C/C++ :: How To Eliminate Initial Nulls From Numbers

Dec 13, 2014

I have a semi-working program for doing this task. Here it is:

char c = 0, flag = 0, c_ = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != '.') {
if ((c >= '0'&& c <= '9') && (c_ <'0' || c_ >'9')) {
if (c == '0')
flag = 1;
} else putchar(c);


But when I enter "000000a123000500" the program returns "0a23000500" instead of "0a123000500". Please change my program to have it do what it need to or give me some hint. Using getchar and putchar only! No massives and pointers!

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C :: Strcat With Nulls As Part Of Array

Mar 30, 2014

I have a character array that includes configuration bits that are 0x00, thus when I try and do a strcat it adds the appended string into one of those spots instead of the end of the array.

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C :: Eliminate Use Of Sin Function

Apr 28, 2014

so i got a project from my college to make a calculator including numerous things. everything was done but at the last moment my teacher refused the use of sin() function and asked us to make it manually and not use the sin() function. creating the new code. with a deadline of less than 24 hours. here is the part of code that needs the change, we need to eliminate the use of sin() function.

v= sin(r);

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C++ ::  Binary Program / How To Eliminate Leading Zeroes Of Input

Nov 18, 2013

I am looking to eliminate the leading zeroes of the input. The format has to stay the same and output must be as hinted in formatting.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void process(ifstream& infile, char&ch, int&dec, int&c, int&w);
int main(){


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C/C++ :: Timer Will Start From Its Previous Value Instead Of Its Initial Value?

May 8, 2014

I am making a product and in which i use a timer. I want when the product is being start the timer will run and when the product is off the timer will stop. If i again start the product the timer will start from its previous value.

I have problem that the timer start from its initial when i start my product.

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C/C++ :: Store Initial Size Of List In Int Variable?

Nov 24, 2014

I've been trying to store the inital size of a list in an int variable, so I can access it later in case I modify the list size. For example, I did the following:

std::list<AType *> myList;
int initListSize = myList.size(); //initial list size
while(myList.size > initListSize)

What this is supposed to do is to get an initial size of a list, and then be able to return to that initial size. However, when I try to do it in my code, initListSize always change if myList.size() changes. Is there a way to change that?

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C/C++ :: Error For Loop Initial Declaration Used Outside C99 Mode

Nov 13, 2013

I have this error while compiling the program.

Below is the code :

int main() {
    char* A = 0;
    char* tmp = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Defining Constant And Creating Double Variable With Initial Value?

Apr 4, 2014

Define a constant PI that has a value of 3.14159

- Create a double variable, Radius with an initial value of 10

- Create two double variables. Circum and Area, without initialization

- Using the following formulas, compute circumference and area of the circle:

circumference = pi * r * 2 (here, r means radius)

area = pi * r * r

- Display the result using three variables (numbers must come from variables)

- Expected output: (Don’t forget to display the period at the end of the first line)

Circle with radius of 10.

Circumference = 62.8318 Area = 314.159

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C# :: Update Initial Values Once User Has Added To Inventory

Apr 10, 2015

I am having some trouble creating a listbox in visual studio. I declared an array, set initial values, and now I would like to be able to update those values. It is a pizza inventory app, so I need to update the initial values once the user has added inventory. This is the code I have for the "Update Inventory" button:

// read in value and convert to double
double dblInput = Convert.ToDouble(txtInput.Text);
// loop through ingredients and add inventory to selected ingredient
for (int i = 0; i < dblInventory.Length; i++) {
// is item at i checked for update?
if(lstInventory.GetItemCheckState(i) == CheckState.Checked)


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C++ :: Eliminate Comma And Split String Into Individual String Variables

Nov 15, 2013

I have this string d ="3 J JD, K" and i want to split the string to individual string. I have this code which eliminates the comma but doesn't split the string into individual string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string str = "3 J JD,K";
stringstream ss(str);

[Code] ....

Output of the code is
3 J JD

but I want

Also after I split the string is there any way to put the split string into individual string variables.

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Visual C++ :: CFileDialog - Overriding Default Behavior Of Selecting Initial Directory

Oct 31, 2013

There was an "impovement" since Windows 7 in algorithm for selecting the initial directory, which is described here OPENFILENAME structure. Briefly:

Windows 7:

If lpstrInitialDir has the same value as was passed the first time the application used an Open or Save As dialog box, the path most recently selected by the user is used as the initial directory. Otherwise, if lpstrFile contains a path, that path is the initial directory.

