C++ :: Functions Returning Values?

Apr 9, 2014

I have an assignment in my C++ class that is to create a menu based coffee shop program. Here is what I have so far:

#include<cmath> //doubt this is needed but i added it just in case
using namespace std;


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Visual C++ :: GetMost And GetLeast Functions Returning Erroneous Values

Apr 5, 2014

After compiling, I cannot understand why my getMost and getLeast functions are returning erroneous values. I've done everything I could think of to try and fix this, Problem and code below.

A local zoo wants to keep track of how many pounds of food each of its three monkeys eats each day during a typical week. Write a program that stores this information in a twodimensional 3 * 7 array, where each row represents a different monkey and each column represents a different day of the week. The program should rst have the user input the data for each monkey. Then it should create a report that includes the following information:

* Average amount of food eaten per day by the whole family of monkeys.
* The least amount of food eaten during the week by any one monkey.
* The greatest amount of food eaten during the week by any one monkey.

Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for pounds of food eaten.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Constants.
const int NUM_MONKEYS = 3;
const int NUM_DAYS = 7;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Menu Driven Program - Value Returning Functions

Apr 2, 2015

I'm working on what I thought was a pretty simple program. I'm writing a menu driven program that will allow users to obtain specified measurements of several geometric figures. I was trying to test each each time I add a function.

I keep getting this error. error C3861: 'AreaOfSquare': identifier not found.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int menu() {
int choice;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Passing / Returning Character And Integer Arrays With Functions

Jun 21, 2013

Passing and returning character and integer arrays with functions using simple programs...use pointers if necessary

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C :: Returning Values From While Loop

Jul 13, 2013

I am currently doing a bodyfat calculator for a course in school.I'm having a problem getting an output returned from my while loop, which determines the user's gender by user input.My function (outside of main) is currently:


char gendercheck(gender){
while (true) {
gender = _getch();
if (gender == 'M' || gender == 'm') {
printf("Your selected gender is male.");
break ;


My failed tries include "return gender" and "return genderpicked" statements in both the if-functions and the loop itself, which I have deleted since that didn't work. My goal is to get a character stored in gender, so that I can use the information of the user's gender in my main function from this point and onwards.



int main() {
char *genderpicked ;
char gender ;
genderpicked = &gender ;


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C++ :: Returning Values To Main

Nov 5, 2014

I am working on this program below. The problem I am having is trying to return totalDays to the main. In the numOfDays() function there is a for loop that adds the totalDays (totalDays = totalDays + days). I have just been getting errors in returning the correct amount of totalDays to the main from the numOfDays function.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int numOfEmployees();
int numOfDays(int);
int main() {
int totalDays = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Returning Multiple Values?

Oct 9, 2013

I would like to return multiple values from one function to access in different functions. For example:

int function1(//what goes here?)
int a ;
a = 1 + 2 ;
int b ;
b = 3 + 4 ;

return (what goes here if i want to return the value of a and/or b to use in another function?) ;

void function2()
//now i want to use the value of a here to use in an equation, how do i do that?
//now i want to use the value of b here to use in an equation, how do i do that?

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C++ :: Write A Function Returning 2 Values?

Jul 23, 2013

So I have a function like the one below

bool get_array( float input_param, vector<int>& output_param ){
// some code that handles output_param output
if( error ) return false;

So basiclly this function must return 2 value well one of the value is just a bool returning whether the procedure doesn't fail at some point or not.

is there any better way to write this function ?

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C :: Array Function Not Returning Correct Values

Apr 1, 2013

I have been trying to make a function that compares all the values of the array and if they are all equal will return a value to print true. The problem I am having is that regardless of what values I enter the function is always returning true. Any way to tell the program o check all the values in one command instead I put them each,


int compare(int arrayA[], int arrayB[]);


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C/C++ :: Function Not Returning Values - Structs In Arrays

Feb 25, 2015

I wrote this code for a homework assignment, everything runs fine but the function void percent_votes (line 66) isn't calculating properly, it outputs 0.00 for each value. I have tried everything I can think of to try and make it work.

Here is the assignment: Write a program that allows the user to enter the last names of five candidates in a local election and the number of votes received by each candidate. The program should then output each candidate's name, the number of votes received, and the percentage of the total votes received by the candidate. Your program should also output the winner of the election.

