C# :: Cannot Update Text In Richtextbox Using Class

Oct 21, 2014

It's my understanding that there are three ways to go about updating a control on a form from a class.

A) Instance the form, eg: Form1 Frm = new Form1();
The problems I have run into with this is that while writing text to a richtextbox using the instance Frm, the richtextbox never updates on the form.

B) Passing the object to the class.
This method seems less used and can be very problematic. Haven't looked into it thoroughly.

C) Exposing the objects using classes within the Form.
While making methods public they still do now show as available for use when calling from classes, unless I instance them but then I run into problem A. I've considered making the methods static so no instancing is required but when doing so the object(in this case richtextbox) becomes invalid due to itself being instanced by the automatically generated code when adding the object.

I know there is another way to pass values then force the object to update but that won't necessarily work with a richtextbox as you have the option to deal with color and font variations.

I imagine I'm missing something pretty simple here but I can't find any resources online about how to handle objects with more complex data than just straight text.

Example of problem A

//called from a class
Form1 Chat = new Form1();
Chat.AddChat(Color.Lime, "Testing");


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C# :: Loading Large Text Files In A RichTextBox (OutOfMemoryException)

Mar 31, 2014

I am creating a simple log parser (loads a text file and filters out unnecessary information, but has the option to show the full log) and I'm running into an issue with fairly large log sizes (50+mgs). I have seen a few recommendations from a stream to memory manged files and even alternate 3rd party controls.

I foresee a few issues with any of the non-third party solutions (which I would prefer to avoid third-party add-ins) such as the scroll bar not correctly reporting the relative length or position of the complete text in the box (when displaying only a portion of the file at a time) and in the stream solution where you read on scroll (as necessary) have not only the same issues, but how do you resume reading in the middle of the file? This also all assumes I would be periodically clearing the RichTextBox to keep the memory usage down to avoid an OutOfMemoryException (which I have been running into.)

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C# :: How To Update Text In WinForms Textbox

Oct 28, 2014

I am trying to create an application interface serial data reception using c #. I send the data from the serial adc microcontroller adc atmega 16 ... the data is 0 to 1023. In the textbox that I use as a data reception, data updates to the bottom if I use ReadLine coding.


If I use ReadExisting, the data displayed by the textbox moves to the side. examples 102310231023256669

When the data changes from 0-1023 of serial communication, and clear the data will store in otomatiis in the textbox.

When there is reception of data with a value of 1023 and immediately there is a change to the value of 555 textbox value will not store the value of 1023, I want the value in 1023 immediately deleted automatically and change the value to 555 when a change in the value of the data ...

The following is the complete source code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace serial {
public partial class Form1 : Form {

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: How To Update All Rows Using Text Box

Sep 12, 2014

I retrieve all the row values from database into text box.But I could not Update it.It shows error message is : The variable name '@value' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. Must declare the scalar variable "@keyValue".

my code is here:

public partial class ECB_ECBConfiguration : System.Web.UI.Page {
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        DataTable dt = ECBDal.GetECBConfiguration();
       foreach(DataColumn col in dt.Columns) 
[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Get Browse Directory Dialog To Update Text Box With Path Selected

Jan 8, 2013

I'm trying to get a Browse Directory dialog to update a text box with the path selected. I had it working fine in Unicode build but now using TCHAR - I see the variable contains the correct path, but the textbox only gets updated with a single weird character.

setting the text checking WM_COMMAND vars-


browse function when Browse button is pressed -

TCHAR& buttonPush(HWND hWnd) {
if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc))) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Function Does Not Update Class Variables In Recursive Call

Dec 14, 2014

I'm trying to implement Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components Algorithm in C++. Here's how I gotten so far:

void tarjan(vector<Vertex>& G){
index = 0;
while (!S.empty()) S.pop();


Here's an example graph for the algorithm to run: [URL]

Here's the first part of the output of the program: [URL]

all the index & lowlink values of the nodes are set to -1 in the beginning. global index value is set to 0. My problem is, the algorithm starts running on Vertex X-4. It runs the instruction X-4.index=0 & X-4.lowlink=0 then it calls itself with the paramater of node X-1. it sets X-1's index & lowlink values to 1. then it calls itself for X2. then it checks whether node X-4 has the index value <0 or not. Even though we set the value of X-4 to 0 in the first run, it still sees X-4.index as -1.

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C# :: How To Use Textbox For Richtextbox

Nov 22, 2014

This is a simple dictionary program, richtextbox is used for a results

but i wants to use textbox as a richtext box

(ex:money = dollar,penny,rupees)
as a list : dollarpennyrupees

/> /> /> />

Project 2 Dic.txt = Project 2 Dic.rar

Attached File(s) : Project 2 Dic.txt (61.32K)

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C Sharp :: How To Get Selected Row Value From Datagridview In Richtextbox

Feb 18, 2013

i have 10 column in my datagridview. i want to get whole value from row(which row i'll select). i have this code but it's shows only one cell value,

richtextbox.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value.ToString();  

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C/C++ :: Loading File In Windows Form - Richtextbox

Feb 7, 2015

I want to load a file to rich text box component. I have this line:

richTextBox1->LoadFile("StudentaiRez.txt", RichTextBoxStreamType->PlainText);

But I get an error when I try to pass second parameter. It says : type name is not allowed.

