C++ :: Calling Dynamically Loaded Function From DLL Destruction Error?

Apr 18, 2013

I have two projects (Projects A and B). Project A is a dll project, defining a function called "regex".

Project B dynamically loads this DLL, and calls Project A's "regex" function via LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress.

Regex takes a pointer to an std::vector (std::vector<std::cmatch>).

When debugging ProjectB, I can see that, within the code from ProjectA (in the "regex" call), a loop that loops through the elements of the vector outputs all the elements in the vector to console as expected. But the loop in ProjectB ( which executes after ProjectA), which also loops through the vector, and, is supposed to output the elements of the vector, outputs empty strings, not, as I would expect, the same strings (which contain results), as in the loop in Project A.

How is this happening. Does this have anything to do with it being a DLL, and, maybe, somehow values/memory addresses (or something similar) of the vector/its elements being destructed across the Projects/Dlls?

Output and Code See Below:

Output Loop in A:


Output Loop in B: (empty) (i.e. none)

Project A DLL Header (interface.h):

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <regex>
extern "C" {__declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl regex(std::string target,std::string rgx, std::vector<std::cmatch*>* matches);}


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C++ ::  Calling A Function With Dynamically Defined Name

Feb 19, 2013

Is there a way to call a function whose name is defined in a file-stored-list?

In other words: The caller doesn't know in compile time the name of the function.

I'm not talking about polymorphism.

The problem is: I have a list of function names stored in a file, that may change every now and then, and I'd like to call them in the sequence they appear in that list.

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C++ :: Dynamically Loaded Library - DLL Call Sometimes Works

Apr 22, 2013

I have a question about a dynamically loaded library I am using. I have called it SqlWrite, it is for connecting and writing to a Microsoft SQL server DB. I have a function in it that is defined as:

extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) RETCODE __cdecl SqlExecS(SQLHANDLESTR* h, LPCSTR Statement) {

std::string input = Statement;
std::wostringstream conv;
conv << input.c_str();
std::wstring wCmd(conv.str());

[Code] ....

I then load it in another MSVC project as:

#ifdef WIN32//C:UsersaDocumentsVisual Studio 2012ProjectsGetPageSourceDebugGetPageSource.dll
#pragma message("WIN32 is defined")
#ifdef _DEBUG

[Code] ....

As you can see, inside the prototyped function "SqlExecSP", I cout (or, rather, wcout for wide characters) the sql statement i am running, and the return code of the sql statement. a sql return code of "0" is equivalent to "SQL_SUCCESS". Then, I cout " got player again " after executon of SqlExecSP alias SqlExecS.

This usually works, and gives me following sample output:

exec SELECT [PlayerID], [FirstName], [LastName], [TeamID] FROM [soccer].[dbo].[Players] WHERE LastName = 'Abdellaoue' AND FirstName = 'Mohammed' retcode 0

got player again

However, sometimes, the program crashes somewhere between outputting "RETURNING FROM EXECSP NOW!!!" and outputting " got player again ", i.e. the output is then:

exec SELECT [PlayerID], [FirstName], [LastName], [TeamID] FROM [soccer].[dbo].[Players] WHERE LastName = 'Abdellaoue' AND FirstName = 'Mohammed' retcode 0


As you can see, it doesn't output the next line " got player again ", because it somehow crashes in between.

However,t he only line that should be executed between this, as far as I can understand, is the actual return of the DLL function SqlExecS, prototyped as SqlExecSP in my calling code, i.e. the only line that should be executed in between is:

return RetCode;

However, somehow, this fails, even though RetCode is "0", as I can see at the end of the output

exec SELECT [PlayerID], [FirstName], [LastName], [TeamID] FROM [soccer].[dbo].[Players] WHERE LastName = 'Abdellaoue' AND FirstName = 'Mohammed' retcode 0

Now, why sometimes this crashes, and sometimes this works. I.e, I can sometimes call this function x times, and it doesnt fail, outputting " got player again " right after the calls, and sometimes, it fails somewhere in between, at call x, y, or z, i.e. sometimes i can execute it ten times successfully and sometimes i can't, even though the return code is still 0, and it just fails somewhere in between. I am not sure if it has to do with the call being a call to a dynamically loaded DLL function, but I can't see where else the error is.

Why this can be failing, and at different, seemingly random times?

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Visual C++ :: Error C3867 Function Call Missing Argument List For Calling Thread Function

Mar 19, 2013

I searched the web for error: C3867... and the discussions where murky or obscure.

