C/C++ :: Simple Polynomial Derivative Calculator

Feb 27, 2014

So I'm trying to make a derivative calculator that can do simple polynomial calculations in a very specific way. If you read the cout line you'll understand rather quickly.

using namespace std;
struct variable {
char Variable,degree,constant;

[Code] ....

I get an error at line 33 and 37 saying error: request for member '_cstr' in 'constant', which is of non-class type 'char'
and the same line with 'degree' instead of constant.

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C :: How To Get Derivative Of Polynomial

Nov 12, 2014

How to get the derivative of a polynomial.

#include "p.h"#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Sets all coefficients to 0 */
/*--------------------------------------------- */
void initialize(Polynomial p)

[Code] .....

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C :: Program Doesn't Properly Compute Simple Polynomial

Feb 7, 2014

The program will ask for the user to enter a value for x, then compute the following polynomial: 3x^5 + 2x^4 - 5x^3 - x^2 + 7x - 6.However, when I double check it with my calculator I get a wrong answer for random values of x. To simplify my problem I'm using only integers.


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int x, polynomial;


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C++ :: Simple Calculator - Result Will Always Equal Zero

Jan 21, 2014

I'm making a simple calculator and have done it all right where you can input everything, all the functions are there, but when i run the program it will come to displaying the result and it will always equal zero, I just need it to say 8+8 = 16 rather than 8+8 = 0, i don't know whether its just displaying the results as 0, or not displaying it at all, the code will follow below:


using namespace std;
double num3;
double num2;
double result;
char operation;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Simple Calculator - Press A Key To Continue

Apr 20, 2015

My problem is , i want to make a simple calculator , in the console i want afterall the user to choose what type of operation he want pressing a key like i mentioned in the title the keys would be F1,F2,F3 , i'm not finding in the internet the code to the detection of a press key like what i want.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int F1 (int x, int y) {
cout << "Enter a number: " << endl;
cin >> x;

[Code] ....

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C :: Creating Simple Calculator By Splitting The Program In 3 Files

Feb 21, 2014

I am new to C programming, I have been given an assignment to create a simple calculator by splitting the program in 3 files. It should have 2 .c files and 1 .h... I went through the internet extensively and could only come up with this.



//Calculator main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "Functions.h"
int main() {
float x = 0, y = 0;
int operation;




#include "Functions.h"
extern float x, y;
float addition (float a, float b) {
return a + b;




float Sum(float a, float b);
float difference (float a, float b);
float remainder (float a, float b);
float product (float a, float b);

When I do a 'cl main.c' on the Developer Command window for VS2013, i get an error that reads :

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _difference referenced in function _main
main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _product referenced in function _main
main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _addition referenced in function _main
main.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals

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C/C++ :: Simple Calculator - Clear Screen Following User Input

Dec 10, 2014

I am working on a simple calculator in C++ .... All works fine with the calculator up until the requirement for the user to input "do you want to go again y/n" .... What i want to happen is the screen to clear down and reloop to the enter name part....but i can't get it to do that

Program Description: To write and develop a programme where a user can input a cost or price of something before VAT our program must then process the input number and must output the price with the original value plus VAT

#include <iostream>// I must use this to start my programming
#include <string> // I have added this for the extension task so the user has to input their name
#include <iomanip> // this is to manipulate the text
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std; // using the "using namespace std" shows that i will be using standard text throughout this programme

[Code] .....

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C :: Simple Multi-Session Calculator / Switch Case And While Loop

Jun 30, 2013

I have a problem with my simple operations calculator code (using C, in Code::Blocks). I am required to use a while loop statement so the user can execute multiple step operations without re-opening the program. When I launch the program, I get through the first session fine, but when I'm on the second session, when entering the two operands and press enter (to calculate), it just gives me the return and say press any key to continue (exit).Here is the code:


# include <stdio.h>
int main()
int num1, num2;
char op;
int finished = 0;


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C++ :: First Derivative With Many Variables?

Jun 19, 2013

I have First derivative function implemented in C++. More details [URL] ...

In programming, I'm dealing with a lot of variables. x, y, z & x', y', z' & x'', y'', z'' These are only for one device. The problem is how can I deal with velocities and accelerations the way I did with positions? This is the code

while (1) {
/* Perform a synchronous call to copy the most current device state.
This synchronous scheduler call ensures that the device state is obtained in a thread-safe manner. */
hdScheduleSynchronous(copyDeviceDataCallback, ¤tData, HD_MIN_SCHEDULER_PRIORITY);

x_Position[2] = currentData.m_devicePosition[0];
x_Position[3] = currentData.m_devicePosition[0];
x_Position[4] = currentData.m_devicePosition[0];

[Code] ....