Otherwise, if lpstrInitialDir is not NULL, it specifies the initial directory. If lpstrInitialDir is NULL and the current directory contains any files of the specified filter types, the initial directory is the current directory. Otherwise, the initial directory is the personal files directory of the current user. Otherwise, the initial directory is the Desktop folder.

The problem that this behavior is not what users of my program expect. Another constraint is that I need to use old CFileDialog dialog, not Common File Dialogs. I've tried to use advises described on StackOverflow and on MSDN. This solution by EllisMiller works perfectly:

Specifying a full path (including filename) in lpstrFile. The filename of course shows up in the filename box which is annoying. I ended up using a filename of "." and adding a bit of code to clear the filename combobox once the dialog is open.

BUT I can't figure how to clear the filename combobox. I've tried to add hook procedure, enumerate windows and clear text, but this didn't work for me. So, my question is: how can I clear text in the filename combobox of CFileDialog?

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C/C++ :: Final Output Needs To Print Initial And Final Values

Jan 28, 2015

I have a program that is reading six characters from a text file, swapping every other character(ABCD would read BADC), and then adjusting their value based on a user's adjusted value input. If the adjusted value is 5 then letter A becomes F.

The final output line should print the initial six characters followed by the final six characters after the swap and encrypt adjustment.

I can only manage to print the final characters. Am I far off thinking I need to use pointers to point to the original character values?

One more thing: instructor wants us to complete this project as simply as possible meaning without the use of arrays, loops, switch statements, etc.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char c1,

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Looping - Input Numbers Until User Types 0 Then Output Product Of Non Zero Numbers

May 1, 2014

How to do the problem below using loop?

Input numbers until the user types a 0, then output the product of the non 0 numbers: e

E.g., if the user types 2 4 6 0, the program should output 48

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C :: Finding Written Numbers In A String And Converting Them To Decimal Numbers

Jun 20, 2013

User enters sentence "The Smiths have two daughters, three sons, two cats and one dog." (The numbers may change depending on what the user chooses to enter. He told us the range would be from zero to nine.) and we have to convert the written numbers within the sentence into actual decimal numbers and print out the new sentence. Ex. The Smiths have 2 daughters, 3 sons...etc.

I have written the following bit of code which reads the string and finds all the "written numbers" but I am not sure how to proceed from there. I am stuck on how to print out the new sentence with the converted numbers as my professor mentioned something about creating the new string using dynamic memory allocation.

#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>
int main () {
char A[100];
int length = 0;
int i;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Find Prime Numbers Between Given Pair Of Numbers And Store Them Into Array?

Apr 18, 2014

Find all the prime numbers between a given pair of numbers. Numbers should be read in from an input file called "numbers.txt" and find all the prime numbers between them. Store the prime numbers in an array, then sort the array from greatest to least. Display the array before and after the sort.

I'm stuck on how to put the prime numbers into an array.

The input file has the numbers 1 & 100.

Here's what I have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream fin;

[Code] .....

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C :: Find Duplicate Numbers And Numbers Found Once In Array

Dec 7, 2013

Question: How to find a duplicate numbers and numbers found once in array.

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C++ :: Numbers Class - Translate Whole Numbers To English Description

Feb 4, 2015

I'm working on this program that I have to design a class Numbers that can be used to translate whole numbers to the English description of the number.

Now this is what I got so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Numbers {
int number;
static string ones[];
static string tens[];

[Code] ....

The program seems to work. However its not giving me the right number description,


Please enter the amount you would like translated into words: 5
six dollars
please enter another number: 10
eleven dollars
please enter another number: 20
thirty dollars
please enter another number: 30
forty dollars
please enter another number: 100
two hundred dollars
please enter another number: 150
two hundred sixty dollars
please enter another number: 500
six hundred dollars
please enter another number: 1000
two thousand dollars
please enter another number:

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Visual C++ :: Ignoring Negative Numbers When Trying To Add Only Positive Numbers?

