C++ :: Function Overloading In Child Class?

Jan 17, 2014

I am facing some problems while overloading base class functoin in child class. I have 2 programs as listed below.

Program 1 :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base


Compilation Errors:

child_overload.cpp: In function "int main()":
child_overload.cpp:27: error: no matching function for call to "child::func(const char [16])"
child_overload.cpp:17: note: candidates are: void child::func(double)

I thought as base class members are also as part of child class through "public" access specifier, it should access base class function, when funct() is called with a string. if I use "using base::func" in child, it works fine. But why I need that when base class memebers are part of child class?

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C++ :: Class Function That Uses Instance Of Its Child Class As Argument

Mar 1, 2013

I am facing a real-life problem, it can be simplified as below:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class B;
class A {
void f1(A a) {}
void f2(B b) {}


There is no problem at all with the f1(), it compiles and executes without any problem. But f2() gives compilation error. How to solve this?

The error message is: error: 'b' has incomplete type This is just to define the function f2() in a class, that uses an instance of its child class as one of its arguments.

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C++ :: Using Child Class As Parameter Of A Function In Its Parent Class

Aug 27, 2014

I am currently having an issue with a piece of code that I am writing in which I need to use a vector of a child class as a parameter in a function in the parent class. Below is an example of my code:

#include "child.h"
#include <vector>
class parent {
function(std::vector<child> children);
// rest of class here

When I do this my program doesn't compile. However if I try to forward declare, as shown in the following example, it once again refuses to compile:

#include <vector>
class child;
class parent{
function(std::vector<child> children);
// rest of class here

This time, it refuses to compile because it needs to know the full size of the class child in order to create the vector. How to being able to access the child is essential for my program, so what should I do?

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C++ :: Size Of Object Of Class Child?

Feb 5, 2014

hiclass Parent {
class Child : virtual public Parent {

What is the size of object of Class Child in following case?

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C++ :: Reflect Child Classes From Base Class

Nov 26, 2013

We want a solution in C++ that must be able to do the following:

Given a string of particular type, lets say 'A', we want to find all the types that derives from 'A'.

Instantiate new objects out of the types that are derived from 'A'.

E.g. Lets say we have a class, VehicleEntity. VehicleEntityhas child classes, PassangerCarEntity, TruckEntity, TrainEntity, BoatEntity.

We are unsure what vehicle entities there may be as the a library could be added containing more VehicleEntities. E.g. an AirplaneEntity thaterives from VehicleEntity could be added after deployment.

In the application, when a user wants to select a VehicleEntity, the user should be able to pick any of the entities deriving from VehicleEntity. This includes the PassangerCarEntity, TruckEntity, TrainEntity, BoatEntity and AirplaneEntity. The user selects an Entity, lets say AirplaneEntity, A new object of type AirplaneEntity must be instantiated.

The following is an concept example in C# of what we want to achieve in C++.

In C# the items for the dropdown list can be retrieved as follows:

Type vehicleEntityType = typeof(VehicleEntity);
List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())

[Code] .....

We are aware that standard C++ does not contain any Metadata on its objects, and thus it is not possible without a workaround. It does not seem possible with RTTI and boost.Mirror.

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C++ :: Copying Purely Virtual Class Child

Oct 27, 2014

In short, this is what I have

class A{
virtual void pure() = 0;

[Code] .....

I need a2 to be a deep copy of a1, but if I understand it correctly, then a2 should just be a pointer copy of a1. How do I make a2 be a different instance of B?

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C++ ::  basic Polymorphism - Parent / Child Class Based Program

Oct 19, 2014

I am making a very basic parent/child class based program that shows polymorphism. It does not compile due to a few syntax errors reading "function call missing argument list. Lines 76 and 77, 81 and 82, and 86 and 87.

using namespace std;
class people {
virtual void height(double h) = 0;
virtual void weight(double w) = 0;

[Code] ....

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C# :: Abstract Class Provide Functionality Without Affecting Child Classes?

Mar 6, 2014

The abstract class can provide more functionality without affecting child classes.If we add any method to the interface ,then will it affect all the child classes ?

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C++ :: Operator Overloading In Inherited Class

Jun 2, 2013

So i am having troubles with operator overloading in inherited class. Basically, it doesnt work. Consider this:


class A {
A() {
z= new int;

[Code] ....

Some how the copy constructor of a is improperly executed - the pointer is copied over, not re-created. As a result, the destructors crashes due to double-free.