I probably write it wrong, but I can't remember the correct way. In examples I only see that instead of -> dot is used, but it doesn't work either.

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C# :: Searching Through A RichtextBox For Specific Words And Display It?

Dec 28, 2014

I am building a c# application that would be able to search for specific words and display the frequency of each match and their respective values.All these is done by uploading a file into a rich texbox then read through it ,I have it uploading a file and read it and count the words but I cant get to search all the words at the same time in the richtextbox say I have RE3409RT,RE6789GH,DG7654YU,I want to go through all these codes and give how many times each occurs is working and when I specifically declare it say string srch="RE3409RT";

Find below is my code so far.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;


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C++ :: Class Instances To Text File

Mar 29, 2015

using namespace std;
class MathProblem {

[Code] ...

So my program is quite simple, have the user answer the answer to a question, and then compare with the correct answer. I needed to implement an inheritance of MathProblem in my second class aswell.

The program runs as I intend but I wish to have the data forwarded to a text file. After that I must read back to the command prompt the text file contents. It's fairly easy for simple statements but I don't understand how to forward all my data from my classes.

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C++ :: Read Info From Text File Into Class?

May 22, 2014

I'm having trouble in getting my program to read from a file and put all the proper data into its proper class variables. I have a class (called Champion) that has string variable for a name and a vector of strings for items. I also have a vector of Champion that holds multiple champions. Here's my code:

#include <iostream>


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C/C++ :: How To Structure And Write A Class For Text File Streams

Apr 20, 2014

I need to make a program which reads multiple lines from a text file and stores that information in a vector of structs(the vector class template also needs to be custom made).

One of my requirements is to have a class dedicated for I/O for the text file. At the moment I can't seem to get a way to input the data from a file into a vector from an InputOutput class. This is my code:


#include <ostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "Share.h"
#include <string>
#include "Vector.h"
class InputOutput {

[Code] ....

This is the menu selection function in the menu.cpp where i figured i would call the Input file and store it from case 1. I think I'm doing it wrong though. Is there a better way of doing this because at the moment i am getting some errors such as error LNK2019.

void Menu::UserMenuSelection() {
Vector<Share> shares;
std::ifstream infile;
switch (menuOption) {

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Create Class Instances From Text File Stream

Nov 10, 2014

I am trying to do some exercises but am struggling at the moment. The first task was to create a class (Planet), then allow the user to edit their entry or view it.

The second one is to create class instances from a text file. The file contains a new planet on each line in the form: 'id x y z' where x/y/z are its coordinates. As the file can have more then one lines, it has to dynamically create an undefined amount of class instances.

To do this I used 'new' and it works ok - it prints each one out to the screen as you go so you can see it working. However... I'm trying to get into good habits here and am encapsulating the class which is where I am getting stuck. I can read from the class but cannot put the values from the file into the class.. ..using the member functions I have created anyway.

My code so far is:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Planet {
int id=0;
float x_coord=0.0, y_coord=0.0, z_coord=0.0;
int GetID(){return id;}


If I change the SetID etc to just p->id, p->x_coord etc it works fine. But I'd rather find a way to do it that keeps the encapsulation. Using p->z_coord etc requires that you change the class variables from private to public.

The question I have been given is this:

Define and implement a function, generate planet, that takes a stream argument that has already been connected to a file (i.e. the argument is istream& fin). The function must create a new instance of planet using new and read its details from the next line in the file.Each line of the file is in the format id x y z.The function must return the newly created planet.

Also, how would you go about 'viewing' one specific class instance once they've been created? So say the file had 5 lines, line three was '4 6 2 6'. How would I go about viewing that planet afterwards? I don't think thats required but... I'm just wondering Although I'm also wondering, are we actually creating a new class instance for each line here? Or just destroying the previous one?

View 14 Replies View Related

C/C++ :: How To Write Class Objects To Text File Using Fstream

Jan 15, 2014

I need to a simple example for writing class' objects to a text file using fstream , I tried to search the forums and I found binary examples but not for to a text file.

