C# :: Split String With Regex

Aug 27, 2014

I have the the following two strings:

D 1069 Dresden - Neustadt
01069 Dresden - Neustadt

I want to splitt the string and the result should be in both cases:

Dresden - Neustadt

How could i do this with regular expression?

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C++ :: Eliminate Comma And Split String Into Individual String Variables

Nov 15, 2013

I have this string d ="3 J JD, K" and i want to split the string to individual string. I have this code which eliminates the comma but doesn't split the string into individual string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string str = "3 J JD,K";
stringstream ss(str);

[Code] ....

Output of the code is
3 J JD

but I want

Also after I split the string is there any way to put the split string into individual string variables.

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C++ :: STL Regex Get Position Of Match Within String

Apr 18, 2013

I am trying to get the position of the matches of "Un" in string "Unseen University" in c++ code using STL regex. How can I do this.

i.e. I have following:

std::vector<std::cmatch*>* matches = new std::vector<std::cmatch*>*;
intMyReturnVal = regex("Unseen University", "Un", matches);

I can access a match by


and get an Iterator to the beginning of the match by


How can I get the relative position of the match within the entire target string (i.e. "Unseen University", where, in this case, the positions should be 0 and 7)??

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C++ :: Convert String To Int And Split It

Sep 2, 2013

I am C++ newbie.

I want to ask how can i convert string to int and split it?

Like given string input is 00;

I want it to become 2 int which is 0 and 0...

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C# :: Split String With Boolean

Nov 19, 2014

I have my Arduino send the following string every second:


and i currently have my C# code split it and send the values to corresponding text boxes:

private void myport_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) {
string RxData = myport.ReadLine();
this.BeginInvoke(new LineReceivedEvent(LineReceived), RxData);

[Code] ....

Now if i were to add true/false values to my arduino string, im not sure to read it. I would like the bool values to enable/disable led jpegs to simulate output status.

rly1_led.enable = newData[15];// if true

Ive tried everything and just cant figure it out. This is my first C# project.

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C++ :: How To Find Position Of First String In Input That Matches Regex

Oct 18, 2014

i want to find the position of the first string in input.txt that matches a regex

// Input.txt
Hello everyone, i am John It is rainy today

// Here is my code

string temp; // Store "Hello everyone, i am John
//It is rainy today"
char REGEX[500];
FILE *fi;


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C++ :: Split A String And Store Into 2D Vector

Oct 14, 2014

I am having trouble with parsing out string value into a 2D vector. Suppose i have the string "attack at dawn " consisting of 15 characters, i will like to store it into a 2D vector with 5 rows and 3 columns and the result is as follow.

Vector[0][0] = "a"
Vector[0][1] = "t"
Vector[0][2] = "t"
Vector[1][0] = "a"
Vector[1][1] = "c"

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  split String (unknown Length)

Mar 27, 2013

I manage to split this str = "abc,def,123"

to s1 = "abc", s2 = "def", s3 = "123" with this piece of code using find and substr.

string str, s1, s2, s3;
getline(cin, str);
unsigned pos1 = str.find(",");

[Code] ....

But what should I do if the len of the string is unknown ?

For example, str = "abc,def,123,ghi,jkl,456,mno" and so on...

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C++ :: Function To Split The String By Delimiter

Mar 19, 2014

How delimiter work. I need write a function that splits the string by delimiter. Function header is:

vector<string> split(stirng target, string delimiter);
for example, the code inside main calling your function
vector<string> v = split("hiAAAmyAAAnameAAAis", "AAA");
and v should come out as hi my name is

So is it something like
vector<string> split(string target, string delimiter) {
vector<string> word;
string s = "hiAAAmyAAAnameAAAis";
string delimiter = "AAA";

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C/C++ :: Split A String And Store Into 2D Vector

Oct 13, 2014

I am having trouble with parsing out string value into a 2D vector. Suppose I have the string "attack at dawn " consisting of 15 characters, i will like to store it into a 2D vector with 5 rows and 3 columns and the result is as follow.

Vector[0][0] = "a"
Vector[0][1] = "t"
Vector[0][2] = "t"
Vector[1][0] = "a"
Vector[1][1] = "c"
Vector[1][2] = "k"
Vector[2][0] = " "
Vector[2][1] = "a"
Vector[2][2] = "t"

Here is a draft code that i did but is not working as desired.

vector<vector <string > > plaintextVector;
vector<string> row;
string totalString = "attack at dawn ";
int dimension = 3;

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: How To Read And Split File As String

Apr 16, 2013

how to do this in C#. Need to connect to Oracle db, take a file from directory then read every line of the file. Lines are like this:

123234847656|8800359898818177|A|20130401 14:51:42|
123234847212||D|20130401 14:52:08|
123234847212||M|20130401 14:55:38|

Then will split as string on every '|' char and according to this flag |A|, |D| or |M| I will add/delete/modify information inside. I have trouble with this part with the connection and read/split file and check for the flag A, D or M.

