C/C++ :: Creating A Class To Store Value That Represents Number Of Hours / Days Worked

Feb 22, 2014

Create a class to store a value that represents number of hours worked and number of days worked. Must ensure that the two representations are always consistent. I have to create 2 files, I'm pretty sure: a .cpp and a .h

This is what I have so far for my .h file (I know it's NOT functional...yet):

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class NumDays {
double hours;
double days;

[Code] ...

I don't know how to start / create this .cpp file to define the variables.

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C++ :: Payroll Program - Number Of Hours An Employee Worked / Pay Rate

Oct 5, 2014

Write a payroll program that prompts for the number of hours an employee worked, as well as the employee’s pay rate. If the employee worked for 40 hours or less, the gross pay is calculated by multiplying the number of hours worked by the pay rate. If the number of hours worked by the employee exceeds 40 hours, the employee should receive regular pay for the first 40 hours, and receive time-and-a-half pay for the hours in excess of 40. Display the calculated gross pay on the screen.

Continue to prompt for similar data for more employees and have the gross pay of each employee displayed, until there is no more employee data to process. Then display “Good Bye”.

Your solution must be separated into three source files (Interface, Implementation, and Test)

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C++ :: Program To Take Number Of Hours Worked And Output Workers Gross Pay

Sep 21, 2014

ok so i did a program that will take the number of hours worked in a week annd the number of dependents ans inputs and then outputs the workers gross pay, each withholding amount, and the net take home pay per week.

The Program should come out as this:

Regular Hours :34
Overtime hours: 0
gross pay : $323.00
social tax: 19.38
federal tax: $45.22
Statte tax: $16.15
Number of dependents covered: 2
additional health insurance expence: $0

Net take home pay: $236.25

The employer pay rate is 9.50
the employer worked 34 hours "regular hours 40 or less"
if any hours are paid at over time rate of one and one half time that from the gross pay, 6% of social is with held, 14% form federal income, 5% from state income, 6$ per week from union dues, and if worker has 3 or more covered dependent, then an additional 10$ is wothheld to cover the extra cost of health insurance

heres my program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int regHours; // Regular Hours
float hourlyPay, gross, otime, socialtax, federaltax, statetax, uniondues, dep, health; // gross income, overtime, social tax, federal tax, state tax, union dues, depen covered, health insurance

[Code] .....

the program runs but theres still errors in it, it did not make some of the calculations right.

What formula do I use to calculate overtime hours if there was over time?
What formula do I use to take out union dues from total income?
How to I set the number of independents covered to match the health cost if it was 3 or more?

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C :: Creating Struct Which Represents Complex Number

Feb 26, 2015

1 create a struct called complex which reprensts a complex number . both the real and imaginary compoents should be represented as doubles . ( 1 marks) .

2 write down a function called magnitude which has one parameter ( a struc complex) and a return type of double . it should return the maginude of the given parameter . ( 3marks) .

3 write a function called find_largest which has two parameter (one of type struct complex const * and the other type int) and a return type of struc complex . the two parameter represent an array of complex numbers and number of elements in that array . the function should return elements from array which has largest magnitude . this fucntion must called the magnitude function . ( 5 marks)

4 write a main function . your main fucntion . Your main fucntion should repeately prompt the user for complex number , storing them in an array. you should continuing reading in complex number until the user enters in both componets , at this point you should stop . you should not make an assumptions how many complex number the user will enter , ( i.e use realloc) after reading in complex numbers from the user you should print out real and imaginary components of the complex number with the largest magnitude.


struct complex {
double real;
double imag;


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Visual C++ :: Calculate Amount Paid To Employee Based On Hours Worked And Rate Per Hour

Oct 8, 2013

Write a program in C++ that calculates the amount to be paid to an employee based on the hours worked and rate per hour. A user will enter hours worked and rate per hour for an employee. Your program should have a function payCheck that calculates and returns the amount to be paid. The formula for calculating the salary amount is as follows: for the first 40 hours, the rate is the given rate (the rate that a user has entered); for hours over 40, the rate is 1.5 times the given rate.

I had write my own coding, but it keeps error. it is okay. But i still don't think i could share here? Still running... I will update my coding for you alls to check for any syntax or logic error. The problem is i need to calculate if the employee work for more than 40 hours which 1.5 times.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
int main(void) {
char *empname, *test, *final_output;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Calculate User Birthday In Months / Days / Hours And Minutes From Today Date

Jul 24, 2014

The problem is that I need to figure out the user's birthday in months, days, hours, and minutes from today's date.

Here's what I have so far.

using namespace std;
int main() {
int todayDay, todayMonth, todayYear;
int birthDay, birthMonth, birthYear;

[Code] ....

