C++ :: Function Outputs Different Matrix

Jun 25, 2013

It is getting more and more annoying, everytime i progress the next hurdle is just bigger. The problem is i want to calculate inverse of a matrix but using .inv gives a matrix full of -1.#QNAN values so i decided to write one my self

a function which returns the inverse matrix but something strange happens.

when i debug through the function code it works well and check the matrix that will be returned and the elements are correct.

when the function is called and output matrix is resulted. the element of the matrix is different.

matrix = inversemat(matrx)
inside function, invmat= 3 1 2, 3 5 1, 8 1 2
outside the function matrix = -9.1249e+61 wtf.

here is the code

int main() {
double matrx[3][3]={{1,2,3},{0,1,4},{5,6,0}};
Mat matrx1(3,3,CV_64F,matrx);
Mat inmat;

[Code] ...

invmat elements are correct, as for inmat the elements are too small -9.212412e+61

What is going on, when the matrix is returned.

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C++ :: Creating Function That Outputs Either 1 Or 0 Depending On Input After Checking

Feb 18, 2014

I am trying to simplify my code by creating a function which takes an input then checks whether it is "y" or "n" then outputs either 1 or 0 depending on the input. So far this is what I have

int Choice(string choice) {
while(choice.compare("n") != 0 && choice.compare("N") != 0 && choice.compare("y") != 0 && choice.compare("Y") != 0){
cout << "Please enter a valid input either [y/n] : " << endl;
cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> choice;

[Code] ...

And I call it in the program using

cout << "Do you wish to change the hubble type of any galaxies? [y/n]" << endl;
cin >> choice;
while(Choice(choice) == 1){
cout << "Do you wish to change the hubble type of another galaxy? [y/n]" << endl;
cin << choice;

It compiles fine but displays some bizarre behaviour, I need to end the line twice in order for the program to continue and sometimes it just stops working (doesn't exit just appears to be stuck in a loop).

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C++ :: Function To Determine Largest Value In Array And Then Outputs Value And Index

Dec 5, 2013

I'm trying to create a function that determines the largest value in the array and then outputs the value and index. I want to values in the array to be random so I tried using the rand function, although I'm not sure where I'm supposed to put it. My main problem (I think) is outputting the correct values...

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void lastLargestIndex (int numbers[], int arraySize);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int number, arraySize = 50;

[Code] ....

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C :: Function That Will Work For Both Dynamic And Static Implementations Of A Function To Get Transverse Of Matrix

Feb 11, 2013

i need a function that will work for both dynamic and static implementations of a function to get the transverse of a matrix. so far, i have this


matrix transpose(matrix m)
int row, col;
row = m.com_dim;
col= m.row_dim;


this works well with my static implementation, but when i try it in dynamic it gives me errors. the function has to be the same for both dynamic and static implementation

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C++ :: Return Matrix In Function

Jul 4, 2013

How we can return a 3x3 matrix in c++ function.

My code is:

double *computeA() {
double *A = new double[2][2];
// some operations on A and then return
return A;

The error that I have in this case is:

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'double (*)[2]' to 'double *'

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C :: Function Capable To Invert Matrix Of Integers

Jun 4, 2014

I am looking for function capable of converting square matrix of integers.Where to find such function? I know the algorythm but have no time to implemnt it.

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C :: Sort Lines Of Matrix In A Single Function

Jan 14, 2014

I need to write a code (in C99). The programe receives an input number (integer) 'n' and then a matrix sized n*n (matrix[n][n]), all numbers are integers. We're supposed to define the matrix's size with malloc. Now the program needs to sort the lines of the matrix (the number in each line), in a single function (!) this way:

even line index (0,2,4,6...): from small to big.
odds line index (1,3,5...): from big to small.
and then print it.
*note: first line is indexed 0, second line is 1, etc.

I was thinking to sort it with bubblesort function with the following if:
do odds sorting.
do even sorting.
when i is the index of the row.

my problem is defining the malloc and how do I send the matrix to sorting.If needed I will attach my current (not so good (completly awful)) code and functions as well as an example of what the prog. supposed to do.

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C++ :: Changing Values In A Matrix Using Void Function

Jun 29, 2013

I have the following void function devised to assign "+1" or "-1" to each element of a matrix at random. While the function does what I want, when I print the values of the matrix all are set to zero:

#include <vector>
#include "aRand.h"
#include <iostream>
void initConfig(std::vector<std::vector<int> > premat, int nL, int nN) {
int * pnRand;
pnRand = 0;


The function pnRand_plus returns a pointer to an array of random numbers from 1 to 100, with seed time(NULL) + i. The values printed in main are zero, despite the values printed during the function run are fine (-1s and +1s).

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C++ :: How To Use Bool Function To Identified A Identity Matrix

Dec 10, 2013

how to use bool to identified a identity matrix

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C++ :: Using OOP To Implement Matrix Class That Provide Basic Matrix Operations

Mar 27, 2013

i want to know how i can solve this question? do i need to create a class or write the program codes.

