Where complexCommand is a function that handles the command (uses execvp after generating the correct string out of argv). My problem is that after if while in the shell I use a program that needs to print to the screen and handle input, it doesn't work as expected. To test this, I built this small program:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x1, x2;
[code] ....
And when I use the shell I built to run it, the output is only "Enter 2 numbers" for one time. It doesn't print the result, or anything else. Is there anything I need to do in the parent process (my shell in this case) to give the child the output?
how I can run this as a separate process from the parent program, like a child process,
and return the result back to the parent program.
this script is as follows.
if file "/Stuff/s" exists then continue to run, if file "/Stuff/t" exists, then print "started" if file "/Stuff/t" does not exists, then print "stopped"
if file "/Stuff/s" does not exist then print "quit" and then quit.
I am writing a program that is supposed to open a directory as a command line argument, read that directory, open each file and count a number of occurrences of a certain character, taken from the user as cin, fork the parent process to create a child process for each file. a pipe is created for communication with the parent and a 2 dimensional array of pipes is needed for communication with each child process (each file), one for the pipe number and the other is the read/write descriptor(0 or 1). My program is looping through all the files ok, but it seems it isn't writing the "char a" to the pipe correctly. f
For every child, do_child_stuff() is called, and it reads the file name, opens it, counts the # of occurrences and returns that count to the parent to hold a total for all the files. normally to write to a pipe, it should be write(pipe_name[1], &a, sizeof(a)) but I don't know how to do this with an array of pipes. i try to write to it by doing write(child_pipe[pc][1], &a...) pc is the array position for that pipe and it gets incremented after reading each file.
struct dirent *d; struct stat sb; int adult_pipe[2]; int child_pipes[1000][2];
I want to create 9 child processes and eventually write from each process to another. How can I specifically create 9 child processes and leave them running? Right now, I am using a loop from i=0 to i=8 and running fork() within that loop, but each child process also runs the loop, which spawns dozens (maybe hundreds?) of processes. I specifically only want to create nine of them. How can I do this?
Is there any methods to add scroll bar for group box
My code scenerio is: I have many groupbox in form, all group box will be appears in same place and also height and width is fixed. I'm doing group box visible true/false according to condition.
So some groupbox ecxeeds the width and heighto so I want to put this all in scroll Bar
how to give a database connection to a c++ code i am using turbo c++ as an editor and if i have oracle 11g client, odbc as a driver , what else i require and how to link these things in a code.
So I know to make a deposit to the balance, which add ups what is the balance to i have add.
When i run the deposit function, its work well in some ways. If balance(text file) has the value 10, add i addSum 20, the balance will become 30, same as the text file will become 30. so its work well to add positive number.
Code: double deposit(double balance) { double addSum = 0; system("CLS"); cout<< "Welcome to deposit."<<endl; cout<<"Enter a sum you wish to add to your account:";
When I withdraw from 30 which is the balance, then i takeSum, for example i take away 30. The balance will become 30 - 30 = 0 When i make another withdraw from example -150, it will be -150.Which shows correct.
But when i make a deposit from -150 and i addSum 130, the balance shows -500, and it should had been -20.
Code: double withdraw(double balance) { double takeSum = 0; system("CLS"); cout<< "Welcome to withdraw."<<endl; cout<<"Enter a sum you wish to take away from your account:";
I am trying to read this xml file. This readFile function does not give me right values. Only to use cstring..no pointers or other libs such as xml libs
All my code is good, except the functions: findMacLoc and findMinLoc .They don't give me the correct array location of the max/min number in the array.I know is something simple I need to tweak in those two functions.
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; void printArray(int a [], int & size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) cout << a[i] << " ";
i have only recently got into programming. i have this homework assignment that is frying my brains, the program needs to take a number from the user and give the 'reduced' sum. for example: if the user enters 888 then the sum should be: 6. it takes the number and adds its digits im just looking for a direction to where my problem is
#include "iostream.h" int reduction (int number) { return number/10+number%10; } int main() { int number,loopcount; cout<< "please enter a number"<<endl; cin>>number;
I am in the process of writing a program that will give the appropriate color code for a resistor after the user enters an integer value for the resistance needed and selects the tolerance form a list. My question is this: Is there a way to allow the user to enter a value such as 75000 and C++ use each digit separately, as if they entered 7 [enter], 5[enter], 0 [eneter]... and so on? But, then use the entire value as an integer too? Also, it should read a value such as: 45835, as 45000, or 1843 as 1800.
I wrote a C program that is supposed to create a certain number of child processes, each child process having to change 1 letter from a string. The string and the number of child processes are read from the keyboard. I want to do it using pipes.
It should work like this: The parent changes one letter, then the first child takes the string modified by the parent and changes one more letter. The second child takes the string modified by the first one (2 letters are already changed) and changes one more and so on. I am new to C and am not quite sure how it all works, especially pipes. Also can the children be linked between them through the pipe, or can they only be linked to the parent and it has to be something like: first child changes a letter, gives the string back to the parent and then the second child reads from there, modifies letter and gives back.
If it's like that, is there any way to make sure that this doesn't happen: Apples becomes AppleD and then AppleX and then AppleQ? For example:
Code: Input: Apples Output: Applex Appldx Aqpldx My problem is: I don't get any output from the children.
I'm using MSVC++ and it builds sucessfully but somewhere something is obviously messed it. Once i try to debug it just shows weird numbers.
int k=0; //could this be the problem??? since 0 would be over writing any given value. but if i leave int k; it showsa warning and MSVC would count that as an error