Visual C++ :: How To Disable Optimization

Dec 27, 2014

I want to disable optimization in Visual C++ 2010. In gcc on Linux I could just use the -O0 switch, but in Visual C++ 2010 there are two categories of optimizations, one in the C/C++ pane and the other in the Linker pane:

Attachment 33229

So what settings should I choose to make sure that no optimization is being performed?

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Visual C++ :: Disable Controls And Change Window Size

Jun 6, 2013

I have created an exam environment for our schools, it comprises of 3 files; a .kix file that says if they are in the examination group run a .vbs file. The .vbs file kills the explorer.exe task so they don't have any taskbar or desktop shortcuts and then opens a .hta file.

The .hta file is a user interface that has icons for apps like Win Word that executes the application when you click on it. There is also a log off button.

Looking for some code that stops the students from being able to close, minimise and resize the window. Looking for code that can lock this down so they literally can't do anything except click the icons inside the window.

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Visual C++ :: Disable CCheckListBox Items Without Access To Code That Calls AddString

Apr 19, 2013

I need to be able to disable the items on a CCheckListBox but I can't change the code that calls AddString. I know I can use the CCheckListBox::Enable function to disable an item if I have an index but I don't have the index which would be provided by AddString.

I've tried intercepting the LB_ADDSTRING message and then looping through the items in the control but the string has not been added at this point so the last item in the list is never disabled.

I used Spy++ to see what messages were being sent and I noticed that LB_GETTEXT was sent so I tried intercepting this message (ugly hack) but this caused my app to hang - I assume because of the number of times the message is sent. Is there a way to disable the items?

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Visual C++ :: Enable / Disable Menu Item 2 In OnUpdate Handler Of Menu Item 1?

Sep 15, 2014

I have two menu items. When item 1 is disabled, I want item 2 to be disabled as well. In the OnUpdate handler of menu item 1, I have tried to use "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pMenu;", "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pSubMenu;" and "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pParentMenu;" but I always get NULL t_pMenu. How can I achieve this purpose?

void CDummyView::OnUpdateMenuItem1(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
if(m_bShowMenuItem1) {


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C++ :: Compiler Optimization And Num Accuracy?

Jun 11, 2014

I could not find anything I could understand on this, so I have heard that -O3 option may reduce the numerical accuracy of doubles. Is this true?

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C++ :: Mixer Loop Optimization?

Nov 16, 2014

Can these loops can be optimized?

#define C_SAMPLEPOS(channel) (channel->sound.position)
#define C_BUFFERSIZE(channel) (channel->sound.numsamples)
#define C_BUFFERINC(channel) (channel->bufferinc)
//Use precalculated sample positions!


Should I change the inner loop (checking active channels and if they're valid) to the outer loop?

So the outer loop checks if the channel is valid for use, The inner loop checks and increases the current relsample The inner loop adds the sample to the mixer.

When the outer loop finishes: The outer loop clips all samples.

Would this be faster than the current method? (so instead of a:
for (sample=0;sample<4096;sample++){for (channel=0;channel<66;channel++){/* Process channel here */}}

We get:
for (channel=0;channel<66;channel++){for (sample=0;sample<4096;sample++){/* Process sample */}})

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C++ :: Null Statement - Prevent Optimization

Dec 7, 2014

Recently I was looking into embedded programing of AVR microcontrollers.

At this site [URL] ....

I have encounter some code that implements delay

asm volatile ("nop");

From what I understand it is assembler code that creates delay - one processor clock long.

For C/C++ language it should be like ; or {} = null statement.

Now my question is how to implement this C/C++ code and prevent my compiler (WinAVR: AVR-GCC) to delete this command during optimization (-Os or -O2). Or is it simply better to use the assembler function.

I know I can use for-loop

volatile uint8_t foo
for(foo=0; foo<2; ++foo){}

but for that I have to create a variable = wasting 1 byte of RAM; correct?

