C++ :: How To Check If Process Loaded Completely
Sep 17, 2014For example, I have a game loading to start up .. How can I check if it completely loaded?
View 1 RepliesFor example, I have a game loading to start up .. How can I check if it completely loaded?
View 1 RepliesIn my program I have to load a page in a second window based on user's decision. This is how I do it:
case 1:
Page1 p1 = new Page1();
secondwindow.frame.Source = new Uri("p1.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
case 2:
Page2 p2 = new Page2();
secondwindow.frame.Source = new Uri("p2.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
The user should not be able to navigate between these two pages, and between choosing one or the other page, the user will have some interaction with the main window. For the user interaction with the main window, the second window gets hidden:
if (secondWindow != null)
Now if the user selects the first page and and then the second page, when I show the second window, I can see the first page for a fraction of a second, and then second page gets rendered. I wanted to know if there is a way to make sure the rendering is complete before using:
I'm looking to code a completely random distribution of numbers that doesn't affect performance using rand. I believe this code would be ideal but I don't understand how to use it. Where would I input the range of numbers and the quantity?
double uniform_deviate ( int seed ){
return seed * ( 1.0 / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );
} int r = M + uniform_deviate ( rand() ) * ( N - M );
And for the seed...
unsigned time_seed(){
time_t now = time ( 0 );
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)&now;
unsigned seed = 0;
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof now; i++ )
seed = seed * ( UCHAR_MAX + 2U ) + p[i];
return seed;
} srand ( time_seed() );
I am doing a messaging application using Visual C++ window form application.
Sometimes I can't receive a whole message from the sender. If i type short sentence like "123456", it can be shown properly. But, if i type a quite long sentence like "123456789123456789", it can't shown a correct message, can't show exactly the whole message.
here is my code:
String^ message;
String^ message1;
String^ name = this->serialPort1->PortName;
how is it done?
ex. mp3player keeps songs loaded
If you're writing a .dll you can prevent that dll from getting loaded into some processes by returning false from the dllmain.
I'm looking for a way to do it the other ay around. I have an exe, and I want to prevent a certain hook dll from getting loaded/injected into my exe.
A customer is running some software which loads a hook dll into our exe, and this is subsequently preventing our application from running as intended. Both our software as well as the third party app is required, and there is no way to get the third party dll changed. (no longer supported).
I am compiling using Microsoft Visual C++ and I am trying to create a program that ask's the user for 10 numbers, and these numbers will have to be loaded into a one dimensional array of 10 elements. I read up online as well as my book and looked at sample programs, then created mine which was similar to the sample programs I looked at, but the sample ones compile , while I get C2059 and C2061 Syntax Errors. I am new to programming so I understand it could be one small thing but I after looking over it I am completely clueless.
Heres my program:
[Code] .....
My program is also attached
I'm working on a program that can load all words from a dictionary "English2.txt" (it's attached to the post), then put every word into a 2-dimensional matrix (every line is reserved for one word) and display them. After loading every word into a matrix, when I try to display first 8 words with printf, I can't do it without '' at the end of a line. Otherwise only the 8th word is displayed... What's more, when I try to read the length of the first word with strlen, it says, that it has 4 characters (in fact there are only 3 and it's the word "AAA"). What could be the reason for that?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main()
FILE *fp;
char buffer[32];
I have a question about a dynamically loaded library I am using. I have called it SqlWrite, it is for connecting and writing to a Microsoft SQL server DB. I have a function in it that is defined as:
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) RETCODE __cdecl SqlExecS(SQLHANDLESTR* h, LPCSTR Statement) {
std::string input = Statement;
std::wostringstream conv;
conv << input.c_str();
std::wstring wCmd(conv.str());
[Code] ....
I then load it in another MSVC project as:
#ifdef WIN32//C:UsersaDocumentsVisual Studio 2012ProjectsGetPageSourceDebugGetPageSource.dll
#pragma message("WIN32 is defined")
#ifdef _DEBUG
[Code] ....
As you can see, inside the prototyped function "SqlExecSP", I cout (or, rather, wcout for wide characters) the sql statement i am running, and the return code of the sql statement. a sql return code of "0" is equivalent to "SQL_SUCCESS". Then, I cout " got player again " after executon of SqlExecSP alias SqlExecS.