Here is the code I have written:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>


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C/C++ :: Switch Case Statement Not Returning Correct Values

Mar 21, 2015

My code is supposed to read a five to four digit code of a resistor from a file and determine the resistor's nominal, lower and upper tolerance values. I have inputted my file's first resistor code as a string so I could run tests on it but the problem that occurs is that a get the wrong values from my switch-case statements. I have put printfs after the function call to see what the values were and they turned out wrong. If I could get my return values to be right then I could be on my way coding.

double bandNum(char x); // function prototype that will read the resistor value for the first, second and possibly third band
double bandMult(char x); // function prototype that multiplies the resistor by some value of 10
double bandTol(char x); // function prototype that the tolerance of the resistor is multiplied by

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Initializing Loop And Returning Values Rock Paper Scissors

Dec 2, 2013

When i return 0; at the function int userselect (int user, int comp)my output displays twice and when i ask the user to run it again the computers selection of rock, paper or scissors remains the same it doesn't find a new random number. So i made the function userselect return to main(). This works and my output is displayed once, but when i run it it skips my while part of my do while loop completely so it loops the program without asking the user if they wish to run it again.

but when i return main() the computers choice re-randomizes every time so i need to find a way to get the while part of my do while to initialize and the program to not loop without the option of ending it.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>


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C++ :: Returning Values Or Using Pointers To Redefine Variables Passed As Arguments?

Feb 28, 2014

Which is more efficient in functions? Returning values or using pointers to redefine variables passed as arguments?

I mean either using:

void ptr_Func(int *x)
*x = *x+1


int ptr_Func(int x)
return x + 1;

In terms of speed, memory use etc.I want to know general efficiency, I know it will obviously vary with different uses and circumstances.

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C++ :: Functions Which Return Values

Nov 27, 2014

Write a function named cointoss that simulates the tossing of a coin.

When you call the function, it should generate a random number in the range of 1 through 2.

If the random number is 1, the function should display "heads".

If the random number is 2, the function should display "tails".

Demonstrate the function in a program that asks the user how many times the coin should be tossed, and then simulates tossing the coin that number of times.

Report the total number of heads and tails.

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C++ :: Passing Values To Functions?

Jul 29, 2013

I am trying to get some confirmation about how to pass to functions. If you want to assign default values to certain parameters, and have others defined inside the body of int main(), then the parameters which will have default values go at the end of the list. Is that correct?

i.e. The following code is wrong, because we cannot leave a black in the function call on the third line of the main function. However, if we switch the prototype to void Passing (int a, int c, int b = 1); and the function definition to void Passing (int a , int c, int b) everything will be okay and we can call the function as Passing (a, c).

In brief, we cannot do this EVER:
Passing( a, , c)right?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


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C/C++ :: Why Won't Functions Process New Values

Nov 5, 2014

I was given an assignment where I have to input two points (four integers) on a Cartesian plane from a file and then process it using functions. My professor is very particular so the comments are a bit excessive, but here's what I have.

double radiusFn(double, double, double, double);//4 double values, one for each point. All points are needed for the calculation of distance in this function.
double diameterFn(double);//Only uses one double value - the radius. Both functions below use the same value.
double circumferenceFn(double);
double areaFn(double);
int main() {


The file reads:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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C++ :: Share Values Between Functions In Same Class?

Mar 22, 2013


#ifndef CANDIES_H
#define CANDIES_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <Global.h>
class Candies



#include "Candies.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>


When I tested it, the file name in getName() outputted the right file name. However the file name in loadName() does not print out anything in the console window.

I want it to be so that the strings in [I]name_addTXT.c_str() in both functions are equal.

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C++ ::  how To Input Values Into Array Via Functions

Sep 5, 2014

What "int values" is supposed to mean as parameters to these functions? I'm not sure what do with them. Also how to input values into the array via functions. I was trying to but I just don't understand how to connect a user's input to a function to then enter into an array.

// input reads “values” integers from the user to place in the array data. It prompts the user for each value individually with the ordinal position of the value.
void input (int data [size], int values);
// Places the sum of corresponding values from arrays a and b and places the results in array s. The first “values” integers in the array are processed.
void do_sums (int a [size], int b [size], int s [size], int values);


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C++ :: How To Pass Structure Values Between Functions

Dec 29, 2012

struct NewPlayer {
int level;
int intelligence;
int damage;
int CharacterInfo(NewPlayer MageWizard, int Clevel,int Cint, int Cdam)

[Code] .....

