C++ :: Read Comma Separated TXT File Into Array And Print It To Console
Oct 16, 2012
I have been trying to read a comma separated .txt file into an array and print it to console in C++. The txt file consists of two columns of double type data. For some reason the program runs, but gives blank output in the console. I want to know if I am doing something wrong. So far this is what I have:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i=0;
double x[10];
double y[10];
string line;
I'm trying to enter an 'x' and 'y' coordinate on only one line separated by a comma. But I keep getting a syntax error. Here are the lines of code I'm using. This has to be simple. What am I doing wrong with this code?
Code: cout<< "Please enter the x and the y coordinates of the first point,"<<endl; cout<< "use a comma to separate them. " <<endl<<endl; cin>> "You entered: " >>x1>>",">> y1 >>"for the first point" >>endl;
or better yet, what if I want it to not matter whether the columns are separated by commas or spaces? is there any way to do this? If there is no way to read in both comma-separated and space-separated elements simultaneously then I would prefer just comma, rather than the space separated which my code is able to read now. What modifications would I have to make to my code to make this work? This is my code to reference.
I am attempting to read in a file that has 4128 sets of 21 numbers separated by commas and write it into an array. I now know that in order to use fseek, I have to make my array a character array, but I need my function to read in decimals (ex: 0.172635). I'm reading in
I'm new to programming and i'm trying to do a certain task. I want to use a for loop to read certain data from a txt file and print them to a console. I'm trying to read student names and their grades.
Something like 3 // 3 represents the number of students. George 97 Sarah 70 Maya 88
Basically this is what i need to do. Write a program that reads a number from the keyboard, separates it into its individual digits and prints the digits to screen, each on its own line followed by the same number of stars as itself.
For example, if the number is 2339 the program should print
9 ********* 3 *** 3 *** 2 **
So far i have managed to separate the number and have them on different lines, but how to implement the stars onto each line with the number!
My code so far:
int main() { int n; printf("number? "); scanf("%d", &n); while (n > 0) { printf(" %d
I am wondering about the constructor. I see there appears to be nothing inside of TinyGPS::TinyGPS() as far as parameters go and that that declaration is followed by a ":". First I'm wondering as to the meaning of the colon. As well with the variables defined after the ":" I see some "(0)" and I am wondering as well to the exact meaning of the "(0)". Are those variables being defined as parameters separated by ","?
function void EntryList::loadfile(const char filefoo[]){ ifstreamin;
[Code] ....
I am in the middle of rewriting this program for at least the 4 time. and I have modified the file how I (humanly) think I should to this. I have had issues in the past, doing it this way. (still working on the other parts of the program so I cannot be too specific right now, but I know my results were unexpected ) So my question is does the function that I modified look correct for what I am trying to do? Am I off by one? I guess I am struggling with understanding how the original function is working. (step by step systematically.) hence my confusion about my modified function.
I'm trying to get my program to read a series of comma delimited values from a file into a vector. However, I am unsure how to actually go about doing this. I've posted my best guess below but it's really just a stab in the dark and I always receive a compiler error.
I am trying to read from a data file that has input as :
12.0, 11, 123 14.0, 12.1, 3
And I want the program to read the data from the file and then make it into an array of structures and then print that array afterwards.
Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_INPUT 1000 int n =0; int i = 0; typedef struct { double x[MAX_INPUT];
[Code] .....
The program when run gives the following output:
Ishtiaque-Mohammed-Khans-MacBook-Pro:Comp20005 IshtiaqueMKhan$ gcc -Wall -ansi -o ProjectB ProjectB.c ProjectB.c: In function "main": ProjectB.c:59: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of "print_array"
Suppose I have a txt file that I want the contents printed to the console in such a way that every five words are colored blue and the following five are red. How do I accomplish such a task? I am currently only able to print the contents of the file in regular color using ifstream.
Write a program that reads from total.dat file and displays its contents to the console. The program should allow the user to add new entries to the file.
So far this is what I've got and I'm not sure if I even started right.
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main () { ifstream dataIn; ofstream dataOut; dataIn.open("total.dat"); cout << dataIn; return 0; }
I know this is how you read from a file. I also want to print my output to the same name of the file plus ".txt". So if my file is called "text" I want to print it to a file called "text.txt".
I am having trouble in reading data from my text file and print it out exactly like how it looks like in the text file. The problem im having is it will not read the last y Coordinates of the point. it keep reading the second last point for y coordinates which is wrong.
my text file is 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0(but it read until here) 0.0 0.0(suppose to read the last point which is here)
For your information, this is my 1st year degree assignment in C programming. It is to create a program which can read text file (manually create) and print it out in a program and calculate the area for the polygon using ADT function ( .c and .h files)
*This is the code for my read file function*
Basically this accepts a Polygon and a file pointer as parameters. It reads the polygon point data from the file, pass the read data to plg_new() to create a new Polygon and returns the new Polygon created.
polygon *plg_read(polygon *New_polygon, FILE *Coord) { int i; int numberofvertices=0; int count=0; char filename[50]; double xCoor[50], yCoor[50];
This is the second function my polygon new code. This ADT function basically creates a new Polygon with malloc(), initialize all ADT data members with its parameter values and returns the Polygon.
I have written the following code but i am stuck. Write a program that will prompt the user for a file name and open that file for reading. Print out all the information in the file, numbering each new line of text.
Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> int main() { char line[81], filename[21], c; int i = 1; FILE *inFile;