C++ :: Generate Array Of Data Using Templates Into Programme Memory?

Apr 24, 2013

When you have constant arrays, they are stored in the programme memory space. Upon execution, they are copied into the data space for easy access. To save space in the data space, it is possible to stop it from being copied. Some compilers will deal with this by just specifying the array as const, g++ has a type modifier called PROGMEM.

In any case, the problem is that I'd like to generate some data, preferably without using an external programme to do it. Hence, my question using the template system. Now I could possibly use macro metaprogramming via boost instead of template metaprogramming, and I may have to go that route. However there are limitations, especially since its numbering system is only equivalent to an unsigned byte, which I possibly could use, but could become more messy than if I use the template system that has long long types as well as a whole slue of type safety mechanisms.

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C++ :: How To Allocate Memory When It Comes To Using Templates

Oct 25, 2013

I'm currently learning templates -- & my logic is in a knot with what I am trying to do which is the following:

-Create a function name load
-Accepts a filename (the filename is a text file of integers)
-Open the file
-Create an array(dynamically allocating an array) filling it with the elements read in from the file & returns the array(so that the return type of the array is a pointer to the element type of the array).

//Header file:
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
void load(std::string filename, T *&arr, int *size);


how to allocate memory when it comes to using templates..

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C++ :: Templates And Memory Occupancy

Dec 15, 2013

Let us consider the following two classes:

class case1
int n;
float x;


Now, let's suppose that I instantiate an array of 100 elements of each class:

case1 c1[100];
case2<20> c2[100];

My question is this: will c2 occupy roughly half of the memory than c1?will the value c1.n be allocated 100 times, while the value c1.n wil be allocated only once?

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C :: Append Data To Array Of Structures In Memory Then Put In File When Program Ends

Dec 4, 2013

I have a program that stores health information the user inputs, one person at a time. The program works perfectly with the exception of storing the data...I need to open a file and read what health data it has in it already, if any, but store the new changes, and appended data to the array of structures, to the data in memory. All of the information is only saved back in the file once the program terminates. I'm not sure how to go about doing this, so I am also not sure what to put in the function for "Save and Exit" that the user can choose in order to exit the program.


#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
struct strdatabase
char first[20];
char last[20];
char gender[2];


I tried playing around with this bit of code, but I'm not sure if I'm even on the right track.


FILE *fp;
fp = fopen ("students.txt","rb"); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
long pos = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
char *bytes = malloc(pos);
fread(bytes, pos, 1, fp);

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C :: How To Send Programme Output To A Printer

Aug 10, 2013

I want to print the output of a c programme to a printer. Operating system is MS Windows xp sp2. This is the programme:

void main()
Hello Chandan2... ");

The output "Hello Chandan2..." is to be printed in printer, when i run the programme , but how to do it?

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C++ :: Programme Crashes After Returning Result?

Nov 2, 2013

why my application actually crashes after it compute the area of a cross.

I output is correct but it crashes after it calculation is done.

void Cross::setCrossCord()
for (int i=0; i<=12; i++)


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C/C++ :: Array And Linked List With Templates

May 1, 2014

I am having problems implementing ArrayList using templates. I was given a program and I have to create this implementation to make it work. It keeps giving me an error "invalid operands to binary expression" .....

ifndef Final_4_ArrayList_hpp
#define Final_4_ArrayList_hpp
#define MAX 10;
#include "List.hpp"
template <class T>
class ArrayList : public List <T> {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Generate Two Files And Write Data Into

Apr 5, 2013

I try to write my data into two different files and i just use something like this

ofstream myfile;
myfile.open("phase 1.txt");
if (myfile.is_open()) {
for(i=0;i<M; i++) {

[Code] .....

But it only generate the first file. How should i modify this?

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C++ :: Generate Random Data (fast)

Feb 20, 2013

I just want to know how fast can C++ generate data? For example, I have a downstream device that is connected to my pc via a Gigabit Ethernet, and I have to generate some pattern and send it over the Gigabit interface.

I was curious if there is a way that I can see how fast I can generate data? I was curious if I can exercise a good portion of the bandwidth ! for example, sending about 600 Mbits/sec.

How do I find out, first, whether I can do this with C/C++, and, second, how do I know how fast I am sending data?

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C++ :: Templates User Inputs Dynamic Array?