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C :: Pass Values In Functions And Writing Them To A Txt File

Aug 23, 2013

This code is for fun, and have it doing a lot of what I want it to, just not all. I want random generated to write to a txt file. I tried to use an array but that failed. I wanted to use an array because i am only passing one value. Which makes sense since the random generated function is an int.

I made the fprintf as a comment but hopefully soon it will be able to send the values to the txt file. After that I will tackle the function.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define HIGH 49
#define LOW 1
int random_generated()


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C++ :: RValue - References As Return Values Of Functions

Aug 13, 2014

I am trying to understand RValue-references as return values of functions. First let's consider a simple function, that transforms a string into upper case letters.

const std::string
toUpper(std::string orig) {
std::transform(orig.begin(), orig.end(), orig.begin(), ::toupper);
return orig;

[Code] .....

It compiles, but I get the output 0 . Here I am wondering why the code above does not move the substr correctly while the code below does (prints out 1):

const std::string&&
no_sense(std::string abc) {
abc = abc.substr(1, 1);
return std::move(abc);

[Code] .....

In both cases abc is a temporary object inside of the function and gets deleted after the function is left. But why does the second version work and the first one does not?

cat.substr(1, 1)

And as my last question. Why doesn't

return std::move(abc.substr(1, 1));


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C/C++ :: How To Access Linked List Functions From Stack Class Without Functions

Mar 20, 2014

I'm a little confused by my programming assignment this week. I've been working at it Wednesday and I've made progress but I'm still confused as to how I'm supposed to do this. The class I made is called Stack, and it's derived from a template class called StackADT. We also utilize a class called unorderedLinkedList, which is derived from a class called linkedList.

We're supposed to implement all of the virtual functions from stackADT in the Stack class. The Stack data is stored in a an unorderedLinkedList, so what I'm confused by is how to implement a few of the Stack functions because there are no functions in unorderedLinkedList which we could call to manipulate the data.

As you can see from my attached code, I'm really confused by how I'm supposed to implement the pop() and top() functions, and I also think my initializeList() function is wrong. We don't have any similar functions in unorderedLinkedList to call, so I'm at a loss of how i'd access my unorderedLinkedList. My initial thought was to call the similar functions in the class that unorderedLinkedList was derived from, linkedList, but I'm unsure of this is what we're supposed to do, or if theres actually a way to access my unorderedLinkedList without having to use the functions from the base class.

NOTE: We're not allowed to modify stackADT, unorderedLinkedList, and linkedList.


#include "stackADT.h"
#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"
template<class Type>
class Stack: public stackADT<Type>{
template <class T>
struct nodeType
T info;
nodeType<T> *link;


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C/C++ :: Array Of Functions Pointing To In Class Functions With Arduino

May 3, 2013

At the moment im trying out with pointing to an array of functions. I got this working as following:

typedef void (* functionPtr) ();  
functionPtr functions[2][2]={{do11,do12}, {do21,do22}};    
void do11(){DEBUG_PRINTLN("11");}
void do12(){DEBUG_PRINTLN("12");}
void do21(){DEBUG_PRINTLN("21");}
void do22(){DEBUG_PRINTLN("22");}    
void loop(){

But now I'm trying to use this to point to a function inside a class so instead of do11, i want to be able to point to Basic.Do11. Somehow this doesnt work and I keep on getting this message:

error: argument of type 'void (Basic::)()' does not match 'void (*)()'

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C++ :: Read Unknown Number Of Integer Values And Then Print Count Sum And Average Of Odd Values

Apr 9, 2014

write a c++ program that reads an unknown number of integer values and then print count, sum and average of odd values, even values, positive values, negative values!!

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C++ :: Write A Program That Replaces Values In A Vector With Their Absolute Values

Dec 4, 2013

This is my code: [tag]

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C :: Save Values From A Char Buffer Into Integer Values Of A Struct?

Jul 3, 2013

I'm attempting to save values from a char buffer into integer values of a struct.

This is what resides in the buffer "STD 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 " and this is my sscanf call

sscanf(buffer, "STD %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
", &dt_struct.date,

I then print the values back out in a string using sprintf.

sprintf(t_string, "STD %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
", dt_struct.date,

But this is what I get:
STD 0 0 2 0 0 0 2

Instead of what I want:
STD 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

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