C++ :: Why Decrement Part Of The Code Not Working

May 17, 2012


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <exception>
#include <process.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])


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C++ :: How To Delay Part Of Code

Jul 1, 2014

for example i have

int count = t1;
result = result + add;
counter = counter + 1;

Problem is that sleep stops all program for specified time, Is there an alternative to sleep that would only stop part of code or can i use sleep different way to specify what it pauses?

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C++ :: Printf Is A Part Of Code Segment But Found In Data Segment?

Sep 28, 2013

printf is a part of code segment but found in data segment.....why is it so ?

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C++ :: Get OpenGL Working In Code Blocks?

Dec 28, 2013

how to get opengl working in code blocks? I have tried putting in the libraries and such in the correct folder. But I get an error saying that glut32.dll could not be found. I am running a 10.5 code blocks

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C++ :: Revert A String Code Is Not Working

Feb 10, 2013

I created a .txt file that I called in.txt. It has the letters: a b c d e. I put it in the same folder as the c++ code below. I was hoping that I after I compile and run the code, the in.txt file would read: e d c b a. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Even when I give the ofstream file another name, it does not create another text file.

#include <limits>


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C++ :: Code For Displaying Text File Not Working

Dec 6, 2013

i have turbo c++ 3.0 installed . my program is compiled without error and is running. but when i choose option to display scores in the consol , it hangs . check my code. i have to run this on same compiler. i just want to display all the contenets of text file .



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C++ :: Program Working On Online Compiler But Not On Code Blocks

Jan 26, 2015

This program works on an online compiler but force closes on codeblocks after entering the elements.

using namespace std;
int two_print(int x, int one[999]) {
int two[999][999];
for(int k=0, r=x; k<=x; k++, r--)


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C++ :: Program Not Working - Debug Exit Code 1073741510 (0xc000013a)

Aug 8, 2013

I'm not sure what I'm missing. It is supposed to input and display player's name and score, calculate the average score, and display the players who scored below average.

It simply doesn't work. All I get is a black screen. Debug spits out an exit code of 1073741510 (0xc000013a).

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

const int arSize = 100;
int inputPlayerData (string playerName [], int playerScore [], int &numPlayers);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Increment And Decrement - No Loops

Sep 29, 2014

Parts of this program are missing. The last few lines are confusing, since the variable 'a' gets incremented then decremented. But there are no loops. I understand that the value of 'a' is passed to 'c' before 'a' is changed in both cases.

But where, and when, do the changes take place? Is the decrement ever processed? Is there a better way to write these lines?

main(){ int a = 21;int b = 10;int c ;
c = a++;
cout << "Line 6 - Value of c is :" << c << endl ;
c = a--;
cout << "Line 7 - Value of c is :" << c << endl ;
return 0;}

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C++ :: Increment And Decrement In The Same Loop?

Sep 25, 2014

Is it possible to increment and decrement in the same loop? I can do it with 2 loops but id like to do it with just one loop.


Is there a way to do both operations with one loop?

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C :: LCD Increment And Decrement For Display

Feb 25, 2014

I am trying to call Display menu. If up key is pressed Displayed has to be incremented and stay in particular window if Decremented, go to previous Display function and show previous Display function. LCD & Keypad Shield Quickstart Guide | Freetronics

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
static int button_counter=0;


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C++ :: Increment / Decrement Operators

Apr 27, 2014

I have two files NumDays.h and ClientProgram.cpp

clientprogram.cpp basically has the main module below

int main(){
// Initialized UDT object Declarations
NumDays hoursWorked_John; // Instantiate with Default Constructor
NumDays hoursWorked_Sue(36.9); // Instantiate with Initializing Constructor
NumDays hoursUsed_Sue(4.5); // Instantiate with Initializing Constructor

[Code] .....

I can't figure out anything to put in for NumDays.cpp so it's not there.

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C++ :: Increment / Decrement Operators

Sep 5, 2014

In the following program.

void main() {
int a=1;
cout<<a++<<" "<<++a<<" "<<a++<<endl;

If I execute the above program i should get 1 3 3. But I'm getting different values when I executed this program. The values that I get after execution are 3 3 1.