May 15, 2013

ignoring negative numbers when I am trying to add up only positive numbers.

if (num>=0) {
sum= sum + num;

how would the else in this case being a negative number not be included in the sum

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C :: Subset Combinations - Select All Numbers Right Or No Numbers Right

Dec 22, 2013

I need a list generated of all possible subset combinations for the set 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12. Select six. Numbers cannot repeat.

Example subset: 1,2,3,4,5,6 (six selected, no repeats).

Example of what I dont need: 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,12,12 or 1,1,1,1,1,6.

I will also need the opposites removed, meaning...if I have 1,3,5,7,9,11 then I need 2,4,6,8,10,12 eliminated from the final list.

This is for a game, where you must select all numbers right or no numbers right.

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C/C++ :: Generate Combinations Of Numbers From 1 To 25 In 15 Numbers Array?

Sep 21, 2014

The code below will generate combinations of numbers from 1 to 25 in an 15 numbers array. The only filter I've applied is that the sum of all the numbers in the vectors divided by 15 needs to be between 13 and 14.
I would like to count how many consecutive numbers there are in one combination, so that later i can apply another filter.. for example:

1 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 25

3 + 4 = 1
4 + 5 = 1
5 + 6 = 1
13 + 14 = 1
16 + 17 = 1
17 + 18 = 1
18 + 19 = 1
19 + 20 = 1

Count = 8, in this case..

I think it's not very difficult to do, but i just can't see how to do it.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>


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C/C++ :: Program To Print Product Of Even Numbers And Sum Of Odd Numbers Between 1 And 30

May 20, 2014

I want to make a program to print the product of even numbers between 1 and 30 and sum of odd numbers between 1 and 30. But the answer of product is negative. The photo shows the output of the code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main ()
int i, even_product=1, odd_sum=0;
for(i=1;i<=30;i++) // For loop starts here!


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C/C++ :: Program That From 50 Numbers Displays Only Numbers Less Than 5

Jan 25, 2015

So i have made an array and made a scanf in a for loop so it can store all numbers entered from keyboard in the array but i dont know how to put the numbers that are less than 5 in another array and then print that array out and the lenght of the array.

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C :: Calculate Prime Numbers In Range And Return Count Of Prime Numbers

Apr 28, 2013

I wrote a program which sends a starting and ending range to other processes and the processes calculate the prime numbers in that range and return the count of prime numbers to the head process, process 0. But this is not working properly at the moment. I realize I still have to split up the range based on how many processes I have...I still have not figured out how I want to set that up. I


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
int isPrime(int num);
int main(int argc, char **argv){


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C++ :: Read Stream Of Numbers From A File And Writes Only Positive Numbers To Second File

Mar 27, 2013

Write a program which reads a stream of numbers from a file, and writes only the positive numbers to a second file. The user should be prompted to enter the names of both the input file and output file in main(), and then main() will open both files. Another function named process() must then be called to read all the numbers from the input file and write the positive numbers to the output file. Note that you must pass the open stream variables for each file as arguments to the process() function, and that you need to (always) double check that the files opened successfully before using them.

This is what I have so far but its not working out!

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int process(ifstream &inf, ofstream &outf);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Random Numbers - Getting Sum Of All Even And Odd Numbers

Aug 2, 2013

All Numbers are random.

This will be the output

Enter Number: 4
Enter Number: 3
Enter Number: 2
Enter Number: 1
Enter Number 6

The Sum of all even numbers is: 12
The Sum of all odd numbers is 4

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C++ :: How To Compare Two Max Numbers Out Of Four Numbers

Oct 4, 2013

i have trouble with comparing two of the biggest numbers out of four numbers. Im working on an assigment with a dice game where i need to tell the computer the following;

"if the biggest number out of dice_three and dice_four is the same number as the biggest of dice_two and dice_one, then loop1=true"

this is how i have been writing it so far ;

(MAXA(dice_three,dice_four) == MAX(dice_two,dice_one)){
lopp 1=true;

(as seen) i am using:

#define MAX(dice_one,dice_two) ( (dice_one) > (dice_two) ? (dice_one) : (dice_two) )
#define MAXA(dice_three,dice_four) ( (dice_three) > (dice_four) ? (dice_three) : (dice_four) )

to calculate which one is the biggest number out of the two pares. The code i have been writing so far seem to have the wrong syntax.

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