C/C++ :: Clear First Character Of Array

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to clear the first character of my array. The first two methods don't seem to work. The third method seems to but doesn't look like a good idea.

char operand[] = "abc";
//both methods seem to null it out
operand[0] = 0;
memset(operand, 0, 1);
printf("%s", operand);

//seems to work
memset(operand, 5, 1);

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C++ :: Clear Data From Char Array?

Feb 5, 2013

How to clear data from a char array?

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C :: Assignment Of Element Of 2D Character Array To 1D Character Array

Jul 4, 2014

Can we do this :

char strings[][100]={"ABC","EFG","IJK","LKM"};
char temp[100];

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C :: Store Character Array In Reverse Order Then Display Reversed Array

Jun 14, 2013

The program should store a character array in reverse order then display the reversed array. I have also included in the code that will display the actual characters into the array as it loops through. So I know the characters are being stored, but why doesn't it display the entire string when I call it?

int main(){
char str[50];
char rev[50];
printf("Enter Desired Text: ");
scanf ("%[^

[Code] ....

Is it just my compiler?

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C/C++ :: Testing Character Array Against Array Of Characters?

Apr 16, 2014

I am currently having an issue with validating user input for a state abbreviation. I have an array where a list of abbreviations is stored to use as a comparison for whatever the user inputs. I have been able to get the list loaded properly but whenever i go to compare, it always comes back as true even if it isn't. Here is some relevant code:

static char stateTable[STATE_TABLE_SIZE][STATE_SIZE];
int main() {
char buffer[40], *testCustName[40], testState[5], testCode;
buffer[0] = '';
int quit = 0;
int p = 0;


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C/C++ :: How To Clear Nested Stl Map

May 21, 2013

here is a nested stl map

typedef struct struct_RISCP {    
        float nSCPTotal;
        int nSCPCount;
        CString strIMEI;  
        std::map<UINT8, int> mapSection;    
map<stRncCellIdntyDmnType, RISCPSt>m_mapRISCP;

it occupied too much memory,i wanted to clear them(both outer map and inner map) ,some one told me you just need to call m_mapRISCP.clear(),then the mapSection (inner map) will be cleared automaticly,in other words, m_mapRISCP.clear() will clear both outer map and inner map.

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C :: How To Move A Character In 2D Array

Jan 27, 2015

I want to move a character in a 2D array This Character should move vertically in a 2D Array To exemplify it for Exam in Snake Game A character automatically moves Please Write a example code that works

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C++ :: How To Subtract A Set Value From Each Character In Array

Mar 16, 2013

this function subtracts a given value for each element in an array. I If the array is: hellohowareyou, and the value is 6 then result will be : 6 characters from each letter in the initial array

and the prototype of it is:

void minusFromArray(char arr[], int size, int value);

how do i convert each element in the array into ascii and subtract the values from those ascii characters?

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C++ :: Repeat Character Array

Nov 1, 2013

I'm having a little trouble writing program that on remove all repeat characters and leave only the non repeated characters. This is want I have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
unsigned repeatingCharCount(char const* s) {
std::string unique ;
const unsigned length = std::strlen(s) ;


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C++ :: Floating Value From Character Array

Dec 9, 2014

How to extract a floating value from a character array in separate variables .

Example : multiply 7.5 with 2

Out put : 7.5 , 2

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C++ :: How To Delete First Character In Array

May 1, 2014

How do i delete the first character in a character array?

I want output to be

void DeleteFirst (char S[ ])
for( int i = 1; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++)
cout << S[i];

i am just writing the wrest of the Array without deleting the first. how do i delete the first?

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C++ ::  add A Space Into Character Array

Apr 29, 2014

I have a character Array 'Hello'

I want to add a space in whatever space the users chooses.

"Where do you want to add space? --> " 3 String after space is added --> 'Hel lo

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C++ :: Clear Screen Without Blinking

Nov 4, 2013

I have a one simple question :D. I want to output to the console some symbols. Let's say that i have a loop.

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cou << "* ";

Then I want to output other symbols but I want to overwrite the previous symbols. I know I can use system("cls"); but it blinks if I try to output the same characters. For example if I have:

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cou << "* ";
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cou << "* ";

After I run this code the first loop outputs ten "*". Then there is a blink and there are again ten "*" shown. How can I avoid this blink?

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C++ :: Difference Between Erase And Clear

Apr 4, 2014

vector<int> *vec; allocate memory and

suppose vec conatins 10 values then



both should be used or any one one is fine to erase all ??

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C++ :: Clear Part Of The Screen?

Nov 3, 2014

Is there any way I can clear only a selected part of the screen? (I'm aware of system("cls"))

For example, when you enter a date, and is wrong, could it just errase that input and only say "Wrong try again" without errasing everything else you where doing?

In this case, a function that only errases what is in the while

while(not wrong)
cout<<"DIA: ";
cout<<"MES: ";
cout<<"ANIO: ";

PS: Also, is there any whay in which you can ask the user to enter the date DD/MM/YYY?