I've tried to create x_Velocity[5] and

x_Position[2] = currentData.m_devicePosition[0];
x_Position[3] = currentData.m_devicePosition[0];
x_Position[4] = currentData.m_devicePosition[0];

[Code] ....

I'm trying also to store x_Velocity in vector. Every time I deal with whether array or vector, the first two points of x position are affected because I'm calling the function for the velocity.

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C :: Value Of A Polynomial In A Point

Jan 3, 2015

I don't know why this doesn't work. It doesn't return any errors, but it does the polynomial equation wrong. I tried using "^" instead of "pow" and it still does it wrong. I'm getting results like "-897123897" instead of "3". This is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()

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C++ :: Compute The Value Of A Polynomial

Mar 27, 2014

This program is supposed to find the value of a polynomial

with x being the number of terms

a[x] being the coefficients

b[x] being the exponents in each term

j being the variable

for example if





then the polynomial is (j*j*j)+2(j*j)+j+5

the value will be 23

however the value computed is wrong in the code below

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()


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C++ :: Identify Polynomial With Two Arrays Of Same Length

Oct 15, 2014

I wanna write a class for polynomials, but there are some bugs in my code. I want to identify a polynomial with two arrays of the same length, one that contains the exponents of the nonzero monomials, and the other that contains the coefficients itself.

for example: (shematically)
3x^2 +5x^100 shoud be identified by array1=(2,100) and array2=(3,5)

the size of that polynomial should be Dim=2.

it should be possible to change the size dynamically.


#ifndef poly
#define poly
class poly {

[Code] ....

PROBLEM1 the destructor isnt working:
virtual ~poly() {delete [] start;delete [] koef;} //destruktor
Error: This declaration has no Storage class or typ specifier.
Error: Expected an identifier.

PROBLEM2 the constructor isnt working:
poly::poly(int x=0)
Error: Expected an identifier
Error: Expected a )
Error: Expected a ;.

I dont know what the computer want to tell me??

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C++ :: Program That Will Calculate Minimal Polynomial?

Apr 20, 2013

I need to make a program that will calculate minimal polynomial of the nxn matrix.

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C++ :: Extracting Polynomial Coefficient From String

Nov 30, 2013

I want to extract polynomial coefficient out of a string recieved by input, for example if i enter 4x^3+2x^4+3 , the resulting out put be : 2 , 4 , 0 , 0 , 3

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C/C++ :: Define Polynomial Using Linked List

Mar 18, 2014

I'm try to write a program which define a polynomial using a linked list.

1) I fill every node of the list which list is as long as the value of the max power of the polynomial.
2) I print it out the resulting polynomial.
3) I want to re-scan the poly in search for the polynomials with the same index and sum them each other for having only one element with the same index, for instance, if I enter P(x) = 1 + x + x^2 + 3*x^2 + x^3, I want to obtain:
P(x) = 1 + x + (1 + 3)*x^2 + x^3.

I called this function SeekForSameIndex().

But with this example I have 4x^2 + 4x^2 + x^3, losing the firsts members of the expression, I'm behind this problem for days and I do not understand where's the mistake.

Here my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct SPoly {
int coeff;
unsigned int index;

[Code] ....

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C :: Implementing And Manipulating Polynomial ADT Using Linked List

Sep 23, 2014

Implementing and manipulating a Polynomial ADT using a linked list.

So far I have:

Code: typedef struct nodeT{
int coef;
int powr;
struct nodeT *next;
} node;


I need to create a function that creates the polynomial using input first.

poly *poly_create (num,...) ;return a new polynomial with num terms terms are listed in order of lowest ordered-term to highest. i.e., to initialize poly 15x^6 + -9x^4 + 3x^2 call poly_create(3, 3,2, -9,4, 15,6 );

Once I do that I need to implement various functions that can manipulate the polynomial itself but I'm having trouble just with creating the polynomial itself, how to do that using a linked list and nodes?

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C++ :: Polynomial Objects - Deep Copy And Operator Overloading

Feb 22, 2015

In main I instantiate two Polynomial objects -- p1 and p2:

int main() {
const int SIZE = 3;
Polynomial *p1 = new Polynomial(SIZE);
Polynomial *p2 = new Polynomial(SIZE);

//Read data into p1
std::cout << "Initialize Polynomial Coefficients (1)" << std::endl;

[Code] .....

The implementation file for Polynomial is as follows:

Polynomial::~Polynomial() {
delete [] this->m_Ptr;
this->m_Ptr = NULL;
} Polynomial::Polynomial(int size) {

[Code] .....

