
float startTime;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Trying To Draw A Grid In A Square For Simple Checkers Game

Oct 7, 2014

I am trying to draw a grid for checkers. I could draw a square at the starting point from origin with the code below(attached the pic below how it looks) however I am not being able to draw a grid when the program runs.

#include "ccc_win.h"
// GameDemo.cpp
// Shows how to place a piece accurately on a grid after a mouse click.
#include "ccc_win.h" // for graphics classes and functions
using namespace std;
int ccc_win_main(void) // main function for graphics program

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  Making Simple Game In SMFL - Player Class Does Not Have Type

Jul 20, 2013

I'm trying to make a very simple game in SFML, and i have a problem. Whenever i try to create sf::Sprite for the class where all properties of Player (his sprite, health, speed, etc.) It gives me error.

#include <sfml.h>
#include <list>
class Playerclass{
int xspeed, yspeed;
float health;
sf::Sprite entsprite();

[Code] ....

The error is with player.entsprite.setTexture(texture) : "'player.Playerclass::entsprite' does not have class type".

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C++ :: Simple Game Menu - Program That Simulates Handheld Gaming System

Sep 26, 2013

I have to write a program that simulates a handheld gaming system. a system can have power toggled so its either on or off. when the system is on, its volume level can be raised or lowerd. a system has minimum volume level of zero and a maximum volume level of 10. a system stores games.

// simple game menu
//simulates a handheld gaming system
using namespace std;
class Game {
Game(int GameNumber = 3, int volume = 10);

[Code] .....

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C :: Strings To Be Printed In Different Colors

Aug 21, 2013

I am currently using Dev-C++ compiler for creating a C project. I need few strings to be printed in a different color.

int main(void)
{ textcolor(RED);
cprintf("Hello world

While I use " textcolor(RED) " it says: 'RED' undeclared, first use in this function.

If i make it: " textcolor(3) ", it says: [Linker error] undefined reference to textcolor & undefined reference to cprintf.

have been searching for a solution on google since morning. At last I could make out that it is not the correct compiler with suitable library or outdated <conio.h> header file.

I had switched from turbo(or borland, I don't remember) to Dev-C++ compiler due to some kind of library issue. Now I guess I'll have to switch to some other IDE. Which one is that, I don't know yet. There was another thread also about this topic, but didn't provide any solution.

Is there any method to upgrade certain header file (I don't think so)? What would be the best IDE with updated libraries?

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C/C++ :: String Printed With Extra Characters Form Nowhere

Oct 18, 2014

This code is printing out "hello worldProgr-¡'*/"

Why is it adding those extra characters? And how can I free "lowerString" while still being able to return the value?

#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char* tokenToLowerCase(char*);

[Code] ....

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C :: Simple Search - Any Single Numbers In Array

Jul 13, 2013

I wrote a code which checks if there are any single numbers in an array.e.g.In the next array there is a single number - "3" 4 1 4 3 4 1..Here is an array which doesn't have single numbers in it: 4 1 4 3 3 1

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int single (int arr[], int size)
int couple=0;


First I thought to double the number of couples I'll get from my search and find some connection to the length of the array, but it hasn't worked out (signed red).

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C++ :: Simple Array With Access Violation Errors

Oct 17, 2014

I have a rather large project which uses a float array for OpenGL but I believe I am reproducing the problem with a simple example below.Essentially I am getting access violation and HEAP CORRUPTION errors when I execute the code below.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << "Please enter in the size of the array you would like to create:


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C/C++ :: Binomial Expansion - Simple Math String Into Array

May 5, 2014

My project is binomial expansion. I want to allow for basic string input. Then, I must process the string for input into the other portions of my program. To make the binomial expansion calculation simpler I am using two separate arrays for the first and second term of the binomial expansion. The integer array structure for each term is [{numerical Coefficient of term}, {exponent of variable a}, {exponent of variable b}, {exponent of variable c}, ......{exponent of variable x}, {exponent of variable y}, exponent of variable z}].

So, if the user doesn't use a variable it's exponent's value will = 0. The reason why I set my array up like this is so it would be very simple to raise each term to the power of n, or (n-k) (Multiple variable exponents by number, raise #coefficient to the power). It would also be easy to combine the terms to get one term. terms[0] are multiplied, all other terms are added.

My issue is translating a basic mathematical string consisting of only Integers, letter, parenthesis, and '^', into the array. I find difficulty mainly due to the '^' symbol. I know how to find the array index for a given letter. termArrayIndex = (int)((char from string) - 'a' + 1)

the main things causing me issues

-The issue is knowing which numbers to multiply by the array.

