C/C++ :: Split A String And Store Into 2D Vector

Oct 13, 2014

I am having trouble with parsing out string value into a 2D vector. Suppose I have the string "attack at dawn " consisting of 15 characters, i will like to store it into a 2D vector with 5 rows and 3 columns and the result is as follow.

Vector[0][0] = "a"
Vector[0][1] = "t"
Vector[0][2] = "t"
Vector[1][0] = "a"
Vector[1][1] = "c"
Vector[1][2] = "k"
Vector[2][0] = " "
Vector[2][1] = "a"
Vector[2][2] = "t"

Here is a draft code that i did but is not working as desired.

vector<vector <string > > plaintextVector;
vector<string> row;
string totalString = "attack at dawn ";
int dimension = 3;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Split A String And Store Into 2D Vector

Oct 14, 2014

I am having trouble with parsing out string value into a 2D vector. Suppose i have the string "attack at dawn " consisting of 15 characters, i will like to store it into a 2D vector with 5 rows and 3 columns and the result is as follow.

Vector[0][0] = "a"
Vector[0][1] = "t"
Vector[0][2] = "t"
Vector[1][0] = "a"
Vector[1][1] = "c"

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Eliminate Comma And Split String Into Individual String Variables

Nov 15, 2013

I have this string d ="3 J JD, K" and i want to split the string to individual string. I have this code which eliminates the comma but doesn't split the string into individual string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string str = "3 J JD,K";
stringstream ss(str);

[Code] ....

Output of the code is
3 J JD

but I want

Also after I split the string is there any way to put the split string into individual string variables.

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C++ :: Convert String To Int And Split It

Sep 2, 2013

I am C++ newbie.

I want to ask how can i convert string to int and split it?

Like given string input is 00;

I want it to become 2 int which is 0 and 0...

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C# :: Split String With Boolean

Nov 19, 2014

I have my Arduino send the following string every second:


and i currently have my C# code split it and send the values to corresponding text boxes:

private void myport_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) {
string RxData = myport.ReadLine();
this.BeginInvoke(new LineReceivedEvent(LineReceived), RxData);

[Code] ....

Now if i were to add true/false values to my arduino string, im not sure to read it. I would like the bool values to enable/disable led jpegs to simulate output status.

rly1_led.enable = newData[15];// if true

Ive tried everything and just cant figure it out. This is my first C# project.

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C# :: Split String With Regex

Aug 27, 2014

I have the the following two strings:

D 1069 Dresden - Neustadt
01069 Dresden - Neustadt

I want to splitt the string and the result should be in both cases:

Dresden - Neustadt

How could i do this with regular expression?

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C++ ::  split String (unknown Length)

Mar 27, 2013

I manage to split this str = "abc,def,123"

to s1 = "abc", s2 = "def", s3 = "123" with this piece of code using find and substr.

string str, s1, s2, s3;
getline(cin, str);
unsigned pos1 = str.find(",");

[Code] ....

But what should I do if the len of the string is unknown ?

For example, str = "abc,def,123,ghi,jkl,456,mno" and so on...

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C++ :: Function To Split The String By Delimiter

Mar 19, 2014

How delimiter work. I need write a function that splits the string by delimiter. Function header is:

vector<string> split(stirng target, string delimiter);
for example, the code inside main calling your function
vector<string> v = split("hiAAAmyAAAnameAAAis", "AAA");
and v should come out as hi my name is

So is it something like
vector<string> split(string target, string delimiter) {
vector<string> word;
string s = "hiAAAmyAAAnameAAAis";
string delimiter = "AAA";

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C Sharp :: How To Read And Split File As String

Apr 16, 2013

how to do this in C#. Need to connect to Oracle db, take a file from directory then read every line of the file. Lines are like this:

123234847656|8800359898818177|A|20130401 14:51:42|
123234847212||D|20130401 14:52:08|
123234847212||M|20130401 14:55:38|

Then will split as string on every '|' char and according to this flag |A|, |D| or |M| I will add/delete/modify information inside. I have trouble with this part with the connection and read/split file and check for the flag A, D or M.