I haven't initialized all the variables, yet. And it's very unfinished. I need to figure out how to convert years from the age into months only. And I need to figure out how to calculate the hours, seconds, and minutes.

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Visual C++ :: Employee Class - Number Of Vacation / Sick Days Used

Oct 21, 2012

Can not even say this is the error as it is giving me 45 errors. l am writing code which accept employee type based on calculating the miles traveled in a year,my code is based on type of employee, number of vacation days used and no of sick days used.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <conio.h>
class employee {
int emp_type;
float emp_vacation;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Creating Priority Queue Of Objects Transaction As A Variable Of Store Class

Dec 4, 2013

I've got 2 classes, Store and Transaction and I would like to create a priority queue of objects Transaction as a variable of Store class.

My store.h
#ifndef __STORE_H_INCLUDED__
#define __STORE_H_INCLUDED__
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
#include "Transaction.h"
struct TransactionCompare;

[Code] ....

The error im getting with this set up is

error C2664: 'bool TransactionCompare::operator ()(const Transaction &,const Transaction &)
const' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'Transaction *' to 'const Transaction &'

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C/C++ :: Design / Implement And Test A Class That Represents Time In Minutes And Seconds

Nov 29, 2014

Design, implement, and test a class that represents an amount of time in minutes and seconds. The class should provide a constructor that sets the time to a specified number of minutes and seconds. The default constructor should create an object for a time of zero minutes and zero seconds. The class should provide observers that return the minutes and the seconds separately, and an observer that returns the total time in seconds (minutes x 60 + seconds). Boolean comparison observers should be provided that test whether two times are equal, one time is greater than the other, or one time is less than the other. (You may use RelationType and function ComparedTo if you choose). A function should be provided that adds one time to another, and another function that subtracts one time from another. The class should not allow negative times (subtraction of more time than is currently stored should result in a time of 0:00). This class should be immutable.

this is one of my main errors: Error1error C2653: 'Time' : is not a class or namespace namec:userskdesktop
oane statecisp 1610visual studioschapter 12 assignmentchapter 12 assignmentchapter 12 assignment.cpp131Chapter 12 Assignment

//The implementation file ImplFileTimeClassAsgnt.cpp:

#include "Time.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Time::Time() {
mins = 0;
secs = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Class Memory Allocation - Store Number Of Elements In Table

Mar 31, 2013

Say I have a class with a few member functions, and only two data members: an int* Table; and an int Size;, to store the number of elements in Table.

I'm using a copy constructor that takes in two parameters: int* table, int size. In this case, is the address that table points to the same address as the object that table is part of? And furthermore, is it possible to say table.Size? I want to compare the passed array's size to the passed size.

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C++ :: Printing Number Of Days In A Month

Dec 17, 2013

I write this program to print the number of days for the month when the year and the month enters. This is not giving any result and i think that problem is with calling functions.

using namespace std;
int leap_year(int year);
string days(string mounth);
string feb(string fab1);
void main(){
int year;

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Visual C++ :: Calculating Number Of Days Between Dates

Mar 19, 2014

I have a code that calculates the number of days between dates. It considers leap years and different days among months. The problem I have is when i debug the code nothing comes out.

Here is the code.
using namespace std;
bool wheep();
int daysinmonth();
bool wheep(int yr) {
if (yr % 400 == 0)

[Code] ....

this is the file its reading
1 7 9 1 10 9

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C++ :: Calculate Number Of Days Between Dates - Program Continuously Runs

Mar 24, 2014

I have an assignment to write a program that will calculate the number of days between two dates (including leap years). We have to read the data from a file and in my current input file I have:

1 1 2000 1 5 2004
5 2 2005 2 5 2009
1 15 1998 1 15 2001

for testing purposes. When I run the program the console runs continuously spouting out "The days between your two dates are 1097." Which would be the correct output for the last set of dates entered, but I need to find out where I've messed up in my main.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
bool isLeap(int x) {
if (x % 400 == 0) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Creating Array Of Pointers To Base Class To Point To Derived Class Objects Dynamically

Jan 16, 2013

Please consider the following code :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class superclass;
class subclass1;
class subclass2;

[Code] ....

As you can see I want to create a dynamically allocated storage of references to a parent class each of which can then point to a child class, how ever I do not know how to extract the child class out again from that array so i may access its variable b.

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C++ :: Convert String Which Represents Date To Integer?

Nov 13, 2014

I would like to know how I can convert a string which represents a date to an integer.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <string>
int main(){
string actual_date("18/10/2000");
int date = ????????

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C++ :: Creating One Class Object In Constructor Of Another Class

Sep 20, 2013

Suppose I have two classes A and B so how to access object of class A in constructor of B's class as a parameter.

