#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> main() { int n; int k; int j; //gets user input for length of string printf("Enter the value of n:"); scanf("%d", &n);
When I compile my code I get an error saying that I need declaration specifiers in my is_prime subroutine in the for loop.
I keep getting a "Declaration syntax error" at line ""int main()". Is there something wrong with my int main()? And how do I go about it? Here is the program:
#include<stdlib.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> float rung4(float x, float y, float h) int main() { float eps=0.00001;
PROGRAM:- #include<fstream.h> //for reading and writing files #include<conio.h> //for clrscr() #include<string.h> //for string characters #include<stdio.h> //for gets and puts function #include<process.h> //for exit function #include<iomanip.h> //for setw function #include<dos.h> //for delay and sleep function
However, I got this error in the 'for' line: "error: expected ‘;’ before ‘it’" (and then errors that it is not declared, etc). I'm sure that there is no missing ; in other functions. If you try to write a random line before that you get no error there for example, always in the for.
It is there something that you need to do with iterators when you declare generic datatypes?
Okay so I'm writing a simple program - so far with just 1 header and 1 .cpp file to go with it. I'm getting strange errors saying that my struct hasn't been recognised even though I declare it in the header. The code involved is --
Code: #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<sstream> #include"bots.h" //#include"prisonersDilemna.h" //write program to battle multiple bots with a random choice generator //and after all iterations post who comes out on top.
[Code] ....
||=== Build finished: 6 errors, 0 warnings ===|
How should the syntax be? Why does my program not recognise bot as an object type? Why can I not have a void method?
I am using OpenCASCADE environment to read STL file! I face a problem, with forward declaration error with the following
void StlReadIn::STL_Import() { std::string FileName; std::cout<<" Enter the file name "; std::cin>>FileName;
[Code] .....
Error message:
stlreadin.cpp:26:47: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct StlMesh_Mesh’ /usr/local/oce-0.9.1/include/oce/Handle_StlMesh_Mesh.hxx:23:7: error: forward declaration of ‘struct StlMesh_Mesh’
i have the following error defines.h:14:23: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers, the begining define.h source code is (the line 14 is in red):
I have a semi-working program for doing this task. Here it is:
char c = 0, flag = 0, c_ = 0; while ((c = getchar()) != '.') { if ((c >= '0'&& c <= '9') && (c_ <'0' || c_ >'9')) { if (c == '0') flag = 1; } else putchar(c);
But when I enter "000000a123000500" the program returns "0a23000500" instead of "0a123000500". Please change my program to have it do what it need to or give me some hint. Using getchar and putchar only! No massives and pointers!
I am making a product and in which i use a timer. I want when the product is being start the timer will run and when the product is off the timer will stop. If i again start the product the timer will start from its previous value.
I have problem that the timer start from its initial when i start my product.
I've been trying to store the inital size of a list in an int variable, so I can access it later in case I modify the list size. For example, I did the following:
std::list<AType *> myList; myList.push_back(anATypeobject); int initListSize = myList.size(); //initial list size myList.push_back(anotherATypeobject); myList.push_back(yetanotherATypeobject); while(myList.size > initListSize) myList.pop_back();
What this is supposed to do is to get an initial size of a list, and then be able to return to that initial size. However, when I try to do it in my code, initListSize always change if myList.size() changes. Is there a way to change that?
I am having some trouble creating a listbox in visual studio. I declared an array, set initial values, and now I would like to be able to update those values. It is a pizza inventory app, so I need to update the initial values once the user has added inventory. This is the code I have for the "Update Inventory" button:
// read in value and convert to double double dblInput = Convert.ToDouble(txtInput.Text); // loop through ingredients and add inventory to selected ingredient for (int i = 0; i < dblInventory.Length; i++) { // is item at i checked for update? if(lstInventory.GetItemCheckState(i) == CheckState.Checked)
There was an "impovement" since Windows 7 in algorithm for selecting the initial directory, which is described here OPENFILENAME structure. Briefly:
Windows 7:
If lpstrInitialDir has the same value as was passed the first time the application used an Open or Save As dialog box, the path most recently selected by the user is used as the initial directory. Otherwise, if lpstrFile contains a path, that path is the initial directory.
Otherwise, if lpstrInitialDir is not NULL, it specifies the initial directory. If lpstrInitialDir is NULL and the current directory contains any files of the specified filter types, the initial directory is the current directory. Otherwise, the initial directory is the personal files directory of the current user. Otherwise, the initial directory is the Desktop folder.
The problem that this behavior is not what users of my program expect. Another constraint is that I need to use old CFileDialog dialog, not Common File Dialogs. I've tried to use advises described on StackOverflow and on MSDN. This solution by EllisMiller works perfectly:
Specifying a full path (including filename) in lpstrFile. The filename of course shows up in the filename box which is annoying. I ended up using a filename of "." and adding a bit of code to clear the filename combobox once the dialog is open.
BUT I can't figure how to clear the filename combobox. I've tried to add hook procedure, enumerate windows and clear text, but this didn't work for me. So, my question is: how can I clear text in the filename combobox of CFileDialog?
While trying to redo everything in c i have an error on a do while loop and i don't understand i've corrected everything else but i don't understand why the error occurs even though it says how to fix it it says error expected ) before token -line 18 part of code
int main(){ Beep (523,1000); // sound at 523 hertz for 1 000 milliseconds char cPresent; do }
this is just extra bits i've added on to the assignment but I've worked on the c++ code for a week now i have less than a day to redo it
I am just starting out with loops and I have run into an syntax error and for the life of me I cant find out the issue. Before it has been an issue of me forgetting to close my brackets but I am pretty sure I did that this time. I am trying to have the program keep looping the main menu until the user inputs a correct number.
The purpose of this program is to unscramble the user's input. for example if the user entered 'ftooabll' the program would print 'football'. find the error that I am making....
Now, this only works for strings that are contained in the file wordlist. That being said, I would like this to repeat this search multiple times. Currently, the process is being repeated 7 times, but it only works on the first iteration. The code and sample input/output is below.
Sample input/output: (note: all data has been verified to be in the wordlist)
Enter string: 4132dcba abcd1234 Enter string: 4132dcba Enter string: 4132dcba Enter string: 4132dcba Enter string: 4132dcba Enter string: 4132dcba Enter string: 4132dcba
In a record I have IDs of type int but some may repeat. These IDs also got sales of type float. I wish to compare the IDs number of times they appear and of match found accumulate their sales and put it in another struct. However if an ID is found which is new I pass it to a function to initiate sales..but my code never reach second ID, given I am trying with two IDs.. given IDs in transFile
ID Sale
12345 870 90909 100
I enter these two in transFile and match it with masterRecord. 12345 is matched and updated likewise but 90909 is never executed or matched in checkID function..
void sync_trans_files(unsigned short int count, master masterRecord[], char transFile[]){ const short int weeklyemployee=25; //read number of records from transFile; struct trans{
My loop is outputting data incorrectly. I have inbound web data that come in sets of 7. I am trying to in insert the 7 records into a vector and then display the vector content followed by a new line.