C++ :: Adding Sums With Void Functions

May 3, 2013

1) This first function initializes an array of 30 components so that the first 15 components are equal to the square of the index value and the last 15 components are equal to the index value multiplied by 3.

2) The second function processes the array by finding the sum of the first 15 components and the sum of the last 15 components to determine which sum is bigger. The output to the screen should do the following:

a)State “The sum of the first 15 components is:” and then show the sum.
b)State “The sum of the last 15 components is:” and then show the sum.
c)State which of the two resulted in the greater sum or if the two sums were equal.

Function: The program uses two subroutines. One to initialize an array and the other to process the array and print to screen results:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
// Include any other header files you may need.

const int ARRAY_SIZE = 30;
void initialize ( double list[], int index );
void square ( double list[], int index );
void threeTimes ( double list[], int index );
void output ( const double list[], int index );

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Adding Void Function In Visual Studio 2012 Does Not Work

Mar 1, 2013

I am trying to add a void function in Visual Studio 2012 but it doesn't work, meanwhile in Codeblocks it does:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int welcome();
int main(){

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Functions With Void Returns?

Nov 27, 2014

Write a C++ program consisting of main plus two other functions which will do the following:

Take an integer input from the keyboard.

Send the integer to a function which will output the integer to the screen.

Send the integer to a second function which will tell the user that the integer is an odd value.

Do not tell the user anything if the integer is an even value.

Repeat this process until the user enters something which is not an integer; use input validation to check for validity.

Any not valid input should terminate the program.

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C++ :: Non-Void Functions With Argument

Mar 11, 2014

My assignment is to write a program using VOID FUNCTIONS WITH AN ARGUMENT.

*I need one non-void function with an argument to generate the first 15 numbers greater than 500, another non-void function with an argument to generate the first 15 perfect squares that are greater than 500. Last, they need to be in columns next to each other.* also i cant use x,y, coordinates to align them. i must create a for loop with the

These are some notes from examples in the class. i just don't know how to do it with non void functions with an argument.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void ClearTheScreen();
void NormalTermination();

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Use Void Pointer Functions

Sep 27, 2014

int (*cInts)(void*,void*);
cInts= &compareInts;

int x=(cInts)(2,5); //This wont work. I tried a bunch of other things

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C++ :: Using Void Functions To Display Arrays

Nov 8, 2013

I want to write a code that gets three values from the user and puts them into three arrays. When the user enters -999, I want to print out a chart showing all the values they put in. This is what I have so far but it wont build. It tells me std::string is requested, but I'm not sure where to put it, and printArrays is declared void. How can I fix this?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int ARSIZE = 400;
void printArrays (string reportTitle, int levelsArray[], int scoresArray[], int starsArray[], int i);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Passing Ints To Void Functions

Mar 19, 2014

At first i had my int variables in global scope however i cant do the so im trying to pass my variables from my main to the void functions but cant.....

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C++ :: Void Functions - Passed By Value To Find A Total

Dec 4, 2014

I missed last class on doing void functions because I got sick and im completely lost! ive being using the texts book example for a reference but its not running !

The output should look similar to this:

how much was your shirt?
shirt 20.00
tax =1.20
the total 21.20


include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void getShirtCost(double shirtCost);
void calculate(double shirtCost,double taxAmount, double total, double taxamount) ;
void printReceipt(double shirtCost, double taxAmount, double total, double taxamount);

[Code] ....

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C :: Void Functions With If Else Construct Not Printing Multiple Lines

Apr 12, 2014

This code i made is a cent converter from 5 to 95 cents. The problem i'm receiving is when the 'cents' function is sent back to the 'main' function it only prints one line. It seems to just print the first if construct that complies with the statement. Is there anyway i can have this function print multiple cent values? For example if 60 cents was entered it would only print '50c', and i want it to print '50c' and '10c' instead.


#include <stdio.h>
int x;
void check(int x)
if( x < 5)
printf("Less then 5 cannot be calculated
else if(x > 95)


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C++ :: Calculate Angle Value In Form Of Trigonometric Functions - Loops And Void

Jul 24, 2013

This is an assignment which the purpose is to calculate an angle value in form of trigonometric functions. These are the codes that I've wrote so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void menu(double &value) {
cout<<"*****Trigonometry Program*****"<<endl;

[Code] ....

I have completed the codes for the interface part. Before I proceed with the formula for the trigonometric functions, I would like to make sure the program is Error-free, which if there is accidental invalid input from the user, the program would the user to enter another input until it is a valid response.