What works: Adding two pointers. The output is correctly produced.

The problem in particular occurs in main when p1 and p2 are attempted to be multiplied. The code attempts to release the memory upon multiplication but I receive a run-time error.

The output for the difference of the two polynomial objects is incorrect. It is displaying addresses.

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C++ :: Polynomial Coefficients Are Memorialized In Field Of Real Double Precision Numbers

Mar 19, 2013

I am starting to learn C++.Designing class CPolynom to work with polynomials. The polynomial coefficients are memorialized in the field of real double precision numbers. Implement the following functions:

-Constructor, which defines the order of the polynomial CPolynom(int order)
-method to add the appropriate grade Coef(int exp, duble coef)
-method of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division two polynomials
-method to add a field coefficient
-method for nala

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C++ :: Write A Calculator Using Two Stacks

Apr 13, 2014

I just started by defining a stack class (stackDouble). I need to write a program that accepts an infix calculator expression, with the following operators (**, exponentiation, /, division, and, -, subtraction. The operator precedence is exponent, division, and subtraction.I need to use a stack of doubles and a stack of strings, of which I can write two classes, or write a single stack template. The user will input the expression just via cin, and there will be a # before every number, a ! before each operator, and a . at the end of the expression. '#', '!', or '.' can be input into a char variable, numbers into a double variable and operators into a string variable.

For example, the following would output 6:

# 3 ! / # 2 ! / # .5 ! ** # 2 .

As stated above, I already made up a stackDouble class. What would I need to do to create the other class (I don't think I want to do it with a template)?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class stackDouble{


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C :: BMI Calculator With Added Function

Aug 17, 2013

getting error with gcc under OSX.


/* bmi2.c */
#include <stdio.h>
float height, weight;

printf("Enter weight:


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C :: Calculator Using Mouse With A Bug While Dragging

Mar 6, 2015

I have an assignment to do a calculator in C, wich will work by clicking the numbers with the mouse, however i have a bug that when i hold the mouse and dragg it, it assumes that I'm clicking multiple times, also, when I click in an empty space the program creates a blank space on the calculator screen.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "..MouseHandler.h" // ajustar o caminho ao seu projecto
#include "..calcSkinLib.h" // ajustar o caminho ao seu projecto
#define PI = 3.1415;


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C++ :: Creating Exact Age Calculator?

Aug 3, 2014

I've been wondering this, since there is so many things which needs to be taken care of. I created one, but it wasn't precise.

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C/C++ :: GPA Calculator With Text File?

Mar 5, 2015

I'm trying to create a program that will calculate the gpa of several different students, whose data are in a text file. The file looks something like this, with possibly more lines.

Mark 3 4 A 3 D 2 C 1 A
Tom 2 3 A 2 C

The very first number tells us how many credit hour/grades will follow. I have a couple of problems though: From the code I've written I don't seem to get any data other than the first line. Also the gpa that does print out after the file runs is just a 0.00, rather than the actual gpa.

int main(void)


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C/C++ :: Error When Trying To Program BMI Calculator

Aug 26, 2014

'm trying to program a BMI calculator in C for my assignment where the weight must be in KG and an int , and the height must be in m and a double value. The program should allow the user to input his weight(kg) and height(m) separated by a space and be able to calculate and display the BMI. My code is shown below :

main(void) {
int weight;
double height,bmi;
bmi = weight / ( height * height ) ;
scanf("%d%lf" , &weight , &height );
printf("BMI = %f", bmi);
return 0;

However , after running the program , I constantly get a 1.#INF00 value for my result.The compiler did not show any errors so why I'm getting this value.I input my weight and height in this format "45 1.65" 45 being the weight and 1.65 being the height.

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C/C++ :: Calculator That Uses Only Getchar / Putchar

Mar 24, 2014

I basically just have to make a calculator that only uses getchar/putchar (printf is Ok for displaying errors) - Also, negatives must be error-checked. As of right now, my program will only work if there is exactly one space between the number, operand, and other number. No spaces, or more than one space, will give me some very weird digits. I also need to display the numbers with putchar, and not printf (as I did below), but I just really wanted a working program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
int add(int input1,char operand, int input2);
int subtract(int input1,char operand, int input2);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Area Of Triangle Calculator?

Nov 16, 2014

I was asked to build a small program to calculate the are of a Triangle but my code must have some problem.. />

#include "stdafx.h"
void main()
int a,b;


I get this errors:

-warning C4996: 'scanf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using scanf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.

-warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'int' to 'float', possible loss of data

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