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C/C++ :: Increment And Decrement Operator

Sep 23, 2013

What is the answer and reason for the value of a and b

void main()
{int a=3;
int b = ++a + a++ + a-- + --a;
 enter a:"<<a;
 enter b:"<<b;

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C Sharp :: How To Decrement Auto Increment ID

Nov 5, 2012

I created a table called registration and I have set an auto increment ID for each record. The problem is when I delete a certain record the ID didn't remove or deleted, for example if I entered these records: -

1,Bob,Bob123,Bob_2@hotmail.com then if I deleted it the next id record will be 2 which is supposed to be 1.

here is the SQL Command:-

CREATE TABLE Registration (
Name varchar (255),
UserName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
Reg_Password varchar(255),
Email varchar(255),
Reg_Rank varchar(255)

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C++ :: Using Decrement Operator In Recursive Function Argument List

Feb 19, 2015

Im using a recursive function to sort array. The decrement operator is used to eventually get to base condition in function. Used debugger the size-- expression is not decrementing. I figured out how to fix it but dont quite understand it.


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
void selectionsort(int [], int);
int main()
using namespace std;
const int arrysize = 10;


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C++ :: How To Tell Function Which Part Of Struct To Use

Jul 4, 2013

Say I have a structure defined as such:

struct data{
char c;
int x;

And I want to create a function to print either c or x. However, I don't want to just use a switch or something to figure this out, I want to reference which part I'm outputting.

Now here's the twist

vector<data> dataList;

I need to access element x or c in the vector, but all I pass is the vector and which element, so that I might have something like:

void (vector<data> x, DataType i){
cout << x[0].i;

So now, if I pass either x or c (someway), I can output one of them.

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C++ :: Clear Part Of The Screen?

Nov 3, 2014

Is there any way I can clear only a selected part of the screen? (I'm aware of system("cls"))

For example, when you enter a date, and is wrong, could it just errase that input and only say "Wrong try again" without errasing everything else you where doing?

In this case, a function that only errases what is in the while

while(not wrong)
cout<<"DIA: ";
cout<<"MES: ";
cout<<"ANIO: ";

PS: Also, is there any whay in which you can ask the user to enter the date DD/MM/YYY?

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C++ :: Object To Return Part Of Itself

Dec 7, 2013

Is it valid for an object to return an object of they same type? GetBlock method

class memBlock {
char *mem;
unsigned long length;
memBlock(char *data,unsigned long startPoint, unsigned long endPoint) {

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Cannot Find Out Why A Certain Part Is Looping

Jan 20, 2015

I am having a little bit of trouble with what should be a simple part in my code. For some reason it keeps looping the name part of the program and I seem to be passing over the problem in the code.

Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


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C/C++ :: How To Delete Part Of The String

Nov 26, 2012

I have the following string: "type computer {dell}"

And I want to remove the {dell}

So that the output on the screen type computer

Or delete any clause between the two brackets {}

How do i do that ?

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C++ :: Erase Part Of The String?

Sep 29, 2014

// string::erase
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main () {
std::string str ("This is an example sentence.");
std::cout << str << '
str.erase (10,8);
std::cout << str << '



I don't understand this program. What do these 2 numbers represent? The index of an element in a character array? The 10th character of the array is 'n' and 8th is a "space".

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C :: How To Convert Part Of String And Integer

Jan 2, 2014

I'm having a problem converting part of a string to an integer.I used strtok to seperate my string and I have also a function for atoi but how to apply it to my strtok function.What i need is to change the char *years to an int.Have a look of what I got:

int main() {
char sentence[]="trade_#_2009_#_invest_#_DEALING";
char *word=strtok(sentence, "_#_");
char *year=strtok(NULL, "_#_");; // assigning NULL for previousely where it left off
char *definition=strtok(NULL,"_#_");
char *synonyms=strtok(NULL,"_#_");


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C :: Strcat With Nulls As Part Of Array

Mar 30, 2014

I have a character array that includes configuration bits that are 0x00, thus when I try and do a strcat it adds the appended string into one of those spots instead of the end of the array.

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C++ :: Algorithm To Get The Decimal Part Of A Number?

Jun 12, 2014

I'm writting an algorithm which equals to std::to_string. The inttostring part is fine, and the decimal_part too. But when the number digits > 5, the program loops infinitely.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>


In this code, the program runs ok. But try to add a 5 at decimal_part. What should I do to get this 'decimal_part' ok?

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C++ :: Removing Part From A Vector Of Sets?

Apr 18, 2014

I have a vector of sets, which I am removing any element which contains a certain value. For example, if I was looking for 2:

[0] 1 2 3
[1] 4 5 6

After the program was run, I would be left with just [0]4 5 6.

This is the code I have been using

auto iter = std::remove_if( clauseVector.begin(), clauseVector.end(),[propagator] ( const std::set<int>& i ){
return i.find(propagator) != i.end() ; } ) ;
clauseVector.erase( iter, clauseVector.end() ) ;

I want to know, is there any way I can tweak this code so that it only removes one part of the set rather than the whole thing. For example with above example, I would be left with

[0] 1 3
[1] 4 5 6

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