C++ :: Sorting Numbers In Both Ascending And Descending Order?
Sep 7, 2014
What kind of code should i use for sorting numbers in both ascending and descending order? I don't know how to use bubble sorting either, is there another easy way to sort this out?
I have to put these numbers in ascending and descending order . The interesting point of the function is that sortMe does NOT re-arrange elements in the array; instead, it uses a second array, an array of indexes for the elements in the original array and then sortMe sorts the second array based on the values in the original array. A sorted version of the original array can then be produced with these sorted indexes. I'm not sure why the function is working, even though I called it in main.
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; void sortMe(int array[], int sortedIndexes[], int size, char mode); char option; const int SIZE = 5;
This compiles fine but when I run the .exe for the first time an error message comes up saying program has stopped working. If I run the program again without recompiling it seems to work as expected.
I have a vector which contains vectors containing 7 integers each. I'd like to sort these vectors based on the value of the first integer (int IOT), in ascending order. I know this type of question can be found everywhere, but I'm lost as to why this doesn't compile.
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; class orders { public: int IOT; // Incoming Order Time
We've only covered up to Functions and how to use reference variables inside the function parameter.
One of the hw problem that was assigned was to write a void function that takes three parameters( num1, num2, num3) by reference and sorts their values into ascending order, so that num1 has the lowest, num2 the middle value, and num3 the highest value. For example, if user enters: 14, -4, 8, then the output should look like this:
-4 8 14
I've completed the program with a bunch of if/ else if statements but I was wondering if there was a more efficient way to sort the numbers. Bear in mind, we've only covered materials up to functions so I can't use any other new techniques that we haven't cover yet. Here is my code:
// This program will take three int parameters by reference and sorts their value into ascending order //so that num1 has the lowest value, num2 has the middle value, and num3 has the highest value #include <iostream> using namespace std; // declare function with reference parameter that with sort numbers void sortNum(int &, int &, int &); int main () {
so my program reads a file type which looks like this...
Michelle 71 Marcie 99 David 42 Rebecca 83 Jonathan 79 Matthew 77 Rose 7 Melanie 75 Kimberly 73 Roger 74 Scott 76 Bradley 77 Drextell 10 Heidi 70 Alan 68 Pearl 13 Jeanne 43 Heber 55
Here is whats in the header of the class
class StudentStat { private: int Size;
So as of right now the names are stored in a Names string array and the scores are saved in a Score int array. So my question is where do I begin with my bubble sort? I need it to put the scores in descending order so from greatest score to lowest but I need the Names in the string array to still be connected to the number from the list. Never done a bubble sort before so not sure where to begin.
I'm stuck again on a homework problem. I enter 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 in to the program when it asks me to. I print out the array (just before the bubble sort routine) and I get the numbers in descending order just as expected. So going into bubble sort routine, the numbers are correct.
I should get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 as output.
But I get 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int max_size = 20; // max size of array of numbers int numbers[max_size]; // array for numbers
I am trying to build a c++ that reads user input and arrange letters in ascending order. for example, if the user input: Hello my name is Moe! the output will be: !aeeehillmmmnoos (ascending order)
my problem is that when i input hello my name is moe the output will be ehllo (not completing other letters) also when i change class size to 50, it outputs unknown weird letters.
I am getting the hang of it pretty well. I created a program that asks the user to input arrays. Now, I need to calculate the average of the inputted arrays, and I need to place them in order from low to high. I have been struggling with doing these two parts for a while now and now decided that the book is not useful, I need some from some actual programmers. I attached my program.
My program printed here!
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()