C/C++ :: Finding The Right Class Hierarchy Implementation?

May 29, 2013


    class BM_FONT_CALL BMfont  {
    bool Load(const std::string& fontName);
    void Print(float x, float y);  
    class BM_FONT_CALL BMstring : public std::string

How can I do `BMstring` have an access to `BMfont`'s members, as if `BMstring` will not inherit `BMfont`'s members? For example, if I do this:

    BMfont::BMstring text;
    text.scale //I don't want this  

What I want to do here is, I want the `BMstring::Compile()` to have an access to `BMfont` with no any instance of `BMfont` inside `BMstring`.

Or what if I do this:

    class BM_FONT_CALL BMstring : public std::string {  
        std::function<void (void)> func;  
        BMstring() { func = BMfont::Compile(); }  

By making the `Compile()` member of `BMfont`.But this won't compile. How can I achieve this?

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C++ :: Implementation Of Named Class

Sep 12, 2014

I am trying to implement some kind of named class. It would look something like this:

class MyClass {
virtual std::string getName() = 0;

And now (what doesn't pass the compilation)

template <std::string NAME> class MyNamedClass {
std::string getName() { return NAME;}

And so every time I would like to have a class with a name, I could just do the following:

FinalClass : public MyNamedClass<"FinalClass">{};

The idea is not to have to always reimplement getName(), and just do it concisely in the declaration.

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C/C++ :: Multiple Class Implementation Files?

Apr 14, 2014

I have attached my code below and I am stuck in what to do next to make an instance of the dateCls so I can use the instance to assign the open date. By instance I mean like create an instance of the class, like this: dateCls myFirstInstance; And everything in the dateCls I can access through the . operator. So far my code looks like this..what I should do? Lastly, I am using derived data from I think the bankAccountCls.

I need the main program to output this data:

dateCls openDate(01, 03, 2012, "open date");
saveAccountCls s1("1001", 300.50, 0.12);
s1.deposit(100, 01, 05, 2012);
s1.withdraw(50, 01, 10, 2012);


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C++ :: Linked List Class Node Implementation

Mar 26, 2014

I am studying this sample code for linked list class node implementation. I am not 100% sure how this code keeps track of the head node. Here's what I know so far, and if you want to add/correct anything feel free to do so:

class Node {
Node(); // constructor of class node without arguments
Node(int, Node*); //constructor with arguments of int type and a pointer node type
Node* next() const;
void setNext(Node*); //member fun, returning a pointer of node type
void setKey(int);

[Code] ......

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Visual C++ :: Class Specification / Implementation File

Oct 2, 2013

I keep getting this error

In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-redhat-linux/4.5.1/../../../../include/c++/4.5.1/bits/ios_base.h:43:0,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-redhat-linux/4.5.1/../../../../include/c++/4.5.1/ios:43,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-redhat-linux/4.5.1/../../../../include/c++/4.5.1/ostream:40,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-redhat-linux/4.5.1/../../../../include/c++/4.5.1/iostream:40,
from player1.cpp:3:
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-redhat-linux/4.5.1/../../../../include/c++/4.5.1/bits/locale_classes.h:45:1: error: expected unqualified-id before "namespace"

What does it mean? I am working on classes and this error comes when I run the implentation of my class file.

//Implimentation of class player1 (player.cpp)
#include "player1.h"
#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;
void player1 :: Set_Name()

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Rational Number Class Implementation - Overloaded Operators

Sep 13, 2013

I'm implementing a rational number class:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
using namespace std;

typedef int64_t RAT_INT;
struct RAT{
RAT_INT Num, Den;

RAT(RAT_INT num = 0, RAT_INT den = 1){
Num = num;
Den = den;


Two questions:
1) In the second line in main, how does C++ know to convert 2 to the appropriate RAT?
2) Is it possible to make the third line in main valid without adding global operators for all the member operators to support plain integers?

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C++ :: Implementation Of Array Index Operator For Fraction Class

Jan 7, 2014

I need an implementation for the array index operator overloading of my Fraction class . The Fraction.h looks like :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Fraction {
Fraction(int = 1, int = 1);

[Code] .....

I am not able write the Array index operator overloading functions.

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C++ :: Container Of Hierarchy Of Objects

Apr 25, 2014

How do we design a container of objects all of which belong to some subclass which directly/indirectly inherits from a given parent class? Moreover, I would like to have functions that enable me to pick only objects of a certain class type from the container.

For example if the parent class is A and I have a hierarchy of classes that derive from it, we must have a container that can contain any class that exists in this hierarchy. Also, get_B() must be able to let me examine only those objects in this container that inherit (directly/indirectly) from class B (class B exists in the hierarchy rooted at A).

Preferably, we would like to avoid downcasting. Or even explicit typechecking of any sort.

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C++ :: Payroll System - Visualizing Hierarchy

Apr 27, 2014

I have been given a HW to write code for a payroll system. The base class would be Employee. There are four types of employees.

