Visual C++ :: Implementing Tool Tip In Listctrl Of Report Type

Feb 21, 2014

Below is my Code Code snippet wher I am facing problem.

every time "pNMHDR->idFrom" is returning 0.

I even put "EnableToolTips(TRUE);" in the oninitdialog method of dialog class.


[Code] .....

I am not able to get the text of a listctrl cell.

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Visual C++ :: Profiling Tool For MSVC?

Mar 15, 2013

Is there a profiling tool for MSVC that is free to use?

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Visual C++ :: Tool For Automation Of Different Applications

Feb 11, 2015

I want to create an application that automatize different applications in the sense that my application will be able to press automatically different buttons on another application.

For example: my application will start, let's say, Microsoft Office, will press some buttons in MSOffice, and will close MSOffice.

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Visual C++ :: Code Style Checking Tool

Sep 11, 2014

Are there any good free or commercial software that can check the C++ code style and find any codelines that violate a given code style specification? For example, whether the codeline is indented proplery, whether the variable is using Hungarian naming notation?

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Visual C++ :: Creating Code Analyzer Tool For Project?

Sep 10, 2013

I am creating an application which will work as a static code analyzer after compiling my code in VS 2008 for VC++ projects. It will be a kind of code review.

how and where do I need to put my custom rule sets, and what should I do to create such a application.

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Visual C++ :: Tool Tips Not Showing - Toolbar Menu Items Disabled / Inactive

Jan 8, 2014

My problem is ToolTips are not shown if any of the tool-bar menu items is disabled/inactive.

They are shown when all tool bar menus are active/enabled.

I am using TTS_ALWAYSTIP while creating Tool-Bar.

What to do to enable/display tool-tips always.

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Visual C++ :: Implementing Parameter Argument To Exe

Nov 5, 2013

i have this Stealth Injector source from internet so this program is for injecting .dll to an .exe this program was made by someone to used for cheating in online game but i need to use this program in my private server game online to tell the game client .exe the server IP, that is stored in a dll file.. the problem is i don't want the player to directly execute this program, but they need to run the game patcher first to do the patch.. so i need to put some secret parameter argument that will block player from direct execute..

i know nothing about c++ i only know that you need to use main(int argc, char *argv[]) i've try to put something like this

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
stringstream sparam;
string param;


the code works fine but the rest of code won't executed..

i've attached the cpp and header files for you guys to check source.rar

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Visual C++ :: Implementing Dynamic Database Structures?

Mar 21, 2013

We're designing a new software and we want it to be customizable without code. That, for us, mean we can change the software behaviour without re-writing code. All will be developed using C and .NET.

One of our goals is to have what we are calling "dynamic tables". This means that these database tables may have different fields depending on the customization. We got to know it using high-level ERPs like SAP or CRM's system like VTIGER or even SalesForce. Let me give an example:



This would be the standard Customer Table.

Now, a new customer needs to add FINANCE SCORE and RANKING to the database. We them would like to go to our application (not the database itself) and adding these new fields. After that, all of my input forms and reports would start to show and process these new fields.

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Visual C++ :: Implementing Classes And Creating Driver Function?

Nov 30, 2012

I'm am having a few issues with this program, they stem from passing the color.h and .cpp into another .h and .cpp, and frankly getting how those two things really fit together.

For this problem, you will design and implement 2 classes and then write a driver function to test these classes. The first will be a C++ class for an abstract data type color with a public enumeration type colorType that has the color values shown in Listing 10.8. Your abstract data type should have an attribute for storing a single value of type colortype and member functions for reading (readColor) and writing (writeColor) a color value as well as setting and accessing it. The function readColor should read a color as a string and store the corresponding color value in the value attribute of a type color object. The function writeColor should display as a string the value stored in the value attribute of a type color object (see Figure 7.5). Modify class circle and the driver function in Listing 10.9 to include and use this class. You'll need to remove the declaration for color in class circle. Test your modified driver function with the new color and circle classes.

The second class will be to design and implement a rectangle class similar to class circle. Be sure to incorporate the new color class you have written and tested in the first part of the programming exercise. Write a client program that asks the user to enter a shape name (circle or rectangle) and then asks the user for the necessary data for an object of that class. The program should create the object and display all its attributes.

The circle class .h and .cpp files as well as the original driver function will be supplied. You are to provide the .h and .cpp files for the new color class and the modified driver function as well as the .h and .cpp files for the rectangle class and the client program that uses all three classes.



//Color class definition
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifndef COLOR_H


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Visual C++ :: Implementing Real Time Graph To Application?

Nov 15, 2013

I was assigned a project to implement a real time graph to an application which continuously outputs data numerically through the GUI. The application that was created to do this is written in C.

I have to turn those numerical numbers into a graphical display that is periodically updated to appear as real time.

My adviser suggested using NTgraph [URL] ...... I had no clue how to implement this to my code and was finally able to understand that the .OCX needs to be registered as a COM and then imported to the application using visual studios. However, I get an error when I try importing it since it is in C (Visual Studios 8) and not an MFC application.

So my question is if it would be possible to implement the ActiveX control to my application even though it is not an MFC application and how to go about it.

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Visual C++ :: Binary Search Tree - Implementing Insert Function

Nov 18, 2013

I am unable to implement the insert function properly,every time i run the program i just get the first value and name,i am not getting other Id's and name.