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C++ :: Retrieve Double Number - Store 8 Bits Of Number In One Field And 16 Bits In Another

May 14, 2013

I am working on a project where I need to retrive a double number and store 8 bits of the number in one field and the other 16 bits in another field. the code below gives me an error.

lata= lat>>8;
latb = (lat & 0xff);

The error states that & and >> are illegal for double. With this in mind, can I use these on a double. If not what can I do to achieve what I am trying to do?

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C/C++ :: How To Store 50 Digit Number

Sep 14, 2013

what is the data type of a variable to store 50 digit number in c? and what is the data type specifier for that?

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C :: How To Store The Highest Prime Number

Feb 17, 2013

Basically, I am suppose to compute 10 numbers and find their highest prime number for each of them. I've already have the inputs working, and set up 2 arrays to store inputs and their highest prime number. But I am uncertain on how to find and store their highest prime number. How to start it off?

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C :: Input Number - How To Store 500 Digits

Oct 30, 2013

"Every number has at most 500 digits" under input. 500? How am I supposed to store that? And what if someone multiplies 999 ...(500 times) * 999 ... (500 times) ? I seriously doubt that my computer can store that! Is that just some huge value used to scare people off or is there some sneaky trick that I am unaware of?

I am done with the program, but won't post it, Lets not ruin the fum for ohers...Does that 500 limit also applies to result of operation?So max length of an input number is ~22 digits ? But still, how do I store 500 digits? Array would be a lot of wastage of memory (though I do have 256MB available).

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C++ :: How To Generate And Then Store Random Number

Nov 6, 2014

So I have to generate a random number between 1 and 6 and then store that same random number into an int variable. Eg, if the random number is 4, that must be stored into int i.

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C++ :: Numbers Game - Store Current Low Number

Dec 14, 2013

I have a program that stores current a low numbers. The Object is to Store the low number every time time one is presented. so say I start the function the first number is the low number. but the trouble im having it once the function is called again it starts over(low number). Is there a way I can keep the function value once the function is called again? Any better way of doing this while keeping function in a class?

double a;
class rff{
void FGH() {
cout<< "pick a number"<<endl;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Store 100th Fibonacci Number Into A Variable?

Feb 24, 2013

Is it even possible to store the 100th Fibonacci number (beginning with the numbers 1 and 1) into a variable? I know the number is pretty huge, and wondered if there is a data type to hold a number that big.

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C++ :: How To Store Data From A Class Into A Container

Feb 10, 2013

I'm having trouble understanding on how to actually store into a container from another class. Any simple example.

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C++ :: Use Array To Store Class Objects?

Feb 11, 2013

So starting with the Item.h file :

#ifndef ITEMH
#define ITEMH
using namespace std;
class Item


I think I'm getting the wrong idea about strings. I thought I could add data just by using '+=' but apparently not.

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C++ :: How To Store And Retrieve Data In Class

Aug 20, 2014

I have a class I use to store column data read from delimited text files.

class column_data {
// class functions here
// initialize class members
: header(""),

[Code] ....

Each column is read into the vector of string. Next the string data is copy converted to the vector of double or the vector of int depending on the data type. There can also be additional transformations of the data (normalization, scaling, etc) and the transformed data is copied to the transformed_double_data vector. I do end up with multiple copies of the data, but I can clear some of the vectors if I don't need all the versions of the data anymore. Each column object goes into a container like a vector of objects or map of objects depending on how I need to access the column data.

There are functions that calculate statistics on the data in the columns and the results are assigned to the object variables like validate_r2. There are separate statistics for each column, so it seems logical to store the results in the column object. This works well for statistics like validate_r2 (pearson's correlation coefficient).

The current issue is that I have other statistics like "pw50" that I need to calculate and store. The statistic is the percent within +/- 50 units and the request for pw50 is passed in from the command line. The issue is that there could be several of these and they can have more or less any value like, pw50, pw75, pw100, etc. Storing data like this doesn't fit into my scheme very well because I can't pre-declare a variable to hold the result for every possible option. I don't know in advance how many, if any, of these there will be. I was thinking of adding two vectors, one of string and one of double,

class column_data {
// initialize class members
: header(""),

[Code] ....

For each of this type of statistic requested, I would push_back a label into the string vector and then put the result into the parallel position in the double vector. This seems like I would work, but there are probably some things that could be done with pointers that might be better. Another option would be a vector of objects where each object had a string value for the label and a double for the result. That would be more bullet proof as far as keeping the label and value together, but I have not ever nested objects in a class like that so I thought I would post. I don't know the syntax for declaring an object of class_b inside the definition of class_a. The need is to provide dynamic storage for an unspecified number of these statistics and a reliable way to retrieve the values using the label.

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