C# :: Error - Unable To Connect To Remote Server

Jan 23, 2015

I have an error with unable to connect to remote server when it debug to this stream line as below :

Code :

FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(FTPAddress + "/" + Path.GetFileName(filePath));

request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
request.UsePassive = true;
request.UseBinary = true;
request.KeepAlive = false;
request.Proxy = null;

[Code] .....

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C# :: Upload A File To Remote Server

Oct 1, 2012

I managed to upload a file to a remote server with below code:

// Get the object used to communicate with the server.
FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("ftp://kasunl.worlditsme.com/voo.txt");
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;


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Visual C++ :: How To Retrieve Remote Desktop User Domain Name On Win2008 Server

Oct 9, 2012

How can I do this??

Suppose I have Win2008server and many users from defferent domains log in, so every user has its own session.

How can I obtain from the session the domain name of the user who logged in to server??

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C Sharp :: Browse Database Name And Server To Connect?

Apr 3, 2013

How can i browse database name and server to connect?

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C Sharp :: SQL Server Connection String To Connect Through Domain Name (internet)

Sep 20, 2012

I have tried to connect my sql server 2005 using a domain name. i have bought a domain name and a dns client. this is my connection string

{ SqlConnection sqlconn = 
 new SqlConnection("user id=user1;" + "password=pass2;"
  + "server=www.mysite.infoServerInstance;" 
+ "trusted_Connection=false;" + "network 
library=DBMSSOCN;" + "Integrated security=false;" 
+ "initial catalog=Mydatabase;" +"connection timeout=5
;"); }

I have added sql browser & sql server in fire wall, and also enabled tcp port 1433 and udp port 1434. the above connection string works perfect when i run it in the server machine, but whenIi try to run it on other machines I am getting an error that server is not available or cannot find the specified server.. I desperately need to access my database through an url. ie., through internet..

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C++ :: Unable To Upload A File To FTP Server With Curl

Aug 6, 2014

I'm trying to upload a file to a FTP server with curl. The problem is that I do not know what to do after I enter the passive mode and open the specified port. I tried to send data with curl_easy_send but it simply hangs.

bool Ftp::Upload(const char *local_fn,const char *remote_fn)
int ret;
string ip;
unsigned port;
SendCmd("TYPE I");
// Enter passive mode and get IP & port
return false;


How to send file to the server. And I also suspect I should tell the file size to the server.

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C++ :: WinSock - Can Connect To Localhost But Cannot Connect To IP

Dec 22, 2013

I'm getting error ID 10061 - WSAECONNREFUSED - No connection could be made because the target computer actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host—that is, one with no server application running.

However, when I use or localhost dns, everything works fine, Im connecting to the ip from [URL] .... with port 1337 ...

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C++ :: Web Server Malloc Memory Error

Dec 1, 2014

I am writing a very basic database in C++ and I am accessing the data from a web browser. I am using the opensource Mongoose web server code....

I have an issue...

The way the DB works is this: on starting, the DB loads a json file of all of the data into it. I have a class called DatabaseLoader that does this - it is the class that gets rewritten depending on the data structure of the json.

This is passed to vectors (vector<Node*> and vector<Edge*>) as references from Graph object.

Once the DatabaseLoader has finished it can be destroyed and any memory allocated objects it created (except the ones in those two vectors).

From then on, the Graph object is in charge of all of the elements in the database that are stored in the two vectors. When the user browses to htpp:// they see the json representing each object in the vectors.

All good so far....

However, when I repeatedly hit refresh in my browser (and call me insane...) at quite a fast speed I get this error:

main(29855,0x7fff76763310) malloc: *** error for object 0x7f98b2829408: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
[1] 29855 abort ./main testing.json

It seems to me this would be if I tried to "delete" and object twice, or if one of my objects was overwriting memory somewhere. However I am not recreating anything, I am just looping over the vectors and printing out the content. When I refresh slowly, I dont see this happen - i did it quite a lot of times, but when I do it fast I think it is happening.

So is there any possibility of me hitting the c++ web server to quickly and it is trying to process the data twice, causing some sort of memory error - i.e do I need to implement threading or something??

I can paste code, but there is quite a lot now....

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C/C++ :: Getting Error - Unable To Get Obj File

Jan 31, 2013

In c++ ., I am getting unable to get obj file error first time i compiled i got the output but during the 2nd time i got this error .....

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C# :: Unable To Read Beyond The End Of The Stream Error

Feb 13, 2014

Once it gets to string name = fileWrite.ReadString(); in write file it throws this exception about unable to read beyond the end of the stream.

static void Main(string[] args)


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C Sharp :: Saving Data In SQL Server Parameter Error Showing

Jun 1, 2013

I have an application with general customer detail.

It has TextBox and radio button.