"(Header File)"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class node {
int ID;
node (string StudentName, int IDNumber) {

[Code] ....

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C# :: Tool For Checking Functions In Assembly?

Oct 15, 2012

is there a tool to find all functions and classes in an assembly?

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C# :: Tool For Exposing Relations Between Objects?

Jun 20, 2012

Is there a tool for C# that exposes coupling between objects by makeing a visual representation of the software?

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C :: Configuration Tool That Edits Certain Parameters In File

Sep 15, 2014

I want to make a configuration tool that edits certain parameters in my C. file. My problem is that I don't have a clue on how to start making this.

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C/C++ :: Direct X Tool Kit Throws Errors When Loaded In

Oct 21, 2014

I have a project which I started. then tried to add the directx toolkit to the project referenced it but now my program wont load.

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Software :: Xcode Command Line Tool?

Mar 12, 2015

using cs50 videos. I'm working on writing a caesar cipher program(pset2) in c using Xcode and the command line tool. So far I just press play and it compiles and runs my source code. Now I need to use command line arguments, how do I enter command line arguments with the tools I'm using?

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C# :: Printing Data To Report?

Dec 6, 2014

i have project (person ID cared) and fortunately i could finish it in programming,,,,, but the thing that i don't know what to do about it is how to print this data? can i use reportviewer ?

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C++ :: Game Editor - How To Make A Rectangle Selection Tool

Dec 20, 2014

I'm working with a game editor program, where the player can create their own maps. Right know I'm working with collisions, and since it's unpredictable where the player place the objects like trees, houses and cars...etc have I an idea with making a rectangle selection tool. Where the player can drag a collision box around the object, so the sprite stops when it hits the box. The problem is that I dont know how to make a tool like that. so my question is how do I create a tool like that (see picture under for more information)?

btw I'm using the SDL framework

here is a picture that illustrate the tool I want to create: [URL] ....

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C++ :: Program To Generate A Report Card?

Aug 28, 2013

For a school homework i had to make a c++ program to generate a report card so i made this program

void main()


The problem is that it does not take any values ps I have been learning C++ for 3 months so we don't have any arrays,at max we have iterations

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C/C++ :: Writing And Sorting Student Report

Sep 27, 2014

I'm trying to write a table (2D array) with a string of random chars in one row for the student names, six other rows for the project numbers and random numbers for the grades.Then calculate the averages of grades per student and per project, add them as the last row and the last column. And write a menu of 4 options:

1- sort per student names (alphabetical order)
2- sort per student grades (in increasing order)
3- sort per project grades ( in increasing order)
4- exit

The program must continue execution after displaying any report, need to use an infinite loop, it exits only if the chosen 'exit'.

Here's what I have:

#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

And then, I need to show interactively the same report with all types of sorting:

sort table by any row, (user enters the row number)

sort table by any column. (user enters the col number)

sort table sorted by student names as well.

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C/C++ :: How To Declare A Function For Summary Report

Oct 12, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
void summary();
const float below100 = 0.10;
const float after100 = 0.05;

[Code] .....

It cannot loop back to the top coding, cause what i want is the code can loop back to the 1st cout question, and it will asking over and over again, and how to declare a function for the summary report?

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C# :: Rdlc Report Does Not Show First Record

Apr 7, 2014

I use rdlc report in C# . I have a Table Item in the form to show all record but it show all record except first record .

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C# :: How To Display Monthly Attendance Report

Jun 9, 2014

I have a table in sql called empattendancetable the fields are

eid empname designation logindatetime status
emp001 abc manager 30-05-201412;00PM present

likewise i want to display the month wise attendance details of all the employees

the logindatetime field value from datetimepicker i am not getting how to write the query to get the month wise detailsusing c# i am creating a windows application to maintain the details of employees

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C++ :: Boost Wave Tool Not Find Default Include Directory?

Jun 2, 2013

I have built the wave tool and now am trying to run my source code through it. But it just doesn't want to find the include directory. I just don't understand. Here's my command:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>

Perhaps it how I built it since there is no info on how to do this? I just ran ../b2.exe from the boost_1_53_0/tools directory.

I'm running CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 TARDIS 1.7.18(0.263/5/3) 2013-04-19 10:39 i686 Cygwin with a g++ version of 4.5.3. g++ has no problem finding the default include directory (I don't have to specify the -I switch). The -I switch doesn't seem to work for any of the other include directories that I wan to use either, but I want this cleared up before I get into that since it might be related.

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C++ :: Photoshop - Change Color Of Anchor Point In Transform Tool?

Aug 4, 2014

I was wondering if its possible to change the color of the anchor point in the transform tool.

Is this possible? Sometimes I'll move it and it takes forever to find it again on a dark image. The actual image of the cross hairs must live in the application contents somewhere? Or its made by script. After a quick search of "transform" I found this file.. Not exactly sure what I'm looking at inside but it appears to be c++ code? [URL] ....

FILE: [URL] ....

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C++ :: Trying To Get Void Getscore To Read A File And Report

Jun 30, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Function prototype
void getScore(int &);
void calcAverage(int, int, int, int, int);

[Code] ....

this is what I have so far but I a stuck. The name of the file is grades.txt.I am trying to get the program to read 5 grades from a file and report back lowest grade that will be dropped and average of 4 left. It runs but is not reading the file.

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