C/C++ :: Transfer Array Values To Positive And Negative Arrays?

Oct 21, 2014

I have a problem with my assignment. I would like to ask how to transfer positive and negative values from array temperature to arrays positive and negative?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n=0, d=0, temperature[20], sum;
int positive[], negative[];
float avg;


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C++ :: User Input - Calculate Sum Of Only Positive Values While Ignoring Negative Numbers

Jun 19, 2014

So I have to make a program that allows the user to enter both positive and negative numbers and the program is suppose to calculate the sum of only the positive values while ignoring the negative values. Also it is to be a sentinel-controlled loop with a number ending the set of values.

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C++ :: Positive And Negative Infinity

May 2, 2013

What are positive and negative infinity for different data types in c++, are they represent maximum and minimum limit of a type? or positive infinity is not a finite value.can some explain this positive and negative infinity paradigm

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Visual C++ :: How To Write Array Into 3 Different Arrays - Odd / Even And Negative

Jan 11, 2014

Place the even lucky numbers in an array called evenList, the odd lucky numbers in an array called oddList, and the negative lucky numbers in an array called negList.

//So in main main i passed the array as parameter and the size;

void lucknumberlist(int favnum[], int size) {
int even = 0, odd = 0, neg = 0;
int evenArray[even];
int oddArray[odd];
int negArray[neg];
if(favnum[even] % 2 == 0) {
evenArray[even] = favnum[even];

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Positive Remainders Returning Negative?

Nov 26, 2013

int Fib1 = 1;
int Fib2 = 2;
int Fib3 = 0;
int randomynumber;
int Loop;


this returns negative numbers sometimes.what did i do wrong side note this is not the complete program it is only the part with the problem because the complete code is sort of longish and very confusing

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C/C++ :: Counting Positive And Negative Numbers?

Jan 27, 2014

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int initialization (int []);
int identifying (int [],int);


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C++ :: Ignoring Negative Values In Array?

Nov 8, 2014

I need to ignore negative values in an array, but not exit the function.

For example if the user enters:


the array would be


Is there a way to ignore these values?

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C++ :: Display Count Of Positive And Negative And Zero Entered

Aug 18, 2014

Write a program to enter the number till 100 till the user want and at the end it should display the count of positive and negative and zero entered.

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C :: Why Program Can't Subtract Negative Number From Positive One

Feb 2, 2015

My program uses a while loop to eventually get to an error of zero and a root of sqrt(3). I'm not understand why after the third iteration the program fails to compute a new x value. I'm using Visual Studio 2013. The code tag instructions were dubious.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
main() {
/*This program uses the Newton-Raphson method to solve y = (x^3)-3 for it's roots.*/
printf("This program uses the Newton-Raphson method to solve y = (x^3)-3 for it's roots. Enter your estimate of the root.
float x,y,z;
int num;
num = 0;


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C :: Finding Positive / Negative Integers Unsigned Can Hold

Jan 25, 2013

Consider a new data type, the mikesint, which can hold 9 bits.

(a) What is the largest integer that an unsigned mikesint can hold?
(b) What is the largest positive integer that a signed mikesint can hold?
(c) What is the largest negative integer that a signed mikesint can hold?

Not sure how to determine this. I'm stuck.

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C++ :: If Statement To Read Number Negative Or Positive Not Working

Nov 10, 2014

So I tried creating a test code for reading a negative number and positive number but whenever I enter a negative number it read it as being positive.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>


PS: I am using char over int because the program that I am testing for requires me to use 8 bit variable.

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C :: Program To Show Highest Negative And Lowest Positive Temperature Of Year

Jan 19, 2014

I have an assigment and I don't know yet how to write this program :" I introduce the average monthly temperatures of a year(12 values for 12 months). When I compile the program it needs to show the highest negative temparature and the lowest positive temperature of that year.

Example: Entry data: -4 -6 0 5 10 20 24 25 17 8 -1 -7 exit data : max negative= -1 and min positive= 5 "

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C++ :: How To Transfer Selected Values From InFile Into OutFile

Jul 8, 2014

My assignment asks me to read inputs from a certain file which has data as shown below:

else if (menu == 3) {
ofstream outFile("output.txt");

Shares share1 = shareList.get(0);
double price1 = share1.getTradePrice();
time24 time1 = share1.getT();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Write Negative To One File And Positive Numbers To Another File

Dec 11, 2013

im supposed to create a program that reads in a list of integers from the terminal and writes the negative numbers to one file and the positive numbers to another file.

i got most of it doen but for some reason its not writting the negative numbers. on what im doing wrong?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int pos_num = 0;
int neg_num = 0;
int positive_numbers = pos_num % 5;


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C++ :: Average Negative / Positive Numbers And Total Average?