1 - Salaried (fixed salary, no matter the hours)
2 - Hourly (overtime [>40 hours] pays time and half)
3 - Commissioned (paid percentage of sales)
4 - Base-plus-commissioned (base salary + percentage of sales)

Also add a private data member birthDate (a Date object) and departmentCode, an int to class Employee.

1 - Is the following hierarchy that I'm visualizing right? Or is a change needed?

Here is the link: [URL] ....

2 - In hourly, what does in round brackets mean? What is meant by "pays time and half"?

3 - In base-plus-commissioned, is it required to take "base salary" from user or I just get salary from the salaried employee?

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C++ :: Storing Objects Of Hierarchy In A Vector

Jun 6, 2012

I have a hierarchy of Actions (NonMovingActions and MovinActions each with sub-hierarchies). Actions class has an abstract function.

class Action {
Action(Agent& agent, ...):agent(agent),..{}
virtual ~Action(void);
virtual bool run()=0;


It appears that C++ does not allow this (in Java it was possible). Compiler objects that Action class is abstract (and cannot be instantiated?!)

Code: error C2259: 'Action' : cannot instantiate abstract class

1- May I know what do I not understand here? We cannot refer to sub-class instances with a reference of parent class type?

2- Should I use vector of pointers instead or what?

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C++ :: Obtaining Pointers To Represent Each Branch In Hierarchy?

Aug 24, 2014

My program has a large version of this, where every leaf class is singleton, and pointers of the base class to represent each possible path are stored in a map during compile time. I have it working as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>


But System::initializePrototypes() is constructing the map manually, and I want to use recursion somehow, because my hierarchy is much bigger than this. It's also easy to miss a path doing it the above way, and when new classes are added to the hierarchy, it will be a nightmare to update the map. So the ideal solution is recursion constructing the map perfectly--and when new classes are introduced, nothing needs to be added to System::initializePrototypes().

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C++ :: How To Change Hierarchy Without Passing Root Element

Aug 6, 2013

I got a mesh which has an edge with a specific transformation (translation + orientation). When this configuration / transformation is changed, its neighbours are to be updated. This structure is kept inside a tree so that when a root "frame" is passed to a method like UpdateHierachy, the mesh will recursively update itself.

If, I don't pass this method the root element, which is in my case, how do I change the rest of the structure? The reason to do this is because I want to say move the door, the windows and furniture will move along with it.

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C++ :: Finding A Specific Instance Of A Class

May 22, 2013

So I have a class that is like this:

class card {
int id;
int val;
card card1;
card1.id = 1;
card1.val = 2;
card card2;
card2.id = 2;
card2.val = 45;


So my question is firstly, is there a better way to implement this? (a vector of classes or something maybe?) and how can I call up a specific instance of the class. For example, if I want the val of a specific instance of the class, how best can I do that?

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C++ :: Finding Errors In Class Template

Nov 17, 2014

I have to find at least 5 errors in the following class template. I have found three and it now compiles, here is the template

#include <map>
#include <utility>
template <class T> class foo{
public :
foo(T bar1, T bar2){
_bar2.insert( std::pair<T,T>(bar1,bar2) );

[Code] ....

The errors I believe I have found are as follows: the vector library has not been added, the map requires two type arguments rather than one and the object which is created in main doesn't pass any values to the constructor. I fixed all of these errors and the code now compiles without errors, however the problem asks for five.

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C/C++ :: Finding Errors In Class Template?

Nov 18, 2014

I have to find at least 5 errors in the following class template. I have found three and it now compiles, here is the template

#include <map>
#include <utility>
template <class T> class foo{
public :


The errors I believe I have found are as follows: the vector library has not been added, the map requires two type arguments rather than one and the object which is created in main doesn't pass any values to the constructor. I fixed all of these errors and the code now compiles without errors, however the problem asks for five.

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C :: How To Create Double Link List For 2 Level Hierarchy

Jun 11, 2014

I have to create a 2D link list with 2 level hierarchy

some thing like that

head nodes level 1: 0 1 2
/| / /|
Sub node level 2: 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2
Real Data under |
each sub node: |

int **join=Null;
int unique = 0;
int col;
int ptr;
int *tmp_perm=Null;
int col_elem;

I know how to deal with 1 level link list structure. But i don't know how to access, delete, nodes and sub nodes from this 2 level hierarchy. C

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C++ :: Finding All Prime Numbers Using Class Number

Feb 20, 2015

Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number larger than 2. The program should use the Number class to determine the prime numbers between 2 and the number entered, and display them in the console window.I've been stuck for a while now and just lost in implementing classes and contstructors.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
cout << "Enter a number larger than 2: " << endl;
int n;
cin >> n;

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C++ :: Splitting Template Class To Header H File And Implementation CPP File

Sep 12, 2014

What is the right syntax for implementing the .cpp of a template class?