First I have used if statement then code but on first step is working fine then error is showing.

if (textBox1.Text == "")


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C++ :: Sqlite - Error / Unable To Open Database File

Nov 10, 2012

I am receiving error: "unable to open database file" using sqlite3_open function. I am using sqlite3.c (included amalgamation files). It happens only during ARM compiling/run. If I do the same at x86 compile/run everything works fine...

I am using MAC Osx 10.7.4., Xcode 4.3.2.

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C/C++ :: Linker Error Unable To Open File Classes In TurboC 7 By Akki

Apr 5, 2014

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>  
void main() {  
    int gd = DETECT, gm = DETECT, s, dx, dy, m, x1, y1, x2, y2;
    float xi, yi, x, y;  

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Get Remote / External IP Of Computer

Oct 20, 2013

I am starting to learn C, its quite an easy language to learn from the basics, I hope to learn others as time goes, I wonna know how do I get the external / remote IP of a computer?

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C# :: Run Console App On Remote Computer?

Dec 22, 2014

I'm looking for a way to run my console app in C# on one computer, but the actual program is ran on another computer. IE I open the file or hit "Run" in Visual Studio on computer1, the computer2 runs the program. I was looking online and found some stuff that may be applicable, but I didn't see a very clear answer.

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C# :: Execute Remote PHP Script?

Aug 26, 2014

i need to create an small windows form, with some buttons, and then those buttons will "exectute" an action on a remote webserver.

Im searching with http requestings and didn't find nothing useful for what i need.

The basic thing is that i just need to press "EXECUTE" and then c# will press one link in the Webserver. I do not need any feedback from the page. I just need that C# execute a link like localhost/startbackup.php then the actions from the startbackup.php will run.

I do not need any information regarding if the page was successful executed or not, or even if it opens one window. Nothing.

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Visual C++ :: Find And Open A File On Remote Computer

Feb 26, 2013

I have a file on one server(Windows 2003) and need to access from another server (IIS server - Windows 2008) , I have written the program for the same which works fine and I can access the file.

But when this comes to the DLL (which registered successfully on Windows 2008), its not able to find the file on Windows 2003.

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C/C++ :: How To Connect DLL To Project

Aug 29, 2012

How I can connect BoxedApp.dll for my C# - project?Is it real?

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C++ :: How To Connect To Router Using WPS Protocol

Apr 29, 2013

I own a code written in c++ that is used to connect the router using the WPS protocol, but has to be modified to operate in "registrar" mode and I do not know much about c++.

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C++ :: How To Connect To Other Devices Remotely

Oct 25, 2013

I want to connect to other computers remotely and for example grabbing some data from them. Do we have any c++ library for this purpose? And if yes, any good documentation about it.

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C++ :: How To Connect To MySQL Database

Mar 26, 2013

I have so far tried MySQL++, ODBC, SimpleDB, and the MySQL C++ Connector. All of them give me a FLOOD of errors in the output. Is there an easy way to connect?

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C/C++ :: How To Connect With Oracle Database

Sep 24, 2012

library management system in which c is used as front end and oracle is used as back end in order to retrieve the data. if possible can u send the source code for it.

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C++ :: Connect 4 Using Dynamic Memory Allocation?

Jul 3, 2013

I am creating a connect 4 game using dynamic memory allocation the question is;

Write a two-player game of Connect Four where the user can set the width and height of the board and each player gets a turn to drop a token into the slot. Display the board using + for one side, x for the other, and _ to indicate blank spaces.

I have created the board. However I am unsure as how to make a start on getting the players to make moves.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char **create_table(int width, int height, char blank) {
char **p_p_connect4 = new char*[height];
for(int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
p_p_connect4[i] = new char [width];


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C :: Connect Program To Windows Session ID

May 16, 2013

I need to get the Win OS Session name to a string in C. How can I get to that?

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C :: Creating A Kind Of Connect 4 Game

Nov 14, 2014

I'm creating a kind of connect 4 game that will be due on November 30. I'm starting now so that I don't have to worry about it as much later. Anyways, I just started, and I already have some questions/problems. I want to be able to change that numPlayers outside of the function, so I used pointers like my instructor said to, but it is giving me an error that numPlayers(the argument) is not an int*. How do I fix this?


int numPlayers=0;
void promptNumPlayers(int *numPlayers)
printf("Enter the number of players: ");
if (*numPlayers != 1 && *numPlayers != 2)


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C++ :: Connect Computers To Play Game?

Nov 16, 2014

I have a Blackjack game that allows users to create a login account and it keeps track of their bet amount, and total bank,etc. How can I connect the program on 2 or more computers so that people can play together?

(A) How would I code it? (B) Can I just connect a USB or HDMI and use the appropriate code? (C) Do they need to be executables instead of just running out of Visual Studio? (D) Can this maybe done over Wi-fi? (E) Or is this something more complicated like over a VPN?

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