This usually works, and gives me following sample output:
exec SELECT [PlayerID], [FirstName], [LastName], [TeamID] FROM [soccer].[dbo].[Players] WHERE LastName = 'Abdellaoue' AND FirstName = 'Mohammed' retcode 0
got player again
However, sometimes, the program crashes somewhere between outputting "RETURNING FROM EXECSP NOW!!!" and outputting " got player again ", i.e. the output is then:
exec SELECT [PlayerID], [FirstName], [LastName], [TeamID] FROM [soccer].[dbo].[Players] WHERE LastName = 'Abdellaoue' AND FirstName = 'Mohammed' retcode 0
As you can see, it doesn't output the next line " got player again ", because it somehow crashes in between.
However,t he only line that should be executed between this, as far as I can understand, is the actual return of the DLL function SqlExecS, prototyped as SqlExecSP in my calling code, i.e. the only line that should be executed in between is:
return RetCode;
However, somehow, this fails, even though RetCode is "0", as I can see at the end of the output
exec SELECT [PlayerID], [FirstName], [LastName], [TeamID] FROM [soccer].[dbo].[Players] WHERE LastName = 'Abdellaoue' AND FirstName = 'Mohammed' retcode 0
Now, why sometimes this crashes, and sometimes this works. I.e, I can sometimes call this function x times, and it doesnt fail, outputting " got player again " right after the calls, and sometimes, it fails somewhere in between, at call x, y, or z, i.e. sometimes i can execute it ten times successfully and sometimes i can't, even though the return code is still 0, and it just fails somewhere in between. I am not sure if it has to do with the call being a call to a dynamically loaded DLL function, but I can't see where else the error is.
Why this can be failing, and at different, seemingly random times?
I have a project which I started. then tried to add the directx toolkit to the project referenced it but now my program wont load.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Visual Studio 2010 with WindowsXP 32 bit. when i placed break points in my solution and trying to debug then i am getting THE BREAKPOINTS CAN NOT BE HIT NO SYMBOLS HAVE BEEN LOADED FOR THIS DOCUMENT issue.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have two projects (Projects A and B). Project A is a dll project, defining a function called "regex".
Project B dynamically loads this DLL, and calls Project A's "regex" function via LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress.
Regex takes a pointer to an std::vector (std::vector<std::cmatch>).
When debugging ProjectB, I can see that, within the code from ProjectA (in the "regex" call), a loop that loops through the elements of the vector outputs all the elements in the vector to console as expected. But the loop in ProjectB ( which executes after ProjectA), which also loops through the vector, and, is supposed to output the elements of the vector, outputs empty strings, not, as I would expect, the same strings (which contain results), as in the loop in Project A.
How is this happening. Does this have anything to do with it being a DLL, and, maybe, somehow values/memory addresses (or something similar) of the vector/its elements being destructed across the Projects/Dlls?
Output and Code See Below:
Output Loop in A:
Output Loop in B: (empty) (i.e. none)
Project A DLL Header (interface.h):
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <regex>
extern "C" {__declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl regex(std::string target,std::string rgx, std::vector<std::cmatch*>* matches);}
I am getting "driver could not be loaded due to system error 8" error while connecting to SQL Server 2005 from VC++. Its also throwing out of memory error. Basically i am developing and ISAPI dll. I use the following code to connect to DB.
CDatabase DBConnection;
if(! DBConnection.IsOpen()) {
DBConnection.OpenEx("Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=Test;Trusted_Connection=yes;", CDatabase:penReadOnly | CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);
[Code] .....
for CDatabaseConnection, i can see 2 different method to open the connection, OpenEx and Open. Whats the difference between OpenEx and Open?
I wrote a program that use a struct to represent an athlete. The program allocates memory for an array of 5 Athletes, and, soon after I enter the fourth data (height) for the first athlete, I get the message "runtime Error R6002 - floating point support not loaded". The program doesn't reach the line where __LINE__ would be printed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct athlete {
char name[ 100 ];
char sport[ 100 ];
double height;
[Code] .......
