C++ :: Finding And Displaying A Word From A String?
Mar 2, 2014
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
//Program Goal
//Have 3 Strings to represent 3 categories
//Have the user type in their name
//Have the user type in a full sentence how they are feeling
//Program should find the word in the user inputted sentence and display an appropriate response
I want to input a string, say: abcdaa so, the program should output:
a b c d
In other words, the program will display each character for only ONCE!!!! And display their frequency. Here is my idea: user will input a string and such string will be copied into another string variable called "checker".There will be a loop and each character will be printed, BUT, first, the program will check if the character to be printed is not equals to all elements of the checker string.
I already have the function to count the frequency of each character
GOAL: to make a program that will accept a string and use the HUFFMAN CODING to compress it.
I'm working on a program that can load all words from a dictionary "English2.txt" (it's attached to the post), then put every word into a 2-dimensional matrix (every line is reserved for one word) and display them. After loading every word into a matrix, when I try to display first 8 words with printf, I can't do it without '' at the end of a line. Otherwise only the 8th word is displayed... What's more, when I try to read the length of the first word with strlen, it says, that it has 4 characters (in fact there are only 3 and it's the word "AAA"). What could be the reason for that?
I've tried a bunch of alternative methods to prevent an assertion error. "not understanding" the bug and why I'm getting it are relevant here, not proper, (or more appropriate), coding methods. I would write it in another way to prevent the error, I simply want to understand what is happening during run-time that causes the situation.What is the bug?
When I do this after function copies bb to the array it puts '' ? I mean last for array would be 'b' 'b' 'a' '' or 'b' 'b' '' ''. I am trying to learn the basics of searching a string, finding and changing them with another string.
1. Create a variable named index and nitialize it to zero(0) 2. Prompt for and input a string value from thekeyboard. Store the string inthe string variable newstring[80]. 3. While (newstring[index] does not equal ‘ ’).
i. Display the character at newstring[index] followed by a NL ii. Increment index ====================================== ...
And this is what i have done so far and i dont know where I am wrong ...
Code: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int index = 0; //initialize index to zero since first elementin an array is numbered zero char newstring[80];
i just want to check to see if one word (string) or one sentance is equal to any others within an array. My code
so basically i want to check if a is equal to either "sleep", "in", or "bed". Or even if the string within a is equal to "sleep in bed" as one string.
I have used the following but even if i get it correct and it says correct it says incorrect another 2 times because it is saying yeah you have gotten one right out of the possible 3. Even if I type "sleep in bed" it still does it (prints out incorrect another 2 times. Also are there any good books to start off with c++?
I want to see if the value of a string equals a certain text. But I can't make it. There are two problems :
1) It seems 'tolower' doesn't work with strings. What to use then? 2) When I delete tolower, it works, but I have an output of "You didn't enter 'add'" even when I do enter 'add'. What's the problem? Is it due to the null byte? What to change?
I'm having trouble trying to turn a word into letters. I've seen other posts but they deal with a sentence and it only outputs the words only. What I want to know is how do they take a word (Ex: "word") and break it into individual letters, where I want to store them in a vector of string?
If it's not too much trouble, I would prefer without using pointers or "std:: " marks, since I am trying to avoid pointers and I'm using "using namespace std" all the time.
In the example "word", it should output into:
"w" "o" "r" "d"
and I will push them back into a vector of string where each vector element contains a letter.
I have a difficulty with string methods for some reason. I tried solving a question from my book, which requires me to capitalize the first letter of every word in a string. I kept trying for maybe two hours yesterday, re-reading the string chapter to see if I'm forgetting a certain method or if something similar was discussed in the examples but I didn't find anything. I also googled it, and found a few answers, none of which I understood. They mostly had keywords or methods I wasn't familiar with. Anyway, here's where I am so far.
class Program { static string UpperCase(string s) { int place; string b, st1, st2,st3; char letter; for (int i = 0; i <= s.Length - 1; i++) { if (i == 0) {
The code compiles without any errors, but when I enter a string it capitalizes correctly for the first two words and then it starts capitalizing letters in the middle of the words.
I have been trying to get this to work for a while now - with no success.
Basically I am trying to write a function which the returns the first word of each input sentence in a single string - this is part of a larger cryptography program I am working on.
So for example, if this string was passed into the function:
"This is what I mean. Is it right? A poor puppy abandoned. Secret torturing of dogs are happening. Message: be on the watch."
It should return:
//declared in class "steganalyse" string cyphertext; string punctuation = ".?!;:'"; book is_first_word
[Code] .....
But this only returns the first word:
Any other way to return the first word of each sentence in a string.
I am trying to take a string that is within the main function, and write a void function that gives me the most common alpha character used inside the string. How to mix a string and an array together like that as I am not too familiar with arrays yet.
I want to find that whether the 2d Vector table having duplicate or not. I can see lot of programs for removing duplicates by using unique STL algorithm. Which is the best way to find " is Duplicate or not " for 100,000 Records.
I know how to find the occurrences of a character in a string, but I have a more specific problem.
For example, consider the string: " C 1.3825 4.0000 12.0000 1.9133 0.1853 0.9000 -1.1359 4.0000 "
I want to extract a vector that contains the positions of every first character for each number.
For the example above, the output should be a vector with elements [6 15 23 33 etc...]. These are the positions of the first character for every number.
I need to be able to do this for any arbitrary string with any arbitrary amount of numbers and characters in it (I also need to account for negative numbers).
i couldnt solve the algorithm exactly. The program asks the user for a string. "Bugun h@v@ cok g'uzel" for example. then the program asks for another string. If that string doesnt exists in the main string program should say there isnt any substring. If it exist then the program should print the remaining part of main string. For example:
Write the first string: Tod@y weather is be'@utiful write the substring : ug >>ugun h@v@ cok guzel write the substring :wldnqwbdbj >>there isnt any substring Here where i came so far
#include <stdio.h> int main() { char mainstr[50],substr[50];
bool isUnique(string _str) { bool char_set[256]; int len = _str.length(); memset(char_set, '/0', 256); for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
[Code] .....
I came across this code to find if string has unique characters...i didnt understand why they subracted ascii value of character '0' in the statement int val = _str[i]- '0' and what is happening with the statements...
I take each character in the sting and traverse the whole string .and if count is 2 i use break and conclude that its not unique and not otherwise...can i use this method or this is not efficient????
I've been agonizing over this all day. The assignment is to capitalize every other word in a user input string.
My logic is as follows:
1. I have the program get each character until it encounters white space (using for loop) 2. Then it should capitalize each character after the white space until it encounters another white space (using while loop).
My problem though is when i try to create a condition for while loop i have to terminate is when white space is encountered, but the very first character to start the while loop is a white space..
I was told to define boolean values, but after trying a few boolean conditions I'm still stuck..
Code: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> using namespace std;
the code shows all characters frequency, however i want to find which one has highest frequency for example cprogrammmmming cboard highest frequency: m
char string[100], ch;int c =0, count[26]={0}; printf("Enter a string"); gets(string);