C++ :: Generating String Of Random Letters

May 1, 2014

My problem says: Have the user enter a number from 1-80 then print out a string of random letters(a to z lowercase) of that length.

I have been able to enter the number and output the correct amount of letters but i can't figure out how to get them to be in a random order and not in alphabetical. Here is what I have so far.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i=0;
int num;
cout<<"How many letters do yu want in your random string?";


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C/C++ :: Function That Generates A Random String Of Uppercase Letters

Apr 19, 2014

I need to write a C function that generates a random character array (i.e. string) of uppercase letters - getchar and putchar are the only IO functions that I can use. Below is what I have already - I am iterating for as many times as I am required to, and am modulating rand() by 25, (total letters in the alphabet). I'm trying to see how to get the random letter from the % 25, and also how to do this without toupper() [not sure if I can use that function].

void getRandomStr()){
char str[40];
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++){
char c = rand() % 25);
str[i] = toupper(c);

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C :: Generating Random Numbers

Oct 19, 2014

I have a program that generates random numbers. After the random number is generated, the program asks if you want to generate another random number. However, if you generate another random number, it is always the same as the first random number. How can I fix this?

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C++ :: Generating Big Random Numbers In C

Feb 16, 2013

I want to generate big random numbers in C(not C++ please).By "big" I mean integers much bigger than srand(time(NULL)) and rand() functions' limit(32767).

I tried writing: (note:I am not able to see "code" tag button in this editor,so I am not using it)

int randomnumber;
srand( time(NULL) );
randomnumber = (( rand() % 33 ) * ( rand() % 33 ) * ( rand() % 33) * ( rand() * 33) * (rand() % 33 )) + 1

But I have doubts about it's randomness quality.Also there is another problem,the program can't know the maximum random number it should use before user input,so maximum random number may need to use much smaller maximum random number according to user input.

Is there a better algorithm to create big random numbers in C?

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C++ :: Generating Random Integers?

Jun 9, 2013

I'm creating a game in C++ and need to generate random numbers. I know about

int main()
srand(time(NULL)); //Initialises randomiser or sum' like that
int x=rand%10; //Generates from 0-9

Now, I need the best way to generate random numbers. Do I call "srand(time(NULL));" every time I want to randomise? What is the best method to generate a nearly perfect random number?

I may need to call a randomiser more than once a second, so taking second as seed (I believe that's what srand(time(NULL)); does).

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C++ :: Generating Big Random Numbers In C

Feb 15, 2013

I want to generate big random numbers in C(not C++).By "big" I mean integers much bigger than srand(time(NULL)) and rand() functions' limit(32767).

I tried writing: (note:I am not able to see "code" tag button in this editor,so I am not using it)

int randomnumber;
srand( time(NULL) );
randomnumber = (( rand() % 33 ) * ( rand() % 33 ) * ( rand() % 33) * ( rand() * 33) * (rand() % 33 )) + 1

But I have doubts about it's randomness quality.Also there is another problem,the program can't know the maximum random number it should use before user input,so maximum random number may need to use much smaller maximum random number according to user input.

Is there a better algorithm to create quality big random numbers in C?

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C++ :: Generating Random Numbers In Parallel

Nov 8, 2013

I generate a series of random numbers in parallel (using OpenMP), but depending on what number of threads I invoke, I get a different result. From that I conclude that I have made an error somewhere!

Here is the MWE, which generates a number between 0..1 and increments a variable if the generated variable is larger than 0.5:

#include <random>
typedef std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distr_uni;
#define max_threads 1
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

When I set max_threads=1 I get 50027, but when max_threads=60 (on a machine that supports it....) I get 50440.

The sensitive RNG and its engine I have declared within the parallelized area, so it's not really clear to me where the error can possibly be.

Looking for error that is apparently there?

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C :: Generating Random And Different Number In Array

Nov 30, 2014

How to generate random and different number in a range. This is my code:

#include <stdio.h>#define n 8
#define m 7
int main() {
int i,j,a[n][n];
printf("Relaxed Latin Square (%d,%d)

[Code] .....

When I executed that code, the number is random but not different.

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C :: Generating Random Numbers Without Repeating?

Sep 20, 2014

Inside my loop is this


So it will generate numbers again and again as the loop goes on but it always repeat some numbers. My question is, how would you generate numbers without repeating? Somebody told me that i have to use auto increment, but i really have no idea about that.

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C++ :: Program That Keeps Generating Two Random Numbers Between 1 And 10

May 6, 2013

#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {

[Code] ....

Write a program that keeps generating two random numbers between 1 and 10 and asks the user for the product of the two numbers, e.g.: "What is 4 x 6?". If the user answers correctly, the program responds with "Right!"; otherwise, it displays: Wrong! 4 x 6 = 24.