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C/C++ :: Sorting Algorithm Program - Split Given String On Commas

Feb 21, 2014

I'm currently trying to code a sorting algorithm program.

let's asume I have a string given: aa, aaa, bbb, bas, zya!

I first of all want to split the given string on commas and '!' tells the program the string ends here and is no part of the last word. lower and upper case is not important at the moment. trying to implement everything with standard libary

output should be like that ofc:

I already looked into the bubble sort algorithm and I think it benefits my needs. Just wanted to know how I should start out with the string split.

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C/C++ :: How To Split A String Into Various Types (integer / Float / Char)

Nov 28, 2012

I'm reading lines from a text file in C++ which contains integer + string + float number(like 3,67 with comma) + string in this order. I need the float number to sort the lines but I couldn't manage to separate the data into the types I can use so far. I tried different kind of functions and the best I could do was such a code;

void main (){
     ifstream records;
    int id;
    string line;
    char name[100];
    float gpa;

[Code] ....

This fails at reading the floating number which has comma in it and then last string is read as string starting with the comma and rest of the number. An output example is:

698 John 3 ,67

It doesn't read last string on the line as well. I understand that part but simply I need another read but what I want exactly is to separate one line using "tab" as a seperator into proper data types and then using the numbers as integers, and the grades as floating numbers. How Can I do this?

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C/C++ :: Split String By String?

Aug 24, 2014

is it possible in c++ to split string by string? And if yes, then how?

For example I have string:


I would like to split it by "|#|", not by one char.

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C++ :: How To Use Regex Library To Use It In CLI Game

Jan 18, 2015

I want to use C++ regex library, to use it in my lil' CLI game. The aim is to create the template(not C++ template :)) for command(like "go north"). Then, if player writes anything that contains "go", and "north" appearing after that(examples: "go north" "please go north" "Let's go north!" "Princess, I insist that we go to the north") would all be interpreted as simple "go north". I have used a bit of regex in Linux system, but not this ECMAScript regex that C++ uses.I've checked in some online regex tester, that if I write: ".*go.*north.*" then anything I want will be matched; however, I'd like these to be specifically separated by space(the rule is: between north and go there must be at least one character: a space, so that gornorth won't be interpreted as command.).

Bonus points: if it's possible to do that without some kind of black magic, I'd like to achieve following goals:

1)Before go, there can be any amount of characters, but if there is 1 or more characters, the character just before go must be space.
2)In between go and north, there must be at least one character, space. If there are more, then characters right after go and just before north have to be spaces.

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C++ :: Searching A MultiMap With Regex

Apr 24, 2014

I have a multimap with over 300k entries defined like so: std::multimap<std::string, std::string> filedata;

Using the following code and std::multimap::equal_range, I am able to successfully search for a word in the multimap and get needed data:

// Data with strings.
data = std::vector<std::string>();
// Get iterators to matched pairs.
std::pair <std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator, std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator> dat = filedata.equal_range(word);
// Go through each matched pair and get needed info.
for (std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter = dat.first; iter != dat.second; iter++) {

Now, I would like to search the multimap using regular expressions (EX: std::regex("[a-z][a-e]h")). What is the fastest way to do this? Example code may look like:

std::pair <std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator, std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator> dat = filedata.equal_range_with_regex(std::regex("" + word + ""));. Pseudo-code / algorithms will be enough.

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C/C++ :: Regex - Get Word With Separator

Nov 23, 2014

string skirt = "[\s,.;:!?()\-]+";
regex re(skirt);
sregex_token_iterator it(begin(), end(), re, -1);
sregex_token_iterator reg_end;
for(; it != reg_end; ++it) {
string zodis = it->str();

I use this to get a word from a large text file. But the problem is, if there is :

It prints out now
without a separator.

How can I fix that?

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C++ :: Use Boost / Regex For Regular Expressions?

Sep 5, 2013

So I need to use boost/regex for regular expressions. someone told me that it needs to be built. the first problem is boost doesn't tell you how to build it and the second is i did sudo apt-get install libboost something. I don't remember the exact name of the package. it installed but i dont know how i would build it when its installed.