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C/C++ :: Sorting Algorithm Program - Split Given String On Commas

Feb 21, 2014

I'm currently trying to code a sorting algorithm program.

let's asume I have a string given: aa, aaa, bbb, bas, zya!

I first of all want to split the given string on commas and '!' tells the program the string ends here and is no part of the last word. lower and upper case is not important at the moment. trying to implement everything with standard libary

output should be like that ofc:

I already looked into the bubble sort algorithm and I think it benefits my needs. Just wanted to know how I should start out with the string split.

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C/C++ :: How To Split A String Into Various Types (integer / Float / Char)

Nov 28, 2012

I'm reading lines from a text file in C++ which contains integer + string + float number(like 3,67 with comma) + string in this order. I need the float number to sort the lines but I couldn't manage to separate the data into the types I can use so far. I tried different kind of functions and the best I could do was such a code;

void main (){
     ifstream records;
    int id;
    string line;
    char name[100];
    float gpa;

[Code] ....

This fails at reading the floating number which has comma in it and then last string is read as string starting with the comma and rest of the number. An output example is:

698 John 3 ,67

It doesn't read last string on the line as well. I understand that part but simply I need another read but what I want exactly is to separate one line using "tab" as a seperator into proper data types and then using the numbers as integers, and the grades as floating numbers. How Can I do this?

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C/C++ :: Split String By String?

Aug 24, 2014

is it possible in c++ to split string by string? And if yes, then how?

For example I have string:


I would like to split it by "|#|", not by one char.

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C++ :: How To Store Elements In 2D Vector And Call Them Out

May 5, 2013

I am currently trying to implement a 2d vector to store x and y of type int.

I have successfully passed it to the function, however i am unable to store the values in it. It always returns with a segmentation fault and my program terminates from there. May i know how do i store them properly and call them out?

Below is my code snippet

int reconstructSecret(int x, int y, vector< vector<int> > &inVec ,int constructSecret) {
int getX,getY,formula,accum,count,getSecret,startPosition,nextPosition,numerator,denominator;
int result;

[Code] .....

The main method

vector< vector<int> > inVec;
for(int i=0;i<constructSecret;i++) {
cout<<"please key in the "<<i<< "share of x value:";

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Can't Store Different Values Into Vector By User Input

May 4, 2013

I can`t seem to store multiple values into my vector when a user keys in an input. Lets say a user inputs 1,2 as the first set and later keys in 3,4.

My vector gets overridden by 3 and 4. I'm trying to pass these values into a function to store them into a vector and use them in the function.

Below is my code snippet

int reconstructSecret(int x, int y) {
int getX,getY;
vector<int> myXCordVec;
vector<int> myYCordVec;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Compare Data Members Of Objects Store In Vector

Mar 6, 2014

Overview of problem : I am using std::vector to hold objects of Subject. Now this vector contains lots of objects( with lots I mean 10-20 objects at max) . These objects have string member values like category and sub_category. Both category and sub_category can have string which can be same of other objects's sub_category & category.

Issue: Now I want my std::vector to have only those objects whose's sub_category are unique. If category is not unique that's not a problem .

Secondly if we found 2 objects having same sub_category then we have to delete one of them from the vector. we will delete it based on some rules example

Rules for deleting are if

i) instance of Subject ->category = " Land " OR if category = "Jungle" then delete other duplicate object ,
ii) if above condition doesn't match then delete either of them.

