What kind of code should i use for sorting numbers in both ascending and descending order? I don't know how to use bubble sorting either, is there another easy way to sort this out?
I have a vector which contains vectors containing 7 integers each. I'd like to sort these vectors based on the value of the first integer (int IOT), in ascending order. I know this type of question can be found everywhere, but I'm lost as to why this doesn't compile.
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; class orders { public: int IOT; // Incoming Order Time
This compiles fine but when I run the .exe for the first time an error message comes up saying program has stopped working. If I run the program again without recompiling it seems to work as expected.
I am trying to read information in from a file, each line of which contains a name in the form 'last, first middle'. I can successfully open the file and read it into an array that is roughly 2500 string in size. The problem comes when I try to sort the array into alphabetical order. I am using a sorting algorithm that we were instructed to use, found in our book. It is shown in the code. I would add the file that needs to be opened, but it is a few thousand lines long.
The error I am getting is: Unhandled exception at 0x00A28628 in PeopleSearch.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00CC400C.
and I know it has to do with the sorting algorithm from using break points and running the program with that section commented out. I am stumped to why it is giving this error, as it seems that it is trying to access the array outside of the bounds of the array, but it shouldn't be
I am trying to build a c++ that reads user input and arrange letters in ascending order. for example, if the user input: Hello my name is Moe! the output will be: !aeeehillmmmnoos (ascending order)
my problem is that when i input hello my name is moe the output will be ehllo (not completing other letters) also when i change class size to 50, it outputs unknown weird letters.
I am getting the hang of it pretty well. I created a program that asks the user to input arrays. Now, I need to calculate the average of the inputted arrays, and I need to place them in order from low to high. I have been struggling with doing these two parts for a while now and now decided that the book is not useful, I need some from some actual programmers. I attached my program.
My program printed here!
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()
I have to put these numbers in ascending and descending order . The interesting point of the function is that sortMe does NOT re-arrange elements in the array; instead, it uses a second array, an array of indexes for the elements in the original array and then sortMe sorts the second array based on the values in the original array. A sorted version of the original array can then be produced with these sorted indexes. I'm not sure why the function is working, even though I called it in main.
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; void sortMe(int array[], int sortedIndexes[], int size, char mode); char option; const int SIZE = 5;
I am having trouble sorting out a list of names in c. I have code for sorting the names, but when I go to print them out they still are in the same order as they were at the beginning so something isnt right. So the function that I need is the sort_data function.
matt susan mark david aden phil erik john caden mycah
So I need to get this list in alphabetical order, but when I run my code and print out this list after I run the sort function, they are still in this order.
I tried to make this code to output an array in Ascending Order but the output is showing weird output like 001fgc123 multiple times instead of the array.
What is wrong with my code?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void ascOrder(int Array[],int length) { int n=0,i,orderNum=0; while(n<length) { for(i=0;i<length;i++)
At the line number 65 that's my sort method first i sum up all the value in the nodes after that i want to sort the Nodes In ascending order but the method is not working ...
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; // Node Class