B bb = b; //doesnt work
B bbb(b); //doesnt work
B bbbb(b, 0); //works

Above code shows the problem well. The "official" copy-constructor wont work - it copies over the pointer directly, and doesnt create a new one as it should. However, if i provide my own pseudo-copy-constructor that works. But ofcourse it's just a cheap work around - and wont actually work in real code (STL).

compiler is VS2008SP1.

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C++ :: Operator Overloading In Complex Number Class

May 29, 2013

Write c/c++ code of overloading ^operator in complex number class.

If we have two objects of complex number class as fellows,complex obj3 =obj1 ^obj2 ;

Obj3 reak and imaginary pars will be ,

Obj3.real = (obj1.real)obj2.real
obj3.img = (obj1.img)obj2.img

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C++ :: Arithmetic Operators Overloading For Class With Pointer

Nov 11, 2014

I am stucked in a problem of overloading arithmetic operators such as "+,*" for a class in the form

class Point {
int N; // dimension of the point
double *Pos; // length of N

My assign operator is :
Point& Point::operator= (const Point& pt) {
N= pt.N;
if(Pos == NULL) Pos = new double[N];
memcpy(Pos, pt.Pos, N*sizeof(double));

[Code] ....

The add operator "+" is:
Point operator+( const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2 ) {
Point ptr = Point(pt); // this is a constructor
for (int i=0; i<pt1.N; i++) ptr.Pos[i] += pt2.Pos[i];
return ptr;

Based on the above overloading, What I am going to do is :

P = alpha*P1 + beta*P2; // alpha and beta are double constants, P1 and P2 are Points objes

It is ok with Intel C++ 14.0 compiler, but does not work with the microsoft visual c++ 2012 compiler in debug mode in visual studio 2012.

I stepped in those operators and found that visual c++ compiler deconstructs the ptr in operators "*" and "+" before its return while intel c++ finished the operation P = alpha*P1 + beta*P2; and delete those ptrs at last.

Portability of my operator overloading is worse. How to get those arithmetic operators overloading for class with pointers in it.

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C++ :: Month Class - Overloading Prefix And Postfix?

May 2, 2013

The objective is to build a month class that hold data on the number of the month and the name of the month. Using constructors and overloads, set it up to where you can input either the month or the name and it will output the results for both the month number and name.

Here is the code I have so far:

using namespace std;
class Month{
private: string name;
int monthNumber;

[Code] ....

It is almost fully compiled if I go by the error list. The only problems I see to be having are with the prefix and postfix overloads.

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Visual C++ :: Class Fraction - Overloading Operators

Sep 25, 2013

the question am having problems with..

1.Write a class function that defines adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions by overloading standard operators for the operations.

2. Write a function member for reducing factors and overload I/O operators to input and output fractions. how would i set this up?

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C++ :: Creating A Class Called Time - Operator Overloading

Feb 18, 2015

I am creating a class called time and we've had to do operator overloading for <, > , <=, >=, ==, !=, ++, --, >>, <<, * , +, and -.

Well I have done and error checked them all. The only one I cannot seem to get right is the minus and its because of the error checking. I am having issues with times like this

t1 = 0:0:2:3
t2 = 0:0:1:4

t1 - t2 should equal 0:0:0:59 but it returns 0:0:1:-1.

I need it to check for all cases and I just do not know how. Here is the code I have so far:

time operator- (const time& x, const time& y){
time subtract;
subtract.days = x.days - y.days;
subtract.hrs = x.hrs - y.hrs;
subtract.mins = x.mins - y.mins;
subtract.secs = x.secs - y.secs;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Error Overloading Operator / Class Template Vector

Feb 7, 2013

I'm trying to implement a vector class in C + +. However when I go to actually run the main, it generates an interrupt operating system.

#include "header.h"
int main() {
// Definisco le istanze delle classi
vettore <int> vet;
vettore <int> vet2;
vettore <int> vet3;


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C/C++ :: Repeating Errors On Overloading Non Member Class Program

Oct 21, 2014

I am having a issues with an assignment in my class and don't really understand why. I am getting undeclared identifier errors even though I have declared and I am also getting an error. Here is the code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>


Last time I came to you all with an error it was a simple brain fart on my part but I don't think this one is like that. I would love to tell you what the program is supposed to do but I still do not really know, which might be part of the problem. I guess it outputs different sized rectangles...

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C++ :: Overloading Binary And Assignment Operators In Vector Class

Feb 5, 2013

I am making a vector class and am having some problems creating the overloaded arithmetic operators and assignment operators.

