C/C++ :: Multiple Client In Winsock

May 29, 2014

I have make a code for simple chatting for single client but i want to make it for multiple client. what i need to modify in the code?

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct sockaddr_in localaddr,remoteaddr;
SOCKET s,ns;
char send_buffer[80],receive_buffer[80];
int n,bytes,addrlen;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Winsock - Accepting Multiple Clients On A Server?

Jun 16, 2013

My problem is that I've created a Client and Server program in which they communicate. The Client is an SDL Application that allows you to play as a movable character IF YOU ARE CONNECTED TO THE SERVER. If not, You're unable to play. THIS WORKS!

However, Only one client is able to play on my server?? Anyone elses' window freezes and they are not allowed to play (As if not connected to the server). Here is my server code.

#include <iostream>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <vector>
#include <process.h>
#include "Included/pthread.h"
#define MAX_THREADS 5
bool gamerunning = true;

[Code] ....

I'm having troubles allowing more than one client to play on the server.

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C/C++ :: TCP Server / Multiple Client With Select Process And Forking

Sep 12, 2014

I have created a Server that can handle multiple users with the select function. The server seems to be operating just fine on every new request of a client even on the case of termination connection. The problem appears on the client side. I am applying forking process to be able to hear and write at the same time while the user is typing a message to the rest of the clients. By doing so I discovered that when the client is initialized it send a blank message to the server. The server then send this blank message to all the clients. I have discovered a "trick" not to display the message on the client side but I really would like to know if there is an alternative solution instead of my solution. I mean why it dose not wait for the client to first start typing a message before to send it.

The communication that will apply on each new connection is:

Client Server
Connect() −− >
< −− Hello version
NICK nick −− >
< −− OK/ERROR text
MSG text −− >
< −− MSG nick text/ERROR text

Sample of the Server.c code:

#include <stdio.h> /* stderr, stdout */
#include <errno.h> /* errno.h - system error numbers */
#include <stdlib.h> /* memory allocation, process control etc. */


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C/C++ :: Client To Client Communication Using Network Programming?

Feb 8, 2015

I am trying to make kind of a messenger using Socket/Network Programming

My program should allow clients to register or sign in, after they are signed in they should see a list of the other signed in people whoever I select from that list I should be able to implement using multiple threads as well.

I have done this much:

User.txt file



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>


Now issue is in this code I am getting error SEGEMENTATION ERROR, CORE DUMP

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C++ :: Winsock - Receive / Send Sequences

Oct 25, 2013

I'm trying to understand winsock with c++. Let's assume I have a 2 working applications, one is the client and one the server:

Client: I can enter a command, for example chat or filetransfer, it will then switch into this specific mode where I can enter commands like uploading a file, send a message etc.

Code: ....
while (rc != SOCKET_ERROR) {
if (strcmp(buf, "CHAT") == 0){
// start chat mode

[Code] .....

I'm in a recv/send loop and I'm using streams...so basically all the data is being sent/received there. Now, if I want to upload a file, I send a FILETRANSFER String to the server. Then I will probably need another loop that receives file requests from the client. The server will need more details about the file, like the path, name, size...

Now, my question is, what's the best practise for something like that? I'm having problems understand how I can send 3 different values from the server to the client and how he will receive them in the right order store them in variables. And also, after sending something to the server, in some cases, the client will have to wait for the server to answer.

Is there a good example of a similar application?

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C++ :: Sending Data From A File Via Winsock?

May 11, 2013

I want to send data from a file via winsock. The problem is that the only first line in the file is send.


#include <iostream>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")
#define SERVER "" //ip address of udp server

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Winsock Sending X264 Nal Unit

Mar 13, 2015

I am currently trying to send a x264 nal unit using WINSOCK with a reliable multicast socket. It isn't decoding properly, and my initial thought is I am not receiving all the bytes correctly. I was hoping some fresh eyes can provide insight on errors or any improvements. I have seen some topics about this subject, and they showed sending entire structs with the socket. However, I am concerned about endianess so I am trying to stay away from that approach. I have commented out the decoding part, until I am confident that I am receiving the nal unit properly.


