Visual C++ :: Sorting A Vector Alphabetically?
Aug 25, 2014I am reading a file and storing the data (all strings) into a vector. How would I sort this alphabetically?
View 4 RepliesI am reading a file and storing the data (all strings) into a vector. How would I sort this alphabetically?
View 4 RepliesI'm trying to write a program that reads in from a .txt file the movie title, rating, director, actors etc. All I want to do is to just sort movie titles alphabetically and print all its attributes(director, actors). I tried using sort( movies.begin(), movies.end()) method, but it doesn't work.
here's my code btw:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "Movie.h"
I've tried searching for answers around the web but everyone is using syntax that We haven't been taught before in class yet. I understand that the string library is probably the most efficient way of doing this but is there a way without using that library? Like using if, for, while etc. instead?
I've been told that using anything else other than the string syntax is far to complex but I think the more complex it is the more I will understand it.
I wish to sort a string array alphabetically and im not sure if i am doing it right. for example:
string a[5]; //initial array
string b[5]; //sorted array
int index = 0; //index of b array
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){
int c = 0;
[Code] ....
A teacher has asked all her students to line up single file according to their first name. For example, in one class Amy will be in front of the line and Yolanda will be at the end.
Write a program that will read in a file of names. Names should be read until there are no more names to be read. Use LineUp.txt as a test file for your program.
Once all the names have been read in display which student will be at the front of the line and which one would be at the end of the line. You may assume that no two students have the same name.
These are the name in the LineUp.txt file if needed:
and so on .....
//Build a program that uses a single-dimension array to store 10 names input by a user.
//After inputting the names, the user should see a menu with two options to sort and print the 10 names in ascending or descending order.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
char names[10];
char temp[10];
int count,i,j;
int sort;
[Code] .....
I'm new to C++ especially vectors.. I've a question regarding sorting of object in a vector.. My object consists of x,y and civ. so I would like to know how do I sort the value of the civ in an descending order but at the same time retaining the value of x and y attached to it..
X: 4 Y: 5 CIV: 10
X: 3 Y: 2 CIV: 30
X: 3 Y: 3 CIV: 05
X: 3 Y: 2 CIV: 30
X: 4 Y: 5 CIV: 10
X: 3 Y: 3 CIV: 05
void MissionPlan::topfives() {
stable_sort (topfive.begin(), topfive.end());
pointtwoD =;
I'm implementing kruskal's algorithm and ran into some troubles compiling. I need to sort a vector of objects by value. Here is my code and the error I'm getting.
These are the two functions in graph.cpp (there are more but are unrelated)
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "graph.h"
#include "edge.h"
using std::vector;
void graph::sort_edgesArray() {
//This is the error I'm getting.
graph.cpp: In member function "void graph::sort_edgesArray()":
graph.cpp:39:33: error: no matching function for call to sort
(std::vector<edge>::iterator&, std::vector<edge>::iterator&, <unresolved overloaded function type>)
/usr/include/c++/4.5/bits/stl_algo.h:5236:18: note: candidate is:
void std::sort(_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare)
[with _RAIter = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<edge*, std::vector<edge> >, _Compare = bool (graph::*)(edge&, edge&)]
Suppose I have a two-dimensional stl vector (a vector of vectors), for example:
Code : vector<vector<int> > x;
And then I want to sort the outer vectors in order of the size of their inner vectors. How do I do this?
Usually, with a one-dimensional vector, I can just create a comparison function and use the sort function. For example, if my vector is defined as:
vector<int> y;
And I want to sort if in terms of the int values of each vector element, then I can sort by using the stl::sort function, with the comparison function defined as:
static bool SortFunction(int val1, int val2) {
if (val1 > val2) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
However, with my two-dimensional vector, I use the following comparison function:
static bool SortFunction(vector<int> vec1, vector<int> vec2) {
if (vector1.size() > vector2.size()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
I get a runtime error:
"Debug Assertion Failed!
File: c:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0VCincludealgorithm
Line 3686
Expression: invalid operator<"
Why is this?
I have a vector of Car* objects - vector<Car*> cars
Each object in the vector has an integer attribute called passengers, which can be returned using the function getPassengers().
How do I sort the vector by the objects' passenger int? I know I need to use sort() and presumably a comparison function but I'm not quite sure how.
writing a sorting function that has an argument for a vector of ints rather than an array; it should use a selection sort algorithm.Here is what I have:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
void fillVector(vector<int> &aVector);
// PRECONDITION: number declared size of array a.
// POSTCONDITION: number_used is the number of values stored in a
//a[0] through a[number_used-1] have been filled with nonnegative int.