The only problem I have encountered for this matter was in menu(value)

If I enter an integer, the program will proceed without error. However, If I enter a character, the program will slip into an endless loop which constantly shows this

*****Trigonometry Program*****
Please enter an angle value => Is the angle in Degree or Radian?
Type D if it is in Degree
Type R if it is in Radian
Your response=> 0 //my initial input for value

Do you want to continue?
Type Y to continue
Type any other key to stop
Your response =>

Where is the source of the problem? I'm pretty sure it's the loop, but I don't know what to do.

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C :: Adding New Functions

Jul 3, 2014

I am new to c and I have come across a problem when adding other functions to a programme and printing the values. The question I am attempting to solve is :

The following function computes ex by summing the Taylor series expansion to n terms. Write a program to print a table of ex using both this function and the exp() function from the math.h library, for x = 0 to 1 in steps of 0.1. The program should ask the user what value of n to use.

double taylor(double x, int n) {
int i;
double sum = 1.0;
double term = 1.0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
/*Or we could have written: */
term = term * x / i; /* term *= x / i; */
sum = sum + term; /* sum += term; */
return sum;

My code is


/*Taylor series for e*/


code prints out the values for exp, but it gets stuck in the Taylor function and I'm not sure how to solve it.

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C++ :: Adding Additional Functions To STL Vector Class

Jan 30, 2013

How would I add my own function to the vector class?

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Visual C++ :: Adding Rational Number Using Only Class Functions

Feb 22, 2015

I'm having trouble finishing this program. What I'm trying to do is create a class for Rational numbers. Get input from user for denominator and numerator. Store the numbers without a sign, and for the sign store it separately in char. I'm not supposed to use accessor functions. The part that I can't seem to know how to do is use the info that was stored in the addUp function. This function need to add two rational numbers. i need to make this function general enough that it can handle two fractions, or a fraction and a whole number, or two whole numbers. What I already have here is readin function which reads in the numerator and denominator. setnumerator and setdenominator to assign positive values. setsign should get the sign of the fraction. Finally addUp should addUp which I explained before. I have some ideas about writing the tests, but can't seem to know how to implement it to the program. The main program is still empty but all I'm supposed to do there is call the class functions.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Rational {
int numerator, denominator;
char sign;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Generating Sums Of Random Numbers

Sep 19, 2014

I'm trying to create a code that generates random numbers and spits out a sum average and lowest and highest number. I am stuck on the sum however and once I get that I think the average will fall into place. Here's what I have.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

I've noticed that it's almost always off by 1 or 3 for whatever reason

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C++ :: Program Is Not Calculating Sums Correctly?

Jun 20, 2014

I am getting this weird error when calculating sums. Here is what my program does: it generates two random numbers and then randomly puts either an addition or subtraction sign between the two and then I am asked to enter what the correct answer for that question is. But on some of the subtraction questions when I give the answer it says I got it wrong after which the program shows the right answer. What's confusing is that the answer the computer calculates is the same that I entered. Anyways the complete program and a screenshot of the console window which shows the error are below. The function in question here is decAddSub at line 54. The error is shown in the first sum in the output window. It doesn't affect addition problems and only affects some of the subtraction problems.



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C/C++ :: 3x3 Magic Square That Sums Up To 15 On All Sides

Mar 10, 2015

I have an assignment that I have to make a 3x3 magic square that sums up to 15 on all sides. I can't use arrays, just Loops and If and Else statements.

My first attempt was like this

//Program for printing magic square that sums up to 15.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
int r1, r2, r3;
int c1, c2, c3;

[Code] .....

I can't think of a way to loop that when it prints out, it will have a sum of 15 on all sides and/or print one of the 8 solution for a 3x3 magic square.

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C/C++ :: Rolling Multiple Dice - Compare Total Sums

Feb 1, 2015

I am building the game risk and I want to start off with a dice rolling mechanism. In risk 5 die are needed so I want to know the most efficient way of churning out the code for this. Since the players have the options of rolling 1, 2 or 3 die (max 3 for attacker, and max 2 for defender) I was thinking something like this after searching the web for a few different options:

const int minNum = 1;
const int maxNum = 6;
int numberGenerator(){
int x;
x = minNum + rand() % (maxNum - minNum + 1);

[Code] ....

Since I will be asking the player the option to choose how many die to roll, is this the most efficient way? I want to compare the total sums after the die are rolled. If they choose 3 dice (the attacker) I will simply call the first 3 methods and either 1 or 2 for the defender.

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C++ :: Divide Set Of Numbers Into Two Subsets Where Difference Between Sums Of Subset Is Minimal

Feb 28, 2013

The problem is that you have a set of numbers and you need to divide that set into two subsets where the difference between the sums of the subset is minimal.