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C# :: Clear A Listbox From A Class?

Jun 5, 2014

I need to clear a listbox from a class other than the form where it exists. Why this isn't working? I'm getting no error messages when I compile and I am seeing the Console.WriteLine text I also added in the same function. I can call this function from within my form and it behaves as expected. I tried setting the listbox to public despite the fact I wasn't getting protection level errors but that made no difference.

Just to clarify what I'm doing here... I have a form that includes a panel of user controls from another class. So there is a listbox on OtherClass and the listbox is in MyForm. Heres my code:


public void ClearListBox() {
} OtherClass
private void listBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
MyForm mf = new MyForm();

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C++ :: Making Constructor For Array Of Character

Jan 16, 2015

class Robot{
char name[15]; //assign to char n
int x, y , direction;
void ToString(int d);


how do i assign char name[] in the class to char n in the constructor?

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C :: Storing Integers To Character Array?

Jan 30, 2013

I am creating a program and am having trouble with one part. The input file looks like:

Bill Jeff Steve
Linda Brittany Jessica
3 1 4
2 1 9
8 3 7
6 4 9
4 8 9
6 9 4

Where I am stuck is putting the numbers into the string array. For example, Bill's scores should be set up as Bill's scores should be set as

Code: bill_score = {3, 1, 4}

and when this code is ran

for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
printf("%s - ", men[i]);


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C :: Using Malloc For Array Of Character Pointers

Mar 30, 2013

I am able to work with n instances of a structure in one mallocated area, but when I try to do the same thing with just character pointers, I get compiler errors about making integer from pointer without a cast. If I create a structure with just a character pointer in it, it works just fine... I am just not seeing something here!!!

This works:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (void) {
struct items {
unsigned int item_1;
unsigned int item_2;


This DOES NOT work!


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (void) {
char * items_ptr = NULL;
unsignedint i = 0;
char * one = "one";
char * two = "two";


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C++ :: Character Array To Wide String?

Nov 19, 2013

I am still working on my project which will be reading some old data from some old DOS files. The data stored there is naturally, char*. Once I read in my character array, how do I assign this to a wstring since my application is UNICODE?

Here is my current solution:

wchar_t* Class::Function(char *pName) {
//I verify the pointer and such first, then do the below
this->_Name.assign(pName, (pName + strlen(pName));
return this->_Name.c_str();

Am I on the right track here?

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C++ :: Function That Subtract Value From Each Character In Array

Mar 17, 2013

I have to write a function Subtracts val from each character in the array

// If the array is: abcdefghi and value = 5, then result is: 5 ascii characters subtracted from the given array
// note: Make sure the character remains in the ' '
// to '~' (inclusive)
// If character < ' ', then add 95
// If character > 126, then subtract 95
// to put back within the range, and repeat as needed
// all printable characters are between this range
// ' ' is the 1st printable character (32)
// '~' is the last printable character (126)
note: subtracting values from the char will cause an overflow.

the prototype is: void subtracting(char array[], int size, int value)

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C++ :: How To Count Character Occurrence In Array

Jan 17, 2015

i have a problem i cant find a way to count how many times a character occur in a character array the out put should be


but my output is


i cant find away to get rid of the other a letter i dont know what to do

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char array[3] = {'a','b','a'};
char frequency[26] ={'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'};


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C++ :: How To Create Character Array That Has 128 Bytes

Sep 23, 2014

m_sName-- character array shall be 128 bytes

How do i create a character array that has 128 bytes?

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C/C++ :: Using Pointers For Character Array In For Loop

Nov 3, 2014

I'm taking an intro to programming course and my assignment is to Write a very simple program that uses two for loops and ONLY pointers and pointer arithmetic (NO other variables are allowed) to display a palindrome forward then backward. Declare the palindrome as follows: char str[] = “Straw Warts”; Well my prof never did anything with char arrays and I can't quite fit make the pointers work in the loop. This is my code. It runs how it should, i just can't seem to make a working for loop. It always says that you can compare int and char

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()


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C/C++ :: Storing IPv6 In Character Array?

Jul 11, 2014

Its been too long since I have had to fiddle bits and I am coming up short.

Bottom line is the new IPv6 ip address representation is of the format:


These come to me as hex values for example:


I want to store this in a char array, of integers of size char_addr[16] where each byte represents the integer representation of each xx pair thus

char_addr[0]=32 (20) *note address above
char_addr[1]=1 (01)
char_addr[2]=125 (7D)
char_addr[3]=126 (7E)
char_addr[4]=0 (00)
char_addr[15]=68 (44)

So I am having trouble filling that char_addr array.

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C++ :: How To Clear A File At Beginning Of Program

Jul 28, 2013

I'm writing a program that converts hex to letters and writes the letters to a file.To write I'm currently using ofstream("output.txt" ios::app)But the issue with this is, is that everytime I run the program, it appends and doesn't write from the beginning of the text file.So what I want to know is, how do I clear the contents of a text file, before writing to it?

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