C++ :: Create Grading System Using Multimap

Jun 20, 2014

I have an assignment to create a grading system using multimap. It's not completed yet at the moment but whenever i try to compile it tells me "no match for 'operator[]' in lines 56,57,etc. I

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class Student {
//--- Constructor
Student (int id = 0, double gpa = 0);


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C++ :: Create A Grading Program That The User Inputs A Name?

Feb 17, 2013

I want to create a grading program that the user inputs a name and then on that value (name) there is a vector of doubles to represent his/her mark and then calculates an average how would I go about doing this?

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C/C++ :: How To Create Payroll System Using Arrays

Feb 21, 2015

Create a payroll program to store and calculate the payroll for a small company with a maximum of 20 employees.

Program parameters are as follows:

1. Create a menu with the following options (use a do-while loop):
A or a to add employee info
D or d to display employee info
T or t to display total payroll
S or s to display the info of all employees
Z or z to exit program

The information for each employee is: employee number, hours worked, pay rate per hour, tax deduction.

2. Use an array of doubles to store employee information.

3. Menu option A or a: ask the user for the employee information one value at . a time and store it in the array.

Please enter employee number: 2190
Please enter hours worked: 32.50
Please enter pay rate: 9.25
Please enter tax rate deduction: 5.50

4. Option D or d: ask the user for an employee number as integer and display . the information for the corresponding employee (cast the employee number

. in the array to integer and then compare). If employee number does not . match, output a msg. indicating "no such employee". If the employee number . is a match, output all the employee information stored in addition to the . calculated deduction and salary.

Output sample:
Info for employee number: 2190
Hours worked: 32.50
Pay rate: $ 9.25
Tax deduction: 5.50 %
Total pay: $ 284.89

5. Option T or t: calculate and output the sum of the total pay of all
. employees.

6. Option S or s: display the information for all employees in the same
. format as in option B.

7. Option Z or z: exit the program.

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX [20]
int main(void) {
int i;
for (i=0;i<=20;i++) {
char MenuOption=0;
int EmployeeNumber;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Create Inventory System Using Classes And Objects?

Jan 13, 2015

I'm trying to create an inventory system in C++ using classes and objects. Here is what I have now


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h>


Basically what I want my inventory system to become is this: [URL] Each slot can hold an item.

Basically this inventory system should be able to do what RS Inventory system can do. (Hold items, Use items, Equip Items (No need for moving item))

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C/C++ :: Create Billing System Without Using Pointers - Array Calculations

Feb 17, 2014

I am trying to create an billing system "without using pointers". This is my class assignment. In this,

1) User inputs the name
2) The system asks how many items he has purchased
3) Displays a bill number [just a random number]
4) System asks for the item names the user purchased and stores them in an array (of max 10 (ten) inputs (or items))
5) After each item the user inputs, the system asks for the price of the item (stored in an array of numbers)
6) The total bill is calculated, by adding the sum of all prices in the array

I am having terrible difficulties in coding #4 and #5. Somehow, they aren't going well together. Here's what I have:

#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
char item[10][10], answer = 'y', name;
int price[10], total_item, total_price = 0, i, j, a, total_bill = 0, max_items = 10, max_char = 10;

[Code] ....

You might find a lot of unused variables

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C++ :: Using Structs And Arrays For Grading?

Jul 3, 2012

Write a program for the following problem. You're given a file that contains a collection if IDs and scores (type int) for an exam in your computer course. You're to compute the average of these scores and assign grades to each student according to the following rule:

If a student's score is within 10 points (above or below) of the average, assign a grade of satisfactory. If a studnt's score is more than 10 points above average, assign a grade of outstanding. If a student's score is more than 10 points below average, assign a grade of unsatisfactory.

The output from your program should consist of a labeled three-column list that shows each ID, score, and corresponding grade. Use a struct to store each student's data and an array of structs to store the whole class. The struct should have a data member for id, score, and grade.

I was given the following file grades:


So far, I have this much, but the output is all wrong. I also haven't tackled the grade part yet.



#include <fstream>//required for file streams
#include <iostream>//input/output
#include <cstdlib>//for definition of EXIT_FAILURE
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#define inFileGrades "grades.txt"//grades


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C++ ::  Updating Array In Grading Program

Sep 14, 2014

The program will grade a series of exams and then print a grade report for students in a course.

Input: An instructor has a class of students each of whom takes a multiple-choice exam with 10 questions. For each student in the class, there is one line in the input file. The line contains the answers that student gave for the exam. The input file named "grade_data.txt" will have the following format:

line 1: the key for the exam (e.g.)

lines 2-n:
a set of answers. You know you are done when you get to a line with no data.

Note: You will not know in advance how many exams you have to grade and you don't need to store the exam answers in your program.

Processing: The program is to read the input file and grade each exam and print out the score for that exam. You will also keep track of how many students earned each score (0-10) and print a report after the grading.