My code excerpt is:

#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <process.h>
void PutUpfrmIO(void *);
namespace WordParsor {

[Code] .....

I get the generic message:

error C3867: 'WordParsor::Form1::PutUpfrmIO': function call missing argument list; use '&WordParsor::Form1::PutUpfrmIO' to create a pointer to memberc:userskingc++wordparsorwordparsorForm1.h... and the suggestion fix generate another error.

One person suggested the gcroot<> object wrapper... but I do not know how to modify/declair the function or its argument type.

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C++ :: 0xC0000005 Error When Calling A Function

Sep 12, 2013

I'm new to C/C++. I'm trying to make a program that's going to use the CBLAS libraries that I downloaded on BLAS. After fighting tooth and nail with VC 2005 (I downgraded on purpose because at one point I was desperate.) with regards to solving compilation errors and such and eventually it all compiled just fine.

The problem now is, I get the above mentioned error. It says: "Unhandled exception at 0x0040271c in Try.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x4e18feb8."

Now there are a few .cpp files (I'm compiling as C code.) which contain the functions and there is one other one which contains my main method. Using the debugger, it goes through 3 files all in all.

The main file: Code: /* cblas_example2.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cblas.h"
#include "cblas_f77.h"

[Code] .....

I get the above-mentioned exception in the last line, or:

Code: cblas_dgemm( UNDEFINED, transa, transb, *m, *n, *k, *alpha, a, *lda, b, *ldb, *beta, c, *ldc );

The debugger tells me what the address in the exception is the address if *ldc.

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C++ :: Calling Function Address - Too Many Arguments For Call Error

Nov 25, 2014

In C you can just load and call the address of a function without defining its arguments like this:

Code: int (__stdcall *pMessageBox)();
int main() {
h = LoadLibrary("user32.dll");
pMessageBox = GetProcAddress(h, "MessageBoxA");
// MessageBoxA
pMessageBox(0, "MessageBoxA has been called!", "MessageBox Example", MB_OK);
return 0;

In C++ the same code gives "too many arguments for call" error unless you define the function first with its parameters.

Is there a way to do it the same way in C++?

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Visual C++ :: Out Of Memory And Driver Could Not Be Loaded Due To System Error 8

Jan 21, 2013

I am getting "driver could not be loaded due to system error 8" error while connecting to SQL Server 2005 from VC++. Its also throwing out of memory error. Basically i am developing and ISAPI dll. I use the following code to connect to DB.

CDatabase DBConnection;
if(! DBConnection.IsOpen()) {
DBConnection.OpenEx("Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=Test;Trusted_Connection=yes;", CDatabase:penReadOnly | CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);

[Code] .....

for CDatabaseConnection, i can see 2 different method to open the connection, OpenEx and Open. Whats the difference between OpenEx and Open?

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C :: Runtime Error R6002 - Floating Point Support Not Loaded

Feb 21, 2014

I wrote a program that use a struct to represent an athlete. The program allocates memory for an array of 5 Athletes, and, soon after I enter the fourth data (height) for the first athlete, I get the message "runtime Error R6002 - floating point support not loaded". The program doesn't reach the line where __LINE__ would be printed.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct athlete {
char name[ 100 ];
char sport[ 100 ];
double height;

[Code] .......

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C/C++ :: Write Function For Destruction Of Planetary System Solid

Dec 18, 2014

I have to write a function for the destruction of the planetary system "solid". With the destruction of the planetary system, the asteroids where the gap between this one and the object, is smaller that "gap" will also be destructed. (so, they have to be deleted) The asteroids for which the gap is greater are converted to free-floating planets so they have to be inserted into the tree of free-floating planets. The total cost of the transport of all the asteroids that are converted into free-floating planets in the tree of free-floating planets should be $O(n)$, where $n$ is the maximal between the elements of the tree of free-floating planets of the star system to which the object belongs and the elements of the tree of asteroids of the planetary system of which the object has identifier "solid". The field "gap" of the new tree should have the value $0$. The destructed planetary system should be deleted from the list of planetary systems of the star system to which it belonged. (The tree of free-floating planets is not a binary search tree)

I have done the following: [URL]

Is the way I deleted the nodes correct??

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C++ :: Calling Webservice Using GSoap - Error 400

Mar 18, 2013

I'm trying to call a webservice using gSoap with the following code:

#include "SoapH.h"
#include "BasicHttpBinding_USCOREIAuthentication.nsmap"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
struct soap soap;

[Code] ....