Nov 18, 2013

I am trying to average the negative numbers and positive number and of course the total average.

This will read in a list of n values, where n is not known ahead of time. The number of values read into the array will be saved in n.

vector<int> readList() {
std::vector<int> result;
ifstream inFile;
for (int x; inFile >> x; ) {


array is a one-dimensional array of integers and n is the number of elements in that array that contain valid data values. Both of these are input parameters to the function. The function must calculate 1) the average of the n integers in array, storing the result in ave; 2) the average of the positive numbers (> 0), storing the result in avePos, and 3) the average of the negative numbers (< 0), storing the result in aveNeg.

void avgs (std::vector &array, int &ave, int &avePos, int &aveNeg) {
int sum = 0, pos_sum = 0, neg_sum = 0, pos_count = 0, neg_count = 0;
for (auto i : array) {
sum += i;
if (i > 0) { pos_sum += i; ++pos_count; }


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Visual C++ :: Ignoring Negative Numbers When Trying To Add Only Positive Numbers?

May 15, 2013

ignoring negative numbers when I am trying to add up only positive numbers.

if (num>=0) {
sum= sum + num;

how would the else in this case being a negative number not be included in the sum

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C++ :: Passing Positive Numbers In Arrays

Nov 1, 2013

I am having an error at line 21. Specifically the code where it says "list[num]=x"

How am I able to fix this code to do what I want? The purpose of my program is to enter in positive numbers in an array (and having it end when 0 is typed) My program also accepts negative values but will ignore them when it is outputted. I believe I have all the code right except for line 21.

using namespace std;
const int ARRAY_SIZE(25);
void read_list(const int list[],const int ARRAY_SIZE);
int main() {
int list[ARRAY_SIZE];
read_list(list, ARRAY_SIZE);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Values Are Changing When Passing Arrays And Array Sizes?

Feb 28, 2014

I'm working on a homework assignment that asks me to roll two die a user given number of times, find the roll sums, and a few other things. I'm working on it one module at a time and I'm running into two big problems so far.

The first problem is that my int variable rolls changes to a number within the random number generator range of numbers after I run rolldie. I got around this by making a const equal to the user entered value of rolls just so that I could continue developing the program.

My second problem is that the values of the arrays resultsOne[] and resultsTwo[] are changed after running findsum(). Why this is happening and I even tried passing them as const, but that changed nothing. We just started learning about passing arrays to functions, so there might be something big that I'm missing.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void rolldie(int resultsOne[], int sizeOfresultsOne, int resultsTwo[], int sizeOfresultsTwo);
void findsum(int resultsOne[], int sizeOfresultsOne, int resultsTwo[], int sizeOfresultsTwo, int tossSums[], int sizeOftossSums);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Transfer Values Set In Privates Of Base Class By Object Of One Derived Class To Another

Apr 26, 2014

I have my main.cpp like this:

#include <iostream>
#include "curve1.h"
#include "curve2.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
Curve1 curve1Obj;
Curve2 curve2Obj;


Base class Score has two derived classes Curve1 and Curve2. There are two curve() functions, one is in Curve1 and other in Curve2 classes. getSize() returns the value of iSize.

My base class header score.h looks like this:

#ifndef SCORE_H
#define SCORE_H
class Score {
int *ipScore;
float fAverage;
int iSize;


You can see that I have used curve1Obj to enter scores, calculate average and output. So if I call getSize() function with cuve1Obj, it gives the right size that I took from user in enterScores() function. Also the result is same if I call getSize() in score.cpp definition file in any of the functions (obviously).

The problem is when I call curve() function of Curve2 class in main (line 23) with the object curve2Obj, it creates a new set of ipScore, fAverage and iSize (i think?) with garbage values. So when I call getSize() in curve() definition in curve2.cpp, it outputs the garbage. .....

How can I cause it to return the old values that are set in curve1.cpp?

Here is my curve2.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "curve2.h"
using namespace std;
void Curve2::curve() {
cout << "getSize() returns: " << getSize() << endl; // out comes the garbage

Can I use a function to simply put values from old to new variables? If yes then how?

