C++ :: Creating Object Without Default Constructor

Jun 24, 2013

I have a question about the default constructor.

To my best understanding, the compiler will provide me with a deafult constructor only if there are no any user defined constructors, at all. Now consider the following code:

Code: class MyClass
int m_data;
MyClass(int init):m_data(init){cout<<"Ctr called"<<endl;}

[Code] ....

How is it that suddenly, there is a default constructor?

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C++ :: Creating One Class Object In Constructor Of Another Class

Sep 20, 2013

Suppose I have two classes A and B so how to access object of class A in constructor of B's class as a parameter.

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C++ :: No Appropriate Default Constructor Available?

Oct 12, 2014

First I wrote a Binary-tree class to draw a binary tree on the window. The nodes were small circles. Then I become wanted to change the shape of the nodes from circles to triangles by another class, Binary-tree-derived which is derived from Binary-tree class. I wrote the below code to do the job but I get two errors about constructors. First, code:

/* The binary-tree class, one of the topics that has been said in Programming Principles and Practice using C++ book by Biarne Stroustrup.
This code is written by R Abbasi (s.rabbasi@yahoo.com) */
#include <Simple_window.h>


Errors are:

Error12error C2512: 'Binary_tree' : no appropriate default constructor availablec:userscsdocumentsvisual studio 2012projects est_1 est_1 est_1.cpp91

13IntelliSense: no default constructor exists for class "Binary_tree"c:UsersCSDocumentsVisual Studio 2012Projects est_1 est_1 est_1.cpp91

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C++ ::  How To Write A Default Constructor

Sep 27, 2013

How do you write a default constructor?I need to use a default constructor that will initialize the data members:
- salesPerson to “Unknown”
- noOfWeek to 13
- amount to point to an array of thirteen 0.00s.

This is my weeklysales class

class WeeklySales {
char* salesPerson;
double* amount; // Pointer to an array
int noOfWeek; // Size of the array

Here's my attempted code:

//default constructor
WeeklySales (){
noOfWeek = 13;
amount = 0.00;

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C++ :: Synthesized Default Constructor

Dec 25, 2013

A compiler auto created default constructor is called a synthesized default constructor. It will initialize the built-in members to 0 or not depends on where the class object is defined? if I define a class

class point{
double x, y;

if I define point point1; in global scope then point1.x and point1.y will be initialized to 0, if I define point point2; in a local scope, then its x and y won't be initialized? If it is like this, then I believe if there are built-in type members in a class, then the synthesized default constructor is almost useless!

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C++ :: Undefined Reference To Default Constructor?

Jul 28, 2013

trying to practice the object-oriented part of it by converting my java programs into c++. I believe I understand the concepts of a header file and declaring the functions in the .cpp files. I keep getting this "Undefined reference to NamedStorm::NamedStorm()" error.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
// NEVER use using namespce in header, use std instead.
using std::string;


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C++ :: Create Two Box In Program Using Default Constructor

Apr 6, 2014

Im trying to create two box in this program using the default constructor. When i call to try and display the info, it says that x, y, and z are not declared in this scope. i wanted to have the user cin the length, height, and width using the void setBox function.

using namespace std;
class Box{


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C/C++ :: Use Of Implicit Default Constructor Provided By Compiler?

Sep 21, 2014

In C++ if no user defined constructor is provided for a class the compiler automatically provides a implicit default constructor.

An implicit default constructor is equivalent to a default constructor with no parameters and no body ?

So what is the use of a implicit default constructor provided by the compiler, if it is not going to do anything ?

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C++ :: Call To Implicitly - Deleted Default Constructor Of Node

Oct 26, 2014

i tried running my code and i keep getting the error "call to implicitly-deleted default constructor of 'node'. My code is as follows

//.h file
typedef struct node * point
struct node{
string data;
node *next


I get the error at the line "ptr1 = new node;" I tried putting a default constructor for my node struct and that fixed the problem but a new problem arises. It states that i have a linker error after i compile it with a default constructor.