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C++ :: Rogue Like Item Creationg And Optimization

Mar 8, 2013

I'm creating a roguelike/ cave exploration game, and I've created a lot of it, but I am having problems with item creation. The item is supposed to be the '*'. I know what the problem is (I'm setting Dmap to map after creating the item, but before outputting Dmap), but I don't know how to fix it.Also, I don't really know how code optimization works.I'll split my code between this post and the comments:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* printf, NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */
#include <time.h> /* time *


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C++ :: Binary Search Tree Optimization?

Jul 9, 2013

I was working on binary tree implementation and came up with this implementation. optimize this code?

Binary Search Tree(BST)
#include "iostream"


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C :: Disable Interrupt In ARM M0 Program

May 6, 2014

How do i disable the interrupt in this ARM M0 univesity design start program? The design is made for the M0 and echos an inputted char as an integer, it is part of a larger piece of code (which is ommitted for simplicity).Can i do it in the main program(attached) or will i have to edit the assembler code.


// Cortex-M0 DesignStart C program example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <rt_misc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C# :: How To Disable And Enable LAN Connection In WPF

Jun 22, 2014

i have tried to search on the Internet but haven't found a suitable result that links in with what I want to do, that is to creation a WPF application and when you press a enable button it will enable the LAN and when I click the disable button it will disable the LAN until i click the enable button again. Now I know how to creation a WPF and the buttons, but how would I do the disabling LAN and enabling LAN?

By LAN i mean just the networking adapters, so that the PC cannot connect to a router and then the Internet.

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C++ :: Metal Cutting Parameter Optimization Program

Apr 3, 2013

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


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C# :: Detect And Disable Network Cards

May 23, 2012

I have an application in c# that i don't want it to connect to the internet in a virtual environment, like virtualbox, vmware virtual pc and so on. Therefore i though that disabling the virtual network card inside the virtual machine would be a good idea.

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C++ :: Enable / Disable Menu Item

Nov 19, 2013

I have ploughed through the exchanges in all the forums, yet I still cannot make it work. The following is a tiny Code::Blocks program, written to isolate the problem:

// resource.h
#define IDR_MYMENU101
#define ID_FILE 102
#define ID_DISABLE103
#define ID_ENABLE 104
#define ID_MESSAGE105
#define ID_EXIT106


case ID_ENABLE is similar to case ID_DISABLE above, and neither works. case ID_MESSAGE and case ID_EXIT both works as expected.I have tinkered with EnableMenuItem(), but without success.

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C Sharp :: How To Disable Selection Of 1st Row In DataGridView

May 3, 2012

how to disable selection of 1'st row in dataGridView.

I made it select some other row, but even so when u try to move with arrows on keyboard it'll select 2'nd row(cause 1'st row was selected initially and you can see it's selected on RowHeader-1'st/Left Column)

This is my code for selecting row:

dataGridView1.Rows[BoPrI].Selected = true;
dataGridView1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = BoPrI;

BoPrI is int variable that has Index Value

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C++ :: Code Review For Empty Base Optimization Pair

Apr 10, 2014

I have tried to implement a much simplified version of boost::compressed_pair.What follows is a partially specialized EBO_pair<T1, T2> class template, written in C++11.The first type T1 is constrained to not be empty.The second type T2 may or may not be empty.

#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace dsa


Edit: added non-member swap() function template.

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Visual C++ :: PIC To PC Using MFC Visual Studio Through Serial Communication

May 28, 2014

The project is about reading data from PIC and display the data on the dialogue created by the MFC GUI of Visual studio 2010. There are 4 data need to be displayed (2 weight and 2 angle). the data will be display on the edit control box on the dialogue.

I have try to solve the COMPort and Readdata issues many times, but I'm fail. I have read many sources and implement the source codes... They are never work....

The detail about the issues that I need to solve is clearly mentioned on the main dialogue.cpp. Take a look to an uploaded zip file that I have attached.