Here is an example of my "+=" code as it stands the errors are similar/the same for the other operators except "=" operator which works fine:

Vector3& Vector3::operator+=(const Vector3 &rhs) {
Vector3 tmp = *this;
Set(tmp.getX() + rhs.getX(), tmp.getY() + rhs.getY(), tmp.getZ() + rhs.getZ());
return *this;

I have tried a lot of different approaches ad always get the error:

error: passing 'const Vector3' as 'this' argument of 'double Vector3::getX()' discards qualifiers
error: passing 'const Vector3' as 'this' argument of 'double Vector3::getY()' discards qualifiers
error: passing 'const Vector3' as 'this' argument of 'double Vector3::getZ()' discards qualifiers

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C++ :: Complex Class - Input / Output And Operator Overloading

Jun 30, 2013

I wrote a simple Complex Class and overload input/output and +/- Operators in it!But there is something that doesn't work correctly!I can print an object of that class but I can't print sum of two object or something like that!

#ifndef COMPLEX_H
#define COMPLEX_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Complex {
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Complex &);

[Code] .....

cout << c3 is Working fine But cout << c1 + c2 is not giving me correct output!

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C++ :: Extractor Overloading And Member Wise Assignment For Cartesian Class

Apr 6, 2014

I am making a program with a Cartesian class. I want the user to be able to input 2 coordinates, but when I run it it doesn't ask for any values to be entered. It gives this output Please enter the first coordinates: Please enter the second coordinates:

(4.86129e-270, -1.97785e-41)
(4.86143e-270, -1.97785e-41)

#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

Also, I want to add a memberwise assignment function to assign the values of coord1 to coord2. How would I go about doing so?

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C++ :: Function Overloading (OOP Task)

Feb 27, 2013

I have been asked to create a program to overload a function which should accept and print first one integer and then two integers. Here is the code i have produced so far: [URL] ....

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Overloading f1 three ways

int f1(int a);
double f1(double a);
long f1(long a);

[Code] .....

I am aware the code should work. my only concern is the error i receive on line 12. I am certain there should be a value in the bracket but i dont know what.

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C++ ::  Operator Overloading Using A Friend Function

Jul 24, 2013

What is the role of friend function in this program? Is it even executed here?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class loc {
int longitude, latitude;
loc() {} // needed to construct temporaries

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Operator Overloading Function (prefix ++)

Feb 4, 2014

I am writing the overloading operator function (prefix ++) according to my book.. but it doesnt work !!!!!!

But if i write:

void operator++() {

It works !!!!!

Here is my code according to the book that doesnt work as it should:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class things {
int x,y,z;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: String Concatenation Using Operator Overloading Function

Sep 2, 2014

string concatenation using operator overloading function using + operator. i wrote the proto pls explain body of the function.

class A
char *p1,*p2;
A& operator +(A &obj1)

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C/C++ :: Binary Operator Overloading Using Member Function

Dec 26, 2014

I want to create a program that shows the total of 2 subjects & percentage of student using binary operator overloading with member function in C++.

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C++ :: Template Function Overloading Resolution Different In Visual Studio And GCC

Jun 13, 2014

I stumbled upon an unexpected difference between GCC and VisualStudio: Different overloaded functions are called in the following example:

// -------- can assume this is located in 'tool.h' file --------------
// Fwd declaration support foo( const int& ) gets called as expected by both compilers
// void foo( const int& n );

template< typename T >
void foo( const T& n ) {

[Code] ....

What happens: I expected that by calling bar(1) compiler will notice both versions of foo() and call the best match, in this case foo(const int&). That is not the case.

Note that overloaded foo(const int&) is below bar(). It seems that at that point GCC does not see overloaded version, and happily calls template version. Visual studio on the other hand has no problem finding them both.

If I introduce a forward declaration of foo( const int& ) before bar(), both compilers call that version correctly. Unfortunately, that is not a solution for my problem here.

Template version is part of a library while overloaded is part of the user code. Both would be located in different (header) files and I would not like to impose #include order to the users or to be dependant on it.

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C++ :: Operator Overloading In Library - Definition Of Dllimport Function Not Allowed

Aug 1, 2014

VAR_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &p_stream, QSharedPointer<Data>& p_data)

[Code] ....

Above compile and build ok. But when i build another library that use the above, i was shown with all errors complaining operator << and >> definition of dllimport function not allowed

error C2491: 'operator >>' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
error C2491: 'operator <<' : definition of dllimport function not allowed

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