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C# :: Method Of Mapping Text File Dictionary To Class Fields

Jan 21, 2014

So I'm rewriting an old project of mine, and I'm trying to determine if there's truly any better way to map the data taken from a text file "dictionary" into the correct class fields for further processing. For example:


In each of these, I'd need the "value" (MY_FIRST_NAME, MY_LAST_NAME, etc) from the "keys" (FNAME, LNAME, etc) to be mapped to the proper class fields. Say, for example, I had this:

Class DataProcessing {
public string Address;
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
public int TotalCalls;

I would need DataProcessing.Address to be set to the value in the ADDR key/value pair. The same would be true for each other field. The problem is that based on the text file's source (which isn't under my control, and won't be changed anytime soon), the key/value pairs are not always in the same place...so a second file could have the data as such:


Any smarter way to do this than looping through each line that was read in from the file, and determining where it belongs, such as (pseudo code follows):

//Assign to TotalCalls field
//Assign to Address field
ELSEIF FieldName == (You get the picture...)
//Do thing N_Field

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C# :: WPF Freeze Control During Update

Jun 11, 2012

is there a way to tell WPF that I'm going to do a lengthy update on a control (TextBlock), and that it shouldn't redraw it until I tell it I'm done? I'm adding a large number of items to the Inlines property, and it has to redraw the entire control every time I add an item, which takes a very long time - about 1 second for every 100 items. I know some other frameworks allow freezing of certain controls, but I haven't been able to find anything in the documentation or on google. I've tried collapsing the TextBlock, and then making it visible again after the update, but it did not improve the performance at all.

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C++ :: Using String To Update Array

Jun 13, 2013

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int Superior[4][6]={0};
int Economy[6][8]={0};

[Code] ....

What i want is key-in 2 diff seat ID and age and cout this 2 diff seat ID and age.

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C++ :: Get Two Objects To Update At The Same Time?

May 25, 2014

I am doing a remake of the classic game: Frogger. Currently, I have the world set up, the frog moves about in the world how I want it to, but I cannot get the cars or the logs to move simultaneously with the frog. I have posted my source code on GitHub.


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C# :: Unable To Update MSI Database Using MST

Sep 1, 2014

Am trying to update the MSI database via a transforms (MST) file. using below code.

WindowsInstaller.Installer inst = (WindowsInstaller.Installer)new Installer();
Database instDb = inst.OpenDatabase(MSIFile.FullName, WindowsInstaller.MsiOpenDatabaseMode.msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly);
instDb.ApplyTransform(MSTpath, MsiTransformError.msiTransformErrorViewTransform);
WindowsInstaller.View view1 = instDb.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Registry`(`Registry`,`Root`,`Key`,`Name`,`Value`,`Component_`) VALUES('" + Registry1 + "', '" + Root + "', '" + Key + "', '" + Name1 + "', '" + Value1 + "', '" + Component + "')");

When i try for MSI database before including instDb.ApplyTransform(MSTpath, MsiTransformError.msiTransformErrorViewTransform);

it worked fine for MSI, the values got updated in the MSI database, But i face error in the above line of code.

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C# :: Update A Label On Another Form?

Jun 29, 2014

I have a label on my main form. When I menu select my settings form, I make a change to the label text on the main form but the label text does not update with the new text.

So here is my code in my settings form:

MainForm frm = new MainForm();
frm.paintMainFormThemeTitle(logoText); // updates the main form label

I may not fully understand the new instantiate key word, but doesn't this create another, new copy of my main form to operate on? And isn't that why I can't see my label text change on my main form that is previously in view?

All of the examples that I have been able to find show using this new key word to be able to access a component on another form. But to my understanding, I'm creating another, new form.

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C# :: SQL Update Not Updating But Can Add - No Errors

Feb 1, 2015

I am currently just trying to update a record in a SQL database.I can add a record and delete a record just fine but when I go to update I get no errors but it just doesn't update.

Here is what I have and done coding for hours trial and error

private void btnAddProd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
{//validate method // product = new Product(txtProductName.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(txtProductCost.Text), txtProductType.Text);
product = new Product();
if(modify) {
Product theOneAndOnly = new Product();

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Software Dll Update Checker?

Jul 22, 2014

I'm making a text editor for my own programming language and I wanna make a simple software updater for it.

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C Sharp :: How To Do Update To AccDB

Mar 19, 2013

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Constructing Text Adventure - World Class To Hold Objects From Character

Jun 19, 2014

I am working with a new text adventure. The way i want to construct it is by having a class for all living things. in the class you have basic things as: health, gold, vector for inventory holding "struct item". etc...

There is also a class called world, wich navigates through the world.

World class contains of: player location, and a map containing info about the room etc...

Here comes the problem. I want there to be characters to be placed out in different maps, so basically i want the world class to hold objects from Character.

How to do it. In world class i made a map...


content is a struct i made above in world class:

struct content{
std::string name; // location name
std::string info; // info about location

To sum it up, i have a std::map<int,content>map the int stands for location id. Content holds more info about the room and what's in it

btw the classes are in different files and that means i have to include "Character.h" in the world file so i can set up the vector of characters.

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C++ :: Update Records Using Sequential Files?

Nov 3, 2013

How do i go about updating a specific record in sequential File using a primary key in c++. I used Inventory number as my primary key..

Code: int locate[2];
string fname, lname, add, name, address;
int num, foundit;
Customer customer;


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