#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include "wsrm.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "x264Encoder.h"

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Visual C++ :: Interaction Between Algorithm And Winsock

Jul 24, 2013

#include <algorithm>
#include <winsock.h>
void some_func() {
int result = std::min (0, 16384);

Okay, but the above code consistently gives me error C2589: '(' : illegal token on right side of '::'. I'm building with VC8. If I don't #include <winsock.h> the code compiles correctly but it doesn't matter if I #include <winsock.h> before or after including <algorithm>

I guess it might be due to one of my #defines but I've tried the code in a very minimal program and I still get the error.

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C++ :: Sending Variable Amount Of Data Over Winsock?

Oct 31, 2013


Code: ....
string cmd = "dir c:filequeue > ";
string outputFilePath;
outputFilePath.append(" est.txt");
system(cmd.c_str()); // dir c:filequeue > %temp% est.txt
string content = get_file_contents(outputFilePath.c_str());

send(s, content.c_str(), content.length(), 0); I'm executing the "dir" command to get a listing of Folders/files of one Folder. Then I read the Output of the file and send it over winsock to the Server.

Now, the Problem is, I don't know how I can handle the recv properly, cause I have to set the buffer size without knowing, how much data is actually transfered. Sometimes maybe no files are in c:filequeue, sometimes a 100k.

So I tried to make recv as a Loop:


Code: ...

while (rc != SOCKET_ERROR) {
gets(buf); //please no discussion about gets, I will Change this later ;)
if (strcmp(buf, "ls") == 0){
send(connectedSocket, "LIST", 4, 0);

[Code] .....

now it works, but as the recv blocks, it will never leave the Loop, even when the Transfer is finished.What should I do?

I believe I could make unblocking sockets, but that's a bit complicated. Isn't there an easier solution, with malloc'ing the buffer or a Signal when to leave the recv Loop?

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C++ :: Send Two Or More Char Arrays Over TCP Socket (winsock)

Nov 21, 2013

send(sConnect, (userinput, key), 256, 0);

sConnect is already predefined as a socket

Key is a character array of [32]

Userinput is a character array of [256]

How can you send both of them at the same time using the send function without having to create a separate connection?

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C/C++ :: Winsock Sending Packet Header With Data

Apr 16, 2015

This question is kind of a continuation of Winsock Sending X264 Nal Unit. I was finally able to solve that problem, turns out in the end I was missing a memcpy(). Now my current issue is, when I try to decode the received packets, I am shown a bunch of errors. I have attached a picture with my decoding errors. So since I am using a reliable multicast socket, which doesn't guarantee order of delivery. My initial thought is that I am getting packets out of order.

So my question is, how would I attach a packet header to my current data? Could I get away with sending the header separately? Similar to what I am doing with the nal length. If I do attach my header to the packet data, what is a good way to delimit the two?


#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include "wsrm.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "x264Encoder.h"

[Code] ....

My client is just reading packets into a vector, because decoding it right away was too slow. So I thought that might have been an issue, so I decided to read in 200 packets just for testing purposes.

Attached image(s)

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C++ :: Connecting Client And Server App

May 30, 2013

I need to create a client and server program. The client will have a GUI that will display all the available servers (since more than one will be running) in a list box.

I’m guessing a TCP connection will be the best method here, but how will the client find the servers to connect to? I won’t know the IP address of the server because anyone could take the server program and run it on their computer and the client would have to find it.

Is there some way to make the server send some kind of signal that only the client application will be to connect to? So the server will be sending out a signal, the client finds the signal and connects to the server. Is this possible?

i also need to be able to store the IP address the client selects so when the client application is run again it will automatically connect to the server that was stored.

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C++ :: Progress Bar For Wininet Client FTP

Jul 4, 2013

I am close to getting this......the progress bar for wininet client ftp

int index;
CString strText;
index = m_dir.GetCurSel();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Multithreaded Server And Client

Apr 28, 2014

I need the code for multithreaded server and client code. one server and two or more client connect to server.

Without fork(),semaphore(),etc

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C# :: Client Was Not Authenticated Error

Dec 18, 2014

So I have been working on a general class for our department to send errors to us when they trigger. We changed over to the Office365 Cloud System and now I am having Authentication Errors with my emails. Here is the code:

public static void ErrorDev(string errorText)


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C# :: Multiple Desktop Display (Multiple Explorer Windows)

Jul 31, 2014

I want to develop an application which can host multiple views of explorer (window), where as each window is totally separate from others. So that I can have multiple desktop views through my single explorer. Any built in feature in .NET ?