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C++ :: Make A Default Constructor Having Other Class Member Objects

Nov 7, 2014

class Date
Date(int=1, int=1, int=1990);
class Person
Person(string="", string="", Date=NULL);
class RealEstateAgent:Public Person
RealEstateAgent(string="",string="",Date=NULL,Date=NULL,int=NULL, double=0.0);


how can I assign default values with Customer object and RealEstateAgent?

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C/C++ :: How To Define Default Constructor For A Template List Class

Apr 18, 2012

I was making a template list class, and using it to make list of objects of my own class.It works fine with integers, but not with other classses.

template <typename T>
class CList {
    struct Node {
        T data;
        Node* next;


While in AddElement(), it gives error - Default constructor not available.

template<typename T>
bool CList<T>::AddElement(T t) {
    bool result = true;  
    if (head == NULL) {


what is wrong here.

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C++ :: Default Constructor - Set Array Of Strings To Null And Size Variable To 0

Dec 7, 2013

For my default constructor I need to set an array of strings to null and the size variable to 0. Here is my code for that

DynamicStringArray::DynamicStringArray() {

When I try and compile it I get an "expected primary expression before ']' token" error.

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C++ :: Will Copy Constructor Does Object Initialization Using Another Already Created Object

Mar 16, 2013

will copy constructor does object initialization using another already created object? I understand that it can be applied for object initialization and not for assignment.Is it correct?

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C# :: Constructor Object Reference Not To Set Instance Of Object

Mar 28, 2014

I am trying to use web api in order to return custom json response keys. For this i have return a custom class to return json response

Custom Class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;


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C++ :: How To Get Object Name In The Constructor

Mar 11, 2013

is it possible to get object name in the constructor? I would like to initialize an object of circle class without any arguments and put some pretty lines in constructor to get and save as table of chars the name of creating object. Is it possible? I work with MSVS2012.

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C++ :: Initializing Object Through Constructor

Oct 15, 2013

sth is in my mind.

fast way of initializing an object through constructor is

Fred::Fred() : x_(whatever) { }

slow way
Fred::Fred() { x_ = whatever; }

ok. i accept it is faster but why?? what is the difference compiler does.

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C++ :: Constructor Exercise - Creating A Class Called Screen With Some Specifications

Feb 15, 2014

This exercise is from C++ primer 5th edition. I have not understood everything about constructors, mainly about how they function.

Work prior to the exercise was creating a class called screen with some specifications. This is the class:

class screen{
using pos = string::size_type;
screen() = default;
pos height = 0;
pos width = 0;
pos cursor = 0;
string contents;

The exercise goes as follows:

Exercise 7.24: Give your Screen class three constructors: a defaultconstructor; a constructor that takes values for height and width and initializes the contents to hold the given number of blanks; and a constructor that takes values for height, width, and a character to use as the contents of the screen.

Giving the screen a default constructor was easy. The next part is probably easy aswell, I just dont understand what they mean when they say "and initalize the contents to hold the given number of blanks" and something in the 3rd part when they say "character to use as the contents of the screen".

Think I have made a breakthrough... Would the constructor for the second part look like this:

screen(pos ht, pos wd) : contents(ht*wd) {}

or something?

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C++ :: Passing Object To Inherited Class By Constructor

May 1, 2013

I am trying to pass an object to an inherited clas by a constructor. I am having Cboard my board and i need to pass it to the object Cpawn.

Here under is my code:

#include<iostream>#include "Cboard.h"
#include "Cpawn.h"
#include "Cpiece.h"

void main(){
char location[50];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Constructor That Initializes A Pointer To Point To The Object

Aug 27, 2013

I have a program that has a base class 'control' and there are 2 dervied classes 'button' and 'textbox'. How do i make a constructor in the 'button' or 'textbox' that initializes a pointer of the data type 'control' to point to the object that invokes the constructor. the code should look like this

class control {
} class button:public control {
buton() {
//code for the constructor

actually i have an array of pointers of the type 'control' and as soon as any instance of a control like button or textbox is created the constructor should make an element of the array to point to the instance

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C++ :: Discrepancy Between Constructor Output And Following Print Call To Object?

