C/C++ :: Running Multiple Terminal In Xcode

Oct 5, 2014

I am using Xcode to do c++ programming and I have a c++ code, with different input arguments. I want to achieve that in Xcode, I could run multiple simultaneous running of my c++ code. However, the current problem is that once one code finishes, its terminal window automatically closed and I do not have time to look at its result. Thus computer time is wasted. Is there a way to run multiple same c++ code with different arguments input?

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C++ :: Running Same Code With Different Inputs On Multiple CPUs

May 28, 2014

I have a C++ code reading large data from an input txt file, doing some calculation on the data, and writing the result of calculation in another txt file.

I have about 300 input files, and the calculation time for each input file is pretty long (~4 days on a single CPU), so I would like to run the same code on multiple CPUs for different inputs.

Which is the most appropriate strategy in this case, multithreading, mpi or something else?

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C++ :: Chat Messenger - Running Multiple Threads At Same Time

Sep 18, 2013

I'm doing work on chat messenger and facing difficulty to run multiple threads at the same time. Here is the sample code.

void menu();
void groupChat();
void personalChat();
int main() {
sf::Thread thread(&menu());

[Code] ....

In my program, after menu when he selects a choice, next display of menu wait the termination of the selected thread.
while i want to show menu right after when a menu is selected.

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C++ :: Xcode 4 Not Compiling?

Mar 20, 2012

I'm taking an intro to c++ class and during an exercise I ran into multiple errors that are out of my knowledge to fix. The rest of the class is using Visual and that is all the instructor knows so i'm in my own figuring out Xcode. Basically I wrote the same program twice but one has a different struct and I get all sorts of errors with it. understand what the errors are and why they occurred.

The working program is this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
struct point {
double x1,y1;
double x2,y2;


This program does not compile and I get the following errors:


1) Symantic Issue
No type named 'value_type' in 'myPoint'
2) Symantic Issue
No type named 'iterator_category in 'myPoint'
3) Symantic Issue
No type named 'difference_type' in 'myPoint'
4) Symantic Issue
No type named 'pointer' in 'myPoint'
5) Symantic Issue
No type named 'reference' in 'myPoint'

Why does one work and the other doesn't!?

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C :: How To Create A Library Using Xcode

Feb 2, 2013

I'm completely new to C, and I don't know how to create a library using Xcode.

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C/C++ :: Reading From A File In Xcode

Mar 18, 2014

typedef struct dvdtype{
int dvdcode;
char title[50];
int customerID;


i am trying to write this program about a dvd club...i have functions that insert,delete,rent,print movies..I also have to make 2 other functions..Save to file and load from file..My function for saving to file is exactly the same as the one i posted except instead of "r" i put "w" and fprintf for fscanf and fgets..So my function for saving works ok...(in xcode i have to use the full path of a file) but this one does not work...If i call the function from the main menu it does not print Error neither does it say that there is something else wrong...When i gave the number 6 for example to call the function,afterwards it is like the program is waiting for me to give number or characters..it is like using scanf...I write anything and press enter and nothing happens ,it is like asking for data again..i give some numbers or letters and press enter for 5 or 4 times and it displays the menu and asks to choose what to do again, as if nothing happened ,without printing the values that are inside the file..

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C/C++ :: Access C-library Using Xcode?

Jan 25, 2014

im having trouble accessing the c library on my mac. The reason being is i need to get the code for pi for my program.

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C++ :: Where Is The Path For Header Files For Mac Xcode

May 27, 2013

I want to include turboc.h file for some project

where do i have to add this file for mac xcode?

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C/C++ :: Linking Boost Thread With Xcode

Sep 30, 2014

I have built Boost from the website using

./b2 install

I think all are installed properly. I am trying to use Xcode to include the library of boost:thread.My code links to the header file properly with " #include "boost/thread.hpp"" commented, as seen from the following:

However, it could not link properly to boost-thread if "#include "boost/thread.hpp"" is un-commented.

Error page is shown as:

I have linked the dynamic library libboost_thread.a and libboost_thread.dylib and included /usr/local/include into header search path and /usr/local/lib into library search path.

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Software :: Xcode Command Line Tool?

Mar 12, 2015

using cs50 videos. I'm working on writing a caesar cipher program(pset2) in c using Xcode and the command line tool. So far I just press play and it compiles and runs my source code. Now I need to use command line arguments, how do I enter command line arguments with the tools I'm using?

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C++ :: SDL2 Framework - Loading MBP Files In Same Folder In XCode 5

Feb 23, 2014

I am trying to load a .bmp file located in the same folder as main.cpp etc. but I'm not sure what to input as the resource path so that it picks it up and, when I distribute it, I want it to be preferably cross platform and run smoothly.

I have tried using:

SDL_Game/hello_world.bmp (SDL_Game is the name of the project)

but it will work if I use the full path. I don't want to do this though, because then it will not work on other computers and platforms.

This is the function I use to load media:

bool loadMedia() {
// Loading success flag
bool success = true;

// Load splash image
gHelloWorld = SDL_LoadBMP("hello_world.bmp");

[Code] ....

I am using XCode 5, SDL2.0.1, OSX 10.9 Mavericks and C++.

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C++ :: How To Hide Console Or Terminal

Jul 2, 2013

I want to hide a terminal appliction or console application without using WinAPI programming or <windows.h> or something like "ShowWindow(hwnd_win,SW_HIDE);

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C++ :: Can't Open A Directory In Terminal

Jan 12, 2015

Taking a OS course and my professor gave us files to reference in a directory located at ~agw/class/os/share/proj3. But when I typed this into the terminal I keep getting a permission denied error message.