I have app that has while true on input listening to changes and then in some condition needs to open simple gtk app, and afterwards continue listening.
I thought that i could fork gtk part, and kill it when it is not needed.
But am not finding much examples on internet. 2 processes dont share data. Can child process start a gui app? And is this a good approach.
I am looking for a way to run a process form memory, without having any executable. The application will be kept inside a resource and will be extracted during run time. It should be then started as a new process. I couldn't find a solution that works also on x64
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need my Unix program to generate a directory with a format like this: "hinesro.<pid>". I have some code that mostly works, except for the directory ends up with a question mark on the end, like this: "hinesro.12345?". I need it to just display the directory without this question mark. Here is my code:
// Using headers sys/types.h, sys/stat.h, unistd.h, and stdio.h
int pid = getpid();
char prefix[] = "hinesro.";
char fileName[0];
sprintf(fileName, "%s%d
", prefix, pid);
i have read that inheritance slows down the process.because a_class -> b_class -> c_class it goes thorough many classes to find a function or a value. people advices not to do it more than a few times. what if instead of inheritance we are using headers, would it slow down the process also??i mean which one is faster? and arent both the same when we use headers or used inheritance.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am looking into how to create zombie process. They are created when parent process don't call wait() and hence they are not removed from the process table. How do I create zombie process in C++? What part of the code when missed, make a process/thread zombie? Is it the pthread_join()?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAm developing windows forms application where in my form am fetching data into list from some object which takes around 2 minutes to complete processing so meantime i want to show progress bar before starting process till it ends with percentage. I have return a code to do multitasking but it is throwing error as "Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'listOrg' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on".
private void btnOrg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
// To report progress from the background worker we need to set this property
backgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
I would like to ask about editing proccess memory.For example,I would like to create some program for a multiplayer game which I play.How do I work with memory adresses and what are commands for it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was given an assignment where I have to input two points (four integers) on a Cartesian plane from a file and then process it using functions. My professor is very particular so the comments are a bit excessive, but here's what I have.
double radiusFn(double, double, double, double);//4 double values, one for each point. All points are needed for the calculation of distance in this function.
double diameterFn(double);//Only uses one double value - the radius. Both functions below use the same value.
double circumferenceFn(double);
double areaFn(double);
int main() {
The file reads:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
how I can run this as a separate process from the parent program, like a child process,
and return the result back to the parent program.
this script is as follows.
if file "/Stuff/s" exists then continue to run, if file "/Stuff/t" exists, then print "started" if file "/Stuff/t" does not exists, then print "stopped"
if file "/Stuff/s" does not exist then print "quit" and then quit.
void controlxmmscheck( ) {
if( access( "/Stuff/s", F_OK ) != -1 ) {
} else {
tell me which .dll or library I'm supposed to use to link this program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void antpost (int num, int& anterior, int& posterior) {
anterior = num-1;
posterior = num+1;
[Code] ....
I think my linker needs an additional #include to be able to deal with int& anterior and int& posterior. I'm not sure as I'm new to C++. My version of Dev-C++ is Orwell V5.8.3.
I'm wondering whether it's possible to implement MPI to execute a process in parallel from deep within a C++ solution.
I've created a solution on VS2005 that links to several static libraries, and within one of these libraries there is a set series of tasks that require execution many times - they're independent so I'd like them to execute them using MPI if possible to speed up the run time.
The pseudo-code is:
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) // n is number of times to execute process {
PerformTask(data[i]); // perform the tasks required for each iteration of process
So, instead of conducting the tasks within PerformTask() in series n times, I want to split the array data between multiple processes such that they can each be allocated an even proportion of data to perform the tasks on. Pretty textbook reason for wanting MPI, right?
Now, I've read up and understood the basics of MPI implementation, but all the examples I've seen are called within the main() function of the program. But I need to do all this from within a static library, is this possible?
I've made some early attempts at implementing this, but get an error indicating the process wasn't initialised: "Error encounted before initializing MPICH", which I assumed would be due to trying to make the MPI calls outside of the main() function.
is this possible? How do i inject html into a process like firefox.exe or iexplore.exe? any tutorials/ starting point?
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