using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data;
I have driver table this is my fields as following DriverID INT DriverName nvarchar50 Nationality nvarchar50 Address nvarchar50 I have form driver have 4 texbox textbox1 DriverID textbox2 DriverName textbox3 Nationality textbox4 address this table have two records
when i press buton next (NextBtn_Click)to go third record it not accept I need next button increase by 1 if record not exist and update this in table How i do this example if i have two records
1 aln american newyork 2 adam british british
when i press next button it ok work in records exist but when i press next button to third record it not accept why what i need is when press next after 2 it come 3 in text box driver id and update this number in table
I am programming in C and am having some trouble finding the .txt file I saved after having run my program. It is likely a stupid error on my behalf. However, it is causing me quite a bit of grief at the moment. I attached my source code below abgcchp27ex1.txt (2.01K)
I coded my structure within my header file(bookInfo.h) correct along with everything else. My dilemma is a matter of my file location and whether it actually saved.
/* This program takes the book info program from chapter 27 and writes the info to a file named bookinfo.txt. */
// First include the file with the structure definition
Is there a way to indicate how many records exist in a given file? For example, vectors have the vector.size() command to show the number of given elements. Is there a such command for files and records?
I found this program in a forum and it creates 1 to t threads with each thread pointing to the next and the last thread pointing to the first thread and it allows each thread to sequentially take a turn until all threads have taken n turns. That is when the program ends.
My doubt is if we see in void *tFunc(void *arg) function, first thread locks the mutex and then wait there forever till it's turn comes.Lets say if I spwan 1000 threads and they have take 10 turns each sequentially and what if a 550th thread locks the mutex as soon as the program starts and waiting for its turn which will never happen because still (turn=1) which means it's first thread's turn and first 549 threads have to complete their 1st turn before this 550 threda's turn comes.Doesnt this result in deadlock?
I have a file that I need to read in blocks. I need to read in n lines at a time, do some processing, and then read in the next block of n lines until the file is done. I know the size of the block, but not the number of lines in the file unless I check that first. Normally I would read in like,
Code: // declarations string new_input_line, input_file; // create an input stream and open the input_file ifstream input_file_istream; input_file.c_str() );
[Code] .....
// process through data_block
With this approach, I'm not sure how I would keep looping to read the next block until I hit the end of the file without knowing how many lines are in the input file. I could process the file to find that out, or get that number from bash and pass it it as an argument, but it seems like that shouldn't be necessary.
I could also read in and store the entire file as a vector of string and then process through it afterwords, but that would not be a very efficient use of memory.
I wrote program for Sequential matrix multiplication .But after execution for any input value( ex. 100,150,400) it shows the execution time is 0.000 msec.
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <sys/time.h> void print_results(char *prompt, int N, float *a); int main(int argc, char *argv[])
I have an assignment to write the code for a simulated radio station holding a contest. The contest is for a "caller" (user input obviously) to guess a number from 1 to 500. The "randomly generated" numbers are already chosen and are being stored in a .txt file. The code is to search for number guessed by the caller and if they are wrong, next caller until a caller is correct. The end result is to display the winning number, the indexed location the number was found, and how many callers guessed. This is what I have...
Code: #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int sequenSrch(const int prizeArray[], int arrayLength, int searchedItem); int guess();
[Code] ....
I'm not sure if I am even on the right track... when I pass something into the sequenSrh(); the code compiles, asks for the number to be guessed and ends.
Is this the right codes for deleting a recoed on the text file.
void dlte(){ string line, recorddate; cout << "Please Enter the date of record you want to delete: "; cin >> recorddate; ifstream myfile; ofstream temp;"herald.txt");
I have to ask the user if they want to delete any records. The user can enter -1 to finish deleting records. I have to write the remaining records in an output file. So, i have this, but
1) it doesn't let me enter more than 1 id, and 2) it doesn't output anything to my output.txt.
records.txt 6 123 Jose Garcia 99 345 Luis Garcia 87 234 Jazlyn Soriano 79 456 Carter Sander 95 567 Natalia Soto 67 789 Isabel Santana 80
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; class Student { private: int id;
I've implemented a records system for a college assignment and everything works as intended. However upon increasing the amount of records to store in my array above 10, the program crashes upon adding a new employee and I can't work out why...
what I need to do is load a dataset with the most recent record for each item in the database table. Each item has an ID, location ID and date along with some numeric data. the item ID, location ID, and date is referenced in each record of the table. So each item will have multiple records with different dates that could be anything. To make things worse there may be the same item in multiple locations. and each locations items most recent record needs to loaded in to the dateset and then displayed in a data grid. At a later time there will be a location sort as well so only items in a particular location or group of locations will be loaded. More question on the data grid to come.
In my form, I'm adding new records in the datagridview. However, for some reason only the first column of that datagridview is updated. Then I tried to clear out the other codes and left the code for the datagridview. Apparently, I failed. Then I tried creating a new form with the same design and code. And it works out pretty well.
I have to ask the user if they want to delete any records. The user can enter -1 to finish deleting records. I have to write the remaining records in an output file. I have this, but 1) it doesn't let me enter more than 1 id, and 2 it doesnt output anything to my output.txt.
records.txt 6 123 Jose Garcia 99 345 Luis Garcia 87 234 Jazlyn Soriano 79 456 Carter Sander 95 567 Natalia Soto 67 789 Isabel Santana 80
Code: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; class Student { private: int id; string firstName;
My size of binary file is 1920 KB and my struct size is 124 kb. now to find number of records in file I divided 1920/124 and it gives me 15.4.... do I add 1 to 15.4 and make it 16 or do i take it as 15?
im doing a program to store name, age, time and fitness. and i need to hold a table of 5 such records.can i do this?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int name1, age1, time1, fitness1; int name2, age2, time2, fitness2; int name3, age3, time3, fitness3; int name4, age4, time4, fitness4; int name5, age5, time5, fitness5;
I have got 4 radio buttons on my form and & i am trying to match the text for these radiobuttons with a record in one of the database tables. Essentially I would like when the submit button is clicked to match if the selected or clicked radiobutton Text with a database record. And if this matches a messagebox to be displayed saying "match" and if not matched the messagebox should show "no match found"
in this case the "Emp_1" is the matching record , when I run my project when other options or radio buttons are clicked it executes the messageBox showing that it matches even if its not a matching record. What I am trying to say is that it does not execute the else {MessageBox.Show("no match found");} when records don't match.
i have this program that i am undertaking.....this project needs to store customer details, edit them and delete i am facing the problem of deriving a code to edit those details...
HTML Code: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { int choice [1]; string name;