Nov 12, 2013

This code is from my text book it shows how to implement code that is embedded I have modified it somewhat but I was wondering how I could get the user to implement the size of the array and enter the integers with the size of array that was implemented.

using namespace std;


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C++ :: Generate A Binary String Based On Hex Data

Apr 23, 2013

Generate a binary ascii characters(weird character ) based on Hex:54313032202020303030 data in C++

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C++ :: Generate Data Set Of Angles Automatically And Provide Three Columns (Sin / Cos / Tan)

May 8, 2014

Given an array of angles A = [0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360]

Write a program that will generate the data set of angles automatically and provide three columns; sin(angle), cos(angle), tan(angle). Make this program as compact and readable as possible.

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C :: Generate A Program That Will Allow User To Enter Data For A Stock And Calculate Amount Of Stocks

Oct 5, 2013

Okay, so my assignment for my C class is to generate a program that will allow the user to enter data for a stock and calculate the amount of stocks that ended up being positive, negative, and neutral.I tried to do this using one stock, here is my code;

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


void main()
float Neg;
float incst;
float shrs;
float bpps;
float crnt;
float crntcst;
float yrfes;
float pft;
float tpft;


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C :: Manipulating Data In Memory

Jan 31, 2015

So, it seems I have a bug in my code:


char *mem = malloc(9), *bottom = malloc(3), *in = "abc";
int position = 2, i;
mem = "onetwo";
printf("OLD mem = %s
", mem);


What I'm trying to do is insert "abc" in the 3rd position of "onetwo". Results would be "oneabctwo", but all I get is crashing.

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C++ :: Storing Data To CPU Memory?

Mar 27, 2013

Is it possible to store data to CPU memory, if so how much memory can I store and how? Say I wanted to store an array, about 6MB in size?

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C/C++ :: BST - Cannot Access Memory Data

Nov 11, 2014

When I return mem add I cannot access the data in that add: in bin search tree

cout<<"val: "<<Curr->barcode<<endl;
bst::hwareItem* bst:: findMin(hwareItem*& root){

return root;

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C++ :: Generate Two Arrays From One Big Array?

Oct 12, 2014

I am trying to generate two arrays from one big array, of which the sum of the 2 array's elements are as close to equal or equal to each other if possible, or one array summed up minus the second array summed up will be as close to zero as possible. I start with int array of 30.

It says that the lowest possible combination of one array minus the other is 239 which I know is not true. Also this needs to run in under ten minutes.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int size = 30;


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C# :: Download Data From Memory Controller

Jul 11, 2014

Using the C # programming language LED controller through which controls the array is connected to the controller via the RJ45 port. I already know the basics, I mean specifics, ie

Using the instructions and DLL included with the hardware, I want to read data from it, but I can not deal with it.

Model controller is "C-Power5200" and dll is "CP5200.dll".

I would like to:-pick the data-display-edit and - save in the controller.

To read the data I am using the function

CP5200_Net_Read (BYTE * pBuf, int nSize);

and to save

CP5200_Net_Write (const BYTE * pBuf, int nLength);

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C++ :: Program To Generate Integer Array?

Jul 14, 2014

Iam new to c++ and i want to write a program to generate an integer array. I keep getting the error at line 25: invalid types 'int[int]' for array .

int main() {
int rows;
int cols;
int test[rows][cols];

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Generate Random Permutation In Array

Feb 16, 2013

I'm currently working on assignment which requires to generate a random permutation of the first N integers. For example, if N = 4, one possible answer is {3,1,2,4} without duplicates. {3,3,2,4} is not correct

to fill a[4], generate random numbers until you get one that is not already in a[0], a[1], ..., a[n-1]. for a[0] whatever random number you generate can be put in it. So here is my code. It seem to works but sometime it give duplicates.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


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C :: Reading Data From CSV File Or Memory Onto Screen?

Jul 26, 2014

I have a csv file (comma delimited text file really) and I have data ,about 6400 lines, and I need to read and display data from 1 line. At the bottom is sample data from my csv file.

I want to read onto the screen the 3rd item .. ie Test User 1 and the date and time at the end (the last 2 items).

I will enter in a number .. from which I will want to retrieve the appropriate record .. in this case I would enter in 514, 563 or 874 and get back the info for that record.

This is a DOS 16 bit application .. and I know that some of the data is in memory already but I am not sure how to tell .. or how to retrieve it.

I do have the ability to save the data to the file at any time .. so I can use that to ensure that the data is current in the text file before I retrieve the data from this 1 row.

I think that it may just be easier to get from the text file ? but I am not sure.