Output: Here is an example of how the output might appear. You will write the report to an output file named "grade_report.txt"

Student 1 - 8
Student 2 - 10
Student 3 - 1

Final Report
10 - 4
9 - 2
8 - 3
1 - 3
0 - 0

high score - 10
low score - 1
mean score - 6.25

What I am having trouble with is the second part of the program. I have already figured out each grade for each student. The part I am having trouble with is updating the array every time that it gives me a student score so that I know how many people made a 10, how many made a 9, etc.

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C++ :: How To Control Iterator Of Multimap

Feb 22, 2013

I am running some simulation, in which i need to control the iterator of a multimap, like

multimap<double, int> mapp;

int n=6;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
for(auto it = mapp.begin()+i*n; it!=mapp.begin()+(i+1)*n; it++) {

However this way of controlling is not possible for multimap. Why and how the make it work? Do I need to overload the operator +?

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C++ :: Searching A MultiMap With Regex

Apr 24, 2014

I have a multimap with over 300k entries defined like so: std::multimap<std::string, std::string> filedata;

Using the following code and std::multimap::equal_range, I am able to successfully search for a word in the multimap and get needed data:

// Data with strings.
data = std::vector<std::string>();
// Get iterators to matched pairs.
std::pair <std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator, std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator> dat = filedata.equal_range(word);
// Go through each matched pair and get needed info.
for (std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter = dat.first; iter != dat.second; iter++) {

Now, I would like to search the multimap using regular expressions (EX: std::regex("[a-z][a-e]h")). What is the fastest way to do this? Example code may look like:

std::pair <std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator, std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator> dat = filedata.equal_range_with_regex(std::regex("" + word + ""));. Pseudo-code / algorithms will be enough.

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C++ :: Multimap Alphabetically Ordering With Char

Jan 18, 2015

I understand multimaps are key ordered. I have no problems with ints but when I put my char arrays in they are not alphabetically ordered. I must use char array and not <string>. Is it possible to alphabetically order them with char*

39 int c;
40 User *user;
41 char nameH[200];
42 char line[200];
43 int ageH;
44 double wH;


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C++ :: Segmentation Fault On Multimap Iterator

Jan 5, 2015

I have created a multimap for my road points. The key refers to the road number and the values are vec3 points that make up the road.

I am trying to iterate through the values of each key point and create a road segment at each point on the road (except the last), adjust the values to be on the road points and then store them in a std::vector.

The RoadSegment constructor creates 6 vec3 points and pushes them onto a std::vector.

I have a segmentation fault in the line marked in bold
[for(mapIt = it.first; mapIt != it.second; ++mapIt)]

When i take out the lines creating the new objects and pushing them onto the std::vector it works fine.

std::vector<glm::vec3>::iterator SegIt;
for(int i = 0; i < m_genRoads->getKeyValueData().size(); i++)
int numberDesired = m_genRoads->getMultimapData().count(i) - 1;


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C++ :: How To Pair / Multimap (int Pointer To A Function)

May 22, 2012

What is the correct syntax? I tried something like

class myclass {
multimap<int, void(*)()> mm_fn;
void afunction();
void anotherfunction(int anint){

and the compiler does not like it.

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C++ :: Grading Multiple Choice Test - Getting Infinite Loop?

Nov 4, 2013

I am writing a program for grading a multiple choice test. The test data is pulled in from another file. My problem is that its only pulling in the first line of data and running an infinite loop without reading the next line of the data file.

My code is as follows:

PrintPurpose ( );
cout << student << " ";
cout << answers << " ";
inData >> key;


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C++ :: Writing Functor - Read Data From A File And Store In Multimap

Mar 29, 2014

How would i write a functor for this code. The code is written to read data from a file and store in a multimap.

The data has numbered lines. E.g.:
1 This is a string
2 This is a string too

So the aim is to store each word in the line with the number and then to enter a word to search for the line numbers it appears on. I do not know how to go about and write a functor

using namespace std;
int main() {
multimap<int, string>myMap;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Grading Scale - Determine Letter Grade Based On Numerical Grade

Apr 23, 2014

I have to accept the numerical grade and determine the letter grade that the user will receive. I have to use a grading table to determine the letter grade based on the numerical grade. The Letter Grade table is

A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59 and below

Here is the code

//preprocessor directives
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

//namespace statement
using namespace std;

//function prototypes
void getData (string& course, string& first, string& last, int& grade);

[Code] ......

As you can see, I am currently stuck on the determineGrade one

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C :: Create Function To Create A Dynamic Array That Fill With Randomly Generated Integers From 0 To 50

Oct 26, 2013

I have a struct called Array and I'm to create a function to create a dynamic array that's fill with randomly generated integers from 0 to 50 (inclusive) and a function to destroy the array for freeing its memory. Below the code that I have written so far.