I get the following error:
Error 400 fault: SOAP-ENV:Server [no subcode]
"HTTP Error"
Detail: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Press any key to continue . . .

I get the same error trying to connect to different services.

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C/C++ :: Error When Calling Perl Script That Sends SMS

Dec 12, 2012

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>  
int main () {
  int i;
  printf ("Checking if processor is available...");
  if (system(NULL)) puts ("Ok");

[Code] ....

is the syntax correct for system? i am getting error " error: perl was not declared in this scope"

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C++ ::  Improper Destruction Of Objects

Feb 2, 2014

I have two simple classes: Author and Book. Class Author contains class Book as a member. Additionally i have a list of Book objects within each Author class.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
class Book{

[Code] ....

//output WITHOUGHT debugging
variable bname before exiting my Book constructor:A Frogs thug life
Book's name:A Frogs thug life
Book's realese date:1993

Author's name:Alex
Author's birth date:1892

variable bname before exiting my Book constructor:Life on Jupiter
destructor of Book called
Book's name:▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌♀
Book's realese date:1991
Press any key to continue . . .

Basically these are my problems:
- Why is the Book's instance's destructor called right after my program exits Book's construcor
- Does Book's name(during the output of my Print() method) print these wierd symbols due to the fact that this instance of Book got destroyed?
-if this instance of Book actually got destroyed before the Print() method,why the hell is it able to print the Book's release date?

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C++ :: Singleton Destruction Order

May 28, 2012

I've been upkeeping a mess of a code recently, that uses "pseudo" singletons. Basically, the current code has "Initialize_All" static functions that initializes all the singletons in a given order. At the end of the program, we call "Destroy_All", and destroy everything in the reverse order.

The code is actually heavilly dll'ed, and Initilize_All and Destory_All are referenced counted. We ask that any client who uses our code call Initialize_All first and then Destroy_All when they are finished. The first Initilize_All will initialize everything, and the last Destory_All will delete everything.

This is showing its limits.

I'd like to move us to a fully singleton design. The singleton pattern means we don't have to use an Initilize_All, and each singleton can manage construction dependencies by itself (we are mono-threaded).

Each singleton is "clean", so it is cleans itself up at dll destruction.

The big question is this one:

If there is a singleton dependency during destruction, eg: ~A requires an instance of singleton B (which is in another DLL), are we guaranteed proper behavior?

Or, is there an "Static de-initialization order fiasco"?

If yes, are there any design that can combat this fiasco, short of having each singleton register itself in a manager, that will destroy them in reverse order?

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C++ :: Vector Causing Memory Errors On Destruction?

Sep 10, 2013

std vector seems to cause errors when destructing here some simplified code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
class Foo{


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C :: Main Function Does Not Return Any Values When Calling Other Function?

Jun 9, 2013

The function is supposed to return value from the file in my main, but I am getting empty value. I am trying to get better with pointer. Right now just teaching myself.

right now the only way for this code to show value is when in put the putchar(*ps) inside my readfile function. I would like to readfile to return value and print in the main function.


#include <stdio.h>
char *readfile(char filename[]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[] ) {


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C++ :: Calling Base Function From Derived Overloaded Function

Nov 10, 2014

Here is a sample of my question

class Base{
int getNum();
int numToGet;
class Derived: public Base {
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const Derived &B);


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C++ :: Calling Function By Sending Char Text Of Function Name

Feb 19, 2014

Is this possible?

int myfunc( int a, int b, char * c )
char a = "(int)myfunc()";
char b = "(int,int,char*)"
call(a, b, ...) // Function name and return type, params

I want to do function what registers forward what will get callback if the time is right. Basically then i dont need to edit and add extra functions into source files. I just have to include header and use register forward function. If there is anything close to this it would be perfect!

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C :: How To Exclude Function Dynamically On Compile Time

Mar 6, 2013

I am working on a project, where I have to be able to exclude some code fast and dynamicly at compiletime.

I got a scheduler running and actually I just want to remove some of the tasks from it - but at compile time so that the code wont take up space in my microcontroller.

I know that I can use macros like #ifdef #endif etc. But I think that method makes the code unreadable and complicated.

How to archive such functionality a more elegant way?

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C++ :: Dynamically Allocated Array Of Function Pointers

Dec 13, 2013

I would like to know if this code is correct.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int say_one(const std::string &s) {
std::clog << s << ": One!