0000,7,0,"Test User 1",53c145cb,db,5,514,514,2014/07/12,10:27:23
0001,7,0,"Test User 2",53d7f,1903,10,563,563,2014/07/24,11:04:31
0002,7,0,"Test User 3",529c,5ffb03,0,874,874,2013/12/02,09:07:58

I am a database guy .. and I am just a bit lost when it comes to C programming as such.

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C++ :: Printing Data As It Is Stored In Memory (binary)?

Mar 21, 2013

So, if I'm right, computer store their data as binary values. So if I write int x = 5; , my computer converts the value of x from decimal (5) into binary (101) and stores it in memory as a a binary number. If I print that value on the screen that value is converted(by default) back into a decimal number before being printed on the screen.

Now, my question is if there is any way to print the value of x directly into binary(as it's stored in memory) without it being converted back into a decimal value?

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C++ :: Data Buffer With Memory Mapped Files?

Jan 27, 2014

I have a data buffer project in Windows 7 x64 embedded OS (using Visual Studio 2008), that would work simply like that:

One writer application will send data (no network protocols, just procedure call on the same machine) to my app like 20 packages per second, each data packages will be approximately 3 MB size and comes with a timestamp tag.

My application will store each data item for 100 minutes and then remove. (So I can calculate the total size from beginnig no need for dynamic allocation etc...)

Meanwhile there will be up to 5 reader applications which will query data from my app via Timestamp tag and retreive data (no updates or deletitions on data by reader apps).

So since the data in my buffer app can grow over 50GB I don't think that shared memory is going to work for my case.

I'm thinking about using Boost Memory Mapped Files or Windows API Memory Mapped Files.

So theoratically I will crate a fixed size File on harddisk (lets say 50GB) and then map some portion to RAM write the data to this portion, if the reader applications wants to use the data which is mapped currently on memory, then they will use directly, otherwise they will map some other potion of the file to their address spaces and use from there...

My problem is I haven't use Map File concept at all and I'm not a C++ developer so I'm not very familiar with the language fundementals. I've searched tutorials of boost and msdn for windows as well but there is not too much code example.

So I don't know how to map some portion of the data to memory and manage it, also how to search data in file or memory according to the timestamp tag. Yes there are codes for creating files and mapping the whole file to memory but none for dividing it into regions, aligning or padding the data which I need for my case.

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C# :: Store Data In Memory After Adding Values

Oct 23, 2014

I serialize a XML file, and i have this values here:

public class ServiceConfig {
public List<DatabaseDescriptor> Databases { get; set; }
} public class DatabaseDescriptor {

[Code] ....

I have a form1 which is a datagrid view and get's updated like this:

dataGridView1.DataSource = xmlData.Databases;

Now i have a button: get tables, and it opens up form 2, there it's supposed to appear all the tables of the selected Database, when i click on the row i get the database name so i get all the list of Tables from

DatabaseDescriptor.Name == name
(I get this when i select the row)

But then on the 2nd form, i also have 2 textbox so i add a new table, i add the tablename and id. the new value should appear in the datagridview of the tables, and when i close it and reopen it, it should be there. Maybe i should concatenate first the values or something, how do i do?

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C/C++ :: Intuitive Data Structure To Use For Memory Management Program

Mar 21, 2014

I have an assignment that wants me to better understand how certain calls like malloc() and free() work. I'm supposed to have one function that allocates a pool of memory for the program to use (this is the only place where I'm allowed to use the malloc function. Anyplace else is off limits, except when allocating space for data structures.) Another function needs to be defined that allocates memory from this large pool of memory that we have already allocated. A third function needs to free a block of memory when a call from function main is made and a fourth does something else (haven't gotten that far yet.) I'm not sure if it's ok or not, but I'll attach the pdf form that describes all the requirements. If that's not ok, I'll delete it.)

Anyways, when thinking of data structures to use for this particular problem, one doesn't jump out at me as being THE data structure that would be most useful. How I would imagine using it is to store the addresses currently being used as well as the block length of those addresses (so basically, each node of the linkedlist would have a pointer that points to an allocated address and another field that told the size of the allocated block of memory.) How to communicate to the large pool of memory that a certain block of memory has been allocated and shouldn't be used until a free is made on that specific block of memory.

Attached File(s)
pa3.pdf (61.07K)

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C++ :: Generate Array Of Random Numbers - Searching Algorithm

Jan 31, 2013

My program generates an array of random numbers. I want to then search a specific number within the array. If the number is in the array then a message apopears on the console saying that its there. I'm using the binary search algorithm to do this.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int size;
int getSize() { return size; }

[Code] ......

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