[lastname@erdos ~]$ ls
dead.letter Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures private Public public_html Templates Videos
[lastname@erdos ~]$ ~agw/class/os/share/proj3
/u/sobolev/agw/class/os/share/proj3: Permission denied.
[lastname@erdos ~]$

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Ive opened shared directories for this class before and had no issues.

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C++ :: Cannot Open A Directory In Terminal

Dec 9, 2013

Taking a OS course and my professor gave us files to reference in a directory located at ~agw/class/os/share/proj3. But when I typed this into the terminal I keep getting a permission denied error message.

[lastname@erdos ~]$ ls
dead.letter Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures private Public public_html Templates Videos
[lastname@erdos ~]$ ~agw/class/os/share/proj3
/u/sobolev/agw/class/os/share/proj3: Permission denied.
[lastname@erdos ~]$

I've opened shared directories for this class before and had no issues.

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C++ :: Make Command In Bash Terminal

Nov 27, 2014

I've recently refreshed my mac by reinstalling the operating system. Uploaded the previous C and C ++ source scripts I was working with but when I go to compile them through the bash terminal it says command not found? Im not sure whats going because I thought that all the gcc files were already available? What am I messing here.

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C :: Check How Many Colors Terminal Supports

Feb 17, 2013

I'm generating all ncurses color pairs like this


void generate_all_color_pairs(){ int foreground;
int background;
int i = 0;
for(foreground=0; foreground<8; foreground++){
for(background=0; background<8; background++){


but according on several sources, some terminals suport more colors.Is there any way to determine how many colors the current terminal supports?

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C++ :: Compile With Terminal From MyProject Folder?

Apr 6, 2015

my folder structure looks like this:


| |
header source
| |
Dog.h,Functions.h Functions.cpp, Dog.cpp, main.cpp

How can I compile and run this program (what do I have to type in terminal) - I would like to compile and run it from MyPoject's directory


cd MyProject

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C++ :: Make A Terminal For Website And BHXSpectre Recommended Cgi?

Nov 22, 2013

so i want to make a terminal for my website and BHXSpectre recommended cgi (which i love... c++ web design. just one more reason to not use any other language). anyways, im wondering how would i generate the html for the base of the terminal? ie just the window that i will be writing to

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C/C++ :: Creating Two Dimensional Terminal Based Game?

Apr 4, 2014

i am working on class project in which i have to save the tank from canon....imy tank is moving only when i press the moving key.. and after that i see blank screen what should i do to run my process when i am not pressing moving keys....

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C++ :: Create Process And Assign Pipe Terminal Like Stoudt

May 30, 2014

I have study that create a pipe and set a terminal of this pipe like a stdout of a process is a way to implement inter process comunication, but how can i do it in c++?

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C++ :: Make Terminal Screen Bigger In NCurses Program?

Jun 29, 2013

I wanted to make the terminal screen bigger in my NCurses program. Let's say if the defaults are 25 LINES and 80 COLS, I want to set them to 40 LINES and 120 COLS.

I've tried resizing all windows, but that did not work, because the actual terminal (console) was not resized. Then I found functions resizeterm and newterm, but they did not work. As far as my understanding goes resizeterm only updates NCurses information with the current configuration, while the window itself is not actually modified.

NCurses man page wrote:The function resizeterm resizes the standard and current windows to the specified dimensions

If I haven't made myself clear ( I sometimes make a mess of things... ), another example would be that I want my program to be fullscreen when I start it. Is this possible? It should be, I found a fullscreen NCurses program once, but the code was too confusing for me to understand.

Having read about things like SIGWINCH, I assume you must define a method for resizing the terminal screen yourself, I don't know where to start?

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C :: Count Lines In Input And Display Output In Terminal When Program Executed After Compilation

Feb 4, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
main() {
int c, n1;
n1 = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
if (c == '')
printf("%d", n1);

I have a more complicated program I'm wishing to have display the output, however, to save some time I'm using an example of a shorter version. count the lines in input and display the output in terminal when ./program is executed after compilation. To count and compute lines, words and within arrays.

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C++ :: Absolute Path Reference - Open File And Print Contents To Terminal Window

May 12, 2014

I am trying to open a file and print the contents of the file to the terminal window. It works when I put the file right in the directory with the Solution but not if the file is out on my desktop and I use the full path. Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int OpenFile(){
fstream SampleFile;

[Code] .....

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C# :: Multiple Desktop Display (Multiple Explorer Windows)

Jul 31, 2014

I want to develop an application which can host multiple views of explorer (window), where as each window is totally separate from others. So that I can have multiple desktop views through my single explorer. Any built in feature in .NET ?

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C/C++ :: How To Make Multiple Subroutine And Return Multiple Arrays

Aug 17, 2014

how to make subroutines and return multiple arrays.Before that, i wrote my program on matlab. could my program to be structured as following?

initial value of program;
subroutine1() {
calculating the first work;
return 2 or 3 arrays;


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C :: Redirecting Multiple Pipes With Multiple Children

Mar 21, 2014

I've been working on a function that works like a pipeline of a shell but receives a directory, go over it an search for every file to send it to a filter, something like this in bash "cat dir/* | cmd_1 | cmd_2 | ... | cmd_N", The only problem i have with the code is the redirection of the pipe descriptors.


int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
char** cmd;
int Number_cmd;
cmd = &(argv[2]); /*list of cmds*/
Number_cmd = argc-2; /*number of cmds*/


The code is seems to work fine except when i run it with more than one command in example ("./filter DIR wc rev") in this case it returns

wc: standard input: Bad file descriptor
wc: -: Bad file descriptor
0 0 0

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