C :: Play MP3 File And Delay / Fgets In One Function

Jul 2, 2014

How can i play a mp3 file in the background?How can i rule the volume of the mp3 file?why does delay(0.25) doesnt work in this code?


FILE *datei;
char line[ANZAHL][LAENGE];
int i ;
datei = fopen ("song.txt", "r");
if (datei != NULL){
for(i = 0; i < ANZAHL;i++) {

printf ("%s


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C :: Using Strtok In Conjunction With Fgets Function To Parse File Data

Feb 17, 2013

In the assignment we are forbidden to use fscanf(). I have been trying to get this to work, but I've started to realize that I do not have a complete understanding of what strtok() actually does. I'm getting this warning when debugging: "assignment makes integer from pointer without cast."

This warning happens when assigning str to goal and assist, and I think it is because they are, when dereferenced, integers. The code below correctly assigns the name into the correct spot, but leaves nonsense data in the goal and assist arrays.

ex:-7880, -7888 file example: NAME GOALS ASSISTS JOHN 1 2

void readLinesFromFile( FILE* Ptr, int* goal, int* assist, char** name, int lines ){/*
* Reads lines from files and populates the arrays with the corresponding info.
int index;
char hold[ MAX_LINE ] = { 0 };
char* str = NULL;

[Code] .....

From what I understand about strtok(), it returns a string, and takes in a character array and a key value that tells it when to stop. In the online examples I've seen, they use NULL in the first field. I'm not sure why.

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C/C++ :: Time Delay Function - Timer Stop Counting If Any Key Pressed

Aug 29, 2014

My code is given below:

cout<<"1. runtim";
cout<<"Your selection will be automatically neglected within (function to be inserted for time ) ";/* insert timer here */
cout<<"What kind of process u need to do";

I have 2 questions

1.the timer function has to be such that when any key is pressed in between the specified time its has to stop its counting and go to the nest line and functions . i checked sleep function but if any key is pressed its does not break out of the sleep program and execute the next command

2.and if the timer has completely finished running then it has to skip few lines and execute the program .

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C++ :: Using Fgets To Read In A String - No Conversion Function Error

May 27, 2013

I am trying to use fgets to read in a string, but keep getting a "no conversion function from std::string to char" error.

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C++ :: How To Play WAV File In A Program

Mar 6, 2014

I understand how to play a .wav file in a program, but I am attempting to "package" the .wav file with the project so that it can be played by another person, on a different machine (namely, my professor). The way I have come to understand this is that if you use the following line of code:

otify.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME);

The sound file would not play if it is not in the same location on the other computer. Am I correct? Assuming that I am, I have added the file that I wish to play as a resource in my project, but I can't figure out how to make it play. Looking at MSDN (and other resources) I found the following snippet:


I get no errors when I build the program, but no sound plays when I run it. I have tried for hours now to figure this out (which is usually enough time for me to sort through the problem) but I have met with no success. This leads me to believe I am either completely off in my assumptions, or I am making a silly mistake.

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C++ :: Create A Program That Will Play MP3 But Also Display Word File?

Jun 5, 2013

i want to create a program (in c++ or c#) that will play mp3 files but also display a word file with the lyrics of the mp3 song playing. so if i choose a mp3 file from a list, the lyric file for that song should also be displayed. i have all the mp3 and lyric files saved on the computer so my problem is how can i link the files?

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C++ :: Play Audio File As Background While Executing Other Operations

Jun 6, 2013

I need to make a program which can play a audio file as background while executing other operations .

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C++ :: SDL Key Press Delay

Jan 3, 2014

When you press a key it automatically delays a bit then starts repeating without delay.

The second key pressed action comes with a delay and i want it to start repeating without delay. And could not find anything useful.

I might not be able to tell what i want exactly. Ok press simply a key and don't release it in a text editor. You will realize a delay at second character showing up.

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C++ :: How To Delay Part Of Code

Jul 1, 2014

for example i have

int count = t1;
result = result + add;
counter = counter + 1;

Problem is that sleep stops all program for specified time, Is there an alternative to sleep that would only stop part of code or can i use sleep different way to specify what it pauses?