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Returning Dynamically Allocated 2D Array From Function?

Sep 18, 2014

How can I return a dynamically allocated 2d array from a function? Do I use like this:

int main(){
char **array;
} char ** func(){
char** ptr=new char[5]; //five words
ptr[0]=new char[size of word1];
return ptr;

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C++ :: Holding Function In Variable And Changing It Dynamically

Jun 30, 2014

I need a variable that will just hold a function that I can change in the middle of the application, even to different function type with different amount of parameters ... is this even possible? At the moment I have this

struct REPLY {
string *sReply;
function<int()> special = [](){return 0;};

[Code] .....

And then change it back to blank function returning 0 after calling it

reply.special = [](){return 0;};

This works fine (there is no reason why it should not, right? Now, if I want to have another function, let's say

void test2(string str) {
MessageBox(NULL, str.c_str(), NULL, NULL);

How do I point this one to the variable special, when I want to call it like that (or something similar)

(reply.special)("test string");

is this even possible? if so, how? i tried to create function pointer (didnt compile at all) or use template (neither did this) and how to do this as I discovered functional lib just a while ago.

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C++ :: Returning Dynamically Allocated Array From A Function

Jul 27, 2014

This a very simple program I created because I dont understand how do this. My goal is to be able to use the pointer *s5 throughout the program. For example I would to like to call other functions and pass that pointer through the function. I understand the dynamic allocation and pointers for the most part but Im confused here because the "new char[20]" variable will die after the function and I dont want it to.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
void testArray ( char *s5 );
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )

[Code] .....

Also does strlen count the null terminator?

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C++ :: Passing Dynamically Allocated Array In Function?

Feb 13, 2013

In a program I'm working on now, i need a milti-dimensional array. To save space, I used dynamically allocated array by using pointers, something like this-

int *arr;
arr=new int[col*row];

And now i need to pass this array in a function. What are the parameters in the function declaration statement and at the function call statement?

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C++ :: Calling Function In DLL

Jun 8, 2014

I have this sample code, that calls a function in a DLL. The function Callback is provided to the DLL as an argument, in order for the DLL to notify my program of relevant changes.


#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include "TcAdsDef.h"
#include "TcAdsApi.h"
 using namespace std;
 void _stdcall Callback(AmsAddr*, AdsNotificationHeader*, unsigned long);
[Code] ....

I would like to change this code, so that there is a Main class that opens the connection and there are several separate classes (as below) that register themselves for a specific variable and get notifications if that value is changed. The reason for this is that I want to get several notifications for several independent events and I don't want them to mix. I figured this should look something like this:

#ifndef INACLASS_H
#define INACLASS_H
 #include "Main.h"
 class InAClass {
        InAClass(Main* mainClass, std::string iolocation);

[Code] ....

Unfortunately this gives me an error:
error: cannot convert 'InAClass::Callback' from type 'void (InAClass::)(AmsAddr*, AdsNotificationHeader*, long unsigned int)' to type 'PAdsNotificationFuncEx {aka void (__attribute__((__stdcall__)) *)(AmsAddr*, AdsNotificationHeader*, long unsigned int)}'

At first I thought this was because I don't have the namespace "using namespace std;" on top, but then I should be able to find something that specifically needs to come from the std namespace and is not marked as such. I don't want to rule the option out, but so far I could not find anything like that.

An alternative explanation might be that the Callback function needs to be global, but if I make it global, how can I distinguish between several Callback functions?

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C/C++ :: Parallelize Matrix Multiplication Function Dynamically And Statically

Oct 1, 2014

I've been trying to get my matrix multiplication program to run a few different ways. My assignments wants me to run it statically using chunks, but we're not supposed to use OpenMPs scheduler. So I'm not sure how that's possible. And secondly, we have to run it dynamically using locks/unlocks.

Static (not sure how to implement chunk)

#pragma omp section
printf("Thread %d doing matrix mult", threadID);
if (matrixAcols != matrixBrows) {
cout << "Error, operation not possible" << endl;


The code will run for a long time too. It uses as many threads as we tell it to but it never speeds up the results.

Thread 2 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 2 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 2 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 2 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult

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C++ :: Calling Char From Function

Aug 3, 2013

Every time I try to use the function SaveNewCD, it doesn't write to file correctly. It writes the ~, three characters, then goes into an infinite loop.

using namespace std;
int SaveNewCD();
int OpenCD();
int main() {
char ArtistName[25];

[Code] .....

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