C++ :: Program To Keep Score Of Bowling Game

Dec 9, 2013

I'm writing a program to keep score of a game of bowling. Whenever I run the program, it comes up with the correct starting point, but whenever i type in the first number and click enter, the program stops running and it gives a return value of something similar to 3221225477. Here is my code. I think the problem might be that I'm not using pointers..? but I could be way off..I'm new to programming.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int frame[10][3] = {{0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0,0}};
int frameOutcome[10], frameTotal[10], currentFrame = 0, totalScore = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: BlackJack Game - How To Keep Score

Nov 20, 2014

A buddy and I have been working together to try and create a blackjack game for a project we are doing, and while we have a couple of issues we are trying to get worked out, for some reason we are perplexed as to how we can keep score. Right now, it keeps score but it doesn't reset when it adds a card. So if you had 14 and you hit, and added 3; you would have 31 instead of 17.

// initialize players and hands
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
do {
int score = 0;
bool busted = (score > 21);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Stopping A Game When Winning Score Is Reached

Nov 11, 2014

I'm working on coding a game of pong that allows players to play until one reaches a score of 10. Once the winning score is reached I want to display a "Game Over" message stating which player won. The game works perfectly except for stopping when the winning score is reached.

Here is the code I have so far:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <glgl.h>
#include <glglu.h>
#include "GL/freeglut.h"

[Code] ....

Not sure if my gameOver() function just isn't written properly, I'm not calling it properly, or a mixture of both.

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C++ :: Pong Game Keeps Crashing On A Score - Floating Point Exception

Mar 24, 2013

I wrote a pong game and it keeps crashing, it only happens on a score and says floating point exception.


//The headers

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Video Game - Compare 3 Players Score And Output Highest

Oct 21, 2013

I was tasked with creating a program that asks for the scores of three gamers then takes these scores and outputs the highest. I THINK I have the other parts down but I don't know how to get the program to compare the scores and output the highest without having to write a long list of commands comparing playerone to playertwo, then player one to playerthree, then player two to playerone, etc.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int playerOne, playerTwo, playerThree;
cout << "Please enter score for Player One: ";
cin >> playerOne;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Program For Calculating Total Price Of Game Station And Game

Sep 13, 2014

I would like to make a program for calculating the total price of a game station, and a game. I made a program like this for just the price of a game in class, but I want to make one that does the game system as well.

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C++ :: Program To Calculate Golfers Handicap For Each Score

Apr 28, 2014

I need starting a do-while loop in my program that runs up to 10 time that asks the user to enter up to 10 scores, which include the slope and rating for the course, and calculates the handicap for each score. Here's what I have so far:

//This program calculates a golfers handicap.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int score, slope;
double rating, handicap;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sort Players In Descending Order On The Basis Of Score - Program Not Working Properly

Feb 11, 2015

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;

class Player {
char name[20];
int score;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Multiple Quiz Program - Adding High Score For Each User Stored In Binary File

Jul 11, 2014

I am making a multiple quiz program. So everything is working fine, except for the part where i'm trying to add a highscore for each user which is being stored in a binary file. I have added a sample of the program containing the error. This isn't the actual program, which is very long.

class user { //The collection of all info pertaining to the users
char user_id[50];
int hscore1;
user() {

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Array To Only Print Out Final Average And Final Maximum Score With Final Minimum Score

Aug 27, 2014

#include <stdio.h>
float total, avg, max, min;
float judge[4];
int index;
int array[4];
int main() {
total = 0.0;
max = array[0];
min = array[0];

[Code] ....

I dont understand how to make the array when it prints out only print out the final average and the final maximum score with the final minimum score but what its doing at the moment is just giving an average for each individual score taken...

Minimum and maximum scores are displaying 0.0

And it displays these things 4 times in a row i just want it to be displayed once.

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C++ :: Program To Play Numbers Guessing Game

Dec 14, 2014

"Write a program to play a numbers guessing game. The user thinks of a number between 1 and 100 and your program asks questions to figure out what the number is (e.g., "Is the number you are thinking of less than 50?"). Your program should be able to identify the number after asking no more than seven questions. Hint: Use < and <= opeartors and the if-else construct."

What I've managed so far, but what I have seems to be lacking

#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"

int half(int guess);
int going_up(int i);

int main()

[Code] ....

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C :: Arithmetic And Guessing Game Program Not Working Right

Nov 8, 2013

I am relatively new to C programming, and I am encountering numerous issues with this program that I cant seem to figure out how to fix.

First, when the user selects the arithmetic game, I keep on getting different incorrect answers from the arithgame function. For example, when I am presented with the question 3+2=_, sometimes the function claims the answer is the first number, 3, and other times the function gives me a multiplication answer, 6. This happens in both the addition and multiplication parts (ie. the multiplication answer will either be the first number or the addition answer).

Additionally, I cant figure out why my guessing game loops forever, rather than letting me guess until I get a correct answer.

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C :: Arithmetic / Guessing Game - Program Won't Compile?

Nov 8, 2013

Need getting my program to compile.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int arithGame(int max, int op);
int guessGame();

[Code] .....

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C :: Guessing Game Program - Binary Search

Apr 5, 2014

I'm playing with a guessing game program as a personal exercise, but I'm missing a vital piece - the binary search-style code.

"Have the program initially guess 50, and have it ask the user whether the guess is high, low, or correct. If, say, the guess is low, have the next guess be halfway between 50 and 100, that is, 75. If that guess is high, let the next guess be halfway between 75 and 50, and so on."