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C/C++ :: Put Time Delay On Same Key Being Pressed By User In Row?

Apr 20, 2015

So I'm in the process of building my 2D game in Allegro5, I'm building a side platform game and at the moment I have a sprite being able to walk left right and jump. What I want to do is put a time delay on the jump function so that when a user presses the jump button and the sprite has carried out the jump function I want there to be a 1 or so second delay before the jump button actually carries out the jump function again.

I have quite a bit of code so not sure what bits to place in here, I'm more looking for a way of doing this, so providing me code isnt really needed just a way it can be done.

Things that might be useful to know:

At the moment I have a timer initialized in allegro which is used with my FPS int to mean that my game runs at 60FPS.

I have a bool bIsOnGround which maybe could be used into this, I'm not sure...

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C++ :: SDL Sound Thread Delay Between Samples?

Sep 29, 2013

When I use the following handler to handle and mix multiple channels, I get about 1 time unit sound, 5/6 time units silence.

//The volume conversion!
#define VOLUME_PER_SOUND(volume) ((SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME / 2)*volume)
//Ammount of times to multiply the buffer!
/* This function is called by SDL whenever the sound card needs more samples to play. It might be called from a separate thread, so we should be careful what we touch. */
void SDLAudioCallback(void *user_data, Uint8 *audio, int length) {


(I'm working with 44.1kHz stereo PCM streams)... I've multiplied the stream some times, but to no effect (see the c<MULTIPLIER_BUFFER loop arround the mixing)...

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C :: How To Calculate Total Sum Of Delay Of Receiving Side Packet

Dec 17, 2014

I want to calculate the total some of delay pf receiving Side Packet . Code is as Follow ..

What is weird that even if i invoke a sleep of 2 sec ,than its show delay always zero. Delay will be in microsec ..Is there any problem with logic or anything else..


{#pragma omp parallel private(nthreads, tid) {
/* Obtain thread number */
tid = omp_get_thread_num();
if (tid == 0) {
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();


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C :: How To Use Fgets

Sep 4, 2013

Currently I am doing the first exercises from Illustrating C. The exercise that I am trying first is the one where someone can input degrees and the program will be able to put those in to sin or cos. Im trying to use fgets to take input from the user. the answer can only be sin or cos. Im having trouble with how to get it to work.

My goal is to have the output of the choice sin or cos. Store that choice. proceed to ask what the degrees are from the user. then i would have the degree input multiplied by pi/180 converting it to radians and having the program compute it that way


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
int a;
int main()


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C :: Fgets New Line At End

Dec 11, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_COL 70
#define MAX_ROW 20


With my input.txt file being Code: abcd efgh And in particular, there is no new line after the letter h, but when I print out the text string, I get a new line after h. Why is this?

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C++ :: How To Play Simple MP3 Through Mic

Jul 21, 2014

How do I play a simple mp3 through my mic. I plan on using this to just play annoying sounds through skype and games(on windows 7 btw).

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C :: Scanf / Fgets Without Echo

Aug 31, 2014

I am trying to write a terminal-like chat application in Linux. I would like to use a FIFO queue to print out the messages in terminal. The queue would be populated from 2 sources- stdin and messages sent from the other user over TCP. I have meet an obstacle that I cannot handle...

Lets say I would like to take user input using fgets and put it into a buffer. Then queue it if the buffer is not empty or print if it is. The problem is that when I use fgets or scanf, my input is instantly printed to the terminal..If i do:


fgets(message, 100, stdin); printf

("%s", message The string under message is printed twice :|. Is there a way to prevent this?