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Visual C++ :: Cannot Seem To Set Var

Nov 8, 2012

What I'm trying to do is get the selected folder value put into my dirlocation var.

private void dirLocation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
FolderBrowserDialog fdb = new FolderBrowserDialog();
fdb.Description ="Please choose the directory your .rlt files are located in";
if (fdb.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) {
dirLocation = fdb.SelectedPath;

Is this how you do it? I keep getting an error like Cannot implicitly convert type 'type' to 'type.

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C++ ::  How To Use QT With Visual Studio

Aug 15, 2014

I heard that you can't use it with express, but that doesn't seem right... Can you use it with Codeblocks, at least? I just hate the Qt Creator IDE. I don't like the UI... all I want to do is code Qt. I don't care much for the GUI editors.

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Visual C++ :: Create MFC OCX Using DLL

Aug 28, 2014

I am trying to create a OCX from a C++ dll., Here's the scenario I have a C++ dll and this dll needs to be called in program my boss want's me to create an OCX out of this.

C++ dll and use it in a class library, apparently I have created an OCX but it requires a form but the program is a class library.

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Visual C++ :: How To Convert IP To Hex

Sep 27, 2012

I don`t known how to convert IP to hex .

In this link [URL] .... . I see hex IP : Hex IP 0x462a1779

I want to convert IP "" to "0x462a1779"

#include <winsock.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
UINT32 ip_to_hex(UINT32 ip_add) {
UINT32 ip_hex;
//code convert ip to hex
return ip_hex;

[Code[ ....

And this is result : 7b 1e 80 and a , not 0a

Further i think we must separate each octect by a (dot) . , Then convert decimal to hex.

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Visual C++ :: Using COM Without Registering?

Mar 5, 2013

In a C++ project, I need to call a C# created COM object (as a .dll)

Is there a way to use such a COM object without having it be registered in the registry?

The C# COM dll is just a "go between" our C++ code and a .NET library, there's no "COM contract" of any kind, the COM interfaces change each version. The fact it's COM and needs registration is annoying because it makes it hard to have multiple versions of our software installed (needed under some circumstances) and running at the same time.

I'd like a way to not have any registration at all. And just be able to do a LoadLibrary("c:TheRightPathcom.dll") of the right dll and then get going from there.

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Visual C++ :: Value Of Pointers

Feb 5, 2013

I'm trying to figure out the value of pointers after the following code snippet

int s[8] ;
int *iptr1, *iptr2 ;
int **iptr3 ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
s[i] = 7 - i ;

[Code] ....

I need to find what the value of iptr1, iptr2, and iptr3 are after the code is executed.

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Visual C++ :: OpenCV In MFC App?

Feb 5, 2014

I have a C++ app that uses OpenCV. Currently i am statically linking the OpenCV libs into my app. This is adding an extra overhead of 6+ MB.

i would like to remove some of the features that i am not using in OpenCV. The features am using are,

Capture frames from Webcam.

Face detection.

Image formats (JPEG, PNG).

Image rotation & resizing.

Is it possible to remove other features and trim down the libs?

My C++ app is developed in Visual Studio 2012.

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Visual C++ :: Using CSplitButton In VC6?

Dec 5, 2013

Is there any chance to use CSplitButton in VC6 ?

I had tried to use something appropriate founded on CP, but they are using DrawItem, and I had problems with windows style, and I had tried to make myself one, overriding OnPaint, but I front with flickering (I put the sample below)... so, I wonder if I could get (from somewhere) CSplitButton and add to my project ... if you say that I could, can you provide me the CSplitButton source code ? I mean, only .cpp implementation file ...

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Visual C++ :: How To Register ATL Exe COM

Apr 4, 2013

I created an EXE COM server with ATL.

and from the client (DLL COM with ATL) i want to create an instance of the EXE (CreateInstance(CLSID of the EXE)).

how do i register the exe so that i know the path to the com server.

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