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C++ :: Create Map Containing Regex As Key And Char As Attribute

Mar 27, 2013

I want to create a map contaning a regex as key and a char* as an attribute , like:-

map<regex, char*> res;
res["[[:alnum:]]"] = "alphanumeric text";

but the following error is generated:-


but the error generated is:-

no instance of overloaded function "std::vector<_Ty, _Alloc>::push_back [with _Ty=std::pair<std::regex, std::string>, _Alloc=std::allocator<std::pair<std::regex, std::string>>]" matches the argument list
argument types are: (std::pair<const char *, const char *>)
object type is: std::vector<std::pair<std::regex, std::string>, std::allocator<std::pair<std::regex, std::string>>>

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C++ ::  STL Regex To Match Multiple Substrings

Apr 17, 2013

I am using the (fairly) new STL implementation, which I just became aware of, of regexes. Seems to be an implementation of boost::regex Anyway, I have code, which I would like to use to get ALL matches within a string.

My String is: "Unseen University - Ankh-Morpork"

My regex is (simply): "Un" ;)

using code:

const char *reg_esp = "Un";
std::regex rgx(reg_esp);
std::cmatch matches;
const char *target = "Unseen University - Ankh-Morpork";

[Code] .....

gives output:

"Un" (one line only). How do I get this to match ALL instances of "Un" (i.e. that the output is "UnUn", i.e Un two times)?

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C# :: Regex / Getting Integer As Long As Its Not In Quotes

May 9, 2014

I am trying to highlight integers in a textbox.

The problem, is that I dont know how to make Regex get Integers no matter what (e.g. even if an =, >,<,>=,<= sign is in front or anything) unless it is encased in a string e.g. "'s or whatever.

My current code does this:

I do not want the numbers to be highlighted if they are in a string.

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C++ :: Performing RegEx On Open File

Jan 11, 2013

I'm trying to open a file and perform a regex on it, then print the matches, but I'm not sure if I have it right. I think I need to remove the line -

[for ( std::vector<TCHAR>::iterator It = buffer.begin();It != buffer.end(); It++ )

since I've already copied the file into the buffer, but how do I search the buffer?

std::ifstream in(TempFullPath, std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
if( in.fail() )
std::cout << "File does not exist or could not open file";


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C++ :: RegEx - Obtain The Alternation Index?

Sep 26, 2014

I was just reviewing some code, and my eye fell on a bit of regex that's intended to parse a date/time stamp into a date and time.

The timestamp uses shorted month names. The regex had all the possible month names to match the entire pattern. If it does, it went through a 2Nd loop to convert the month name into a 1 to 12 numeric value...

This made me wonder, since the regex is already doing the work to verify the alternation, can't it at the same time tell me which of the possible alternations it matched and use that to calculate the numeric value. So basically

std::regex reMonth("Some more regex stuff here (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec).");
CString strTest("Some more regex stuff here Aug.");
std::cmatch res;
if (std::regex_match(strTest.GetString(), res, reMonth)) {
//int iMonthNum = res[1].something(); // some code here that returns 8 for Aug.

Or is there really no other way out than doing a 2nd level verification to figure out the actual month number. (The real regex is a bit more complex than this).

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C++ :: Output Only Few Files Using Regex From Current Directory

Nov 20, 2013

I'm trying to output only a few files, using regex, from the current directory, this is my main code:

// main.cpp
char * _dir = new char[MAX_PATH];
getcwd(_dir, MAX_PATH);
unique_ptr<CExtractor> _ptr(new CExtractor(_dir));
delete[] _dir;

// CExtractor.cpp
DIR *pdir = NULL;
struct dirent *pent = NULL;
pdir = opendir(_cwd.c_str());
while ((pent = readdir(pdir)) && (pent->d_type != DT_DIR)) {
if (regex_match(pent->d_name, regex(".(in|txt)$"), std::regex_constants::icase)) {
cout << pent->d_name << endl;

My code is compiled correctly, but when I run my binary, nothings is outputed..here are my files in the current directpory:

aclocal.m4 config.guess config.status depcomp m4 NEWS
AUTHORS config.h config.sub INSTALL Makefile README
autom4te.cache config.h.in configure install-sh Makefile.am src
ChangeLog config.h.in~ configure.ac libtool Makefile.in stamp-h1
compile config.log COPYING ltmain.sh missing

I have a few "in" files

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C :: Simple Regex To Find Word But Not Containing Some Other Words

Sep 13, 2013

I've been trying to do a RegEx, but I just can't seem to find the solution for it.

Do the following to find Test:

Test55: Will be allowed
TestABC: Will NOT be allowed

Basically, if Test is followed immediately by anything else other than a case-insensitive letter (not [a-zA-Z]), then it will pass.

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C++ :: Regex Unexpected Matching (Floating Point)

Oct 28, 2014

I have written this regex to match a floating point literal:


and when I match it with string like "123e" or "e2" it works while it shouldn't and I can't find the reason why.

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