I am wondering , how would I compare the sub-items from the vector . For example. I have class say Subject

class Subject {
public :
// some constructors,
// functions to get ., set category and sub category
std::String get_sub_category()
std::string get_category();
std::string category;
std::string sub_category;

I have vector which stores object of Subjects. Example : vector<Subject> copy_vector;

Now what I want is to delete the object from vector that has same sub_category I am not looking for source code buT i need a starting point,? Example:

copy_vector[0] = Animal object that has sub_category Tiger
copy_vector [1] = Animal object with Lion as sub category
copy_vector[2] = Forest object with sub_category Tiger

What I want is to based on some conditions(which I can do ) remove either Forest or Animal object containing Tiger. But for that how would I do comparison? I have written the function and have checked it.

std::vector< Subject >copy_vector;
// copy_vector contains all the objects of Subject with redundant sub_category
for( std::vector< Subject >::iterator ii = copy_vector.begin() ; ii != copy_vector.end() ; ++ii ) {
sub_category = ii->get_sub_category();

[code] ....

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C++ :: Generate Random Integers In The Range And Store Them In A Vector

Sep 3, 2014

You are to write a C++ program to generate random integers in the range [ LOW = 1, HIGH = 10000 ] and to store them in a vector < int > of size VEC_SIZE = 250. Then, sort the contents of the vector (in ascending order) and display it on stdout.

To sort the contents of a vector, use the sort ( ) function from the STL. In addition to the main ( ) routine, implement the following subroutines in your program:

• void genRndNums ( vector < int >& v ) : This routine generates VEC_SIZE integers and puts them in vector v. Initializes the random number generator (RNG) by calling the function srand ( ) with the seed value SEED = 1, and generates random integers by calling the function rand ( ).

• void printVec ( const vector < int >& v ) : This routine displays the contents of vector v on stdout, printing exactly NO_ITEMS = 12 numbers on a single line, except perhaps the last line. The sorted numbers need to be properly aligned on the output. For each printed number, allocate ITEM_W = 5 spaces on stdout.

Programming Notes:

• You are not allowed to use any I/O functions from the C library, such as scanf or printf. Instead, use the I/O functions from the C++ library, such as cin or cout.
• Let v be a vector of integers, then the call: sort ( v.begin ( ), v.end ( ) ) sorts the elements of v in ascending order. The detailed description of the sort ( ) routine can be found on the course web site and in the course textbook.
• Execute the srand ( ) function only once before generating the first random integer with the given seed value SEED. The rand ( ) function generates a random integer in the range [ 0, RAND_MAX ], where the constant value RAND_MAX is the largest random integer returned by the rand ( ) function and its value is system dependent. To normalize the return value to a value in the range [ LOW, HIGH ], execute: rand ( ) % ( HIGH – LOW + 1 ) + LOW.

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C++ :: Open File And Read In Rows To String Vector And Return Vector

Jun 7, 2012

I have a cpp app that reads in a number of files and writes revised output. The app doesn't seem to be able to open a file with a ' in the file name, such as,


This is the function that opens the file :

// opens mol file, reads in rows to string vector and returns vector
vector<string> get_mol_file(string& filePath) {
vector<string> mol_file;
string new_mol_line;
// create an input stream and open the mol file
ifstream read_mol_input;
read_mol_input.open( filePath.c_str() );

[Code] ....

The path to the file is passed as a cpp string and the c version is used to open the file. Do I need to handle this as a special case? It is possible that there could be " as well, parenthesis, etc.

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C++ :: Store Coordinates As X And Y In A Vector To Find Nearest Neighbor Of Given Points

Oct 13, 2014

Lets say that i have the coordinates of a 2D space (x and y), I want to store the coordinates as x and y in a vector to find the nearest neighbor of given points like i have:

#3.57 3.18#
#84.91 27.69
#93.40 4.62
#67.87 9.71
#75.77 82.35
#74.31 69.48
#39.22 31.71
#65.55 95.02
#17.12 3.44
#70.60 43.87

Each coordinates is like x y and it shows points 1 to 10 (like 3.57 3.18 is point 1 in 2D space ). My question is that how i add all x and y coordinates in vector? I started like this;

`struct point{
int x;
int y;

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Store First String Into A Variable

Feb 11, 2013

Im trying to write a program that reads in strings and decides if the 1st one is repeated. I cant figure out how to store the first string into a variable, and compare that variable to the rest of the inputted strings.