I want to sort a vector int in ascending order, but when I test, the output isn't correct - the vector is still unsorted. Am I calling it incorrectly?
int sorted (vector <int> a) {
int size = a.size();
sort(a.begin(), a.end());
I am trying to to pull data from a file into a vector, then calculate different statistics from said vector. I've got everything working great except for one part. The program requires the median be calculated, which means I need to sort the data in the vector. However I can't do a quick easy sort, I'm required to use the functions swap(double, double), sort(vector), and index_of_smallest.
how to get these all working in sync to calculate the median(not to mention my algorithms appear to be wrong as I return nothing but 0's for the median value.)
I'm either not sorting right, or the index_of_smallest function is supposed to be doing something I don't realize.
#include <iostream> // for screen and kbd io
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream> // file io
#include <cstdlib> // for exit()
#include <cmath> // for sqrt
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void fill_vector(ifstream& in_file,vector<double>& v);
I've a vector of objects that I can get my float value from by accessing it through a method.It's not a pointer of vector of objects though.
Meaning it's something like vector[i].getFloatValue().
However,how do I sort the float values by descending order since I access it through a method?
I know there is a function in algorithm class called sort() but I need to sort ignoring the case of the alphabet
Is there any function that does that?
I am trying to use std::sort to sort a vector of complex objects using a custom function. However, it keeps erroring "Unresolved overloaded function type".
// ... cut
std::sort (allpeople.begin(), allpeople.end(), sortByInit);}
bool encounter::sortByInit (character& a, character& b) {
if (a.getinit () == b.getinit ()) {
[Code] ....
I tried to sort a large numbers of vector of random integers with std::sort(), but when the number increases over 10M, std::sort returns all zero in values. Does std::sort have a limitation of input numbers?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use a priority queue sorting in reverse order to take a vector or 2d array. The problem is that I want to sort by the vector/array cell value but keep the reference to the vector/array index of the value. I don't know quite howto keep them both related so when I pop. I can find the corresponding cell.
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > Open;
Class programming project where we declare two arrays, a sting array containing the names of the boroughs and an int array which which holds accident number for each borough. The main function calls getNumAccidents() function to fill the array. it then calls findLowest() to learn which borough had the fewest accidents. It should print out the accident numbers for each borough and then out the borough and accident number with the fewest accidents.
I'm able to get the program to kind of work. When I run it everything works fine but I am not able to get the arrays to sort and match up correctly..
using namespace std;
class combineSort {
combineSort() {
So i have been banging my head against a wall with this problem for awhile. I have also copy and pasted direct examples from the internet but nothing seems to sort it right.
Node Header
#ifndef _NODE_H
#define _NODE_H
#include <stdio.h>
class Node {
Node(int weight, char value, Node* left = NULL, Node* right = NULL);
[Code] ....
I need to sort the array alphabetically but I really do not how. I tried to do it below but it didn't work.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void sort(ifstream& infile){
int number;
I understand multimaps are key ordered. I have no problems with ints but when I put my char arrays in they are not alphabetically ordered. I must use char array and not <string>. Is it possible to alphabetically order them with char*
39 int c;
40 User *user;
41 char nameH[200];
42 char line[200];
43 int ageH;
44 double wH;
I want to compare alphabetically two arrays. I try this:
char a[10] = "AABC";
char b[10] = "ZABC";
if(a > b) cout << a;
else cout << b;
But it always outputs a. How can I compare char arrays?
I have a homework assignment in C++ where I have to: "Write a program which asks user to input 10 students names. Store them in an array. Convert all the names to UPPERCASE without using any built-in functions. You must write the function to do that yourself. Lastly, sort the name in alphabetic order."
Here is my code so far, but my program won't compile, and the message it gives me is gibberish.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void sortNames(string name[], int cap);
void toUpper(string name[]);
int minIndex(string name[], int i);
void sort(string name[]);
void swap(string name[], int i, int j);
[Code] .....
I'm trying to finish this project which is supposed to read two files, and merge them alphabetically. I've written this code, and it compiles. But it isn't actually doing anything??The console opens and closes immediately upon running.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#define hisFamily "The Adopted.txt" //His family
#define herFamily "The Originals.txt" //Her family
#define ourFamily "The Big Picture.txt" //Our family
[Code] ....
I'm trying to arrange names alphabetically from a text file. Inside my textfile, it's like : "John", "Edward", "Peaches", "Anna"... etc.(It has thousand more names, all with quotations, separated by comma and I think it's not typed line by line... but using only one line). How can I read each name separately?
this code, it works if the text file contains names separated by lines and without commas and quotations. I do not know with the case I've stated above.
string numbers[1000];
string line;
string number;
string y;
string x;
int z = 1;
ifstream myfile;"names.txt");
This only shows the data inside text file. I'm new in c++.