Consider this LinkedList.h file:
Code: #include<iostream>

template <class T>
class LinkedList {

[Code] ....

How should the implementation for the LinkedList constructor, for example, should look like in the LinkedList.cpp file?

I tried this:

Code: #include "LinkedList.h"
template <class T>
LinkedList<T>::LinkedList<T>() {
// constructor
LinkedList<T>::~LinkedList<T>() {
// destructor

But the compiler wouldn't accept it.

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C++ :: Array To Template Class - Finding Largest Number From A Group Of Numbers

Sep 26, 2013

I'm trying to make an array that takes a group of numbers and finds the largest number into a template class.

template<class TYPE>
void Integers(TYPE data) {
int integers[] = {4, 25, 32, 85, 150, 12, 98, 200};
int i = 0;
int Max=integers[0];
for (i=1; i < 8; i++) {

[Code] ....

I'm sure I'm going about it all wrong, but I'm not sure as to get it so that it will accept the arrays input.

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C :: RSA Implementation And N Modulus

Aug 18, 2013

I have to develop minimalistic implementation of RSA algorithm in C for an embedded device.

I'm doing that for two days but I have run into a problem. The N modulus is the limitation for the maximum message value to be encrypted with RSA.

For example theoretically RSA-1024 can encrypt/decrypt messages 1024 bits long but I still cannot understand how to choose p and q values to produce N == pow(2, 1024).

Is it possible to encrypt/decrypt 1024 bits long messages in practice if the N < pow(2, 1024)?

So far I'm getting the following results

Encrypting with RSA
d=15689981, e=21, n=16484947
In=16484942, Encrypted= 6074492, Out=16484942 (OK)
In=16484943, Encrypted= 5468920, Out=16484943 (OK)

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Big Integer Implementation?

Aug 8, 2013

I was trying to implement Big Integer Implementation. I wanted to start with the basic operation of addition. I am having some problems with operator overloading part

BigInteger implementation
#include "conio.h"
#include "iostream"


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C# :: RSS Reader MVC Implementation

Apr 19, 2014

I was looking at this tutorial: [URL] ..... And I was wondering if implementing it in MVC would be pretty much the same way? How would I display feed items in the views page using?

I tried something like:

ReaderModel Reader = new ReaderModel();
Collection<Rss.Item> List;
List = Reader.GetFeed();
ViewData["RssItems"] = List;

// then in index.cshtml
@foreach(Collection<Rss.Item> items in ViewData["RssItems"]) {

I don't think this is right as I'm getting those red error lines...

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C++ :: Operator New Without Implementation?

Aug 5, 2013

Here is the code,

class A {
void* operator new(size_t size);
int main() {
return 0;

The code above compiles fine without errors. But operator new might not have implementation body?

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C++ :: Gravity Simulator Implementation

Jul 9, 2013

I've been working on creating a simulator to crash two galaxies together as part of a project to stress test a CUDA super computer. I've got a long way to go and am currently just working on correctly simulating n-body gravity functions. First I will use this to simulate the cores of the galaxies (the black holes) and eventually the stars.

So long story short I'm working on the beginnings of a gravity simulator. At this point I found some basic code that works well but doesn't quite give the effect I'm looking for.

The code below only pulls each object towards each other like a spring faster and faster until they shoot off into infinity. I try to give one of my bodies an initial velocity to get it to orbit another, but it always just shoots straight at the other body. I'm thinking I need to factor in inertia so that the initial velocity doesn't just get calculated away really fast by the other calculations.

I'm really looking for a bit of direction to get a real gravity simulator with orbits and such working right so eventually I can scale it up to a galaxy, throw in 100B stars and let the CUDA run for a month..

void update_galaxies(GLdouble elapsedTime) {
//Calculate gravity simulations
GLdouble r1, r2, r3;
r1 = r2 = r3 = 0.0;

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < galaxies.size(); i++)

[Code] ....

As you can see, I'm calculating all the bodies in a vector called "galaxies" with each other, and doing a basic gravity calculation to it. The update_position function simply takes the calculated acceleration and uses it to calculate the velocity and position based on the "elapsedTime".

I think I need to use the Varlet or Runge-Kutta integration methods, after doing a bit more research.

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C :: Depth First Search Implementation

Mar 12, 2013

I'm having problems with implementing depth first search.

6 10 //6vertices 10edges
0 2 //vertex and its adjacent vertex
1 0
1 2
2 3
2 4
3 1
4 1
4 3
4 5
5 3

Output to terminal: 0 2 3 1 4 5
but it should be: 0 2 4 5 3 1

Here's my code:

/* maxVertices represents maximum number of vertices that can be present in the graph. */
#define maxVertices 100
void Dfs(int graph[][maxVertices], int *size, int presentVertex,int *visited)

[Code] ....

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C :: Stack Implementation Using Arrays

May 31, 2014


#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define STACKSIZE 100
struct stackk
int top;
int items[STACKSIZE];
typedef struct stackk *s;


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