(We're assuming that the user won't cheat.) I need the average, essentially. As in, (50 + 75) / 2 = 63.. but when I use this method of "guess = (high+low)/2, it just keeps giving me 50. I can't remember what operators I should use to increment the program's response based on the user's input. It's literally a binary search, that needs to go where those TODOs are. If low was chosen, it would have to start by being at least 51, to 100, so I'd have to set that, then find the average.

#include <stdio.h> Code: #include <ctype.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int low;
int high;
int guess;
int response;
int toupper ( int );

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Math Game Program - Stuck On Input File

Oct 21, 2013

I am making a math game program that simple and need to have a user input a name and then that name.txt is brought up and use variables from the text to add to their score. heres my code kinda long.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Program That Simulate Card Game - Array Manipulation

Apr 26, 2013

Consider a program that simulates a card game, with multiple player hands and a deck to draw from. Each hand can use an array to represent the cards it contains; sometimes it is useful to also declare an additional variable for each hand (or deck) indicating exactly how many cards are present.

1) Describe a simple function that would manipulate both the array representing a hand and the number indicating the size of the hand.

2) Describe a simple function that might be able to manipulate the array without referring to the hand size variable at all.

3) Generally, if the array was passed as a parameter to a function, how often would the hand size be included as a parameter?

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C++ :: Game Design Practice For Accessing Container Of Game Objects

Dec 21, 2014

I'm working on my first video game. So far I have a few classes in the game starting with the Game class which includes a list of GameObjects (another class). There are several classes that inherit from GameObjects used to implement things like bullets, explosions, various enemy types, etc.

The game essentially iterates through the list of GameObjects to update/render them. I would like to provide access to the Game's list of GameObjects inside another class (like the Bullet class) so I can put new objects on the list. For example, when a bullet hits, I want to add an explosion to the Game's GameObject list it can be updated/rendered.

How this should be setup? I was considering adding a pointer to the Game or GameObject list to the GameObject class (and methods to access it), but I was wondering if there is a better way to set this up?

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C++ :: Tile Mapping Program - Loop Through All Tiles In Game Setting X And Y Coordinates

Jun 6, 2013

void create_map(){

int x = 0;
int y = 0;
while (y >= 15) {
game_map[x][y].pos_x = x * tile_size;
game_map[x][y].pos_y = y * tile_size;

Objective of the code: to loop through all tiles in the game, setting their X and Y coordinates.

It just doesn't do anything at all. No error message.

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C++ :: Guessing Game Program - Ask User To Guess Computer Generator Number

Feb 11, 2013

I'm currently creating a guessing game program where the user will be asked to guess the computer generated number. Once the program is finished, at the end the user will be asked if they want to play again. If the user types "Y or Y" the program will loop and when the user types "n or N" it will not loop. Check out my code below.

#define g gotoxy
void main(){
int a,l,b,guess,row,col,answer,num,clue=5;

[Code] ....

I can't loop this program.

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C++ :: Simple Game Menu - Program That Simulates Handheld Gaming System

Sep 26, 2013

I have to write a program that simulates a handheld gaming system. a system can have power toggled so its either on or off. when the system is on, its volume level can be raised or lowerd. a system has minimum volume level of zero and a maximum volume level of 10. a system stores games.

// simple game menu
//simulates a handheld gaming system
using namespace std;
class Game {
Game(int GameNumber = 3, int volume = 10);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Store A Score

Mar 28, 2013

I want to do something like when you have completed the first question then the program will give you +3 in coins then you have completed next question then I want the program to add 3 more so it says you have a value of coins 6. But I do not know exactly how to do this the code I begun to write was this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()

[Code] ...

This code works for 1 question but I want it to work like add 3 for every question the user guesses correct. Like if user enters the correct answer 3 times then he/she has a value of coins 9.

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C/C++ :: Adding To Score Every Second

May 18, 2014

Currently in development of a cookie clicker clone (for fun)

I am stuck at the idea of the "Cookies Per Second" thing.

Is there a way to implement a per second adder thing that doesnt actually effect the game play (eg even though the player may not be pressing C every second a cookie (or more) will be added, or if they can press C more than once a second, every second a cookie will be added... If you get what I mean).

Code is below if you would like to look />

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "Shop.h"
#include "Varis mate.h"

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Get The Average Score For Each Student

Nov 10, 2013

I have to get the average score for each student. And modify my avgmarks function and write the marks to a output txt file.


int bubble(int*,int);
void filewrite();
void avgmarks();
void fileprint();
void filesort();
void rollin();

[Code] .....

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C# :: Nickname Won't Appear On High Score

Mar 28, 2015

I've made a game and a dialogbox to show up asking to enter a nickname.

The problem is After entering the nickname, it won't show on the highscore list below (textbox)

Where can the problem be? Below is my code:

private void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (txtName.Text != "") {
Settings.Name = txtName.Text.ToString();

[Code] .....

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C# :: Cricket Score Card?

Mar 24, 2010

I have to develop an application named smart client score board in c#

Main requirements for this application are that application should display the live scores, detailed score board, running commentary (in text), players and team profiles, statistics of matches, results and fixtures for cricket.

sort out websites which support rss feeds for full score card.

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C++ :: Giving Score To Correct Player

Jul 22, 2013

I have programmed a game where you guess a number (1-6) and if the number is equal to the random number then give the player score + 10. But if I have selected for example 4 players then if the game will give player 1 a score it gives player 2 a score instead? What can be causing this error?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int cube;
int number[4];

[Code] .....

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