* Struct */
typedef struct {int *pArray; //the dynamic array
int length; //the size of the dynamic array}Array;
/* Function to create a dynamic array */
Array *initializeArray (int length) {int i;


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C# :: Create Project That Create Automated Backup Of File

Apr 10, 2014

I need to create a project that create a automated backup of a file.

i will get the file from C:/Folder/file.exe and move for a other created folder, but.. in every time that user make this backup, a folder will be created with year, month and date, like: C/Folder2/2014/April/16:42/file.exe.

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C++ :: Why System Cannot Terminate Itself

Nov 18, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


This is my code, when my pintrials = 0, my system cannot terminate but go through the option menu below.

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C++ :: Can't Use System Commands

Nov 7, 2013

So, as far as I can tell, this code should run a system command from the C++ program:

system("ping /t /l 32768");

However, I just keep getting a "system Was not declared in this scope" error message. Is there something wrong with this?

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C :: Banking System - ATM Program

Mar 27, 2014

I am working on a project that is like a banking system and needs to include making a withdrawal, transaction, deposit, query, and transaction.

#include <stdio.h>
//#define true
//#define false
//assume there is money in the account. $10,000
void deposit(){

[Code] ....

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C :: Program For Ordering System

Mar 1, 2013

I just started my task with Ordering system. what should I use if I'm going to ask the user if he wants to exit the system, he will press(zero)0 to exit the program and press Y(uppercase or lowercase) to continue?

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C++ :: New Ordering System Sorting

Aug 2, 2014

Here's the objective of the program: "Instead of using ABCDEFGHIJ to order letters use DCBAJIHGF go order. The program should determine which 4-letter word is larger of two based on this new ordering system."

Not even sure how to start with this problem , how would I go about defining my own ordering system?

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C++ :: Call A Program By System

Apr 17, 2013

So I know that I can call a program by system("prog.exe"), but what do I add in when I want to pass a parameter?

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C++ :: GPA Evaluation System Through Array

Jun 2, 2013

Computerized GPA Evaluation System using Array

You are required develop a computerized GPA evaluation system of your class using array. The basic idea is to calculate the GPA (Grade Point Average) of each subject and then calculate the GPA of whole semester of all the students of the class and on the basis of that GPA calculate the grade and remarks of each student of the class. Suppose that the total students of the class are 50. Your system must also provide the facility of the following:

1.Searching a student result according to his/her roll number.
2.Updating the obtained marks of the students in case of any mistake in entering marks.
3.Display the result of student who is the topper of the class
4.Display the result of the student who got minimum CGPA out of the class.
5.Display how many number of students got greater than or equal to 3.0 CGPA.
6.Display how many number of students got greater than or equal to 2.00CGPA and less than 3.00.
7.Display the total number of students who got A grade in the semester.
8.Display the total number of students who got B grade in the semester.
9.Display the total number of students who got C grade in the semester.
10.Display the total number of students who got F grade in the semester.

Detailed Description:
You are required to take the student’s marks for four subjects (Programming fundamentals, Calculus, English and Computing) as input from the user at runtime. After that calculate the GPA of each subject and the whole semester. Assume that total marks of a subject are 100 and each subject is of 3 credit hours except programming fundamentals. Programming fundamentals subject has 4 credit hours.

Complete Assessment system is given below in the table:

S.#Percentage (%)GradeGPARemarks
280-84A-3.75Very Good
565-69C+2.50Above Average
850-54D1.0Just Pass
9Below 50F0Fail

Table: Assessment Scheme
•Percentage of a subject = (obtained marks / total marks) * 100. Percentage works to find the grade of the student.
•GPA of whole semester = multiply GPA of each subject according to the percentage of obtained marks by the number of credit hours for that course, sum up the GPA of all the subjects, and then divide this sum by the total number of credit hours taken in semester.

For example suppose the GPA in subject X is 2.5, in subject Y 2.6, and in subject Z is 3. Assuming that each subject is of 3 credit hours then GPA of whole semester will be calculated as:
GPA= (3 * (2.5 + 2.6 + 3)) / 9
GPA= 2.7

On the basis of Semester GPA, you have to give grade and remarks to the student. You have to study the above table for other types of remarks according to grade.

•If a student has less than 50 marks in a subject, a message should display that “you have to repeat this subject “.


main() {

char a,b,c,d;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: System Cannot Find The File Specified

Apr 4, 2013

I just purchased Visual C++ 2010 Ultimate, to start my coding experience. Whenever I try to debug, it gives me this error:

The system cannot find the file specified

It can't find the .exe file, I even Googled it, and tried a few things, without any luck.

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C# :: System Beep Sound?

Apr 22, 2014

I code login form. In the textbox I want to clear if there are some text or close form if there's nothing. The problem is System beep sound occured when the text is cleared. Here's my code

private void tbPassword_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string _enteredPassword;
while (tbPassword.TextLength == 8)


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