Jul 5, 2013

I am creating a Matrix class, and one of the constructors parses a string into a matrix. However, printing the result of the constructor (this->Print()) prints what I expect, and an <object_just_created>.Print() call returns bogus data. How is this even possible?

Snippets below:

Matrix::Matrix(const string &str) {
// Parse a new matrix from the given string
Matrix r = Matrix::Parse(str);
nRows= r.nRows;
nCols= r.nCols;

[Code] ....

in the driver program, here are the two successive calls

Matrix mm6("[1 2 3.8 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10; 20.4 68.2 1341.2 -15135 -80.9999]");
// mm6.Print() calls bogus data, -2.65698e+303 at each location. The matrix's
// underlying array is valid, because printing the addresses yields a block
// of memory 8 bits apart for each location

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C/C++ :: Declare Parent Object Inside Class Constructor

Mar 24, 2014

This keeps giving me the error

ecg.h:18:11: error: field "next" has incomplete type

How do I do what I need? It does the same thing whether I use a class or a struct. This is C++ code

struct ECG_node {
double voltage;
clock_t time;
ECG_node next;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Unable To Pass Reference Of Object Ifstream To Constructor

Jan 30, 2013

I'm trying to pass an reference of the object ifstream to my constructor as such:

// myClass.cpp
int main(){
ifstream file;
myClass classobj = myClass(file);}

I am defining the constructor as follows, in myClass.cpp:

myClass::myClass(ifstream &file){
// do stuff

I get the error of "No overloaded function of myClass::myClass matches the specified type."

Also, when I build the program, it tells me "syntax error: identifier 'ifstream'"

Also, I made sure I included this:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

What am I doing wrong? How can I pass an ifstream reference to my constructor?

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C++ :: Constructor That Initializes A New Inventory Object With Values Passed As Arguments

Feb 23, 2014

Write a constructor that initializes a new inventory object with the values passed as arguments, but which also includes a reasonable default value for each parameter.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
class inventory {

[Code] ....

I am not trying to get my homewotk done, just to understand my errors. It complies without problem. But doesn't run.

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C++ :: Initializing Base Class Part From Derived Object Using Copy Constructor

Feb 20, 2012

class Base
char * ptr;
Base(char * str)


Obj1 is a derived class object where base class char pointer is initialized with "singh" and derived class char pointer is initilized with "sunil". I want to create Obj2 out of Obj1. Separate memory should be created for Obj2 char pointer (base part and derived part as well) and that should be initialized with the strings contained in Obj1.

Here the problem is: Derived class part can be initialized with copy constructor. How to initialize the base class char poniter of Obj2 with the base class part of Obj1. char pointers in
both the classes are private.

I tried using initializer list but could not succeed.

Is there some proper way to do this?

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C# :: Creating Object That Uses Numeric Up / Down And Track Bar?

Nov 19, 2013

I want to create an object that uses visual C#'s Numeric Up/Down and a Track bar.

The reason is that I have a GUI that uses lots of these linked together with events and I want a common event handler for all of them.

Maybe just adding a property that is a Numeric Up/Down in the Track bar and vice-versa will allow me to create a common event for all of these pairs.

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C# :: Creating Instance Of A Class Given Its Assembly Object

Jan 15, 2015

Let's say I reference a dll in my project that has an abstract class in it:

public abstract class Module {
public string type;
public abstract string doSomething();

And then I have an Assembly object, loaded from a dll that is not referenced in project, but rather loaded during run-time, containing:

public class Tester : Module
public static string type = "Test";
public override void doSomething() {
//Stuff being done
return "hello";

How can I get the value of "type" in the class that is loaded during runtime? How do I use the "doSomething" method of it and get the returned object?

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