Generate as many pairs of numbers as specified and get the answers from the user for each. If at any time, both numbers are the same as last time, generate two new numbers before asking for the answer. Continue generating 2 new numbers until at least one is different from last time.

After presenting the number of pairs of numbers specified and getting the answers, display how many the user got right; e.g.: You got 4 of 5 right. Then, ask if he or she wants to play again, like so: "Do you want to play again? [y/n]". If the user answers with 'y' or 'Y', it again reads the number of questions to ask and generates that many pairs of numbers and reads the answers like before. If the answer is n or N, it quits generating numbers. If the answer is anything but y, Y, n or N, it tells the user to enter one of those letters until it is.

When the user decides to quit and has got less than 75% of all the questions right, the program displays the multiplication table (1x1 through 10x10) before terminating.

After displaying the table, randomly generate two numbers between 1 and 10, display their product and first number and ask the user to guess the second as more practice. For example, the program will generate 7 and 9 and will display 63 and 7 and the user must guess the second number (i.e.: 9). Do this 3 times. Do not repeat code. Use a loop to do this 3 times.

Use a nested for loop to display the table; a bunch of cout statements will not be acceptable. You must also use a loop for any part that calls for repetition such as generating 5 pairs of numbers.

The following is a sample interaction between the user and the program:

Enter the number of questions to ask: 5

1. What is 3 x 9? 27

2. What is 2 x 7? 14

3. What is 8 x 9? 63
Wrong! 8 x 9 = 72

4. What is 6 x 3? 21
Wrong! 6 x 3 = 18

5. What is 2 x 9? 18

You got 3 out of 5 right which is 60%.

Play agian? [y/n] n

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C++ :: Generating Sums Of Random Numbers

Sep 19, 2014

I'm trying to create a code that generates random numbers and spits out a sum average and lowest and highest number. I am stuck on the sum however and once I get that I think the average will fall into place. Here's what I have.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

I've noticed that it's almost always off by 1 or 3 for whatever reason

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C++ :: Generating Random Number Of Normal Distribution

Mar 12, 2013

I am generating random number of normal distribution (0,1) but i suspect maybe I have done it wrong. The generator I use right now is

std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0,1);

Am I doing the right thing? Whether this is a real random number generator?

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C++ :: Hangman Game - Generating Random Number

Sep 12, 2013

I am recreating a hangman game. I'm trying to generate a random number to choose which word from my words list to use and I've done it a billion times before just like this. So, here's my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> //standard library.
#include <ctime> //for random.
#include <fstream> //for reading and writing to a file.
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num_words;
string word[num_words];

[Code] .....

I have the text file "words.txt" info below.


If I run the program as it is, I get a segmentation fault core dumped error, however, if I take all the stuff that reads in the words from the words.txt file, like so:

#include <iostream> //every program has this.
#include <cstdlib> //standard library.
#include <ctime> //for random.
#include <fstream> //for reading and writing to a file.
#include <string>

[Code] ....

it works correctly and generates a random number.

I'm using Linux Mint.

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C# :: Generating Unique Random Numbers In The Range

Apr 28, 2014

We had to generate random, unique numbers in the range [1,15]. But running the program for several times showed a bug: It wouldn't always generate a new number for every repeated number. I can't figure out the problem, especially since it works half the time and I can't figure out what's making it work some times and not others.

bool flag1 = true, flag2 = true, flag3 = true;
int i, j = 1;
int[] A = new int[11];
Random rnd = new Random();
A[0] = rnd.Next(1, 15);
Console.WriteLine("1. = " + A[0]);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Timer Function - Generating Seed For Random Numbers

Nov 14, 2014

for (int i=0; i<15; i++)

I want to the function of timer "srand(time(NULL))" to generate seed for random numbers. By running this for loop,I think I should expect random numbers ranging from 1 to 8.However, I get some wried numbers from the console window like 88,044,077,066,088,088,066,022,044,044,088,022,033,66814990522,-156026525933,1606416712. One more thing,I think I am going to have 15 outputs, but why I get 16 instead every time.

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C++ :: How To Make Random Letters With A Vector

Mar 9, 2014

I am supposed to make a scrabble game and randomize 10 of the letters.

Here's my code:
class Spinner
Spinner::Spinner(string things[], int numThings[], int n)
currentPosition = 0;


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C# :: Random Generated Numbers And Letters

Feb 13, 2015

I am Currently working on a project and i wish to generate a ID that Contains Numbers letters and a dash for example

000000-A00 The First 0's can be any number but the last 2 needs to between 01 and 12 the letter needs be A B or C

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C :: How To Restrict Input Of A String To 2 Letters

Mar 6, 2015

I'm doing error checks in C and I'd like to know how to restrict the input of a string to 2 letters and if it is exceeded, i'd like to loop and ask for the code to be re-entered.


for (i = 0; i < code7; i++)
printf("Enter number of items: ");
scanf("%d", &item_qty[i]);


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C++ :: How To Count Letters Of Alphabet In A String

May 5, 2014

I am creating a program where I count all the letters of the alphabet from a user submitted string.