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C++ :: Rotates A Vector 90 Degrees - Values Won't Stay Negative

Jan 21, 2015

I have a function that rotates a vector 90 degrees. Only problem is, i never get negative values. For some strange reason, no matter what i do, the value of x is positive. And even if the x is negative. Once i put it into direction (struct with 2 values x and y) it turns again to positive. Im using VSC++2013 ultimate. At first direction was SDL_Point, so i thought it was SDL problem, but now it seems its something else.

if (c == '-') {
int x = direction.y;
x *= -1;
int y = direction.x;
direction = { x, y };

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C/C++ :: Switch Construct Does Not Allow Negative Values To Be Used Inside A Case?

Feb 26, 2015

I just wanted to ask the reason that why is the below code not checking the case -1 while working for the other case values.

int main() {
int i=-1;
switch(i-2) {

[Code] ....

So why in the below code the case -1 doesnt run,when the value evaluated by the switch construct is actually a negative integer constant.

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C :: Assigning Values To Arrays / Printing Arrays

Jul 1, 2014

Using a for loop, construct two 100 element arrays, x and y, such that element i of x stores the value sin(2*pi*i/100)) and the corresponding element of y stores cos((2*pi*i/100)). Print the values stored in the elements of x and y as you calculate them.

I have attempted to solve it but I'm not sure why the value 0 is only being printed, maybe I haven't assigned sin(2i/100)) and cos((2i/100)) to the arrays properly?

int main () {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Write Function That Takes Array And Returns True If All Elements In Array Are Positive

Jan 21, 2013

Write a function that takes an array and returns true if all the elements in the array are positive, otherwise, it returns false.

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C++ :: Having Negative 0 As Result After Multiplying Zero With Negative Number

Aug 27, 2014

Having error . I multiplied 0 by -4 and my result is -0 instead of 0. I tried to change the data type put It won't work. This is my code:

#include <iostream>
int main () {
double b, c;
std::cout<<"b: ";
std::cout<<"c: ";
return 0;

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C :: Calloc For Array Of Array With Negative Index

Oct 14, 2014

I have an array of array with negative index. It is an array which has real dimensions [dim_y + 40][dim_x + 40] but the user uses the array like it has dimensions [dim_y][dim_x].

So i see the array's rows lets say from -20 to dim_y + 20 but a user sees only from 0 to dim_y.

First i had global and already defined the dimensions dim_x, dim_y, so i had this:


int map_boundaries[dim_y + 40][dim_x + 40];
int (*map)[dim_x+40] = (int(*)[dim_x+40])&map_boundaries[20][20]; In fact, 'map' points to 'map_boundaries' , map[0][0] is map_boundaries[20][20].

I did what is posted in the second post here: Negative array indexing - Everything2.com

I want 'map' to be global. Until now i had defined the dim_y and dim_x so that worked fine.Now i just need to read from a user the dim_x and dim_y.

Until now i have global

Code: int **map_boundaries;

and then in main i use calloc:


map_boundaries = (int **)calloc(dim_y + 40,sizeof(int*));
for(i = 0; i < dim_y + 40; i++){
map_boundaries[i] = (int *)calloc(dim_x + 40,sizeof(int));}

but i dont know how to declare this line now:

Code: int (*map)[dim_x+40] = (int(*)[dim_x+40])&map_boundaries[20][20];

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C/C++ :: Calloc For Array Of Array With Negative Index

Oct 14, 2014

I have an array of array with negative index. It is an array which has real dimensions [dim_y + 40][dim_x + 40] but the user uses the array like it has dimensions [dim_y][dim_x].

So I see the array's rows lets say from -20 to dim_y + 20 but a user sees only from 0 to dim_y.

First I had global and already defined the dimensions dim_x, dim_y, so i had this:

int map_boundaries[dim_y + 40][dim_x + 40];
int (*map)[dim_x+40] = (int(*)[dim_x+40])&map_boundaries[20][20];

In fact, 'map' points to 'map_boundaries' , map[0][0] is map_boundaries[20][20].

I did what is posted in the second post here: [URL] ....

I want 'map' to be global. Until now i had defined the dim_y and dim_x so that worked fine. Now I just need to read from a user the dim_x and dim_y. Until now i have global

int **map_boundaries;

and then in main i use calloc:

map_boundaries = (int **)calloc(dim_y + 40,sizeof(int*));
for(i = 0; i < dim_y + 40; i++){
map_boundaries[i] = (int *)calloc(dim_x + 40,sizeof(int));

But I dont know how to declare this line now:

int (*map)[dim_x+40] = (int(*)[dim_x+40])&map_boundaries[20][20];

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