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C :: Fgets - How To Get Line Length

Apr 20, 2013

char line[BUFSIZ];
while ( fgets(line, sizeof line, file) != NULL ){
llen = strlen(line);
printf("%d - %s

I get a full line printed but my llen is the size of my buffer. how do i get the total size om my line from the beginning to " "

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C :: How To Make Strncpy With Fgets And Pointers

Mar 31, 2013

Why will this code not work? It cashes the program on me once i get to it...


memset(&input, 0, sizeof(input));
printf("Enter your firstname: ");
pinput = fgets(pinput, BUFF, stdin);
strncpy((pct + *pctcounter-1) ->firstName,pinput , strlen(pinput) - 1);

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C :: Using Fgets() To Scan A Data Before A Delimiter

Dec 21, 2014

Is it possible to fgets() the string (or word) only after a delimiter? I yes then how?

Example: Code: printer, scanner, machine

Also, how can I sscanf() a string with an indefinite number of sizes and assign it to only one variable?


str = "I Love C programming 9000";
sscanf(str, "%s %d", strvar, intvar);

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C++ :: How To Take Input From Keyboard Using Fgets And Atoi

Oct 12, 2014

Intead of using scanf("%d",&a) to take a input from the user,how to take a input using fgets(buffer, BUFFERSIZE , stdin) and atoi?

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C :: Program To Play Lottery - Limit Between 100-99?

Feb 2, 2015

Suppose you want to develop a program to play lottery. The program randomly generates a Lottery of a three-digit number( any number from 100 to 999), prompts the user to enter a three-digit number, and determines whether the user wins according to the following rule:

1. If the user matches the lottery in exact order , the awards is $100,000.
2. If the user input matches the lottery digits, the awards is $50,000.
3. If two digit in the user input matches a digit in the lottery, the awards is $30,000.
4. If one digit in the user input matches a digit in the lottery,
the awards is $10,000.

The winning number is 865.

Your ticket is 865 then 100000
Your tickect is 686, or 568,.. all digits are right but not in order
You get 50000
Your ticket is 860, or 186 .. then 30000
Your ticket is 800, 706, 600.. just one digit much you get

Im using if/else statements. Which syntax would I use to figure out the limit between 100-99?

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C++ :: Connect Computers To Play Game?

Nov 16, 2014

I have a Blackjack game that allows users to create a login account and it keeps track of their bet amount, and total bank,etc. How can I connect the program on 2 or more computers so that people can play together?

(A) How would I code it? (B) Can I just connect a USB or HDMI and use the appropriate code? (C) Do they need to be executables instead of just running out of Visual Studio? (D) Can this maybe done over Wi-fi? (E) Or is this something more complicated like over a VPN?

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C++ :: How To Play Sound When The Program Ends

Jul 16, 2013

How can I play sound when the program ends? I am using Windows 7.

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C :: How To Prevent Fgets From Reading The New Line Character

Mar 12, 2013

i am trying to read a string using fgets and storing in an array i want to prevent fgets from storing the new line character on the array using the shortest means possible..

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C :: Fgets Does Not Read The Complete Tab Separated Line

Sep 16, 2013

I have prepared a file through the use of following code

fprintf(file2, "%i %i %i %i %i %i

As one can see, this file has tab separated integer entries. The file is written correctly, let us call this file "msg.txt".

I face the problem when I read this file, using fgets as follows:

char singleMessage[100];
while( fgets(singleMessage, sizeof(singleMessage), file ) )
sscanf(singleMessage, "%i %i %i %i %i %i
&first, &second, &third, &fourth, &fifth, &sixth);
fprintf(stderr, "first: %d, second: %d, third: %d, fourth: %d, fifth: %d, sixth: %d
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth);

but fgets only retrieves until the first, i.e, if the first line in the file reads:


fgets returns only 78.

Does it have to do with how the file was written in the first place.

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C :: Use Fgets And Sscanf To Read A Line Of Input

May 21, 2014

I'm new to C/C++. I am attemping to use fgets and sscanf to read a line of input, and confirm it is a positive number.My code works great, except for the case of a negative number. When I enter a negative number, my while loop seems to run infinitely, with stdin providng the same input over and over again.

Here's the code snippet:


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define TEXT_LEN 64
void foo() {
char* inStr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*TEXT_LEN);
memset(inStr, 0, TEXT_LEN);


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