How would I go about this?

I am completely new, so simplicity is best. I am suppose to use arrays.

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C++ :: How To Turn A String Word Into Letters

Dec 9, 2013

I'm having trouble trying to turn a word into letters. I've seen other posts but they deal with a sentence and it only outputs the words only. What I want to know is how do they take a word (Ex: "word") and break it into individual letters, where I want to store them in a vector of string?

If it's not too much trouble, I would prefer without using pointers or "std:: " marks, since I am trying to avoid pointers and I'm using "using namespace std" all the time.


In the example "word", it should output into:


and I will push them back into a vector of string where each vector element contains a letter.

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C++ :: Use Recursion Function That Return If String Has Same Letters

Aug 12, 2013

I've to use recursion function that return if the string has a same letters:

for example: - fff = true
- fFf = false

I did this but the return answer is always: NOT!

bool iSameLetters(char str[SIZE]) {
return true;
else {
if((str[0] && iSameLetters(str+1) == str[0]))
return iSameLetters(str+1);
return false;

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C :: Converting A String Array Into Uppercase Letters From File

Apr 19, 2013

I am new to coding Here is the problem. Have a program prompt the user for a filename to open. Change every alphabetic character in the file to a capital letter. Numbers and special characters should not be changed. Print the output to the screen.

Here is my code so far but i am only returning the last line of text capitalized from the file. I am trying to get the program to display all of the three lines of text from the file capitalized. The program displays the file correctly before i try and convert everything toupper();


Code: #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
char line[81], filename[21];
int i;
FILE *inFile;


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C :: Find Number Of Capital Letters And Punctuations In A String

Jan 28, 2015

write a C program which repeatedly reads in sentences from the user and reports on how many capital letters are in the sentence and how many punctuation characters. Your program will stop asking for input once the user has entered in a blank line. Consider the following example usage with the program. User input is marked in underline:

Enter a sentence: John and Mary went to Fred's house.
You used 3 capital letters and 2 punctuation characters.
Enter a sentence: I like A&W more than McDonald's.
You used 5 capital letters and 3 punctuation characters.
Enter a sentence:
Good bye!

Hint: make use of the standard C functions ispunct and isupper. Other requirements. You must make two functions.

Make a function called find_characters, which has a return type of void, and which has three parameters: one of type char * (a string to find characters in), one of type int * (a reference to int variable indicating how many capital letters are in the string) and the last one also of type int * (a reference to an int variable indicating how many punctuation characters are in the string). Your find_characters function should scan the string and update the two variables it has references to.Make a main function.

This function should repeatedly read in a string from the user, call your find_characters function, and output the information returned to it by the find_characters function indicating how many capital letters and how many punctuation characters were in the string. Your main function should stop reading in input when the user enters in a blank string (i.e., the user just hits enter without entering anything else in). You may assume that the user will not enter in a sentence longer than 100 characters


int main(void) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Allow User To Enter A String And Output In All Uppercase Letters

Oct 24, 2014

/* Program is to let the user enter a string and will output the sting in all uppercase letters. */

#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
char str1[80];

[Code] ....

I am trying to get the cin.get working where the user is allowed to enter an 80 character string and how to do that.

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Visual C++ :: Convert String Of Uppercase Letters Into Its Corresponding Lowercase

Apr 26, 2014

Write A Program which converts a string of uppercase letters into its corresponding lowercase.Using pointers to access the members of the Array.

Write A program that reads eight float numbers into an array and then print out the second,fourth,sixth and eight members of the array,

And Sum of the first,third,fifth,and seventh. Using pointers to access the members of the array.

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C :: Strcpy - How To Update Old String In Stars Array With New That Includes Correct Letters

Apr 25, 2013

This for loop replaces the stars ******** in an array that contains a word to be guessed with the correct letter (c) that the user inputs if the word contains that letter.

Problem: After every guess the same hidden string of stars ******* is displayed instead of ex: ***W**** (assuming W was entered by the user)

How can I update the old ******** string in the Stars array with the new string that includes the correct letters chosen, so after every correct guess at a letter in the word a new string is displayed including the correct letters chosen?

I'm pretty sure I have to use strcpy but not sure how to implement it using a loop.

for(i = 0; i < strlen(unscrambledWord); i++) {
if(unscrambledWord [i] == c) {
Stars[i] = c;
} }

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