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C :: Matrix With Zero And Nonzero Elements - Function That Returns 3 Arrays

Mar 17, 2013

I have a matrix that contains zero and nonzero elements. I want to do a function that return 3 arrays.

The first one is for nonzero elements the second array contains the corresponding row numbers of each nonzero element the third array contains the corresponding column numbers of each nonzero element.

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C/C++ :: Parallelize Matrix Multiplication Function Dynamically And Statically

Oct 1, 2014

I've been trying to get my matrix multiplication program to run a few different ways. My assignments wants me to run it statically using chunks, but we're not supposed to use OpenMPs scheduler. So I'm not sure how that's possible. And secondly, we have to run it dynamically using locks/unlocks.

Static (not sure how to implement chunk)

#pragma omp section
printf("Thread %d doing matrix mult", threadID);
if (matrixAcols != matrixBrows) {
cout << "Error, operation not possible" << endl;


The code will run for a long time too. It uses as many threads as we tell it to but it never speeds up the results.

Thread 2 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 2 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 2 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 2 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult
Thread 4 doing matrix mult

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C++ :: Accept Matrix As Argument And Display Its Multiplication Matrix

Jun 1, 2014

I just want to know the code of the program: Write code to accept matrix as aurgument and display its multiplication matrix which return its multiplication matrix.

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C/C++ :: Assign A Matrix To Submatrix Of A Bigger Matrix?

Feb 27, 2012

I want to assign a matrix to submatrix of a bigger matrix.

ublas::matrix<int> A(8,5);
ublas::matrix<int> B(2,5);
for(size_t i=0;i<A.size1();++i)
for(size_t j=0;j<A.size2();++j)
for(size_t i=0;i<B.size1();++i)
    for(size_t j=0;j<B.size2();++j)
ublas::matrix_range<ublas::matrix<int> > a(A,ublas::range(0,2),ublas::range(0,5));

and it works.

but if the matrix is compressed_matrix type, there's something with it. the error log as below:

Check failed in file boost_1_48_0/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/matrix_assign.hpp at line 1078:
detail::expression_type_check (m, cm)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::numeric::ublas::external_logic'
what(): external logic

I'm not sure this is a bug or not.

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C++ :: Find Matrix P For A Square Matrix A

May 25, 2014

I have to prepare a project. But I don t know how can I do this. Program will find a matrix P for a square matrix A such that P^-1 A P ....

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C++ :: How To Set Color On Inputs And Outputs

Feb 10, 2013

I am new to C++ and I want to learn how to set color a particular color for the users input and output. For example, I want to display the users input as green, and their output as red.

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C++ :: Getting Unexpected Outputs For Bitfields And Floats

Aug 7, 2013

I'm getting unexpected output in 2 different cases. The 1st deals with bitfields. The C++ standard has this line about integral promotions:

An rvalue for an integral bit-field (9.6) can be converted to an rvalue of type int if int can represent all the values of the
bit-field; otherwise, it can be converted to unsigned int if unsigned int can represent all the values of the bit-field.

If the bit-field is larger yet, no integral promotion applies to it. If the bit-field has an enumerated type, it is treated as any other value of that type for promotion purposes.

This sounds like the value of a bitfield will always be treated as a signed int if the signed representation of the value will fit in the bits. This seems to hold true for my C compiler, but not my C++ compiler.

I tried storing a small negative value in a bitfield that has enough bits to store the sign bit and the value. But when I print out the bitfield, I always get a large number

In the example code below, I expect the output:

foo.x = -1
foo.y = -2
foo2.x = 31
foo2.y = 6
foo3.x = -1
foo4.x = 4294967295 But I get: Code: foo.x = 31
foo.y = 6
foo2.x = 31
foo2.y = 6
foo3.x = -1
foo4.x = -1 -------------------

The other issue I'm having is sort of similar. I'm trying to store 4294967295 into a float, but when I print it out, I get 4294967296. i've tried storing a few other large values like this and what's printed out is rarely the value I stored. I thought it might be because of some int to float conversion, so I tried 4294967295.0. Still no luck. Then I remember that defaults to a double so maybe that's the issue so I tried 4294967295.0f. Still no luck. Why can't I store the correct value here? I don't think it's an IEE format thing since I can use these values as floats on a calculator program.

The example code showing both issues is below.

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
signed char x : 5;
signed char y : 3;

[Code] .....

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C :: Processing Outputs Of Multiple Inputs

Nov 26, 2013

It's not something trivial but I would like to know the best way to process multiple outputs, for example:

First line of input will contain a number T = number of test cases. Following lines will contain a string each.

For each string, print on a single line, "UNIQUE" - if the characters are all unique, else print "NOT UNIQUE"

Sample Input

Sample Output

So how can I accomplish outputs like that? My code so far is:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int inputs, count=0;
char str[100];
char *ptr;

[Code] ....

But the above will obviously print the output after each input, so I want to know how can I achieve the result given in the problem. Also another thing I want to know is, I am using an array of 100 char, which it can hold a string up to 100 characters, but what do I have to do if I want to handle string with no limit? Just declaring char *str is no good, so what to do?

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C/C++ :: Vector Outputs Alien Language?