#include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
//Declared variables
int i;


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C/C++ :: Comparing Input String To Type String Vector

May 29, 2014

I wrote a program that reads a list from a file and stores it in a string type vector. Now, I want the user to input a word so that the program can search the vector to see if that word already exists. I have used every possible way of reading input from the console and storing it in order to compare with the vector but it never results in a match. When I print the input string and the vector string they are exactly the same thing (or at least print to the console as if they were). I've tried using getline; using cin direct to a string var; using cin to a char array and then casting to string using string str(arr); I even added a newline at the end just in case and STILL I cannot get a match.

vector <string> currentSet; //read a list in from a file and has 9 items in it
string line;
getline(cin, line);
if(line == vector[0]){//if printed to console line is HEAT and vector[0] is HEAT

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C :: Best Way To Store Input String Into Char

Sep 16, 2013

I'm extremely rusty at C but is this the best way to store an input string into a char*?

int length = 100; //initial size Code: char * name = malloc(length * sizeof(char)); //allocate mem for 100 chars
int count = 0; //to keep track of how many chars have been used
char c; // to store the current char

while((c = getchar()) != '
'){ //keep reading until a newline
if(count >= length)

name = realloc(name, (length += 10) * sizeof(char)); //add room for 10 more chars
name[count++] = c

Is this a good way and what could be better?

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C++ :: How To Pull Out A Value In String And Store In Variable

Oct 7, 2014

Like if the user enters "38 F" how do I take out the 38 only and store it in a variable? So far my program goes like this:

string text;
double temperature;

cout << "Enter temperature: ";
getline(cin, text); // user enters 38 F
temperature = text // store 38 from string into double

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C++ :: Input File And Store In String

Nov 22, 2013

I'd like to input a file and store the contents of the file in a string.

Here is my code:
std::string inputFile();
int main() {
std::string fileContents = inputFile();
} std::string inputFile()

[Code] ....

It works fine if the file name and path is input correctly.

But, if the file name or path is entered incorrectly, the recursive call to inputFile is executed, and the user is given another opportunity to enter the file. Then, if the file name is entered correctly an error is thrown in Visual Studio 2013:

"Unhandled exception at 0x77F7A9E8 (msvcr120d.dll) in Assignment4.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCC0."

How could this be done better?

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C/C++ :: Get String From File And Store In Array

Dec 3, 2014

I have a file this is made by 7 column. I want to separated them as columns and stores as arrays.lines should be 0 ,1 ,2 ,3 .. and arrays are the name 0,1,2,3,.. my program is not opening and giving me mistakes such:,

eading_from_file.cpp(26): error C2784: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits> &std::operator >>(std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits> &,std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc> &)' : could not deduce template argument for 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits> &' from 'std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits>'

And my code is

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int i;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Store And Print String On Screen

Sep 20, 2013

Given this sentence as an input: "Hello my name and "John" (with its spaces and capital letters), print it on the screen .. NB the phrase must be entered from the keyboard all at once ... you can do this in C / C + +?

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C/C++ :: Store C-style String In Third Dimension Of 3D Array

Jan 24, 2015

I am trying to read in data from a text file and store it inside a 3D array. The text file looks like this:
bar bell orange
bell bell 7
lemon cherry cherry

I can read in the data fine, but how to store it inside the array. My array looks like : [ Char slotMachine[10][3][8]; ] T

he dimensions are Row, Column, and symbol. There are 10 rows and 3 columns inside the file. The third dimension is supposed to hold the symbols as a C-style string.

This is what I have been trying:

char symbol[8];
int rowIndex = 0, colIndex = 0;
fin >> symbol;
slotMachine[rowIndex][colIndex][] = symbol;

I know that i'm not storing the symbol right. How to correctly store it inside the third dimension.

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