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C/C++ :: How To Make Multiple Subroutine And Return Multiple Arrays

Aug 17, 2014

how to make subroutines and return multiple arrays.Before that, i wrote my program on matlab. could my program to be structured as following?

initial value of program;
subroutine1() {
calculating the first work;
return 2 or 3 arrays;


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C++ :: WinSock - Can Connect To Localhost But Cannot Connect To IP

Dec 22, 2013

I'm getting error ID 10061 - WSAECONNREFUSED - No connection could be made because the target computer actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host—that is, one with no server application running.

However, when I use or localhost dns, everything works fine, Im connecting to the ip from [URL] .... with port 1337 ...

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C :: Client Not Receiving Time From Server

Sep 2, 2013

I'm building a client server which is communicating.I am trying to use the function recvfrom, but have several bugs, so I might have the recvfrom function in the wrong part of my code.


int talk_with_server(int fd) {
char buf[LEN];
int n = read(fd, buf, LEN);


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C :: Server-client File Transfer Using UDP

Sep 1, 2013

I have to make a server-client file transfer using UDP . I have created a basic server which receives message sent by client . That's all. Now comes the major part :-

1. The message sent by client is the name of file
.2. Now the server checks whether there exists this file or not .
3. If there exists it sends the file to the client and it also keeps the count of the number of requests of file made by the client . Here is the Server Code




The server reads the data from file and writes into it and send to the client , On the other end client receive the data and make duplicate of this file and write into it. But on compiling it gives error in reading the file.

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C++ :: How To Build SMTP Mail Client

Jul 18, 2013

i have four email adresses (for various reasons) and i could probably find a client for all three on source forge, but i thought it would be good practice to use my own. i want to use boost, sdl, and c++, but i cant find a tutorial.

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C/C++ :: Send Message From Server To All Client?

May 30, 2014

First of all i create single server single client program and then using thread i make multiple client to connect to server.

csock = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
if((*csock = accept( hsock, (SOCKADDR*)&sadr, &addr_size))!= INVALID_SOCKET ){


The clients send message to the server and server echo back the message to that particular client. But i want that the server will echo back ones's message to all clients. Suppose 5 clients are connected to the server. So whenever one client send a message to the server, the server will send that message to all 5 clients.

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C# :: Stream Video From LAN Server Onto Client PC?

Oct 9, 2014

I have loads of movies on DVD and they are all on my media server, but the media server doesn't actually allow streaming to be done, the movies are just stored in a folder on the desktop.

My goal would be able to host all my movies on my LAN server, then build an application to run on a windows based PC at home, not over the Internet just over LAN. For example, say the server I have at home had all the movies in a folder on the desktop, then when I start the client on another PC or laptop in my house, I could view all the movies, choose which one and then stream it to that client PC. I am using C#.NET WPF visual studio.

Maybe I could use something like VLC player to play the movies but I would want to build an client application to view the movies and search for them on the server where the movies are stored. Also I know there are other media streaming programs out there but I want to develop my own one for my uses.

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C# :: Cannot Send Data From Client To Server

Oct 26, 2014

i am making a client server application but the problem is that i cannot send data from CLIENT to SERVER , but i can receive data from SERVER to CLIENT ... Below is mt client and Server code and i also have attached both client and server files...


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
namespace asynclient {


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C++ :: Client Server Programming Using TTcpServer?

Jun 23, 2013

I am using the following code that I copied from a website to send some numbers using TTcpServer in C++.

void __fastcall TForm2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) {
//Creating a stream
std::auto_ptr<TMemoryStream> myStream(new TMemoryStream);
for (byte i = 0; i < 9; i++) {


I do not understand what is being sent in the byte variable, nor why a byte variable was used. I want to send some strings instead of numbers, but I don't understand what's taking place so I can't identify what to change.

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C/C++ :: Send JPG File From Client To Server?

Feb 27, 2013

Share ur code wit my. m working on windows n using visual studio 2008..

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