Oct 19, 2014

Program:I have 2 arrays: 1 for the correct answers to a quiz, 1 for the user. I then have a vector to hold the incorrect answers.

It keeps outputting what looks like alt characters, why.

Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const char a1[]={'a','d','b','b','c','b','a','b','c','d','a','c','d','b','d','c','c','a','d','b'};
char a2[20];
int i=0;
int incorrect=0;


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C++ :: Writing A Program That Outputs To Dat File

Nov 18, 2013

I have been asked to write a program to grade several multiple-choice exams. The exam has less than 80 questions, each answered with a letter in the range of ‘a’ through ‘f’. The data are stored on several files such as exam1.dat where the first line is the key, consisting of a string of n characters (0<n < 80). The remaining lines on the file are exam answers, and consist of a student ID number, a space, and a string of n characters.

The program should have a while loop in the main routine to ask users input a data file name through keyboard. In this way, the program has a capability of repeatedly asking for a new data file in each while loop until users input a key word “exit”. Once “exit” is encountered, the while loop terminates and your program ends. A typical input exam data file (exam1.dat) looks like:

1234567 abcdefabcdefabcdefab
9876543 abddefbbbdefcbcdefac
5554446 abcdefabcdefabcdef
4445556 abcdefabcdefabcdefabcd

Apply strlen( ) or the length( ) of string to the first line of the above data file for determining the number of questions in the problem. If a student gives more answers than necessary, the extra answers will be automatically truncated. On the other hand, if a student provides less number of answers, the remaining unanswered questions are considered as being answered wrongly.

After users input an exam data file, your program should ask users to input another grade-curving file name (e.g., gradeCurving.dat). This second file contains the information to convert a percentile score to a curved grade in levels of ‘A’ through ‘E’. For instance, a grade-curving file takes the following format: a curved alphabetic grade, a space, a percentile grade served as marker.

A 90
B 80
C 70
D 60
E 50

The above information means that ‘A’ = 90 through 100; ‘B’=80 through 89; ‘C’=70 through 79; ‘D’ = 60 through 69; “E”=50 through 59; For the remaining grades, you can assign an ‘F’.

Furthermore, in each while loop in the main routine, your program should ask users to input an output file name such as score1.dat. The output file will store the scores for each student in a format: student ID number, a space, a percentile score, and a curved grade in ‘A’ though ‘E’. The program should also compute and display the following statistics for the graded answers: Average score, Maximum score, and Minimum score.

A typical output on a data file looks like:

1234567 90% A
9876543 85% B
5554446 95% A
4445556 75% C
5551112 80% B
Average Score: 85%
Minimum Score: 95%
Maximum Score: 75%

This Is what I have so far. It compiles fine and everything but when I input the files it says "There was an error opening the corresponding files. Check input name perhaps?" and it exits out ....

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
int openfiles(ifstream& infile, ifstream& curvingfile, ofstream& outfile);
void Size(ofstream&,int,string);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: 2 Arrays - Vector Outputs Incorrect Answers

Oct 19, 2014

Program: I have 2 arrays: 1 for the correct answers to a quiz, 1 for the user. I then have a vector to hold the incorrect answers. It keeps outputting what looks like alt characters, why.

Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Program Outputs Extra Lines Of Garbage

Mar 22, 2013

The program works, other than if I place the cursor below the last line in my merch file, the program outputs a line of garbage. The only solution I could find is to leave the cursor on the last line.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct vRecord {
string venue, item;
float price;


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C++ :: Building Destructor That Outputs Data Before Destroying It

Mar 7, 2014

I am trying to build a destructor that takes an array pointer and outputs part of a private vector and, comparing a string within the objects, overwrites the data in the array with the data in the vector. (vector and array use same class type) It then proceeds as usual.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>


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C++ :: Write Program That Outputs The Number Of Characters?

Jun 3, 2013

I need to write a program that outputs the number of characters, words, and lines in the files that are supplied as command-line arguments.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>


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C/C++ :: Loop That Outputs Until Quit Is Entered For Customer Name

Apr 15, 2015

I was asked to create a loop that outputs until Quit is entered for customer name. This is what my output is suppose to look like: I will also attach the code I made. Im sure there is something wrong with my while command. But I believe there is something else I have to add to print out the last customer name: quit output.

Lab 28 - Your Name

Input Customer Name: xxxxxxxxxx
Input Customer State: xx
Input Product Price: xxx.xx

Customer Name: xxxxxxxxxxx
Customer State: xx
Product Price: xxx.xx
Product Discount: xxx.xx
Discounted Price: xxx.xx
Sales Tax: xx.xx
Total Cost: xxx.xx

Input Customer Name: Quit

End of Lab 28 for Your Name

Code :

using namespace std;
double pPrice , pDiscount , dPrice , sTax , tCost ;
int cName , cState ;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Program That Outputs Numbers Divisible By Two Values

May 2, 2012

A program that outputs all numbers divisible by both 5 and 6.This is what i have written :

int  main () { 
int i=200;
int b=10;
i b/6%==0

where could i have gone wrong.

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