Example: a set of numbers {1,5,9,3,8}, now the solution is two subsets, one subset with elements {9,3} and the other {8,5,1} the sum of the first one is 13 and the sum of the second is 13 so the difference between the sums is 0. The result shows the difference between the sums.

Another example: a set of numbers where the difference between the subsets cannot be zero, {9 51 308 107 27 91 62 176 28 6}, the minimal difference between the two subsets is 2.

I want to know how the function finds the two subsets, it works great because I've tested it for up to 300 inputs which sum adds up to 100,000.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
using namespace std;
int BalancedPartition ( int a[] , int n ) {

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Access Linked List Functions From Stack Class Without Functions

Mar 20, 2014

I'm a little confused by my programming assignment this week. I've been working at it Wednesday and I've made progress but I'm still confused as to how I'm supposed to do this. The class I made is called Stack, and it's derived from a template class called StackADT. We also utilize a class called unorderedLinkedList, which is derived from a class called linkedList.

We're supposed to implement all of the virtual functions from stackADT in the Stack class. The Stack data is stored in a an unorderedLinkedList, so what I'm confused by is how to implement a few of the Stack functions because there are no functions in unorderedLinkedList which we could call to manipulate the data.

As you can see from my attached code, I'm really confused by how I'm supposed to implement the pop() and top() functions, and I also think my initializeList() function is wrong. We don't have any similar functions in unorderedLinkedList to call, so I'm at a loss of how i'd access my unorderedLinkedList. My initial thought was to call the similar functions in the class that unorderedLinkedList was derived from, linkedList, but I'm unsure of this is what we're supposed to do, or if theres actually a way to access my unorderedLinkedList without having to use the functions from the base class.

NOTE: We're not allowed to modify stackADT, unorderedLinkedList, and linkedList.


#include "stackADT.h"
#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"
template<class Type>
class Stack: public stackADT<Type>{
template <class T>
struct nodeType
T info;
nodeType<T> *link;


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C/C++ :: Array Of Functions Pointing To In Class Functions With Arduino

May 3, 2013

At the moment im trying out with pointing to an array of functions. I got this working as following:

typedef void (* functionPtr) ();  
functionPtr functions[2][2]={{do11,do12}, {do21,do22}};    
void do11(){DEBUG_PRINTLN("11");}
void do12(){DEBUG_PRINTLN("12");}
void do21(){DEBUG_PRINTLN("21");}
void do22(){DEBUG_PRINTLN("22");}    
void loop(){

But now I'm trying to use this to point to a function inside a class so instead of do11, i want to be able to point to Basic.Do11. Somehow this doesnt work and I keep on getting this message:

error: argument of type 'void (Basic::)()' does not match 'void (*)()'

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C++ :: Void Value Not Ignored As It Ought To Be

Feb 8, 2013

The error is coming up in line 13(srand() issue I think) of the following code:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

[Code] ....

I'm sure it's something really simple that I'm overlooking.

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C++ :: Error - Void Value Not Ignored As It Ought To Be

May 4, 2014

Using a template in the assignment, I don't know what I did wrong?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
void mpgcalc(T& Miles, T& Gallons)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Have To End A Program In A Void

Jul 16, 2014

I have a void that needs to end a program but a break and return 0 both won't work. Instead I have it cout (1/0). It works but is there an alternative?

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
double clicks=0;
double result;
bool gameon=false;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Use The Void Pointers?

Nov 25, 2013

how can i use the void pointers? i understand that can recive an adress variable(&). but can recive a value?

int a=5;
void *d;

why i can't do these?

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C++ :: Why Can't Void Be Returned

Apr 22, 2012

Why is it not okay to return void? Most compilers will probably let you (gcc does) but it gives you a warning that you aren't supposed to. Most languages allow you to return void.

Something like

void log(const std::string & txt){ std::cout << txt << std::endl; }
//C++ way to do it
void bar(int i){


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C :: Memcpy Between Void Pointers

Feb 13, 2014

I am trying to add data to a queue with the following simplified code:

typedef struct Queue {
void * data;
int head;
int tail;
int elementSize;

My question is, how do I move the queue->data pointer to the correct memory location in order to copy given data to head? The code above inside memcpy gives med the error: "expression must be a pointer to a complete object type".

Do I need an extra pointer to be able to navigate between the queue's head and tail, and keep queue->data as a reference to the first byte of the allocated memory, or is it possible with only queue->data?

Edit. Just noticed I have mixed up head and tail. The enqueued data should probably go to the Queue's tail and not the head. However, the problem is still the same.

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