E.g. (_(_____)^#(__^#__)^#____)^#

I started by finding the first ')', then finding the preceding '(' and processing that string. I would then remove said string and use recusrion to go through the whole string. This method doesn't work because there is data loss upon removal of processed string. EG (__(__)^#) =remove innermost string and parenthesis=> (__^#) != (__()^2,

-maybe enter all terms, leave parenthesis, then process exponents separately...

-I may be able to find the # of separate terms by seeing # of times a '(' comes after a ')'

This is by far the most difficult part of the problem for me. But that also makes it the most fun. I want it to be able to handle all variation of these basic mathematical expressions.

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C++ :: Board Not Printing Correctly

Jul 19, 2013

I'm writing a version of the classic Snake game. However, my board is not printing correctly. The right hand border is in the incorrect location. Also, when I randomly generate where the food ('X') is located, it only generates on the edges of the boundaries.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
const int ROWS = 21;
constint COLS = 61;


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C++ :: Tic Tac Toe - Board Is Not Showing Numbers

Feb 7, 2014

I'm programming tic tac toe but the board is not showing numbers, and it is simply stating the winner without any input: (the win conditions are not complete, but it shouldn't matter).

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Write a two-player tic-tac-toe game; use enums when possible to represent the values of the board

char ticBoard[3][3];
char board[10];
void showBoard();
bool moveIsValid(int m);
int whoWon(); // 0 tied, 1 p1, 2 p.2

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Make Bool And Void In Board

Mar 14, 2013


Direct to the board[8][8].

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C++ :: Using Loops For Drawing A Checkers Board?

Jan 27, 2014

This is the text of exercise 4 of chapter 12 of PPP; Draw a checkers board: 8-by-8 alternating white and red squares.

Is there a way to use the loop for doing that code to minimize the size of the code?

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C/C++ :: TicTacToe Board Won't Update - Prints Twice

Feb 22, 2015

Im trying to make a Tic Tac Toe board for an assignment. Right now it compiles fine but when I enter an x or o it does not update the board it just prints out the '.'s that the board is initialized to. Also, when I get to player 2 the board will printout twice so its 6 rows or 3 columns. The project uses a main to ask who starts then goes to a play function that asks for inputs and calls the makeMove function to place the x's and o's and the print function to display the updated board.

bool Board::makeMove(int rowIn, int columnIn, char currentPlayer) {
if (playBoard[rowIn][columnIn] == '.') {
playBoard[rowIn][columnIn] = currentPlayer;
return true;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Can't Refresh Checkers Board On Application

Dec 6, 2013

I Cant get my checkers game board to refresh every time i make a move. i have system("cls") But it does nothing of the sort.. To move a pice ive created an illusion which swaps one pieces appearance with another :

void getpiecetomove(int startx,int starty, int endx, int endy) {
boardpiece tmp;
//Regular Moves Pieces
tmp = board[startx][starty];
board[startx][starty] = board[startx+1][starty+1];
board[startx+1][starty+1] = tmp;

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C :: Reading Button Input On Arduino Board

Mar 7, 2013

Okay so this is part of a small uni module around the arduino board. The task is to simulate traffic lights at a junction. At the moment my code below runs through the sequence with 2 seperate lights. When one set of lights turns RED , the other turns GREEN.In my main loop method I need to add a button for a crossing. I want to be able to check if the button is pressed at each of the delays but do not want to have to hold it down.I have thought about putting it at the top of the loop but then the program will only check if button is pressed in that point therefore the user will have to hold it down?


int green1 = 13 ;
int amber1 = 12 ;
int red1 = 11 ;

int green2 = 6 ;
int amber2 = 7 ;
int red2 = 8 ;


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C++ :: Resetting Board On TicTacToe In Order To Play Again

May 25, 2014

How to reset the board in order to play again without spots already taken.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

char location[10] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
int displayMenu(int &player, int &win);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Tic Tac Toe - Initialize Arrays At Zero And Output Board To Screen

Sep 13, 2014

/* This is what I have so far what i am trying to do is to initialize the arrays at zero and output the board to the screen. Part of the problem is the user has the option of the board size. All this is suppose to do is to output the board to the screen. I am having problems understanding 2D Arrays.

using namespace std;
int main() {
const int BOARD_MAX = 10; // Maxinum Board size.
const int BOARD_MIN = 3; // Minimum Board size.
array = [COL];
array [ROW];

[Code] ....

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